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Mark Twain

E-Marketing ebooks

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Category: E-Marketing

List Building Firepower

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Title: List Building Firepower
Author: Anders Eriksson

"It's Like Having 100 Rounds Of List Building Ammunition To Use At Your Disposal...

...Replicate It With Any Niche You Are In 100% Guaranteed"

"Find Out 100 Ways To Ignite Your Opt-In Subscribers!"

Hey Frustrated Internet Marketer!

I'll make this faster than a speeding bullet. There's a killer offer pointed right at you and I don't want you to move out of it's way...

Here's what this is all about: I'm offering you a new report called "List Building Firepower: 100 Ways To Ignite Your Opt-In Subscribers!".

It includes some of the most effective list building techniques ever designed and they're all together for you in one informative report.

"Can you picture being armed with these 100 techniques?"

  1. The "So Many Minutes" Technique
  2. The "Specific Date" Technique
  3. The "Here's Your Lesson" Technique
  4. The "Tease Me" Technique
  5. The "E-Report" Technique
  6. The "Great Deal" Technique
  7. The "Worth It?" Technique
  8. The "JV Discount" Technique
  9. The "Virus" Technique
  10. The "Republish It" Technique
  11. The "Swipe Them" Technique
  12. The "Future Goals" Technique
  13. The "Prize Fest" Technique
  14. The "Future Problems" Technique
  15. The "Las Vegas"
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Category: E-Marketing

Words to Profits

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Title: Words to Profits

Words can have a magical effect on your bank balance...

"Words Have The Magical Ability To Form Piles of Cash Out Of Thin Air!

And Mastery Of This Skill Is Now Within Your Grasp!"

Discover what words grab your prospects by their eyeballs, build unshakeable trust and gently manual them to the buy button.

Dear Friend,

Every single word you write that people read will touch them in some way, do you wrap them in a warm blanket of words and make them feel safe? Do you thrill them with every word so they read with a huge smile on their face? Do you intrigue the reader so they are on the edge of their seat as they read?

Getting the right message for the right people is part of the secret, reaching out of the page and pulling them into your writing is the other part. Most people lack the skills to do either!

The fact is that if you are trying to make any money online then the only way you can reach your potential customers is with words, written or spoken. So you'd better make sure they have the biggest impact possible!

Introducing 'Words to Profits'

What if there was a way to make your words sparkle? From a humble email to a might salesletter - what if your words could impact them with such intensity that

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: E-Marketing

Rapid Online Advertising

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Title: Rapid Online Advertising

Attention: Is Your Product or Service Totally Deprived Of Traffic And Exposure?

"Discover How To Gain MAXIMUM Exposure For Your Products & Services Through The Benefits Of Online Advertising!"

If Traffic And Exposure Means Everything To You And Your Online Business, So Does Reading Every Single Line Of This Letter!

Dear Online Marketer,

What is the most important element to a business startup of any kind?

Nope, it's not the product quality. Customer service is out. Branding and price hasn't got much to do with it either, even though all these elements are important.

But no where near as crucial as this.

"It's Called Traffic."

Otherwise how else do you expect to get known let alone receive any business? ;-)

Unfortunately, most budding self-made entrepreneurs go online with the (wrong) mentality that if you set up your website, "they" will come. This couldn't be any further from the truth.

Unless you know Search Engine Optimization, of course. But then, do you? Plus, I'm sure you will agree with me that there's more to Online Advertising than just depending on the Search Engines to draw in targeted prospects for you.

While the good news is that there is an abundance of ways to draw traffic and advertise your Internet

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: E-Business, E-Marketing

Following The Guru

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Title: Following The Guru
Author: Jessie McCloud

"Learn How To Quickly Copy The Proven Profit Tactics That Work To Guarantee Your Own Online Success!"

Set Yourself Apart From The 95% Of Marketers Struggling To Make A Living Online By Modelling Your Business On The 5% Who Are Already Wildly Successful . . .

Dear Friend,

If you aren't considered an internet marketing guru, you're probably amazed at how easily they seem to manage such impressive sales figures. And how all of their products seem to be huge successes.

If you experience launch after mildly disappointing launch with products that you know rival some of those being offered by the "big guns." And if you're looking to elevate your results then it may be time to stop being in awe and to objectively evaluate exactly what these guys are doing...

In "Following The Guru", you can discover some valuable lessons that will ramp up even your 'non-guru' offerings and have other marketers looking to you in amazement.

You'll learn how to get people lining up to order your new products.

Internet marketing gurus aren't on top of their field because of luck . . . and in most cases, they aren't there because of the right product, either. As you read this new ebook you'll understand what really does set them apart from the 95% of marketers who are struggling online.

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Category: E-Marketing

Viral Marketing Riches

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Title: Viral Marketing Riches

If you're sick and tired of doing all the marketing and advertising on your own...

"Discover How YOU Can Make MAXIMUM Profits With minimum Effort By Getting Other People To Willingly Market For You!"

Unlock The Secrets To Getting Other People To Talk About You And Your Business Willingly Whether They're Paid To Do It Or Not!

Dear Internet Marketer,

How would you like to:

  • Have other people willingly do the marketing and spread the word about your product or service without having to necessarily pay them a single dime?
  • Enjoy the benefit of free advertising?
  • And take the back seat while pocketing all the cash from thousands of other people's undying marketing efforts?

I'm not a mind reader, but my sneaky suspicion is that your answer is none other than YES. By now (and from the looks of this letter), you've definitely hazard a correct guess that in order for you to achieve maximum profits with minimum marketing effort on your part, you need to tap into Viral Marketing.

As the name itself is self-implied, you'll do more than well to leverage on Viral Marketing to have the word spread out about your product or service online. And what rewards can Viral Marketing bring you? Perhaps the same rewards it brought for Houston of Natural Science (HMNS).


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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: E-Business, E-Marketing

Winning The Online War The Wordpress Way

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Title: Winning The Online War The Wordpress Way

"Wordpress Is Not Going Away, So Unless You Fight The Online Battle, It Will Be You Who Loses!"

Unless you have never used the internet before, then it is unlikely that you haven't heard of a blog before. Blogs have become so much part of the internet because they are easy for anyone to create and update even if they have no experience with graphics, HTML or in fact anything else which makes the internet part of an unknown goldmine.

The real purpose of blogs is so that people can keep a record of what they are doing and their friends and family can read about them. It may sound pretty lame to you, but they were incredibly popular when they first started and now they are even more so.

In fact, they were so popular that Google bought one of the biggest blogging platforms called Blogger as they were able to predict that this was the way that the internet was turning.

With the entrance of Google into the online blogging arena, blogging exploded and many thousands of blogs were started every single day.

While Blogger was becoming more and more popular, another blogging platform called Wordpress was also exploding. The difference between them was that with Wordpress you had total freedom to do whatever you wanted with it. What slowly happened was that lots of 'geeks' started to use it and develop it further until it turned into an

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: E-Marketing

The Internet Marketing Profit Plan

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Title: The Internet Marketing Profit Plan

Struggling to make money online...?

You are just a few steps away from  internet success, will you discover the skills you need to succeed?

If you are struggling to make money online then you're probably missing just a few pieces of the puzzle!

Dear Frustrated Internet Entrepreneur,

If you have been trying to make money online for even a short amount of time then you'll have no doubt bought hundreds, if not thousands of dollars worth of products so far, all of them selling you a magic pill.

Am I right?

Did any of them work? Don't feel bad, we've all been there at one point, it is like a 'right of passage' to internet success that everyone has to go through. So what's the answer? Well first stop buying junk! Next you need to discover the essential profit-pulling skills crucial to success. The kind of skills you can build a profitable business with, and that will set you up to make money from the internet whatever the economic climate and whatever direction you decide to take.

Real skills, real tools, no smoke and mirrors, you want success? Well you're going to have to work for it, but that just makes the success so much sweeter!

Introducing 'The Internet Marketing Profit Plan'

No more magic pills - just the

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Category: E-Marketing

Unlimited Social Traffic

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Title: Unlimited Social Traffic

Attention: Website owners who want more customers, profits and traffic...

"Learn 7 Powerful Ways To Generate UNLIMITED Traffic To Your Site And The Best Part Is -- It's FREE!"

Piggy Back On These High Traffic Websites To Gain More Customers, Profits and Traffic!

Dear Friend,

Spending your hard-earned money on advertising and promotion for your business can become a big expense for your business overtime...

Just think of the cost of running a pay-per-click campaign. It requires a lot of your attention -- testing, tracking, your time and a lot of money.

What other advertising methods are you spending on? The truth is, you're probably not getting the results you wanted.

Well, I've found a great and free way to generate more business to any of my sites using high traffic social media sites, and the traffic is highly targeted!

It's all in this special report, called: 'Unlimited Social Traffic'

In this special report, I'll reveal how to leverage your marketing efforts using the following sites and methods:

  • Social Traffic Source #1: Facebook
  • Social Traffic Source #2: YouTube
  • Social Traffic Source #3: Twitter
  • Social Traffic Source #4: Myspace
  • Social Traffic Source #5: LinkedIn
  • Social Traffic Source #6:... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: E-Marketing

Genius Guide To Online Profits

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Title: Genius Guide To Online Profits

"If You Have Been Struggling With Getting The Hang Of Earning Money Online Your Battle Is Now OVER!"

Brand New Guide Reveals All The Greatest Strategies The 'Big Boys' Use To Earn Consistent Profits Online And How You Can Do It Too Without Being A Pro

Dear Struggling Newbie,

It's no walk in the park, is it? Trying to find information on how you can successfully earn consistent profits from your online marketing efforts? In fact, it can be as difficult as finding your way out of a maze with all the "My Way Is Best. . ." info pushed into your face by a plethora of seasoned Online Marketers.

But. . . .

What if I were to tell you that all the information you need to begin earning profits hand-over-fist could be made available to you inside one strategic PDF guide so that you could start earning today? Would that interest you?

Introducing: Genius' Guide To Online Profits

This brand new guide will give you all the important information you need to begin your online earning journey without all the marketing mumbo-jumbo. It has been written with the "newbie" marketer in mind and contains all the details without being extremely boring!


Let's face it, you don't need a 389 page... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: E-Marketing

Little Money Makers

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Title: Little Money Makers

Little Money Makers: 100 High-Profit, In- Demand Internet Niche Markets!


1. Making More Money - Most people want to make more money. They want to avoid not being able to buy all their needs and wants. You could target product niches for employment, home businesses, networking marketing, affiliate programs, career advancement, etc.

2. Increasing Profits And Sales - Most businesses want to increase their profits and sales. You could target product niches about marketing, copywriting, advertising, cutting costs, publicity tips, etc.

3. Making Good Investments - Most people want to get high returns on their investments. You could target product niches about investing in the stock market, bonds, futures trading, etc.

4. Getting A Raise - Employees want to avoid being on a low pay scale at their place of work and losing their job. You could target product niches about communicating at work such as asking for a raise, promotions at work, etc.

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