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E-Marketing ebooks

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Category: E-Marketing

Landing Page Success Guide

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Title: Landing Page Success Guide

How to Craft Your Very Own Lead Sucking Master Piece and Build Your Mailing List at Warp Speed!

You've definitely heard of the popularized maxim, "The Money is in the List". But did you know that one of the most effective methods in list building you should master your skills on is creating your own Landing Page?

A Landing Page, also known as Name Squeeze page or Lead Capture page in other circles of Internet Marketing, is one simple page that does absolutely NOTHING else but convert your visitors into subscribers of your mailing list.

If you can achieve a 30-40% conversion rate then you're doing pretty good. Anything more than that is excellent but anything less than that... it needs fixing! If the practice of Landing Pages still appeals to you as a totally new concept, then this ebook is a must read.

Landing Page Success Manual shows you how to create your very own Landing Page and design the system behind it so you can just "set it and forget it" while it collects leads like clockwork and build your list without having to involve you in the process!

Introduction to Landing Pages

Before you begin the attempt to build a successful list or create a powerful sales page, you will want to start with a rigorous introduction to landing pages. In stark contrast to undifferentiated, unfocused home pages, landing pages focus specifically on capturing leads for a

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Category: E-Marketing

The MySpace Invaders Handbook

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Title: The MySpace Invaders Handbook

Finally someone reveals online moneymaking techniques that get you into profit from day one...

"Introducing The Cut-Throat Moneymaking Guide That Myspace Tried To Ban..."

The Techniques & Strategies I Reveal In This Manual Are So Effective That Myspace Tried To Ban Me From Revealing Them To The Public!

Dear online marketer...
Myspace marketing is one of the fastest and easiest ways to make money on the whole internet. If you didn't already know that, you're about to get a crash course...

Where else can you get thousands and thousands of targeted visitors within days or hours of starting out? And what about getting traffic like that for hardly any effort?

You need to forget everything you've learned about IM so far.

Forget SEO. Forget PPC. PPC is for suckers.

Why bother with any of that time consuming, expensive junk when Myspace can easily supply you with all the traffic you need for just about any niche?

You have heard of Myspace right? Everyone has. It's huge. There are hundreds of millions of members, and more joining each day. Most people have no idea how easy it is to make a ton of money from though.

AND even most internet marketers are in the dark about this.

Let me tell you, the guys that are in the know...well let's just say

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: E-Marketing

Cash Stretching 101

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Title: Cash Stretching 101
Author: Jerry McColl
Cash $tretching 101
  • Have you ever wished you could have your very own money tree? 
  • Or your own printing press that would spit out dollars in any denomination on demand? 
  • Maybe you have wished you could just make that paycheck go a little further?

Well, wish no more.  You've found the answer right here.  This may not be a "get rich quick" proposition but it is guaranteed to help you stretch the dollars you earn to get maximum benefit.

We all use some type of cash saving tips on occasion.  But, have you ever actually sat down and tracked exactly where your money is going?  It's a good bet that you haven't.  Ever wonder why that is?  Probably because you know it's going to be painful!  

Soul-searching isn't a particularly fun activity but sometimes it's a necessary one.  There is absolutely no way you can read  "Cash Stretching 101" and not come away with cash stretching ideas that you didn't have before!

In fact, we are so sure you'll find new ways to stretch your dollars we guarantee it!

Learn how to get ready to stretch.  Yep, that's right.  There's stuff you've just gotta' do to get prepared.  Hey, it took a long time to create poor spending habits.  If you are really serious about stretching your dollars you've got to put yourself in the right place to begin.

It's a good bet that you may have clipped a... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: E-Business, E-Marketing

Black Mask Marketing

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Title: Black Mask Marketing




Over 20 Million Users Already Have This Controversial Software Installed and Thousands More Are Installing It Each And Every Day!

NOW, I show YOU how to show THESE surfers YOUR ads at the EXACT MOMENT they are looking for it!


They Have Been Secretly Making BOATLOADS of CASH with Virtually NO Competition Until NOW!!

Today, I show YOU how to...

  • Snatch Their Buyers Money RIGHT OUT OF THEIR GRUBBY HAND
  • Kidnap Your Competitors Visitors RIGHT OFF THEIR PAGE
  • Swipe Expensive Pay Per Click Traffic for MERE PENNIES
  • Jack First Page Search Engine Listings WITHOUT ANY SEO KNOWLEDGE
  • Build Your Mailing Lists Quickly With SOMEONE ELSE'S TRAFFIC
  • Grow A Massive Downline With Almost ZERO EFFORT
  • Turn 20+ Millions Surfers Into Your Personal Cash Register ANYTIME YOU WANT


This may be the MOST CONTROVERSIAL e-Book you will EVER read.


Who Ever Told You It Was Hard To Make Money Online FLAT

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Category: E-Marketing

Email Marketing Riches

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Title: Email Marketing Riches

"You're About to Discover the Secrets of Raking In Cold, Hard Cash Hand Over Fist Using Nothing More Than Simple Emails!"

I'm going to be direct. There is so much hype floating around online about the next "great" product, service, or tactic that will "make you rich" that many marketers have lost sight of one of the easiest, most powerful ways to cash in BIG TIME, over and over again.

The truth is, you can make money almost effortlessly, week after week and month after month, IF you know the real secrets to email marketing.

I'm not talking about slapping together some pushy sales letters in a few emails and blasting them all over the Internet. I mean understanding how to build your email list the right way with tons of hungry buyers and how to craft emails with offers so impossible to refuse that customers pull out their wallets even before they finish reading!

You'll learn all that and much more in the breakthrough guide...

"Email Marketing Riches:
Discover the Secrets to Cashing In With Emails!"

"Email Marketing Riches" is your complete guide to profiting with email, and it covers everything from starting your list of targeted subscribers to writing persuasive emails that sell, to the finer points about email delivery methods and tracking. In short, you'll learn everything you need to know to

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: E-Business, E-Marketing

The Internet Marketing Speed Guide Collection

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Title: The Internet Marketing Speed Guide Collection

IM Speed Series #1:
Internet Marketing Basics for Newbies

Description: Marketing has always been an exciting profession. There is the challenge of coming up with new and creative ways to catch the attention of the public, hold that attention long enough to build up enthusiasm for a product line, and then motivate consumers to take that final step and purchase the good or service.

Over the last decade, the concept of Internet marketing has taken on a new prominence in the scheme of promoting goods and services.

Originally seen as more or less an adjunct to traditional marketing methods, Internet marketing is now perceived as a legitimate and powerful form of marketing all its own. In many ways, Internet marketing has taken the old rules and rewritten them for a new age.

The first guide of the five in the Speed Series, Internet Marketing Basics for Newbies is a "must read" Special Report for anyone new to the field of E-Commerce. Today wealth is no longer reserved for an elite few and the power of the media is now de-centralized and distributed evenly to the ordinary individual to decide how rich and wealthy they can be!

IM Speed Series #2:
Setting Up Your First Business Website

Description: "How do I build a website?" is one of the most common recurring questions you shouldn't be surprised to hear from the Internet newbie crowd.

Programmers and

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Ebook Type: ZIP
Category: E-Marketing

Email Marketing Dynamo

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Title: Email Marketing Dynamo

"Are You Ready To Become An Email Marketing Dynamo? If Your Not Concentrating On List Building, Your Missing The Point!"

Dear Friend,

Are you ready to make millions out of your website?

You have heard it before, YOU must concentrate your efforts in building a profitable list. It goes without saying, that having a responsive list is like printing money on demand.

But first you need to know where to start, how to build trust, how to collect emails, simply strategies, if you have none of them down then you could be doomed for failure.

Just imagine for a second, you just got your hands on the latest e-Book with resale rights, you know it is a surefire winner, not just for yourself but for any of your customers. But how will they know about your latest product? Before you know it the gurus are sending out emails to their lists and you lose if you're not constantly trying to build your list.

Well, the first step, as with any business, is to discover how to market it for the public to patronize. You have a lot of marketing options when you are making business online. But if you are looking for the most cost effective alternative, you must be reading this ebook called Email Marketing Dynamo.

Email Marketing Dynamo is a complete guideline that will show you the way through online marketing greatness in the most convenient, effective, and inexpensive manner. You... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: E-Business, E-Marketing

Video Blogging for Profits

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Title: Video Blogging for Profits
Finally! Video Blogging Explained ...

Dear Friend,

Have you been thinking of breaking into the world of blogging but are afraid to try something in new. Perhaps you have been experimenting with Google Adsense, affiliate programs, and other sales programs without success.

I know how hard it is to start something new especially after I have tried and failed with so many different money making ventures. I know from personal experience that it is easy to get enthusiastic about a new profit generating venture only to be disappointed in the long run.

Many methods and manuals I have used are either incomplete or require more time and money than I can comfortably invest in an Internet venture. These days I am extremely skeptical of ventures even when I am assured by experienced Internet entrepreneurs that the method will work. I am always afraid that I will get caught up in some new "fad" that will fizzle out in a few months.

The truth is that a new form of blogging, video blogging, is becoming the next big thing. Video blogs, also called vlogs, are becoming popular with people of all ages and while many considered them a fad they are far from it. Hundreds of thousands of people have started watching vlogs for pleasure.

With the growth in technology it has become easier for people of all ages and backgrounds to upload the latest video posts on their computers, iPhones, iPods, PDAs, and more.

Why not profit for Vlogging?

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: E-Marketing

Beating The Beast ... Goldmine

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Title: Beating The Beast ... Goldmine

Internet Marketing Jungle Survival Manual !

Everyday hundreds, thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of people decide to investigate the idea of working from home or starting their very own home-based business. They have heard of others that have done so who have been very successful... maybe even wildly successful at it.

The world of Internet business is the electronic equivalent of a jungle. In words made famous in "The Wizard of Oz", "There are lions and tigers and bears, oh my!" Survival and success aren't based on education. They are both based upon the mastering of survival skills.

In Beating The Beast you will discover to avoid the dangers and succeed beyond your widlest dreams!


Everyday hundreds, thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of people decide to investigate the idea of working from home or starting their very own home-based business. They have heard of others that have done so who have been very successful...maybe even wildly successful at it.

Some of these people are very computer savvy individuals. They may even have the ability to build their own webpages. They certainly know the ins and outs of operating a computer. Others aren't all that computer savvy but they think they have a great idea for an Internet business and are sure that they can find a way to follow their dream.

The Internet really is the great equalizer.

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Category: E-Marketing

PPC Marketing for Beginners

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Title: PPC Marketing for Beginners

"Who Else Wants to Discover How to Use PPC Marketing to Skyrocket Your Leads & Explode Your Sales in No Time?"

Dear friend,

A solid understanding of Pay-Per-Click (PPC) marketing can be the edge you need to beat your competition and make REAL profits in today's competitive Internet marketplace.

And fortunately for you, it's never been easier to go from "newbie" to "PPC expert" thanks to my new ebook, "PPC Marketing for Beginners."

Discover How to Make Your Business Really "Click!"

As Google, Yahoo and MSN all grow more and more complex, even marketers who have been using pay-per-click marketing for years are now having trouble managing their PPC accounts.

So what hope does a beginner have of figuring it all out?

Well, thanks to my new concise, yet comprehensive ebook, you can now discover everything you need to know to succeed with PPC marketing from one easy-to-read, less than 20 page guide!

It's true.

Here's just some of what you will learn by reading this amazing ebook:

  • 4 benefits of PPC marketing - and how to ensure you experience each and every one of them!
  • How to start your own highly profitable PPC campaign in seven easy steps - you'll be amazed at how easy it really is to do when you follow my
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