Our progress as a nation can be no swifter than our progress in education.
John F. Kennedy

E-Marketing ebooks

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Category: E-Marketing

Internet Marketing Foundation

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Title: Internet Marketing Foundation
Author: Jason DeVelvis
The Ultimate IM Foundation

"Get All Of Your Internet Marketing Questions Answered In One EBook!"

Are you new to Internet Marketing (IM), and want to make money online? There's tons of "information" on the 'net about what you need to do, but must of it is worthless crap. This new eBook cuts through the clutter to give you the info you want, no fluff, no hype.

Dear Friend,
Congratulations are in order; you're here because you want to make money online. You're obvsiously smarter than the average poor schmuck, who is content to work full time for the man! But not you, You are taking control over your future!

"This eBook will give you the firepower necessary to launch your new career and succeed online!"

When I began my journey into the world of Internet Marketing, I tried everything I could to make money. I bought a bunch of useless ebooks, filled with fluff and they were WAY overpriced, so all they did was waste my time and my money! I wouldn't wish that same experience on my worst enemy , so I found a real gem about Internet Marketing, and am making it available to you. This eBook will give you the firepower necessary to launch your new career and succeed online!

What's Covered In This Book?

The Ultimate IM Foundation is 55 pages long, and full of solid IM material. You can throw out the other manuals, because you won't need them anymore. Here, I've copied and pasted the Table Of Contents, so you have proof that this book will help

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Category: E-Marketing

Power Marketing and Promotional Explosion

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Title: Power Marketing and Promotional Explosion
Author: Pam Renovato
A Crash Course in Internet Marketing

I can tell you understand how important promotion and marketing is to your online business. If not, you would not be here.

Your timing is perfect! Internet users are multiplying at a phenomenal rate. This is exposure you cannot afford to miss. The internet is the ideal medium for starting a home based business

Right now opportunities on the internet are plentiful.

There are millions of internet users and the numbers are growing.

There is no better business. You can spend more time with your family and friends. You will also enjoy making your own schedule and decisions. You can work at night or in the morning. The flexibility is outstanding.

There are a lot of methods for growing your business. The internet has made it possible for everyone to become successful. Regardless of budget!

Most of us do not have thousands of dollars to build a business- heck most people are lucky to afford gum when they start an online business! That is ok today.

I have seen ads that claim if you do not have at least $500-$1000 to start your own home based business- you can just as well forget about it. If many of the success stories on the internet had followed that advice- they would still be twiddling their thumbs- waiting for death to come!

You will not be needing a large advertising budget- loaded with investors and stock holders doing what they tell you to do.

Besides, isn't that the same as working for other

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Category: E-Marketing

The Great Big Book of Internet Marketing

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Title: The Great Big Book of Internet Marketing
Author: Liz Tomey
"Discover the hidden secrets of successful well-known and unknown Internet Marketers."

You can now have the biggest compilation of no nonsense Internet marketing tips, tricks, and strategies at your fingers tips.

For many years I have bought this e-book and that e-book on my quest for supreme Internet marketing information. I've seen it all. The good, the bad, and the really ugly. I have invested thousands upon thousands of dollars in this quest, and still every day that goes by I continually seek MORE information.

Does this sound familiar to you?

I'm sure you've spent endless hours reading and studying information on Internet marketing. I'm also sure you've a lot of money aquiring that information.

Internet marketing is forever changing. To be successful you must keep yourself at the top of the game. You do this by utilizing the tools of the trade.

One of the most used tools for learning how to marke on the Internet are e-books. Millions of dollars a year are spent on informational e-books that teach people how to market their product, service, and/or program online.

Finally, a profound resource has been developed just for you. A resource so powerful that it could bring e-book sales to a screeching halt.

Thanks to the development of "The Great Big Ebook of Internet Marketing", you can put your credit cards back in your wallet. You may never have to pay for another e-book that will teach you how to make money online with your product, service, or program.

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Category: E-Marketing

How To Sell Information Products On Ebay

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Title: How To Sell Information Products On Ebay
"Why struggle to find thousands of quality leads to sell your info products to when Ebay has tens of millions of customers waiting right now for your product! "

I guarantee you that you will discover everything you need to know about selling information products on Ebay in this e-book or your money back! There are literally hundreds of ways you can make money selling information products on Ebay!

Dear Friend,

I was actually very reluctant to give this information away to people, but I believe Ebay! is big enough for the both of us. Now with that said, let's get on with it.

Selling information products on the Internet has been one of the biggest boom markets in the last 3 years. You can see that in the number of people selling e-books, videos, membership sites and so on, on the Internet. Back in 1996 there were under 50 people selling information products online, now in 2005, there are literally millions of sites selling all sorts of information to all sorts of people.

So why are all these people flocking to sell information products online? Because of the promise of quick money from scam artists. Most people who are selling any sort of information online are usually resellers (affiliates or people who brought reprint rights to a product) or they created an e-book themselves.

What these people don't understand is that the market is nearly saturated with the same ebooks they are trying to sell. This of course leads to a price war, and then no one makes any money because they are all trying to undercut themselves to be the cheapest in the market. This is not a viable business

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Category: E-Marketing

Online Auction Profits Manual

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Title: Online Auction Profits Manual
Author: Liz Tomey

50 Secret Tips For Profiting With Online Auctions!

Now You Can Be Armed With A Killer Arsenal Of Online Auction Tips That Will Show You EXACTLY How To Profit With Online Auctions!!

Whoever is telling you that you can't profit with online auctions anymore is only telling you that so that they can keep all the secrets to profiting with auctions.

Yes, it is true that crappy e-books no longer sell well (or at all) in online auctions. However, there are literally thousands upon thousands of other products and services that hungry buyers are searching for in online auctions each and every day!

With the great demand for products and services being sold in online auctions I have developed a product that is going to show you how to tap into this market and make insane profits.

The "Online Auction Profits Guide" gives you 50 secret tips for profiting with online auctions!

Those same people who are telling you that you can no longer profit with online auctions are the same people who HATE me for revealing these secret tips.

With the "Online Auction Profits Guide", you will finally discover the secrets to profiting with online auctions, and use them make extra cash or a full time living.

This IS NOT a regular junk e-book that you have seen floating around the Internet. This product is brand new with fresh tricks

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: E-Marketing

50 Instant Internet Marketing Articles

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Title: 50 Instant Internet Marketing Articles
Everything You Need to Start Earning Cash from Google AdSense™ With Your Own Private Label "Internet Marketing Articles"

Brand New
"Instant Mega Package"
Of 50 Internet Marketing Articles With 37,110 Profit-Pulling Words

Dear Friend,

We all know that private label products are the rage these days, and they can prove very profitable if you use them well.

Here's what you'll own in just minutes from now:

An "Instant Internet Marketing Articles" Mega Package of 50 *brand new* quality articles (over 700+ words each) on the subject of "Internet Marketing" - all with COMPLETE PRIVATE LABEL RIGHTS!

First What Can You Do With These Private Labeled Articles?

  • Attach YOUR name to each article, submit to article directories and gain thousands of backlinks to YOUR website(s)
  • Compile them into an "Internet Marketing 101" e-book and sell, distribute freely, make it viral, etc..
  • Create each article on seperate web pages and slap on your handy dandy Google Adsense code to make some big bucks (hint: internet marketing keywords are generally $1.00-$4.00 per click!)
  • Setup an entire new eCourse on Internet Marketing and get them to trust you in no time flat with these 'never begfore seen' articles...
  • Give your current subscribers a refreshing dose of their internet marketig news they've been missing out on!
  • Edit them to fit your personality, edit them however you want/need to, create smaller articles so you have TWICE as many...
  • And
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Category: E-Business, E-Marketing

Unlimited Profits & Traffic

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Title: Unlimited Profits & Traffic
Author: Simon Hodgkinson
"Who Else Wants To Discover The Real Secrets To Unlimited Online Profits?"

Here's Your Chance To Grab A "Crash Course" On Creating Autopilot Profits That Will Finally Make A Difference Between Mediocre Results and A Lifetime Of Unlimited Income.

Dear Friend,

One of the biggest mistakes I made, when I was younger, was in thinking that I already knew it all.

HUGE mistake....

Eventually, I came to the conclusion that - If I already knew it all, why wasn't I already making unlimited profits?

That's when I started to pay attention.

And that's when the profits really started to pile on!

If you're not satisfied with the income you make online and you want to take it to another level this report is written for you!

It's very possible you already know some of the strategies I will share here, at least at the very basic level. But you'll discover some interesting twists and important concepts that will make those strategies even more powerful.

All you need to do is take a few minutes for yourself, and take the time needed to really absorb and understand the strategies revealed within this report. Because it will be a powerful, and worthy investment in yourself and your business...

It has taken me over a decade to learn these strategies. And I am confident that anyone who is ready to learn them and put them to use, will see incredible results.


'Unlimited Profits & Traffic'

The most successful online marketers

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Category: E-Marketing

Making Of An Internet Millionaire

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Title: Making Of An Internet Millionaire
Author: Liz Tomey
"Discover What It Really Takes To Succeed And Profit From Your Own Online Business And Find Out The Little Discussed Facts That People Ignore - Or Choose To Ignore - That Makes You Either An Internet Millionaire Or And Internet Failure!"

The ultimate factors that decide your Internet business journey and success has little to do with the techniques you us or the programs you join! Find out what it really takes to be an Internet millionaire..

Dear Friend,

Are you in business solely for the money? Have you ordered several ebooks on making money online but you are not any richer than the authors who wrote those ebooks? Or have you joined some money-making programs but are still broke?

Whatever you did, the bottom line is still this... you are not getting any richer or even successful for that matter, in spite of listening and taking advice from guru #1, #2 and #3, buying several ebooks, or joining tons of affiliate and money making programs

Why is that the case?

Let's get a few things straight first...

  • It has NOTHING to do with the guru you thought you could trust.
  • It has NOTHING to do with the ebooks on making money that you ordered.
  • It has NOTHING to do with the money-making program you have joined.
  • It has NOTHING to do with the business you are building.

Instead, it has ALL to do with YOU.

That is really good news! If you see it this way, you have only yourself to blame. The blame can't be placed on the "guru" next door or the money making programs you joined that are responsible for your misery.

My name is Liz Tomey, and I have written this guide for you as a budding Internet

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Category: E-Marketing

How To Get Reprint Rights To Products Without Paying A Dime!

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Title: How To Get Reprint Rights To Products Without Paying A Dime!
Author: Kunle Olomofe

Dear Friend,

A couple of days ago, I closed a deal with Collin Almeida of reprint-rights.com using the same techniques in this report.

I got him to hand over $794 in EXACT reprint rights plus $9,995 in marketing rights to a set of products from Dan Kennedy of http://www.dankennedy.com.

All this came to savings of exactly $10,789 in real CASH VALUE, FREE. Yes, that means without actually paying one red cent!

A couple of days earlier I got a question about the same thing and revealed in few lines exactly how I get reprint rights to products others don't have the rights to, I got this back in reply...

"Hi Kunle, Thank you for your answer and for the update of your ebook (including the reprint report)! And thank you for your helpful and clarifying comments on how you get reprint rights! You're really good at this! And you could easily create a ebook or a complete course on it!"
Klaus Dahl

Now, I'm far from creating a course on this;-), You don't need a course on
it, it's very simple. Too simple to write a whole course anyway, so you get
exactly what will benefit you.

What you'll get instead is...

A special report with FULL reprint rights so you can sell it at the full price and keep all the money, give it away FREE to get new sign ups to your ezine, or... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: E-Marketing

Hypnotic Marketing Interviews

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Title: Hypnotic Marketing Interviews
Author: Joe Vitale
Now YOU Can SELL The World's Most Amazing NEW "Never Before Seen" Interviews And Keep 100% Of The Profit!

"Introducing A Revolutionary New Approach To Marketing On The Internet - And How YOU Can Take Advantage Of It Before Anyone Else!"

Dear Internet Friend,

If you are looking for a sure-fire way to start making large sums of money by selling "hot off the press" information products, then this may be the most important letter you've ever read...

As you carefully scan each and every word of this page, you will begin to discover a new revolutionary method of making money online.

You will feel a sense of calmness and serenity as you start to realize that your dreams of being financially secure aren't quite as far away as you thought.

You are probably wondering what I am talking about. You don't know it yet, but in the next 2 minutes, I am going to tell you about a completely different form of information product. One that will change the way you sell information online forever.

I'm talking about Interviews.

Think about it.

An Interview is the absolute perfect chance to really "step inside the mind" of the world's most successful internet marketers, and find out what really makes them "tick". It is the only way to discover exactly how these amazing business professionals got to be where they are today.

I'll give you an example...

Did you know that the legendary Joe "Mr. Fire" Vitale used to have to shoplift for food to eat, before he stumbled upon a now out-of-print book that propelled him to... Click here to read the full description!

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