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Dogs ebooks

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Title: Doggy Be Good - Tips... Techniques... Methods that Work!
Author: Jason Montag

Dear Fellow Dog Owner,

My name is Jason Montag and I am proud to announce my Brand New "Dog Obedience Training" Program! This program was feverishly created with "your needs in mind" from the onset...

You see, I have been able to help out friends and family with their dogs but until recently have not been able to get my information out to the general public!

I Know very much how important a well trained dog is to myself and my family and can only assume it is the same for you...

The problem is that it costs a massive amount of money to have a personal dog trainer come out to your house and help you work with your dog or puppy! Most successful dog training companies are booked up completely and can therefore charge an arm and a leg for their highly sought after skills... Plus, it does not just take one expensive visit for them to get your dog to where you want them to be, it takes multiple expensive visits over many weeks. The trainers are booked up since there are tons more dog owners with misbehaving dogs than there are qualified dog trainers out there... right?

Well, I paid out a lot of money for a dog trainer many years ago and I found that I could become an effective dog trainer buy taking what I learned and tweaking it to fit my style and needs. You too can become an effective trainer and no longer have to depend on others to get you by.

I have compiled all that I have learned into an easy step by step ebook to provide

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Category: Dogs

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Title: 245 Homemade Dog food recipes
Author: Don Barton

John Miller, professional dog-fancier, reveals his Secret Recipes (strictly here only and nowhere else) and why he refused to sell them to Multinational Companies.

Your veterinarian will be asking you for your secrets.

Here's some recipes you will discover in the ebook:

  • Treats (Your pet will love you)
  • Natural recipe to keep flea away
  • Gourmet Biscuit recipes
  • Dozens of recipes for delicious, economical, healthful dog food
  • Dog bones
  • Healthy dog food recipes for young and old dogs
  • and more, much more.

In order to get all the recipes found in this ebook "Healthy Food for Dogs: Homemade Recipes" you would probably have to do as John Miller did. Read dozens of books, meet the best dog-fanciers, talk with experts for hours.

And most of all, you would have had to create recipes, analyze their results and draw conclusions.

Now, the best recipes and techniques... can be found in this condensed, practical, complete and immediately exploitable work.

Don't even think about asking a high priced vet or dog-fanciers for healthier dog food. By the time you get finished with this ebook, you'll know more than most of the so called "pros".

That's not all! You will discover which of the products you already have in your kitchen and bathroom that work to:

  • Skunk Odor Remover recipe
  • Make your own dog
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Category: Dogs, Photography

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Title: Start a Dog & Pet Photography Business

A hot business!

As more and more people are delaying parenthood, or deciding to not have children at all, people are spending money on their pampered pooches and pets instead. And getting professional portraits to hang in a prominent spot in the living room (not to mention those wallet sized photos!) is the latest way for owners to express their love for their pets.

Did you know that pet photography is an extremely lucrative business? There is a need for photographers who specialize in taking prized photographs of the most pampered member of the family - the beloved and spoiled family pet. And surprisingly, most people are willing to pay far more for their family pet's portraits than they are willing to spend on the rest of their family's portraits! And you can even make the homliest mutt look like a top dog when you take special and memorable photographs.

There are very few photographers who specialize in taking photographs of dogs, cats, birds, and other animal members of the family. And there is one huge bonus for photographers, or want-to-be photographers - most pets are much more obedient and behaved than their human counterparts - which make for... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Dogs

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Title: Dog Trainer Pro

Learn the Secrets to Completely Potty Train Any Dog or Puppy Quickly and Easily in 7 Days or Less...

What You Will Learn...

  • Works with any breed of dog - These potty training techniques work for all breeds regardless of their age or size.
  • Safe and fun for you & your dog - Your dog will have quickly learn the right thing to do when they enjoy the training sessions.
  • Our new techniques give the fastest results - Our fast-track training techniques quickly transform your dog's bathroom habits.
  • No past knowledge of dog training experience required - Anyone can use these training techniques even first time dog owners; there's no past dog training experience required.
  • Never worry about your dog using the bathroom inside ever again - Be able to have your dog inside without having to keep an eye on him the entire time.
  • Leave your dog at home alone for hours - Be able to leave for hours without worrying about your dog going to the bathroom inside.
  • Guaranteed to work - We guarantee you will see fast results and will have a fully housetrained dog!
  • Easy to follow guide for anyone to use - Print off our step-by-step ebook or read it off any computer, Mac, iPhone, or laptop!  

Plus, Don't Forget...

  • See immediate results of professional dog training - These training techniques get to the point so you will quickly see results with your... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Dogs

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Title: German Shepherd HandBook
Author: Michael Tapscott

"This Information-Packed eBook Will Be Your Complete 'Bible' To Choosing, Understanding, Training & Caring For Your German Shepherd - You'll Learn How To Get That 'Best Friend' Relationship With Your German Shepherd, That Most Dog Owners Can Only Dream Of Having"

Here's a small sample of things that you'll discover in the German Shepherd Handbook, chapter by chapter:

  • Why the German Shepherd Dog were once called the "Alsatian Wolf Dog" 
  • When should you switch from "puppy food" to "adult food"?
  • What's the breed standard? (See pages 10-11)
  • What's the best supplements for your dog? Are they really necessary?
  • What to think about if you're planning to adopt a German Shepherd 
  • What are the 5 most important vaccinations that your German Shepherd must get?
  • Top training tips made specifically for your German Shepherd Dog!
  • Top tips for training your dog to obey commands!
  • Tired of your German Shepherd biting? Here's how to stop biting problems forever and force your dog to grow out of its puppy behaviour before it's too late!
  • Things to think about of you're importing a German Shepherd 
  • The one place you should never buy a German Shepherd Dog from!
  • The foolproof step-by-step way that guarantees that you find the perfect German Shepherd puppy
  • The fascinating development of
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Title: HomeMade Dog Toys



  • Turn Trash Into Hours of Fun!
  • Teach Your Kids The Value of Making Things At Home!
  • Save Big $$ Making Your Own Dog Toys!
  • Learn How To Keep It Safe!
  • Have Fun On A Budget!


There is nothing like making something with your own two hands. There is a personal feeling of accomplishment, but more importantly, your canine friend will appreciate the effort.

If your dog is anything like mine, a store bought toy may get a bit of attention for a few moments, but then the toy is ignored for more personal items in the home including, but not limited to, shoes, socks, couches, or even tables depending on the dog's size.

Everyone knows dogs love to run and chew, and this is natural for any dog. Puppies tend to teeth, and just like children, they will put anything in their mouth.

As a pet owner, you get to offer some acceptable solutions to this natural process, hopefully deterring the teething pup away from the more unacceptable items.

Nonetheless, the pup will choose something homemade over something store bought because the smell from store bought items are nowhere near as appealing as items already in the

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Title: House Training your Dog
Author: Martin

House Training your Dog: Getting it Right the First Time, in No Time.

You Don't Need the Stress, and You Sure Don't Need the Mess...

  • Had enough of picking up piles and soaking up stains?
  • Of returning home to ... that smell?
  • Of keeping constant watch over an unpredictable pup?

Well, your carpet cleaning and odor killing days are numbered. Soon you'll be able to focus on what really matters when it comes to dog ownership: companionship, NOT cleaning.

Dogs are INTELLIGENT animals. And, generally, they are CLEAN animals too.

Most of all, they are loyal and devoted. They don't want to upset the one person who matters most in their lives - you.

You'll learn:

  • Why the most COMMON REACTION to accidents is also the LEAST CORRECT.
  • Why the GREATEST RISK is often not a matter of whether or not your puppy will learn, but rather how much CONFUSION AND STRESS your training methods may cause.
  • Why "CONFINEMENT" doesn't mean the same thing to you as it does to your dog.
  • Which PRODUCTS may help you in the house training process, and which may be a waste of your money.
  • How to PUT AND END TO your puppy or adult dog's indoor ACCIDENTS, and how to better COMMUNICATE with your dog in the process.
  • How even positive reinforcement (the way you pet your dog) can be physically intimidating if not done properly.
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Category: Dogs

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Title: The Ultimate Guide to Dog Health!

Wouldn't You Rather Learn How to Deal with Minor Dog Health Problems BEFORE they Become Major Ones?

Have You Ever Been Faced With an ILL and DISTRESSED Pet and Simply NOT KNOWN WHAT YOU CAN DO to Help?
Isn't it Time You Put an END to the Anxiety of Dog Care and Avoided Needless Vet Bills with an Essential Home Guide to Dog Health?

With this Information as Your Own Essential Reference You'll Learn...

  • Why so many of the problems in senior dogs that are dismissed as part of the normal aging process are in fact treatable disorders - you'll be surprised that in most cases dogs don't need to ACT old just because they GET old!!! 
  • How to pick up on the warning signs by becoming a proficient reader of DOG BODY LANGUAGE - you'll not only pick up potential problems early on, you'll also be amazed at how many "conversations" you've been missing!!! 
  • When a cough is just a cough and when it's cause for concern. 
  • How to thoroughly and accurately determine causes of LAMENESS and LIMPING, whether you're dealing with an old-timer or an energetic pup... 
  • How to deal with COMMON stomach problems that can cause vomiting, diarrhea, or simply put your dog off eating - find out why you don't need to panic if there's blood in your dog's feces, but you DO need to act! 
  • How to identify the SUBTLE CHANGES in your dog's
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Title: 68 Dog Food Ingredients to Die For
Author: Andrew Lewis

"At Last! A Comprehensive Guide to The 68 Deadliest Dog Food Ingredients Every Dog Owner Should Know About.. Because Nearly Every Dog Food Brand Uses Them
..AND They Kill Dogs!"


With my team, I created a new 70-page ebook titled..

"68 Dog Food Ingredients to Die For!"

Anyone using commercial dog food should have this information in their library.

WARNING: Some ingredients in this ebook are deadly!

We have broken the ebook into 3 sections:

  • 28 Deadly Ingredients - avoid foods containing these. Known to cause disease or still simply... 'effects unknown'.
  • 25 harmless BUT useless ingredients - used so dog food companies can fill your dog's belly cheaply. You end up paying for nothing and your dog is full but not nourished!
  • 15 ingredients OK in moderation only - these should be low on the ingredients list. Too much and your dog becomes ill.

I want you to use '68 Dog Food Ingredients' to the benefit of your dog.... so it has to be useful, that makes sense.

I had my team condense the ebook into a special 3-page quick-reference table which divides all the information up by 2 important categories:

Category 1 - Food type

  • Vitamins
  • Sweeteners
  • Supplements
  • Protein
  • Preservatives
  • Fruits and
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Title: Easy Build Dog House Plans

Discover How To Easily Build A Fully Insulated Customized Dog House That Looks Great Protects Your Dog From The Weather And Saves You Money

Introducing My Easy Build Dog House Plans

Easy To Build Plans - With easy to follow cross-sectional diagrams that include exact dimensions and required materials

No fancy tools required - We have especially design our plans so that anyone with basic tools like a handsaw, hammer, drill etc can build our coops

Here's just a few more of the many things you'll find in your copy:

  • Openings built to standard size to allow for an optional "dog door"
  • Separating wall can optionally be removed to allow all dogs to sleep togeather
  • Plans are shown exactly to scale with step by step diagrams and full material list and dimensions
  • Houses feature insulated walls and raised floors to keep your dog warm during winter and cool during summer
  • How to build a Medium size duplex house for multiple small or medium size dogs.
  • How to build a Large size duplex house for two large dogs.
  • Houses include generous overhang on roofs to protect the dog and interior from wind and rain
  • How to build a Medium dog house for small and medium size dogs like Dachshunds and Bull Terriers.
  • How to build a Large
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