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Mark Twain

Dogs ebooks

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Category: Dogs

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Title: 33 All-Natural Remedies For Common Pet Health Issues

This essential ebook will give you several alternative treatments for common health problems.

Addressing everything from bad breath to treatments for flea's and tick's and eczema, the concoctions within this ebook have been passed down from generation to generation of pet lovers.

Bonus to the "Bake Your Dog A Bone "

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Category: Dogs

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Title: 20 Super Healthy Recipes for Your Dog

As if he didn't go over the top enough already with his 180 gourmet recipes, Stanley has come back for more with a handbook containing 20 Super Healthy Recipes for Your Dog (Perhaps his own dogs were getting a bit on the heavy side!) These recipes are designed to be easy to prepare and will prove once and for all that healthy food can taste just as good as everything else - to your dog at least.

This 24-page handbook is much leaner than his first recipe book, but no doubt just as delicious!!!

Bonus to the "The Ultimate Guide to Dog Health!"

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Category: Dogs, Manuals

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Title: 35 Most Commonly Asked Questions On Housetraining
Author: Ruff Sitwell

Through this extra-special ebook, we are providing answers to as many as 35 most commonly asked questions that Dog owners raise in real life everyday. A full 26 pages ebook packed with the most common Dog housetraining queries...answered such that it is not only easy to understand but simple to implement also.

Let's zoom in and take a sneak peek at this mavellous Bonus ebook...

  • Learn the 3 different ways to deal with coprophagia in your Dog and how to put a stop to it.
  • What workable strategies to take when your set schedule fails.
  • Know how to best deal with your first dog when it forgets its previous housetraining lessons on seeing your new second dog
  • 6 ways to prepare your home to avoid housebreaking accidents before you actually bring a dog or puppy home
  • 10 most critical steps to combat housetraining resistance and establish a better master-pet relation
  • Suitable actions you need to take when your dog refuses to eliminate outdoors owing to cold or hot weather
  • 4 reasons leading to your dog urinating on your clothes and its remedy
  • The best method to stop your Dog from peeing on the flowers and bushes
  • The most suitable way to housetrain an abused Dog keeping the dog's vulnerable condition in mind
  • Know the perfect way to housetrain your matured Dog
  • Learn the effects of food habits for proper housetraining and know which food is harmful for your beloved
... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Dogs

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Title: 180 Gourmet Recipes for Your Dog

We're also throwing in some sure-fire favorite handbooks for those of you who don't mind a bit of INDULGENCE when it comes to dog care: a 3-book series on FUN and NATURAL Dog Care.

A man who makes every dog a hedonist, John Stanley knows how to ENJOY caring for - and indeed COOKING for - a beloved pet. In this first handbook, 180 Gourmet Recipes for Your Dog, Stanley offers an impressive scroll of recipes that are guaranteed to get the drool flowing and spoil your dog for life...

Starting with the all important list of what NOT to feed your dog, the handbook includes an incredible menu that will teach your dog the real meaning of variety when mealtime comes around.

With nearly 200 pages full of everything from "Down-Home Hound Hashbrowns" for the dog who loves breakfast to "Little Lassie Livers" for puppies, you're bound to hit on your dog's favorite dish - and have loads of fun trying... There's even a section on international cuisine for your pooch!!!

Bonus to the "The Ultimate Guide to Dog Health!"

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Category: Children, Dogs, Humor

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Title: Ace Adventures
Author: Judy Walsh

This ebook will start with an introduction of what Ace, the rescued pit bull puppy, did the first few months of his life and then he starts an online diary of his adventures. It will contain drawings and photos of Ace and his family.

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Ebook Type: Other
Category: Dogs

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Title: The A-Z Of Dog Names

Just like a big ebook of baby names but just for dogs.

If you are getting a new pup and are stuck for names then this ebook is for you. Split into multiple sections such as names for white dogs, black dogs, female and male dogs, big dogs and many more, this ebook will make it a whole lot easier to choose a name to suit your new dogs size, color, and personality.

Bonus to the "German Shepherd HandBook"

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Category: Dogs

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Title: Part Friend, Part Family

"Taking Care of Your Dog Safely and Naturally"

This is an amazing dog training resource jam packed with training tips and a with a big section on understanding your dog. Here's a revealing look at the secrets you are about to learn:

  • One of the most dreaded processes for any dog owner is Housetraining, but if you turn immediately to page 43, I'll bestow the golden tips and tactics that will make facing this unavoidable step as EASY as playing fetch!
  • If you want to train your dog to follow your every command - after all, who DOESN'T want their dog to retrieve the morning newspaper? - then flip to page 47, where I'll break-down the 4 ridiculously easy-to-follow steps to behavior training your dog to complete almost ANY task.
  • If the dog experts on TV and in the media gave these 5 dog training secrets away, they'd go out of business! But all you've gotta do to obtain these fundamental secrets is turn to page 60 for a revealing "Special Report" that answers the questions the so-called "experts" DON'T want answered!
  • Exercise is just as essential for a dog's health as it is for a humans, and to discover just how important it really is, look no further than page 24, where I'll disclose the 3 indispensable health components that are improved, and sometimes even sustained, by exercise!

Bonus to the "German Shepherd HandBook"

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Category: Dogs

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Title: Bake Your Dog A Bone Recipe

Over 150 specially designed recipes by experts in Pet Nutrition that will enhance the health and wellbeing of the animals.

This is the same Recipe Resource that has been sold on the Internet for $29... so you know it's worth getting just by itself.

You can use the recipes in this ebook to start your business this week!


Bonus to the "Bake Your Dog A Bone "

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Category: Dogs

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Title: The Ultimate Guide to Dog First Aid

From accidents to health problems, from fights to bites, this handbook is written for dog owners who understand the power and peace of mind that comes from being prepared.

You'll Discover:

  • Why "shock" means a lot more in medical terms than you might think, and how to treat a dog suffering from it.
  • How to treat BITES, BURNS, and BLEEDING WOUNDS the right way to ensure the quickest recovery with the least discomfort.
  • How to perform "Doggie CPR," Chest Compression, and even the canine version of the Heimlich Maneuver in life-threatening situations - it doesn't get more essential than that!!!
  • How to MAKE a MUZZLE in an emergency when you don't have one
  • A COMPLETE and CONFIDENT method for determining which situations are emergencies and which are not, and how to give URGENT CARE where urgent care is needed.

Bonus to the "The Ultimate Guide to Dog Health!"

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Category: Dogs, Humor

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Title: On Being A Dog With A Bone
Author: Peggy McColl

You'll get the complete ebook "On Being A Dog With A Bone". To never give up on your dreams! "On Being A Dog With A Bone" is a unique, inspiring and humorous ebook that teaches us the lessons we can learn from our dogs about never giving up on our dreams.

Bonus to the "Wealth Bible"

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