Mark this well, you proud men of action! You are, after all, nothing but unconscious instruments of the men of thought.
Heinrich Heine

Dogs ebooks

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Dog Attack!
Category: Dogs, Self Defense, Self Help

Dog Attack!

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Title: Dog Attack!

Survival Tips To Keep You And Your Family Safe

A Short Introduction Beforehand

A dog attack can happen to any person at any time and for any reason. Just because an animal is domesticated doesn't mean that they aren't capable of attacking another animal, or more importantly, a person.

A very important thing to remember about dogs in general is that ALL DOGS CAN ATTACK! Even the tiny breeds can be killers. It may seem silly, but it is quite true.

Case in point, in October of 2000 a news-story reported that a family's pet Pomeranian had mauled their 6 week old baby. As a result, the baby died shortly thereafter. ("Baby Girl Killed by Family Dog," Los Angeles Times, Monday, October 9, 2000, Home Edition, Metro Section, Page B-5.)

So if you are living under the assumption that just larger dogs can inflict fatal wounds, you had better start re-thinking!

While it's true that larger breeds are responsible for much of the dog attack fatalities reported, you should never underestimate a smaller breed though. Most of the fatalities that occur are within two groups of people, children and the elderly. In the United States alone there were an estimated 304 dog attack related deaths between 1979 and 1996 from an estimated 30 or so different breeds of dogs. Sadly, it seems this fatality number is on the rise.

But, this doesn't have to happen to you! This guide will give

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Dog Breeding - What You Need To Know!
Category: Dogs

Dog Breeding - What You Need To Know!

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Title: Dog Breeding - What You Need To Know!

Want to be a dog breeder?

Learn What You Need To Know About Being A Successful Dog Breeder!

Dear Friend,

It is important to understand that dog breeding is something that is a major issue for many people. There are always reports of how dog breeding is done incorrectly, and there are horror stories of puppy mills and of puppies that have not been treated correctly.

Trying to figure out how to be a breeder on your own is difficult, because there are many different problems that might present themselves. Therefore, you might become confused at how you will be able to provide yourself with a great way to breed dogs.

Even though dog breeding is something that is difficult to do ,many people still do it. It can take years for you to figure out how to breed dogs, and you might never be able to discover all of the things that you need to discover in order to do it correctly. It can take you a very long time to make sure that you know what you are doing - unless you have the right information that can provide you with a good way to get started.

There's A Solution in Dog Breeding...

One of the best ways that you can discover about something is to make sure that you can provide yourself with a good mentor to follow. Learning about dog breeding in this way means that you'll be able to discover from an expert, from someone who has done this before and knows what

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Dog Basics for Newbies
Category: Dogs

Dog Basics for Newbies

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Title: Dog Basics for Newbies

Do you have a dog, or looking to get yourself one? Know the Facts!

Dear Friend.

Dogs are an integral part of human society on every inhabited continent on Earth. They drive livestock and protect it; police property; scent and detect illicit substances; haul sleds; retrieve game; guide the blind; search for and rescue the lost and injured; comfort the lonely; hear for the deaf; or simply add a sparkling natural reality to the lives of hundreds of millions of people throughout the world.

As we move from an agrarian to an urban culture, dogs are in many ways one of our last and most important links with the natural world. We get pleasure from caring for our gardens and for our pets.

This e-book on "Dog Basics for Newbies" emphasizes the pet owner to offer good care to his or her pet and also gives solutions for unresolved problems.

"Dog Basics for Newbies"

The Ultimate Guide for the Health and Well Being of Your New Best Friend! A Must Read Reference Manual!

What does "Dog Basics for Newbies" Cover?

  • Grooming and Clipping
  • Health and Health Insurance
  • Vaccinating
  • Fleas and Other Parasites
  • Spaying and Neutering
  • Dental Care
  • Happy
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The Dog Owners Handbook
Category: Dogs

The Dog Owners Handbook

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Title: The Dog Owners Handbook

Taking Care of "Mans' Best Friend!"

Everything You Need to Know About Dogs But Didn't Know How To Ask!

Dear Fellow Dog Lover,

Nothing beats the companionship of a pet of your own. And no other animal deserves that coveted title of "Mans' Best Friend," more than dogs.

Dogs throughout current history have made us laugh. How about Pluto, Goofy and Scooby Doo? And some have made us cry. . .Lassie saves Timmy and how about Rin Tin Tin?

Many modern day dogs are trained as rescue dogs. After undergoing intensive training these special dogs put their sense of smell to work find people buried under rubble after earthquakes, tornados, fires, avalanches and other disasters.

Others are trained as drug sniffing dogs and work in our airports and other ports of entry to assist in the war on drugs. And not enough can be said about the tireless companions who help people with disabilities like loss of hearing or blindness.

Not only do dogs make excellent pets but their loyalty and devotion are unparalleled by any other animal. We have all heard stories of dogs that have performed seemingly impossible heroic acts of bravery to save their owner from harm.

So, we can't promise that your pet will be another Lassie or even a Scooby Doo, but whether you already own a dog and are looking for answers to some of your questions

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Dog Training Uncovered - Audio Transcription
Category: Dogs

Dog Training Uncovered - Audio Transcription

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Title: Dog Training Uncovered - Audio Transcription

Announcing an important message for dog owners or anyone who wants one...

"Is Your Beloved Dog Driving You Crazy?
Are There Days You're Completely Convinced That Training is Impossible? Would You Give Anything to Get That Unruly Dog of Yours Completely Trained?"

Attention: If you answered "Yes" to those questions, read on. This may be the most important letter (for you and your dog) you've ever read...

Dear Fellow Dog Lover,

If you're like most dog owners I know, you put a lot of time and effort into picking out the perfect dog.

Once you've found your "dream" dog, you wasted no time bringing it home. As you and your dog settle in together, you shower him with love and affection.

Then as week after week pass and you've tried everything you could think of, your perfect dog still isn't trained.

Did you look at the dog with a glare filled with frustration?

Did the dog somehow seem not quite as cute?

Boy do I know that feeling! But what if I told you I had something that would revolutionize dog training?

You see, I know exactly how much of a struggle training a dog can be. As cute as our dogs are, they sure do know how to make life difficult.

We dog owner's continue to plug away trying any various "remedy" tricks, old wives tales and methods that will somehow train our dogs.

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Dog Bite Prevention
Category: Dogs

Dog Bite Prevention

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Title: Dog Bite Prevention

How to Stop Your Puppy or Older Dog from Biting

World Class Trainers Tips To Raising a Well Behaved Dog.

Why do so many dogs get euthanized when their owners could have taught them not to bite in just seven simple steps

"Warning To All Dog Owners: Don't Be A Victim Of Aggressive Dog Bites...

Get The Facts From 7 Top Dog Trainers/Behaviorists and Learn How To Prevent Dog Bites Or Even Teach Your Dog to Stop Biting."

Dear Dog Owner,

Are you a dog owner that's suffering from fear of owning the neighborhood dog that bites the little girl or the postman? Or are you afraid of losing your loving dog to legal action or being sued as a result of your dog's aggressive behavior?

If you would like to have an obedient, well behaved, non-biting puppy or older dog; avoid loss of property from chewing; prevent expensive medical bills, insurance costs and court penalties from dog attacks, then this might be the most important letter you'll ever read.

"..........dogs will always be unpredictable." Ogren


You'll uncover the same secret tips and strategies used by top dog trainers that unleash the hidden obedient instinct that's hiding inside your dog ... and take your dog's behavior to the next level.


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Dog Training Techniques
Category: Dogs

Dog Training Techniques

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Title: Dog Training Techniques

"How to Have a Happy, Obedient, Well-Behaved Angel of a Dog in Four Weeks or Less"

And Enjoy Every Tail-Wagging Minute of The World's Most Effective Dog Training Techniques!

Congratulations! You and your dog are about to embark on a wonderful journey together - a rewarding adventure that will bring happiness to both of you for years to come!

Dear Dog Lover,

Wouldn't it be great if all puppies and dogs arrived pre-programmed to instantly do whatever we ask and act like obedient little angels instead of... well... animals?

As crazy as that sounds, here's something even crazier: expecting our furry four-legged friends to ignore their instincts and change their natural behavior simply because it's what we want them to do.

Think about that for a moment. How realistic is it to expect a dog not to act like a dog? Dogs naturally chew, bark, dig, run, slobber, poop, play-heck, sometimes they play in poop! They can be so... uncivilized!

Fortunately, your dog is one smart puppy. He can be taught to overcome his "dogness."

Your Dog Wants to Discover

Every dog (even yours) is an eager and willing student. He is not only able to discover to stop doing what comes naturally and start adopting the strangest behaviors (from his perspective), he loves to discover these things.

So why are so

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Dieting Your Dog
Category: Dogs

Dieting Your Dog

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Title: Dieting Your Dog

Doesn't your dog deserve the best?

Taking Charge of Your Dog's Diet

Dear Friend,

What would you do without your dog? Your faithful loyal companion. You know that your dog deserves the best and you are tyring to do everything in your power to make sure your dog does.

Ask yourself when was the last time you gave thought to what you were putting inside your body? Probably fairly recently right? Well, when was the last time you thought about what you were putting inside your dogs body? Have you thougth about the damage you could be doing your dog with by not providing them with the proper nutrients

Now Is The Time to Start Thinking

There has never been a more important time to start thinking about your dogs diet. Whether your dog is just a puppy or an adult, it is never too late.

With all the problems and recalls that have been going on with commercial petfood and all the debate that is going on about the new or not so new Raw Food Diet. It seems that danger for your dog lurkes everywhere. It is enough to make your head spin. How do you know what is the best for your dog? How do you know if you are giving your dog the best they can possibly get?

Without the proper knowledge, you simply don't.

Your Dogs Diet

Find out all the answers to your questions and concerns and more in this new ebook.

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Dog Potty Training
Category: Dogs

Dog Potty Training

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Title: Dog Potty Training

This is for people who want to potty train their dog NOW...

Discover The Ability To Finally Potty Train Your Dog In No Time!

Dear Friend,

I'm going to get right down to it...

If you've found this page, either you or someone you know has a puppy that needs to be potty trained.

Maybe you've tried a ton of various methods you've read about but have had no success. How can some people potty train their puppy with hardly any effort?

Well, we have the answer for you...

We've written a simple report called How To Potty Train Your Dog More Effectively. There's not a single ounce of fluff - it's less than 30 pages long in a large, readable font. It's packed to the brim with powerful techniques and secret tips that you can use to start training your dog today.

Here's a bite-sized chunk of what you'll discover...

  • Hint: If you do this one thing your puppy could NEVER be effectively potty trained
  • Exactly what your puppy needs to be effectively potty trained
  • The most effective methods to potty training your puppy NOW
  • The ONE thing you need to do to train your dog. If you don't have this, you will fail.

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Pit Bulls As Pets
Category: Dogs

Pit Bulls As Pets

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Title: Pit Bulls As Pets

"Are You Under The Negative Influence Of Hyped Media Stereotypes When It Comes To Your Knowledge Of Pit Bulls?"

Dear Doggie Enthusiast,

What is the image that immediately comes into your mind when you think of the words "Pit Bull"?

I can almost guarantee that they would be somewhere close to fierce, ferouscious, vicious, killer, unstoppable, uncontrollable, or locking jawed man-eaters.

Heck, maybe even all of those words would adequately fit the vision you have ingrained from negative reports, horror stories, graphic "after-attack" photo images and terrifying news broadcasts.

But, do you really know anything beyond what you have been "spoon fed" about the breed known as The American Pit Bull Terrier??

I bet not.

I was under these same wrong impressions myself before I became an unlikely Pit Bull owner!

If you were to come up to me 2 years ago and ask what my opinion of the Pit Bull was, I would have told you that bringing even one into my home would be to do the unthinkable since I have 6 children of varying ages. No way would I ever let one of those vicious "baby-killers" around my precious darlings!!

My husband was really the one who literally opened my eyes about Pit Bulls. He had stumbled upon the opportunity he had been waiting for to own a Pit Bull, even after all my incessant ranting and raving about

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