Dogs ebooks

The Inside Scoop on DOG BREEDS
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Title: The Inside Scoop on DOG BREEDS
Table of Contents:
- Buying a Second Dog
- Choosing the Right Dog Breed - A Step By Step Guide
- Choosing a Good Dog Breeder
- The AKC - Know Your Dog's Genealogy
- Is a Basset Hound Right for You?
- So You Want a Bichon Frise
- So You Want a Beagle
- Should You Buy a Bloodhound?
- Is a Boxer the Right Breed for You?
- Is a Boston Terrier Right for You?
- So You Want a Bulldog
- Should You Buy a Chihuahua?
- So You Want a Bull Terrier
- Is a Chow Chow the Breed for You?
- So You Want a Collie
- Is a Cocker Spaniel Right for You?
- So You Want a Dalmation
- So You Want a German Shepherd
- Is a Doberman Pinscher Right For You?
- Is a Golden Retriever the Right Breed for You?
- Should You Buy a Jack Russell Terrier?
- Is a Greyhound Right For You?
- Is a Labrador Retriever the Right Breed for You?
- Should You Buy a Newfoundland?
- Should You Buy a Miniature Pinscher?
- Is the Lovable Pug the Right Breed for You?
- A Look at the Saint Bernard
- Is a Rottweiler the Right Breed for You?
- Is a Siberian Husky Right for You?
- Is a Yorkshire Terrier Right for You?
- So You Want a Standard Poodle
- How to Become a Dog Breeder
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Perfect Puppy
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Title: Perfect Puppy
Table of Contents
- Finding a responsible breeder
- Choosing a Puppy...
- Here Comes The Puppy
- Housebreaking Your New Puppy
- Introducing a new puppy into the family...
- Housetraining your new puppy...
- Building blocks of canine fitness
- About Feeding Your Puppy
- Feeding and Preparing your dog's food
- How to socialize your puppy
- Building a balanced diet for your dog
- The first six months
- Dealing with common problems in puppy's first year
- Puppy adolescence: trials and tribulations
- Taking care of an older dog
- Saying Good-bye to Your Old Dog
Health Concerns:
- Vaccination Time line
- How to tell if your dog is sick
- Puppy viruses
- Obesity in dogs
- Dog diseases
- Should I Spay or Neuter My Pet?
- Basic First Aid for Traffic accidents, Burns, Poisoning, Heat stroke ,Drowning, and Choking.
- Simple first aid kit
- Ten Ways To Have A Good Relationship With Your Veterinarian
- Choosing a Veterinarian
- How to save on Vet Bills part I
- Canine communications
- 21 ways to cut vet bills
- Dog Crates
- Is your dog lost?
- Making peace between dogs and
Ebook Type: EXE

Training Your Dog
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Title: Training Your Dog
Is Your Dog Becoming Increasingly Out Of Control?
"Learn Proven Ways and Methods You Can Use to Train Your Dog and Get Them To Change!"
Dear Friend,
There have been times when you as a dog owner becomes increasingly frustrated. Your dog doesn't want to obey your commands and do as you say. Even with trying to coax your canine, sometimes it still does not work.
All dogs have behavioral problems. It does not matter what breed you own, you can run into a roadblock with trying to get them to stop their bad behavior. There are just some times where you have to put your foot down and roll with the punches. Your dog will either do what you say or you'll ship him out. Of course, if you are a dog lover, you are not looking to do the latter.
Dogs are still and will always be man's best friend, but they also have to act like it. Increasingly bad behavior will not help them stay in the good graces of their owner. Dog owners that are looking for a solution to the madness will need to adapt to behavioral training methods that will make your dog do a 360 degree turnaround.
Here are some of the reasons why your dog will act out:
- There is a lack of communication between you and your dog;
- Your dog is not used to being separated from you for a period of time;
- You are not reinforcing commands that your dog needs to... Click here to read the full description!
Ebook Type: PDF

Dog Shock Collars
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Title: Dog Shock Collars
"Everything You Need To Know Before Purchasing A Shock Collar For Your Beloved Pet Dog!"
Don't Let Your Dog Suffer Without Proper Research!
Dear fellow dog owner,
Dog shock collars can be the ideal way to keep your dog in your yard and keep him out of harm's way. But you have to be careful when you are buying dog shock collars for your dog with regard to voltage and the type of collar you are getting. Not all dog shock collars are made for all types of dogs. Before you buy a dog shock collar, you need to do some research.
A dog is considered to be "man's best friend," and there is a good reason for thinking that way. Dogs are more loyal than any other animal. Needless to say, when you buy a dog collar, you want to make sure that the collar is not only comfortable but safe as well. This is particularly true if the collar is a dog shock collar. Dog shock collars work in conjunction with a remote control or an electric fence. They are used as both training devices as well as a way to keep a dog in the yard without having to resort to a fence.
You've probably heard about dog shock collars and wondered if one is right for your dog. You may have heard good aspects about these revolutionary collars as well as some bad stories as well. You might be unsure what to think about dog shock collars and if you should get one for your pooch.
... Click here to read the full description!
Ebook Type: PDF

Adopting a Dog
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Title: Adopting a Dog
Learn The Secrets To Successfully Adopting A Dog!
Dear Friend,
You love dogs-- and you want a dog! Many people feel exactly the way you do! This is certainly no surprise, because dogs are wonderful animals and they make excellent pets. A dog can bring lots of fun, friendship, and joy to your life!
However, if you really think about it, you probably do not only want to own a dog, you want it to be the best experience in the world for you, your new pet, and your entire family. You want to be as delighted with your dog years from now as when you first adopt him. The catch is you may not be sure of exactly how to make this happen...
All it takes is a little knowledge and preparation...
Embarking on the great experience of being a dog owner is an exciting adventure. Unfortunately, this experience does not come with an manual guide. Often all it takes is making one small mistake to turn adopting a dog into a disaster. You may not like your dog, or he may not like you. You might decide that he is more trouble than you had bargained for. At its worst, you may regret the decision to adopt a dog entirely.
The good news is none of these things need to happen! You can get the dog you want-- the one that is right for you-- and have a lifetime of fun, companionship, and great times with your new canine friend!
... Click here to read the full description!
Ebook Type: PDF

Dogs and All About Them
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Title: Dogs and All About Them
Author: Robert Leighton
Dogs And All About Them by Robert Leighton
is about the anatomy, behavior and care of almost all popular breeds of dogs.
There is clear explanation of the origins of dogs, the types available and how each type behaves.
The greatest feature of the ebook is how various types, Non-Sporting and Utility breeds, Hounds,
Gundogs and other Sporting breeds, the Terriers, Toy and
Miniature breeds bear close resemblance to each other yet distinct in reaction and appearance.
Every Dog lover will surely love this highly-informative manual to breeds.
There is no incongruity in the idea that in the very earliest period of man's habitation of this world he made a friend and companion of some sort of aboriginal representative of our modern dog, and that in return for its aid in protecting him from wilder animals, and in guarding his sheep and goats, he gave it a share of his food, a corner in his dwelling, and grew to trust it and care for it. Probably the animal was originally little else than an unusually gentle jackal, or an ailing wolf driven by its companions from the wild marauding pack to seek shelter in alien surroundings. One can well conceive the possibility of the partnership beginning in the circumstance of some
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The Dog
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Title: The Dog
Author: William Youatt
The Dog, next to the human being, ranks highest in the scale of intelligence, and was evidently designed to be the companion and the friend of man. We exact the services of other animals, and, the task being performed, we dismiss them to their accustomed food and rest; but several of the varieties of the dog follow us to our home; they are connected with many of our pleasures and wants, and guard our sleeping hours.
The first animal of the domestication of which we have any account, was the sheep. "Abel was a keeper of sheep." [1] It is difficult to believe that any long time would pass before the dog-who now, in every country of the world, is the companion of the shepherd, and the director or guardian of the sheep-would be enlisted in the service of man.
From the earliest known history he was the protector of the habitation of the human being. At the feet of the 'lares', those household deities who were supposed to protect the abodes of men, the figure of a barking dog was often placed. In every age, and almost in every part of the globe, he has played a principal part in the labours, the dangers, and the pleasures of the chase.
In process of time, man began to surround himself with many servants from among the lower animals, but among them all he had only one friend-the dog; one animal only whose service was voluntary, and who was susceptible of
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Companion Dog Training
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Title: Companion Dog Training
Understanding of mental capacity and character. Can the dog reason? Commands and signs. Hearing, sight and feeling. Punishment and correction. Patience, concentration and seriousness of purpose.
The case against the harness and the choke collar. The training collar and how to use it. The leash-leather or chain? The whip leash. The chainette, whistle and dumbbell. Wearing apparel for prospective trainers.
The way a dog should obey. Shyness and how to overcome it. Administration of punishment. Stubbornness and how to combat it. Corrective commands. Whipping-a warning.
From puppy to junior dog. Housebreaking. Destructivcncss and its correction. Leash control and free play. Heel and Sit.
The foundation of all training. Importance of patience and self control. Office of the left hand, the right hand. Intonation. The commands; how, when and where to give them.
The dog accompanies his manual, walking at the manual's left side without straining or pulling.
While walking at heel, the dog turns with the manual to the right, the left and right-about-face.
The moment the manual stops, the dog assumes the sitting position close to his left side.
Ebook Type: PDF

My Doggie and I
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Title: My Doggie and I
Chapter One. Explains Itself.
I possess a doggie - not a dog, observe, but a doggie. If he had been a dog I would not have presumed to intrude him on your notice. A dog is all very well in his way - one of the noblest of animals, I admit, and pre−eminently fitted to be the companion of man, for he has an affectionate nature, which man demands, and a forgiving disposition, which man needs - but a dog, with all his noble qualities, is not to be compared to a doggie.
My doggie is unquestionably the most charming, and, in every way, delightful doggie that ever was born. My sister has a baby, about which she raves in somewhat similar terms, but of course that is ridiculous, for her baby differs in no particular from ordinary babies, except, perhaps, in the matter of violent weeping, of which it is fond; whereas my doggie is unique, a perfectly beautiful and singular specimen of - of well, I won't say what, because my friends usually laugh at me when I say it, and I don't like to be laughed at.
Freely admit that you don't at once perceive the finer qualities, either mental or physical, of my doggie, partly owing to the circumstance that he is shapeless and hairy. The former quality is not prepossessing, while the latter tends to veil the amiable expression of his countenance and the lustre of his speaking eyes. But as you come to know him he grows upon you; your feelings are touched, your affections stirred, and your love is
Ebook Type: PDF

Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-10-17
My Rate 5
I will Give 5 Stars to it as it tells so many thing about house training the dog some are A treasure-trove full of step-by-step instructions and detailed guidelines on Dog housetraining
Advice on what positive reinforcements work the best for your Dog
Reviewed by grace on 2009-06-10
My Rate 4
a good guide for dog lovers
Leave a review and rating!
Title: Housetraining Your Dog A Definitive Guide
Author: Ruff Sitwell
Housebreaking Your Dog - A Definitive Guide
To All Potty Training And Housetraining Problems Of Dogs
Finally, A Step-By-Step, Proven Guide To HouseTraining Your Puppy...
How To Quickly And Easily Put An End To All The Dreaded HouseBreaking Nightmares For You And Your Dog
This exceptional ebook offers:
- A treasure-trove full of step-by-step instructions and detailed guidelines on Dog housetraining
- Advice on what positive reinforcements work the best for your Dog
- Insight into what you should and should not be doing after you bring your new Dog home - Endless facts on indoor and outdoor housetraining
- Details of housetraining issues faced by almost all breeds of dogs - individual information on as many as 59 dog breeds.
- The numerous dos and don'ts you MUST keep in mind while your are housetraining your Dog - Highlighted details on the various pros and cons of crate training, paper training, outdoor training, litter box training and diaper training
Housetraining is a necessity. Every pet Dog should be housetrained. But in order to make it a hassle-free exercise for you and your dog, you need to get hold of the right strategies and methods. "Housetraining Your Dog - A Definite Guide" will do just that!
... Click here to read the full description!Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (4.5 after 2 votes)
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