Art has an enemy called ignorance.
John F. Kennedy

Diet ebooks

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Category: Diet, Weight Loss

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Title: Starve Mode

You are getting a 200+ page PDF book with over 270 references, 17 Chapters, and both peer reviewed and anecdotal experience on the topics on metabolic behavior. It features a foreword by one of my great mentors, Tom Venuto, a nationally published author of The Body Fat Solution.

This Book Covers The Following Topics:

  • What roles are my hormones playing during (and after) fat loss?
  • What is starvation mode? Does it really exist?
  • Is a metabolism damaged forever?
  • Do I have to gain weight if I increase calories?
  • Which macronutrient speeds up my metabolism the most, really?
  • What role does water play in my weight?
  • What can I ask my dietitian or doctors to get the best help?
  • Do I need supplements or drugs to have a healthy metabolism?
  • How I can I weed out bad research?
  • Is a calorie a calorie?
  • How long does it take to get a revving metabolism?
  • What is refeeding? How do I know if I need it?
  • Have I plateaued in my fat loss?
  • If I increase calories fast, will I gain fat?
  • How do I keep a fast metabolism at any age?

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Category: Diet, Weight Loss

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Title: Diet Free Weekends
Author: Mike Whitfield

“New Breakthrough Cornell University Study Proves You Can Use This 3 Day Diet “Trick” To Binge On Your Favorite Foods EVERY Weekend — All While Reprogramming Your Body To Burn MORE Belly Fat and BOOSTING Your Dead Metabolism...

This has NOTHING to do with extreme dieting. It’s not some exercise gimmick or hyped up supplement, and it could quite possibly be the EASIEST diet trick in the world to follow.

You’ll discover the MISSING piece to your FASTEST, most consistent fat loss results WITHOUT worrying about dieting OR letting loose on the weekends.

Now you can finally cut loose on the weekends, PLUS...

  • You’ll stop your body’s dependence on burning your muscle, which is common with other diets. Because you’re “refeeding” your body longer, your body will adapt by choosing fat over muscle to burn.
  • You know that leaner, slimmer look you desire? This happens when you burn fat, NOT muscle.
  • You can eat whatever you want on your weekends (for most, that will be Friday, Saturday and Sunday) and STILL burn fat thanks to a metabolism makeover. It’s like a hall pass for diet freedom.
  • Eat a Belgian waffle along with sausage, yet watch your waistline shrink week after week and having the abs of an athlete thanks to a cranked metabolism.
  • Take your kids out for ice cream and actually join them, creating memories while... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Diet, Weight Loss

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Title: The Paleo on a Budget Guide
Author: Robb Wolf

Simple and practical tips, tricks, and strategies for saving money while eating Paleo meals.

The Paleo diet is an effective, proven, and easy way to maintain a natural weight, feel your best, and keep yourself and your family in the best health possible.

You are short on time and short on money, too. The economy is grim. Times are tighter than ever. Cooking takes time. Healthy food costs money.

Honestly, I’m a lot like you.

  • I’ve struggled the same way you have – how to find the time to cook and how to squeeze the money out of an already tight budget to buy healthy, whole foods.
  • I’d rather spend my money and time on fun things, and on my family, not slaving away over a hot stove or fighting the crowds in a grocery store.
  • I don’t want to spend a lot of time or money doing it.
  • I want to cook healthy, tasty meals.

But I’ve found a solution that’s made my life much better.

I’m here to tell you that eating a healthful Paleo diet and shopping from a Paleo diet food list on a budget is possible.

Here’s just a quick summary of what you will find inside:

  • All the excuses - I'll show you that Paleo is possible by finding solutions to your problems such as, 'Paleo food is too expensive, I don't have fancy stores like Whole Foods, I can't afford grass-fed or organic, I don't have time to cook, I don't have
... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Diet

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Title: The Paleo Hacks Cookbook

If you want all the amazing health benefits of the Paleo Diet - including a flatter stomach, strong lean muscles, younger looking skin, better digestion, more brain clarity, and a reduced risk of cancer, heart disease & Alzheimers, and you want to do it with delicious mouth-watering foods, READ THIS NOW!

In Fact, Paleo Is Not Really a "Diet" At All!

It’s really a return to the type of eating your body naturally craves and was designed for. And that’s why it works. It’s based on how we humans evolved for literally millions of years.

As I'm sure you've heard, countless individuals around the world have turned to the Paleo Diet and way of living in order to regain their health, energy, vitality and power. Just a few of the benefits user report are:

  • Increased Energy
  • Leaner, Stronger Muscles
  • Significantly More Stamina
  • Weight Loss Results
  • Clearer, Smoother Skin
  • Better Performance and Recovery
  • Enhanced Libido
  • Stronger Immune System
  • Greater Mental Clarity
  • Thicker, Fuller Hair
  • No More Hunger/Cravings
  • Clear Eyes

And So Much More!

In fact, when you toss all the false nutritional info out there aside and finally get back to your roots, there's really no part of your health and body that DOESN'T get better in some way.

I actually walk you through each and every recipe, point by... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Diet

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Title: How to Stop Binge Eating and Take Control of Your Life!
Author: Kristin Gerstley

Learn How An Ex Food-Addict From Houston, Texas Created A Proven System To Overcome Binge Eating Disorder Which Allowed Her To Gain Back Control Of Her Life…

“Are You Ready To Stop Binge Eating And Take Control Of Your Life?”

Right now, you can have exclusive access to information that is not available anywhere else.

In my brand new eBook, you’ll learn:

  • The seven factors that may contribute to the development of Binge Eating Disorder according to the latest research and how they affect you
  • The easy-to-follow three-step process that I used to sky rocket my recovery and overcome binge eating once and for all
  • The five ways you can achieve a healthy, positive body image right now – even if you are at your lowest point
  • How you can implement one single thing into your life and see profound changes in all areas of you life
  • Why dieting is a BIG no-no if you are a binge eater and what steps to take so that you never have to diet again
  • How the media plays a major roll in your thinking – even leading you to binge, and how you can get in control so that the media has no influence on your life
  • The easy to follow four-week plan that enabled me to see results almost instantly and how you can do the same
  • The simple three-step process I followed that enabled me to finally stop jumping on the “diet of the month”
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Category: Diet

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Title: Gout and You

In this eBook I will dispel some common myths about food and dieting, we will get the facts straight on fat, protein and carbohydrates. I’ll also discuss the truth about curing gout, the BS that is out there and how oil snake salesmen on the web will sell you lies that can lead you to an early grave. I believe that honesty is always the best policy. That’s the reason thousands of you keep coming back to my website everyday to read up on gout.

  • You’ll also learn that it takes us to drink up to 7 times as much water in order for your kidneys to detoxify fats and proteins as it does for carbohydrates.
  • In this e-Book you’ll discover how fat, sugar and blood from meat are concentrates that the body simply can’t tolerate in large quantities.When digesting these concentrates, we give way to so many waste products that even our kidneys that have excess capacity can’t handle them properly and this can cause you to develop a disease like gout.
  • You’ll discover how exercise is important to the gout sufferer. Your body was meant to move around and not sit on a chair or couch all day! Remember the saying, “If you don’t use it, you will lose it!”. This applies to your body as well. Lack of exercise is one of your worst health enemies but the remedy is so simple. I don’t force you to hit the gym and do heavy weight lifting.
  • Did you know that most of the cholesterol needed by our... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Diet, Weight Loss

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Title: Intermittent Diet
Author: Vit Kashchuk

Scientific Study Proves that Intermittent Diet will Help You Lose Weight Fast, Get Rid of Ugly Body Fat and Increase Growth Hormone in as Little as 24 Hours - all while Improving Your Metabolism and Even Building Lean Muscle

In less than 24 hours you will force your metabolism to burn your stubborn body fat FASTER and EASIER than you've ever imagined... all while ignoring almost every ridiculous fad diet 'rule' or 'strategy'

Intermittent Diet is fasting for weight loss done properly. This means with Intermittent Diet you will lose weight, quicker and easier than ever before, and almost all of that weight will come from your body fat!

Intermittent Diet is the ultimate carb cycling diet. It's also the ultimate protein cycling, calorie cycling, fat cycling, sodium cycling diet you will ever try. Here are some of the great benefits that Intermittent Diet can offer you:

  • Stop Stressing About Food - Eating every three hours, cycling your protein and your carbs, measuring your glycemic index…any of these things are NOT needed for solid long lasting weight loss. With Intermittent Diet, you can forget about all of these obsessive compulsive eating habits.
  • Continue to Eat Your Favorite Meals - Forget about eating canned tuna and low fat cottage cheese for days on end. Intermittent Diet was designed to work in the real world, so that people can eat their favorite foods.
  • Burn Fat Effortlessly - Many different diet plans
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Category: Diet

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Title: Ten Reasons to Start Your Paleo Lifestyle TODAY!
Author: Brett Fairall

Eat the Way Your Body was Meant For... and FINALLY Enjoy Your Best Health Ever!

PLUS... Get Incredible Mental Focus and Add Years to Your Life!

If You're Ready to FINALLY Get Vibrant Health, Incredible Energy, and Laser-Sharp Mental Focus... You Owe it to Yourself to Get "10 Reasons to Start Your Paleo Lifestyle Today!"

You're getting an information-packed 62-page ebook loaded with strategies and resources you can start using today to eat for optimal health, energy, and longevity. Here's just a small sample of what you'll discover inside "10 Reasons to Start Your Paleo Lifestyle Today"...

  • You'll discover exactly how the Paleo lifestyle works, so that you'll be motivated to adopt this health-boosting lifestyle as quickly as possible!
  • You'll find out the 10 biggest health benefits of the Paleo lifestyle, and how these benefits can tremendously improve your life!
  • You'll get the scientific proof behind the Paleo lifestyle's incredible effectiveness... perfect for when friends and family members approach you with misinformation about this lifestyle!
  • You'll find out which of your favorite celebrities are rocking their health and vitality with the Paleo lifestyle
  • You'll learn why the Paleo lifestyle is so effective for weight loss... and far better than the most popular diets on the market today!
  • PLUS... as an exclusive bonus, you're getting a section containing 11 mouthwatering, easy... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Diet

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Title: 4 Week Diet

Read on to Discover The Latest Research And Scientific Breakthroughs Which Change The Face Of Dieting Forever. I’ll Expose The Lies That You’re Being Told And Provide You With A Simple And Effective Solution…

...A 4 Week Diet Which Could Be The Easiest Way To Lose 10-20-30+ Pounds Of Body Fat In Just 4 Weeks That You’ve Ever Tried!"

So Please Let Me Tell You All About My New 4 Week Diet...

To fully cover everything that you need to know to be able to lose weight at the fastest possible rate in just 4 weeks from now, for a party, special event, wedding or any celebration I have written it all in to 3 easy to follow, clearly written manuals...

Inside you’ll discover...

  • How to set specific goals geared towards YOU that motivate and inspire you to succeed
  • A range of preparations you need to make before you start any diet, that virtually guarantee your success and without doing these things, you’re almost sabotaging your chances of having the body of your dreams
  • Why doing this one thing every day takes you from ‘dreamer’ to ‘doer’. At last you’ll have the drive to go on to take real control of your weight.
  • A range of little known mind programming techniques that you can use to conquer cravings and comfort eating once and for all. Once you master these techniques, you’ll never be at the mercy of your emotions
... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Diet, Weight Loss

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Title: Labels Demystified

"Learn the dirty tricks making you fat and how you can outsmart "Big Food" resulting in faster fat-loss than ever before."

When you get your hands on this new guide you will know exactly what your eating. You will make educated food choices that will result in easy and sometimes very dramatic fat loss.

After years of incorrect food choices your body's ability to burn fat comes to a grinding halt and no matter what diet you attempt; it either doesn't work or the lost weight quickly piles back on again.

Here's what you're going to learn in "Labels Demystified":

  • Fat burning nutrients! We list the nutrients you SHOULD see on nutrition labels. Aim to consume these special nutrients every day to detox your gut resulting in fat loss from day one.
  • The dirty "serving size" trick that results in 80% of Americans overeating without knowing. With some simple maths you can work out how much you should really be eating plus how to calculate your ideal intake for lighting fast fat loss.
  • When Zero Trans fat doesn't mean Zero and how this hidden fat is poisoning you from the inside out.
  • Fat promoting food additives you should avoid right now! Check your products against our list!
  • How to compare 2 food products using the calculator on your phone to select the best one for fat loss. This special trick never fails!
  • Plus many more tips that will result in dramatic fat loss will notice in just 48 hours... Click here to read the full description!

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