Diet ebooks

The 80-20 Diet
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(priced for $3.00 or less).
Title: The 80-20 Diet
We all want to stay fit. We all want a healthy body. We all want to feel proud of ourselves when someone compliments us about our good shape. We all want to lose our extra fat, bring down our weight and do everything that we wanted to do for years - LOOK GOOD.
There are gazillion methods of weight loss that are being taught but some way or the other, nothing seems to work out for some people. If you're anything like me, you've probably tried all kinds of exercises like aerobics, strength training etc. and dieting with all types of plans that literally make you feel like you are STARVING to death but still don't help you lose weight.
What's wrong with those exercises and diet plans? What are we doing wrong here? The problem is that we are putting in the effort, but we are not directing it at the right place.
Vilfredo Pareto was a French-Italian sociologist, economist and philosopher who was born on July 15, 1848. He is famous for describing an interesting principle which you might have heard about. It is called the Pareto Principle and it states that:
80% of your results come from 20% of your efforts
He had originally noticed how 80% of the income in Italy went to just 20% of the population; but his principle has been found to have application in many other fields as well.
If you apply this principle to weight loss, it necessitates doing only those things which will give
Ebook Type: PDF

Sports Nutrition Secrets Uncovered
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(priced for $9.95 or less).
Title: Sports Nutrition Secrets Uncovered
If you're wanting to discover what the #1 key is to sports nutrition...
Then this may be the most important letter you'll ever read!
You're About To Uncover What The #1 Key Is To Sports Nutrition And Exactly What Sports Nutrition Is And How It Can Help You, No Matter How Much Time You Have Had To Prepare!
It doesn't matter if you've never experienced sports nutrition up close and personal, This manual will tell you everything you need to know, without spending too much brainpower!
Dear Friend,
Are you planning on starting to become a better athlete right now or in the near future? If so, pay attention!
There's finally a new, breakthrough ebook created just for people like you!
And, if you really want to have the most beautiful, lean and healthy body that will bring a smile to your face, then this ebook is definitely for YOU!
I myself have been a dietician for 10 years, but it wasn't easy my first two times! I mean, information on this is pretty hard to come across. Especially the kind of information I wanted to know more about. To be quite honest with you, I got tired of looking and searching all over the place, so I decided to create the definitive ebook on sports nutrition!
This Isn't Like Any Other General or Generic Ebook On Sports Nutrition You Can Find In Any Store..
...On... Click here to read the full description!
Ebook Type: PDF

Fad Free!
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(priced for $4.95 or less).
Title: Fad Free!
Fad Free, Healthy Eating Without the Hype
Are you tired of all the fad diets out there? It's hard to know anymore what is good to eat and what isn't!
Discover How to Eat Healthy, Without The Hype! Fad Free!
Dear Friend,
If you're anything like me, it's hard to know just what to eat nowadays. One day, meat only is the thing to eat, and the next day, it's okay to eat breads and pasta. What's the deal with that? I am so fed up with trying to get fed properly!
We all want and HAVE to eat. But knowing what to eat is a daunting task, especially with all the hype and fads out there today. If you want a comprehensive manual that will cut through all the diet promotions and gurus, I've got a welcome treat for you!
Fad Free! Healthy Eating Without the Hype!
What's Inside?
Fad Free! Healthy Eating Without the Hype! is a comprehensive manual on how to balance the food you eat to keep your body in great health. Presented in an easy to read format, you'll discover how to...
- The healthiest foods you can eat.
- Become a healthy eater.
- Read nutrition labels.
- Help your children make healthy food choices
- Practice healthy eating at restaurants, on vacation, and during holidays.
And so much more!
Don't... Click here to read the full description!
Ebook Type: PDF

Glycemic 101
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(priced for $3.95 or less).
Title: Glycemic 101
All of the work and organization has been done for you...
How To Effortlessly Control Your Glycemic Index For the Rest of Your Life!
Dear Friend,
Are you tired of working so hard to diet and not losing any weight? How about your health? Are you as healthy as you would like to be? Or, do you feel that "spring in your step" is gone forever?
The Glycemic Index Can Be the Answer
You have probably heard about the Glycemic Index. It is touted in advertisements for many diet companies, but in this manual, you will have all of the information at your fingertips to discover how to easily use and follow the guidelines of the Glycemic Index for the rest of your life.
Effortlessly Control Your Glycemic Index For the Rest of Your Life!
Has it always seemed fishy to you that the entire diet industry has vilified an entire category of food, namely carbohydrates, which have always been the basis of the food pyramid that we learned about in school? You are not alone. Many scientists and nutritionists decided to put this claim to the test and what was discovered may astound you. Not only are there good carbohydrates, but these are foods that your body should not live without.
We are becoming a people who are starving our bodies of the nutrients and wholesome foods that it needs while at the same time becoming a civilization that is
Ebook Type: PDF

Insider Nutrition Secrets
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(priced for $7.00 or less).
Title: Insider Nutrition Secrets
"Secrets To Living Longer And Healthier Revealed By Nutrition Scientist!"
Insider Nutrition Secrets
Have you ever wondered what it might be like to find the long lost Fountain of Youth?
We can't promise you that, but we can give you a close second.
Starting today, discover the facts about what your body really needs to survive longer and healthier.
Learn "insider information" from a former food and drug expert.
Discover how a "new" food or drug is developed from the beginning until it finally reaches your grocers shelves.
Dear Friend,
Tear down the curtain of mystery that surrounds fad diets. "Insider Nutrition Secrets" will de-mystify and reveal the answers you need before you start wondering where you are going to store all those "special meals" that cost an arm and a leg.
Healthy eating is much more than just dieting. Take a look at what the Surgeon General has to say:
Did you know?
- Although heart disease and stroke are often thought to affect men and older people primarily, it is also a major killer of women and people in the prime of life.
- About 950,000 Americans die of cardiovascular disease each year, which amounts to one death every 33 seconds.
- About 61 million Americans (almost one-fourth of the
Ebook Type: PDF

Good Carb Diet Overview
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(priced for $3.00 or less).
Title: Good Carb Diet Overview
Good Carb Diet Overview
. . . PLUS . . .
Over 350 Recipes
- Herbed Yogurt Cheese
- Marinated Yogurt Cheese
- Mediterranean Grilled Vegetable Soup
- Roasted Tomato Soup
- Baked Halibut with Salsa Verde
- Cumin-Crusted Sea Bass
- Fillet of Sole with Spinach & Tomatoes
- Mediterranean Roasted Fish
- Mustard-Crusted Salmon
- Pan-Grilled Salmon Fillets with Tomato & Tarragon
- Ratatouille of Roasted Vegetables
- Scampi with Broccoli
- Spicy Halibut with Tomatoes & Olives
- Swordfish Kebabs
- Tuna & Artichoke Salad
- Tuna & Tomatoes Provençale
- Warm Salad of Thyme-Crusted Tuna & Arugula
- Asparagus Tips
- Braised Green Beans & Tomatoes
- Broccoli with Caramelized Shallots
- Grilled Red Onions
- Asparagus
- Eggplant
- Fennel
- Shallots
- Sautéed Cherry Tomatoes with Chives
- Savoy Cabbage with Peppers
- Sesame Green Beans
- Sicilian-Style Broccoli
- Wilted Greens with Garlic
- Wilted Spinach
- Halibut with Herbs & Capers
- Chicken Braised with Lemon, Fennel & Black Olives
- Chicken Cutlets... Click here to read the full description!
Ebook Type: PDF

Reviewed by Maged Awad on 2015-09-27
My Rate 5
World-Famous TV Lady Doctor comes forth and blows the lid off the conspiracy to keep you unhealthy, fat & just plain sick
Reviewed by Maged Awad on 2015-08-27
My Rate 5
Be strong enough to face the world each day.
from at Fat Loss Secret
Reviewed by Maged Awad on 2015-08-26
My Rate 5
this book is very weight loss
the very import your life
Read all 12 reviews...
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Title: Fat Loss Secret
Author: Dr. Suzanne Gudakunst
World-Famous TV Lady Doctor comes forth and blows the lid off the conspiracy to keep you unhealthy, fat & just plain sick...
"The Reason You Can't Lose Weight has Nothing to Do With Your Will-Power, Over-Eating or the Right Diet! ... The Reason You are Fat and Unhealthy is Because You Have Disgusting Plaque and Horrible Little 'CRITTERS' Living in Your Guts!"
"...And Now I'm Going to Show You How to Get Rid of All of It so You Can Shed 10 lbs, 25 lbs, 50 lbs even 100 lbs or more - and Keep It Off FOREVER!!"
I already know exactly what responses you'll get from them:
- "There are more fatty foods out there today." (And you know this is a load of crap because $100 millions of dollars are being spent on the manufacture of so-called healthy foods today than ever before - yet a
- "The answer is far more complicated than the question." (Not really, what are you hiding, doc?)
- "She [me] is only interested in selling you her diet book." (I'm really just trying to save your life!)
- "People have no self-control." (If this were true humans would have died off ages ago due to eating themselves to death - and many doctors rely on this answer above most of the others! Ridiculous!!)
- "It's not an easy thing to answer." (Yes it is - just say it, doc!)
WHOPPING 68% of most people living in North America alone are considered OBESE! - And even other nations are starting to see the
... Click here to read the full description!Rating: (2.91 after 12 votes)

Reviewed by redone111 on 2016-04-18
My Rate 5
I find this ebook so good and have good new and important informations
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Title: The Alkaline Diet Course
Author: Emma Deangela
"The Alkaline Diet That Helps You Achieve Peak Performance, Regain Acid Alkaline Balance, Lose Weight Naturally, and Make Your Health Problems Vanish... REVEALED!"
Health & Dieting Researcher, Bestselling Author, and Former Digestive Disorder Patient Shares Her Journey To A Better Quality Of Your Life...
Introducing The Course That Helps The Alkaline Diet "Doable" For People Across The World
In just minutes from now, you'll discover...
- The disturbing connection between an unbalanced body and digestive disorder; and what you can do to bring your body back into balance quickly.
- How to fully absorb the nutrients and vitamins of the fruits so that your energy level can boost to the maximum every time you eat fruits.
- How an acid-alkaline imbalance leads to the development of illnesses and diseases - and be free of this.
- A simple and shockingly easy food combination technique that can eliminate the surface symptoms of digestive disorders and acid reflux.
- The secret breathing methodology that will start the healing process, flush the blood toxins out, and help your body functions to work efficiently.
- How most people eat fruits the wrong way,... Click here to read the full description!
Ebook Type: PDFVideo Included,
Rating: (5 after 1 votes)

Reviewed by redone111 on 2016-04-20
My Rate 5
this si so good ebook and have great tips and good info to succes in weightloss
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Title: The Fat Burning Fingerprint Diet
"How A Woman In Her 40's Discovers Her Fat Burning Fingerprint And Mysteriously Drops 61 lbs."
Gary's certified bestseller, The Fat Burning Fingerprint Diet is the exact system you need if you want the TRUTH about Blasting Fat off your body in just 3 Short Weeks.
This diet is the Best Fat Burning Diet Plan I've ever used, because it allows you to eat all your favorite foods and still get the body of your dreams.
Even If You Have:
- A Stressful Job That Limits Your Time
- A Crazy-Busy Lifestyle
- Crazy Food Cravings
- You Just "Look at Food and Gain Weight"
- Obesity in Your Immediate Family
EVEN IF you feel as if you've tried absolutely everything!
Believe me, I actually thought I suffered from all of these...
Believe me, when I say Gary wants nothing more than to see you showing everyone around you how quickly and easily his system really works. That's the whole reason Gary asked me to be here to tell you my story today!
After working with him so closely on this, I'm more convinced than ever that the passion, knowledge, and authenticity that Gary pours into his work are what truly make The Fat Burning Fingerprint Diet the REAL DEAL A proven formula that actually WORKS anyone for anyone 30, 40, and even 50 years old and beyond... no matter what shape they are currently in. So, if you're
... Click here to read the full description!Rating: (5 after 1 votes)
Title: Alkaline Diet
Author: Michael Murray
"It Seems Incredible That Alkaline Foods Can Get You These Results - With So Little Effort!"
Discover How You CAN Do It Quickly, Easily, And In The Comfort Of Your Own Home...
An alkaline diet is the only thing I have found after months of research and years of personal experience that:
- With a little bit of planning, made eating on the road hassle-free
- Stopped me from starving myself again
- Made picking the right foods in the restaurant a snap
- Made many of my aches and pains disappear over time
- Kept me energized and motivated to keep me going
- If I can do it, anybody can do it!*
- Helped me quickly regain my energy within days
- Helped me lose 20 pounds in one month
- Helped me avoid the nasty side effects of other diets like the Atkins Diet
- Hasn't given me any negative side effects after three whole years on it
- Enabled me to keep the weight off permanently as long as I stay true to it
Alkaline foods and an alkaline diet can help you feel incredibly healthy again...
Here's a sample of what you'll learn...
- What to buy at the supermarket, and how to prepare alkaline foods quickly and easily
- What non-alkaline foods to avoid at all costs
- What food pH means, and how to use it to get better results
- What alkaline foods you should eat all the time
- How you can lose... Click here to read the full description!
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