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Title: Financial Corruption and Crime
Author: Sam Vaknin
Essays about official nd unofficial corruption, the "black" economy, money laundering, crime, and international finance - with emphases on scams, the ploys of venal politicians the world over, asset bubbles, and tax evasion.
Reviewed by Luningning on 2017-08-31
My Rate 3
this book is interesting good job ebook very clean information,,,,,,
Reviewed by Alex66 on 2015-08-22
My Rate 2
very good book you get pretty good information on exporting
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Title: The Exporter's Handbook
Author: Sam Vaknin
It is difficult to export post the September 11 attacks. Stringent security and port inspections, strict money laundering regulations, and other hindrances crop daily.
A tutorial for export transactions - from financing to shipping, INCOTERMS and contracts.
Rating: (2.5 after 2 votes)
Title: Small Business Manual
Author: Sam Vaknin
Issues in owning and managing a small business - the Small Business Afministration, bureaucracy, taxation, financing and banking, credit card chargebacks, and other issues facing the undercapitalized, inexperienced, small entrepreneur in countries in transition and developing countries.
Title: The Suffering of Being Kafka
Author: Sam Vaknin
A second volume of short stories and poetry in English and Hebrew - stories about family, love, childhood, abuse, healing, incraceration, gambling, or life in the fringes of society and at its center.
Reviewed by Luningning on 2017-08-31
My Rate 5
nice book you can have good information from this book ,,i like this kind of book
Reviewed by redone111 on 2015-11-13
My Rate 5
i find this book good and rich of information really i like it
Reviewed by John Woodcox on 2010-12-16
My Rate 5
it looks good
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Title: Links and Factoids
Author: Sam Vaknin
Anthology of fascinating historical and scientific facts and links to relevant Web sources - history, literature, biology, art, physics, curiosities, and links to online resources, full text, and accessible.
Rating: (5 after 3 votes)

Reviewed by Luningning on 2017-08-31
My Rate 5
wow i really like this book i can learn from this book and i can budget my money for this recipes,
Reviewed by Abhay Bhati on 2017-05-25
My Rate 4
very good book on great healthy and tasty recipes without gaining fat
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Title: Casual Appetizers and Easy Snacks for the Health Eater
Author: Simply Playful Fare, LLC, Crystal Sykes
This book has 23 easy to make and healthy recipes from Simply Playful Fare, LLC. From easy snacks, to healthy appetizers, to tasty snack mixes, to delightful desserts, this book has something for everyone! Cooking from scratch is fun, relaxing, and saves money at the grocery store! These recipes offer a practical approach to eating healthy while saving you money and teaching you how to cook. Recipes include Grilled Buffalo Wings, Vanilla Nut Mix, Turkey and Havarti Roll-ups, Dark Chocolate Banana Muffins, Teriyaki Ginger Wasabi Nut Mix, Homemade Pita Chips, Bruschetta, Chicken Quesadillas with Peanut Sauce, Lettuce Wraps, Stuffed Mushrooms, Buffalo Chicken Meatballs, Homemade Pimento Cheese, Strawberry Balsamic Pecan Clusters with Black Pepper, Asian Style Nut Mix, Festive Christmas Nut Mix with nutmeg and other spices, Pantry Granola, Pistachio Peanut Butter Energy Bites, Peanut Butter and Chocolate fruit and nut bars, Raspberry Muffins, Cranberry Granola, and a few more amazing and easy recipes are included!
Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (4.5 after 2 votes)

Reviewed by Luningning on 2017-09-01
My Rate 5
i wanna try this. i really like the idea of this book i dont need to worry about loosing my fat belly,,
Reviewed by Satish on 2016-03-14
My Rate 5
Obesity is the mother of all problems. And weight loss industry is expanding leaps and bounds. People are craving for different methods in getting their weight reduced. Majorly several victims are wasting money by not choosing proper weight loss methodologies.
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Title: Intermittent Fasting and Weight Loss
Author: Mike McCloy
Intermittent fasting is quickly becoming the most discussed weight loss concept in the weight loss industry today. Like a lot of other breakout diets, intermittent fasting (IF) is spreading very rapidly. A huge difference to most of the other diets though is that IF is gaining ground regardless of the fact that the practice challenges many long-held beliefs about nutrition. In fact, incorporating IF as a lifestyle forces you to eat much differently to those assumptions. The major difference in eating habits, along with excellent testimonials is what's creating the vast popularity.
Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (5 after 2 votes)

Reviewed by Earn Bitcoin Tricks on 2017-09-11
My Rate 5
Very informative, easy to understand step by step explanation, looking forward to get better results on my site after reading this ebook
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Title: Finding Niche Keywords
Author: john lowry
Finally, a clear step-by-step approach to finding valuable niche keywords, so important to getting websites found by search engines. I've even included flow charts to enhance clarity. Use the steps in this report to take the guesswork out finding niche keywords that bring more eyes to your site. Includes discussion of search engine optimization, keyword discovery tools, and the importance of using niche keywords. Flow charts take the reader step by step through the process from basic subject area to selecting keywords that help websites get noticed in Google and other search engines.
Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (5 after 1 votes)
Title: The book to life
Author: Sim Bonnet
It’s natural solution and cure, without contraindications, which are just words written on white paper.
My words... Your words... Our words...
Knowing how to identify your needs and learning how to satisfy yourself is the one greatest keys to happiness, success, victory, good health...
You will find here the tools to obtain this.
I made long journeys in my being and I discovered that...
...Finally, find you yourself, the important here is you !
Ebook Type: PDF

Reviewed by Adam Stanton on 2018-12-12
My Rate 5
I was really bad at writing anything. I used to have my essays done by this qualitative essay service https://familyessay. org/ , but after I discovered this book, I started writing essays very often by myself.
Reviewed by Luningning on 2017-09-01
My Rate 3
this is good guide,for all of us, step-by-step writing instructions for everyone,its very helpfull,
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Title: Essaymama's Essay Writing Guide
Description: presents you the 'Ultimate Essay Writing Guide' that will help students become a better writers and improve their writing skills. This guide aims to help you improve your writing skills and get better grades. Becoming a better writer it is not easy. It takes a lot of labor and determination. Besides that, today's academic load is very heavy - sometimes you have to submit several writing assignments in a single day! That's why you should know how to write essays quickly.
Our guide is a step-by-step writing instructions for everyone - students, tutors, teachers. The main advantage of our guide is that it is written by teachers and adapted for students of any level - from beginner to advanced. Here you can find all the necessary information about how to write an essay, how to proofread your piece of work, know more about styling and planning, topic selection, material and content.
We can guarantee that with our free guide your essay writing will become much more easier! Enjoy!
If you want to have
Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (4 after 2 votes)
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