Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.
Percy Bysshe Shelley

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Category: Nonfiction, Religion, Self Help

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Title: Confrontation

This book, Confrontation, ventures into the gruelling temptation of Jesus who faced off Satan in a lonely desert, over the course of forty days. The fate of the world hung in the balance. Weakened and emaciated by days of fasting, He faced the most enticing sophistries but met each seductive argument with the words from Scripture, "It is written...." Confrontation explains the secret to Jesus' victory in the wilderness of temptation and how it can be yours today. At some point in life, we must confront our worst enemy, we must face our keenest temptations. This text provides spiritual strength and courage to overcome in your own struggles with self, lust, and the pride of life. Satan who was once an honoured angel in heaven had been ambitious for the more exalted honours which God had bestowed upon His Son. He became envious of Christ, and represented to the angels, who honoured him as covering cherub, that he had not the honour conferred on him which his position demanded. He asserted that he should be exalted equal in honour with Christ ... After he and his angels were expelled from heaven, he was more successful in his objective to precipitate the fall of man in the garden of Eden through Adam and Eve. However, in the desolate wilderness, Christ was not in so favourable a position to endure the temptations of Satan as was the first parents. Yet, Jesus humbled himself and took man's nature... Christ in the wilderness, stood in Adam's place to bear the test he failed to

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Category: Business, Education, Finance

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Reviewed by Chello on 2017-08-26
My Rate 5
Omnom, you really need to try these! If you like bananas this is the book for you to try out some great recipes you can indulge!

Reviewed by Luningning on 2017-08-26
My Rate 4
This is best idea that i read so far,,good idea to earn some money,,

Reviewed by Albert Isaac on 2016-05-31
My Rate 5
this book is the best book on wealth i have ever read.

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Title: The Wealth Code
Author: Winter & Alvin

Wealth, have you determined to understand what this means?

If your idea of wealth is based only on material possessions that can be taken from you at any time, you will never know wealth. Material possessions feed a mindset of poverty. Wealth is to be factored in the things you preserve in life rather than those things you expend. 

Wealth is health and fitness when before there was sickness or poor physical aptitude. 

You must read this FREE eBook! The knowledge in this eBook will eliminate second guessing and missed goals. Secrets to wealth await YOU!

But, how can wealth be unlocked for you when so many desire it? Surely it must be an impossible mission, you say!

"An average person cannot gain wealth"... is the belief you have held your entire life. Still, what if you were to see how another 'average person' endured a literal rags lifestyle to seize upon the very secrets uncovered in this report?

How bad do you want to be rich?

There is no way to get rich easily. No one ever became rich "accidently."

No one ever suddenly woke up the next day after deciding to become rich literally swimming in money.

Similarly, no one has ever become a millionaire or a billionaire from claiming they had a "great idea."

You could have a great ideea but if you're not desperate enough, if you're not determined enough, if you're not hungry enough to

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Rating: (4.25 after 4 votes)
Category: Entertainment, Nonfiction

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Title: The Mismade Bill: Cash In with This Classic Magic Trick
Author: Joe Libby

The mismade dollar bill is a true classic of close-up and platform magic.

The usual way of performing the trick is to borrow a dollar bill, magically turn it inside out, restore it, and return the restored bill. But this seems a bit anticlimactic.

Thanks to new innovations, the effect can now be improved and have more magical impact!

Imagine giving the mismade bill to the person who loaned it as a souvenir (an impossible object, at that). They will almost certainly keep the bill forever and show it to everybody they know!

Imagine making extra money every time you do the trick! This can happen even when you are being paid by the venue that booked you.

It's certainly possible.

In the new ebook The Mismade Bill: Cash In with This Classic Magic Trick, author and entertainer Joe Libby explains how to do these. But that's not all.

You'll find out about a secret source for the special dollar bills.

You'll find out how to get the bills at better-than-retail price.

And more!

Get your free copy of the ebook today so that you can begin wowing your audiences with the up-to-date version of the mismade dollar bill trick.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Weight Loss

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Title: Old School New Body's 10 Ultimate Body Transformation Secrets
Author: Steve Holman, Becky Holman

This ebook was written to help you achieve a lean, healthy muscular body, a more youthful appearance and a happier, sexier disposition with sensible tips and strategies.

So many people want and need a physical makeover—a total-body transformation. And so many people have made resolutions to make it happen. But the usual result is that they fall flat, some after only a few weeks!

  • Is it lack of motivation?
  • Why is it so difficult for so many?
  • Is it weak will-power or lack of discipline?

Those can contribute, but the real culprit is misinformation. People just don't know the fastest methods, or tactics, if you will, to make their body-transformation efforts a rousing success—and that's a darned shame!

We're convinced that if more people exercised correctly - it doesn't take as much as you think - and ate right most of the time, our health-care and obesity crisis in this country would be nonexistent. In fact, many doctors would have to get part-time jobs because there wouldn't be enough business.

But we're getting ahead of ourselves.
Let's get to the "secrets" that can get you healthier and in fantastic shape, tips you can use to literally transform yourself!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Cooking, Food

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Reviewed by Lyudmila on 2018-03-23
My Rate 5
Very easy soup recipes. The ingredients are very simple and easy to find in any grocery store. Very useful book.

Reviewed by Luningning on 2017-08-27
My Rate 5
this book its very usefull the gluten soup recipes im gonna try today ,,thank you for this information,ebook

Reviewed by Luningning on 2017-08-27
My Rate 5
this is nice book,,i find this book very helpfull thank you ebook your the best

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Title: Eight Basic Gluten-Free Soups
Author: KN Schultz

Soup stands as one of the foundations of cooking, if not probably the most important. Easy to make and versatile, it can be crafted by novice or master with a few easy steps with little resources.

However, most people buy their favorite concoctions rather than cook their own. It can be found anywhere in the world. Aisles in markets are filled with hundreds of canned selections ready to be warmed and eaten. Restaurants covet secret recipes and serve daily by the cup or the bowl or the tub.

But the true joy of soup, broth, or stew resides in boiling your delicacy. Fresh, it lacks the preservatives and fillers often found in commerically processed cans to be a healthy and hearty means to fill ones stomach and gain nutrition.

And when you must live gluten-free, the task of creating a soup becomes more difficult as most thickening agents and noodles are gluten based.

But there is hope, soup is intuitively gluten-free. Using the basics of boiling and reducing, vegetables can do all the work of gluten.

Here are a handful of recipes I use in my gluten-free lifestyle. Hopefully, they will inspire.



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Rating: (5 after 4 votes)
Category: Adventure, Science Fiction, Mystery

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Title: From Here to Forever
Author: Ellen G. White
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Category: Spirituality, Adventure, Mystery

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Title: The Great Controversy (Revised)

The Great Controversy as a historical drama covers the Reformation, Enlightenment and Awakening, culminating in modernity. All humanity is embattled in the conflict between good and evil, regarding God's identity, character and sovereignty. Originating in heaven with Lucifer, who in self-exalting pride became Satan, this chief Adversary deceived the angels, introducing the spirit of rebellion. This fall from grace provoked the disorder of creation and the perversion of man's nature. To many, the roots of evil are a source of great perplexity. They question how it can exist under One who is infinite in wisdom, power and love. However, the greatest delusion comes with the Antichrist. Packed with riveting and ennobling biographies, this text equips all to combat the counterfeit and stand fast for truth. With shocking developments that will stir the mind and awaken the embers of the soul, The Great Controversy gives a panoramic insight into the invisible world and unlocks the mystery of good and evil. 

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Category: Action, Adventure, Science Fiction

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Title: The Great Controversy (Original)
Author: Ellen G. White

The Great Controversy traces from ancient times the great conflict between good and evil and its universal compass. This book succinctly responds to questions of infinite love, human nature, generational curses and life's journey. Taking the reader behind the curtain to unearth the mysteries of the past that even prefigure the future. It probes into the characters of men and women birthed in bleak circumstances, embroiled in boiling and bloody disputes and tried in arduous crucibles through which are revaled tragic flaws and worthy virtues. Time and again, supernatural intervention dynamically shapes their courses while their choices, for better or for worse, make an ineffaceable impress on their offspring and societies. It distintuishes persons in expectation of a future hope and tenaciously embracing life-changing promises. The identity and character of God has been in much doubt since the beginning of time. Who is Lucifer, the archenemy, who has spent millenia warring against God and men? In this book, the great conflict is shown in the progress of the centuries, in which are evidenced the subtle attacks in our enlightened time. The reader would catch a clearer understanding of eternal issues at stake, the truth about heaven and hell and the great forever. 

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Finance, Education, Investing

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Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-10-20
My Rate 5
I like this book the stock market basics as it tells the basics of the stock market in simple and easy way for the beginners . I will give 5stars to this book.

Reviewed by Rony Cooper on 2018-01-10
My Rate 4
I am a newcomer to the finance line and was too curious to know the stock market and share market and was searching for a book just like this, which has all the basics of stock market and after reading this I can say one thing for sure, this is the best book for understanding the basics of stock market

Reviewed by Luningning on 2017-08-28
My Rate 5
very good ebook ,,this is very helpfull speacially for the begginer, thank you ebook

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Title: Stock Market Basics - An easy and simple guide for beginners
Author: DreamGains Financials India PVT LTD

This guide offered by Dreamgains Financials India PVT LTD, is helpful for those who want to learn stock market from base. This comprehensive ebook contains fundamentals of stock market, how Indian Stock market works, how to invest in the Indian Stock market, important tips, guideline and more. Each every topic in the book is explained in simple but effective manner. Along with description ebook has illustrative images, info-graphics and more to help readers understand the concepts better. Examples with scenarios also have been introduced in the book wherever it is necessary. Over all the ebook covers all crucial basic concepts of stock market which helps any interested lad to kickstart his journey in share market. Though the stuff in book is mainly focused on newbies, it could be helpful for experienced also as it contains indepth discussion on unique topics like Stop loss, targets etc. Book is written and edited by experts with more than 5 years of experience in the Industry.


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Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (4.5 after 6 votes)
Category: Education

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Title: English Verb Tenses in Urdu
Author: Sajid Hussain

After having some commonly used words, You need to make sentences by those words. Any sentence deals with one of twelve tenses. We can say that verb tenses are back-boon ov learning Engish language. if you want to be fluent in English, you will understand rules to make the tenses. This book let you learn these entire rules step by step in details. learn how make sentecnes in each tenses. Learn how to make,; 

  • Declarative 
  • Negative and 
  • Interrogative 

sentences and which verb and helping verb is used in which tense. Learn four forms of verb and learn rules of adding "s" or "s" to present form of verb and learn the rules of adding "ing" to make a present participle form of verb used for continuous tense. this book will increase your,; 

  • Writing
  • Speaking and 
  • Listing 

abilities. This book has been written with expectations, needs and wants of students in mind. This books has been written in English and translated in Urdu Langauge. It meaks that this book is useful for both Urdu and English readers. I hope you will find this book very useful nad helpful.

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