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Reviewed by Rob Helfer on 2019-12-26
My Rate 4
I am a Drug & Alcohol Counselor in a Prison Treatment Center and use it as part of my treatment and am seeing results
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Title: The Healing Scriptures Workbook for Depression
Author: Marlene Taylor
This is a 21 day, faith based, writing program for those who suffer from stress, anxiety or depression. It is a healing tool using scripture from the word of God. If you're suffering from depression, stress or anxiety please see a medical doctor. This writing program was created to help you focus your mind on praising God through Christ Jesus. The author, Marlene Taylor, suffered from clinical depression and through prayer was led to do this writing program herself. It helped her to refocus her mind on the blessings of God as opposed to the history of abuse that dwelled constantly in her mind.
The writing process was a large part of her healing. Forgiveness, trusting God and letting go of the past was pivotal in ushering in peace and joy for her. She was taken off depression medications and began enjoying a new found happiness and peace in Christ Jesus. Marlene Taylor holds a ceritifcation as a Substance Abuse Counselor.
She a is also a member of NAMI National Allience on Mental Illness. She understands that sometimes people may need medication to help them and advises all to consult with a doctor if symptoms of depression, stress and anxiety are present. She is not a medical doctor and can not give medical advice. But by faith, she would encourage you to use this scripture writing tool as additional help, on your way to recovery.
All scriptures are taken from the KGV Bible which is in the public domain. You can visit Marlene Taylor's wesite
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Rating: (4 after 1 votes)
Title: Dose
Author: Olakunle Agboola
The idea of this book came from sharing inspirational quotes with friends on my BlackBerry contact everyday. This was encouraging while I extended it to other social media platforms such as 2go, twitter, facebook, stage32, The Circle TV Channel, Goggle+,intagram and my private website. I share Dose with more than five thousand people every day.
Dose has blessed many lives and that is why it is put together as a book to make your library. "160 Ways of Developing The Greater You" will brace you up by clearing the clutter of old belief system and outmode your thinking department which will produce a whole new sense of freedom and clarity.
Your inner changes begin to find their reflection in the ordering of the outer sphere which will open great ideas and higher perspectives of thinking. You begins to define yourself by your potential and do away with that which no longer serves you.
"Dose" is a reminder of why you are here and the choice is yours now to read and gain a new ground of knowledge. You are the one you have been waiting for.
Ebook Type: PDF
Reviewed by Satish on 2016-03-15
My Rate 4
As somebody mentioned it is not important how much money you make what is important is how much money you save. This decides the success of an individual in financial perspective. Many youngsters not aware of nuances of debt management fail to manage their high interest paying debts for instance credit cards thus ending up in a financial mess. This book Managing Your Debt is a starters guide for those in employment, business or service who needs to manage their cash inflows and outflow.
Reviewed by Satish on 2016-03-15
My Rate 5
As somebody mentioned it is not important how much money you make what is important is how much money you save. This decides the success of an individual in financial perspective. Many youngsters not aware of nuances of debt management fail to manage their high interest paying debts for instance credit cards thus ending up in a financial mess. This book Managing Your Debt is a starters guide for those in employment, business or service who needs to manage their cash inflows and outflow.
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Title: Managing Your Debt
Author: Solution Loans
When life challenges us it can be easy to get into debt, sometimes these debts seems unmanageable and cause stress. Dealing with these debts and reducing the stress is vital. We have a guide to managing your debt inlucding advise of how to make a budget, how to prioritise your debts, why not to avoid your creditors and why it is important to be honest with them and yourself and you will also information about debt management plans.
If you are in debt or planning to take out a loan and are in fear of getting into debt and managing this, then this is the guide for you. You can manage your debt by understanding the options available to you or preparing in advance. The most important thing to do is be honest with yourself, knowing what you owe and to who is extemely important when coming up with a solid debt management plan.
Take control of your debt today by taking a read of this debt management guide, take the time to further investigate the options given in the guide to ensure you are choosing the right plan for you and the amount of debt you have.
Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (4.5 after 2 votes)

Reviewed by Satish on 2016-03-15
My Rate 4
Forex Trading, one of most important trading activities in global markets. Specifically, in developed nations like US, UK and European nations Forex Trading is the most predominant activity among trading community along commodity and equity derivative trading. Beginners Guide to Forex Trading is for sure a good one to start with for the freshers in the markets. A good launch pad.
Reviewed by Gasol on 2014-12-20
My Rate 3
Best book I have ever read!. It describes all the required information for a beginner trader
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Title: Beginners Guide to Forex Trading
Author: Kevin miole trades
Learn the effective Forex Trading strategies. Understand the dynamics of Forex trading. This guide is going to be helpful to you.
We are confident that if you read this book you'll learn more than anyone.
Expand you Trading knowledge with the proven principles about the Forex Market.
The Forex Market is open 24 hours 5 days a week. It o
For more trading in depth please visit
How can you make money in this market depends upon your knowledge.
With A deep understanding of the forex market you can earn money you ever dreamed of.
Learn the various aspects of the Forex trade
You'll learn how to deal with risk management.
This book explains all the forex buzz
Now is the time to act and get into the action.
Read this book and you'll learn a lot about the is and out of trading.
Dont jump into international trading without the required knowledge or else suffer the consequences.
Get in on Some of the Actions in the International currency exchange.
Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (3.5 after 2 votes)
Title: Crush Online Poker
Author: Karen Dubois
If you have read poker book after poker book and found that your game hasnt improved significantly, you are in for a real treat.
The "knowledge" consists of poker strategies that the poker gurus have tried to keep secret from you. I learnt the knowledge from my poker mentor, Artimus Paint.
When you learn any poker strategy, you must learn it in detail. You must know how you are going to play your hand from beginning to end.
The problem with most poker books is that they provide you with a lot of information. However, it is taught superficially and without detail. In other words, they teach you just enough to get you into trouble. It's a case of a little knowledge being a dangerous thing.
Online Poker Crusher is an introduction to the "knowledge". I start from the beginning. I will tell you where you can get step 2 of the knowledge. Poker is an easy game. However, the gurus have missed out an important link. Step 2 is the important link where everything will become clear. It will be your light bulb moment.
Your poker journey starts here with Online Poker Crusher!
Title: Building Your Online Presence For Success For Local Business
Author: eCommerce Business Solutions
Get The Inside Scoop On How Local Businesses Can Increase Their Sales Online. This 46 page ebook report valued at $39.95 reveals the steps you need to take to get your business online and to make it succeed by increasing your business profits. Do you know that approximately 68% of businesses online do not profit, because they just do not know what to do? Don't be one of them. Get this ebook report free today and you will be ahead of the rest.
Ebook Type: PDF
Title: THE Orgonite Gifting Book: Operation Paradise
Author: Georg Ritschl
This ebook is the record of Orgonise Africa's stunning orgone gifting work in Africa. After giving a historical overview of Orgone energy and Orgonite covering the early concepts of an all pervasive creative energy through Wilhelm Reich's pioneering work to the current orgonite gifting movement inspired by Don Croft, the ebook presents Orgonise Africa's expeditions and adventures up to 2007. It ends with very useful instrauctions for making your own orgonite, empowering the reader to become an orgone gifter as well! A must have for everone interested in natural healing and improving our environment energetically. Free download, also available as paperback via
Ebook Type: PDF
Title: Comparative Analysis of Original Wave and Filtered Wave of EEG signal Used in the Prognostic
Author: Md Belal Bin Heyat | Faijan Akhtar | Shadab Azad
The bruxism is a medical sleep syndrome it is the remedial span for crushing the tines and gritting the jowl. Human rarely chore their tines and jowl, slightly than crushing their teeth lacking it producing any signals. The symptoms of bruxism are arduousness in the jowl joint, breakable teeth, headache, earache and difficulty in open in mouth etc. The causes of bruxism are snooze sickness, pressure and nervousness. The REM is a rapid eye movement its a stages of sleep. The EEG signal are used in the measurement of neuron, the alpha, beta, gamma, theta and delta wave are used in the prognostic of bruxism syndrome. Its used in MATLAB coding by the six steps in prognostic in bruxism. Md Belal Bin Heyat | Faijan Akhtar | Shadab Azad "Comparative Analysis of Original Wave & Filtered Wave of EEG signal Used in the Prognostic of Bruxism medical Sleep syndrome" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-1 | Issue-1 , December 2016, URL:
Ebook Type: PDF

Reviewed by Teri King on 2017-03-12
My Rate 3
i would have given this book a higher rating if if it had more information. it is a good book for beginners.
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Title: Don't Eat Your Broccoli: The Shocking Truth
Author: Russell Eaton
This book explodes the widely held myth that cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, collard greens, kale and others are good for health. You will discover exactly why such vegetables are in reality a major cause of obesity, cancer, heart disease and other serious illnesses.
This is a comprehensive, fully referenced book that is up to date with the latest scientific research and makes vital reading for both health professionals and members of the public. Although this book may be offered free at certain times so as to spread the vital message of the book, don't let this mislead you as to its value.
Cruciferous vegetables can cause stunted body growth in children and cause a strong and harmful feminizing effect on the body that is bad for women and men. Cruciferous vegetables inhibit testosterone and slow down the thyroid, causing many health problems.
And last but not least, these vegetables affect the adrenal glands and are a major cause of obesity. It is well documented that an underactive thyroid affects the adrenal glands and is a major cause obesity, and cruciferous vegetables are a major cause of an underactive thyroid.
Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (3 after 1 votes)
Title: The Narcolepsy Coach Diet Ebook
Author: Peter Conley
The Narcolepsy Diet Ebook helps those with the sleeping disorder narcolepsy become more educated on nutrition and provides advice on what diets work best with narcolepsy. We touch upon the macronutrients and why it's important to count macros. Did you know that sugar isn't just in candy? Did you know that vegetables can be considered a carb?
On top of nutrition 101, we dive into intermittent fasting and how it can help improve your symptoms with narcolepsy. Digestion is such an energy-rich process. So the less taxing your consumption of food can be, the better.
We've experimented with dozens of diets. We came to the conclusion that there are three that work the best with this sleeping disorder. They would be:
- The Slow Carb Diet
- The Whole Foods Diet
- The Ketogenic Diet
In addition to consuming the right foods. You want to make sure you stay away from the wrong ones. There are two main substances you want to steer clear of. They would be sugar and caffeine.
Ebook Type: PDF
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