Knowledge is like money: the more he gets, the more he craves.
Josh Billings

Young Adult ebooks

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Category: Christian Books, Fantasy, Young Adult

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Title: Lunamae: A Tale of Orinda (Volume 2)
Author: April Sadowski

Muirenn is in charge of fostering her cousin Lunamae, who seems to have her life written out for her as the daughter of the Chief Dame of Feyris. When Lunamae falls in love with a prisoner and her aunt commands an arranged marriage, Muirenn is faced with the difficult task of steering Lunamae away and guiding her on her duties as marriage is the one thing that can bring peace to feuding clans. To complicate things even more, Lunamae's prisoner love is from the same country that was responsible for the death of her father.

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Ebook Type: ePUB
Category: Family, Fiction, Young Adult

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Title: Walking Tall
Author: Prince Bradford

They were born to different parents but for different reasons they were given the exact same name. One boy's parents ensured that he was always addressed by his proper name. The other boy was called Anancy and he went by that name throughout his lifetime. One child's parent were affluent and happily married while the other did not know his father and it was his older siblings that were responsible for his upbringing. It was on the first day of class in high school that they first met and each boy knew that he had to do better than the other. One boys life was structured and organized with the help of his parents. The other left for school in the dark and got home in the dark so he mastered the art of studying on the bus to and from school.One boy was good with figures and the other was good at the sciences. One boy was a Christian and while at university the other became a Christian and their became even more intertwined as both got involved in the work of the church. Then one boys parents learned that if they could learn the name of a man called Spider they would learn a big secret. Then the private detective told them that set of parents that maybe they were not lloking for a man nicknamed Spider but Anancy. They well well accustomed to a Dr Anancy by that time.

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