Science and art belong to the whole world, and before them vanish the barriers of nationality.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Travel ebooks

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Category: Manuals, Travel

Learn To Speak Dutch

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Title: Learn To Speak Dutch
Become An International Conversationalist!

Dear Online Friend ,

If you have ever thought it an impossibility to discover a second language, then I have some exciting news for you! With eLanguage Learning E-book Package, you will be able to discover not only a second language, but a third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth! And it won't take you years to begin speaking conversational sentences either.

Just how long will it take?

A Few Months?

A Few Weeks?

How About A Few Hours?!

Yes, you read right. A Few Hours. Each e-book in this unbelievable package gives you the power to discover what you like and for as long as you like. You set the rules. You are both the teacher and the student! But without all the exam cramming!

Please keep reading to find out what's inside this incredible, and brand new, foreign language toolkit including what types of things you can discover with it.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Manuals, Travel

Learning French

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Title: Learning French
3 Volume Set

Become An International Conversationalist!

Dear Online Friend ,

If you have ever thought it an impossibility to discover a second language, then I have some exciting news for you! With eLanguage Learning E-book Package, you will be able to discover not only a second language, but a third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth! And it won't take you years to begin speaking conversational sentences either.

Just how long will it take?

A Few Months?

A Few Weeks?

How About A Few Hours?!

Yes, you read right. A Few Hours. Each e-book in this unbelievable package gives you the power to discover what you like and for as long as you like. You set the rules. You are both the teacher and the student! But without all the exam cramming!

Please keep reading to find out what's inside this incredible, and brand new, foreign language toolkit including what types of things you can discover with it.

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Ebook Type: ZIP
Category: Manuals, Travel

Learn American Sign Language

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Title: Learn American Sign Language
8 Volume Set

Become An International Conversationalist!

Dear Online Friend ,

If you have ever thought it an impossibility to discover a second language, then I have some exciting news for you! With eLanguage Learning E-book Package, you will be able to discover not only a second language, but a third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth! And it won't take you years to begin speaking conversational sentences either.

Just how long will it take?

A Few Months?

A Few Weeks?

How About A Few Hours?!

Yes, you read right. A Few Hours. Each e-book in this unbelievable package gives you the power to discover what you like and for as long as you like. You set the rules. You are both the teacher and the student! But without all the exam cramming!

Please keep reading to find out what's inside this incredible, and brand new, foreign language toolkit including what types of things you can discover with it.

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Category: Manuals, Travel

Learning Spanish

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(priced for $3.95 or less).

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Title: Learning Spanish
3 Volume Set

Become An International Conversationalist!

Dear Online Friend ,

If you have ever thought it an impossibility to discover a second language, then I have some exciting news for you! With eLanguage Learning E-book Package, you will be able to discover not only a second language, but a third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth! And it won't take you years to begin speaking conversational sentences either.

Just how long will it take?

A Few Months?

A Few Weeks?

How About A Few Hours?!

Yes, you read right. A Few Hours. Each e-book in this unbelievable package gives you the power to discover what you like and for as long as you like. You set the rules. You are both the teacher and the student! But without all the exam cramming!

Please keep reading to find out what's inside this incredible, and brand new, foreign language toolkit including what types of things you can discover with it.

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Ebook Type: ZIP
Category: Manuals, Travel

Japanese Learning

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Title: Japanese Learning
6 Volume Set

Become An International Conversationalist!

Dear Online Friend ,

If you have ever thought it an impossibility to discover a second language, then I have some exciting news for you! With eLanguage Learning E-book Package, you will be able to discover not only a second language, but a third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth! And it won't take you years to begin speaking conversational sentences either.

Just how long will it take?

A Few Months?

A Few Weeks?

How About A Few Hours?!

Yes, you read right. A Few Hours. Each e-book in this unbelievable package gives you the power to discover what you like and for as long as you like. You set the rules. You are both the teacher and the student! But without all the exam cramming!

Please keep reading to find out what's inside this incredible, and brand new, foreign language toolkit including what types of things you can discover with it.

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Ebook Type: ZIP
Category: Manuals, Travel

Learn To Speak Swedish

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Title: Learn To Speak Swedish
Become An International Conversationalist!

Dear Online Friend ,

If you have ever thought it an impossibility to discover a second language, then I have some exciting news for you! With eLanguage Learning E-book Package, you will be able to discover not only a second language, but a third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth! And it won't take you years to begin speaking conversational sentences either.

Just how long will it take?

A Few Months?

A Few Weeks?

How About A Few Hours?!

Yes, you read right. A Few Hours. Each e-book in this unbelievable package gives you the power to discover what you like and for as long as you like. You set the rules. You are both the teacher and the student! But without all the exam cramming!

Please keep reading to find out what's inside this incredible, and brand new, foreign language toolkit including what types of things you can discover with it.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Manuals, Travel

Learning German

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(priced for $3.95 or less).

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Title: Learning German
3 Volume Set

Become An International Conversationalist!

Dear Online Friend ,

If you have ever thought it an impossibility to discover a second language, then I have some exciting news for you! With eLanguage Learning E-book Package, you will be able to discover not only a second language, but a third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth! And it won't take you years to begin speaking conversational sentences either.

Just how long will it take?

A Few Months?

A Few Weeks?

How About A Few Hours?!

Yes, you read right. A Few Hours. Each e-book in this unbelievable package gives you the power to discover what you like and for as long as you like. You set the rules. You are both the teacher and the student! But without all the exam cramming!

Please keep reading to find out what's inside this incredible, and brand new, foreign language toolkit including what types of things you can discover with it.

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Ebook Type: ZIP
Category: Manuals, Travel

Learning Italian

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(priced for $3.95 or less).

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Title: Learning Italian
4 Volume Set

Become An International Conversationalist!

Dear Online Friend ,

If you have ever thought it an impossibility to discover a second language, then I have some exciting news for you! With eLanguage Learning E-book Package, you will be able to discover not only a second language, but a third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth! And it won't take you years to begin speaking conversational sentences either.

Just how long will it take?

A Few Months?

A Few Weeks?

How About A Few Hours?!

Yes, you read right. A Few Hours. Each e-book in this unbelievable package gives you the power to discover what you like and for as long as you like. You set the rules. You are both the teacher and the student! But without all the exam cramming!

Please keep reading to find out what's inside this incredible, and brand new, foreign language toolkit including what types of things you can discover with it.

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Ebook Type: ZIP
Category: Investing, Real Estate, Travel

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Reviewed by radheradhe on 2019-01-25
My Rate 4
To buy and sell or to do businesses in real estate one needs to have perfect knowledge about the real estate and this book "How to buy and sell real estate in the bahamas " tell about the what,who,how to invest in the bahamas.

Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-12-04
My Rate 5
I will give 5stars to this book"How To Buy and Sell Real Estate in the Bahamas" as it gives answers to lots of Questions some are as follows
Is the Bahamas a safe place to invest?
Are property rights protected?
How is the buying process different from in the United States, and what should I expect?

Reviewed by Maged Awad on 2015-10-07
My Rate 5
An experienced real estate investor gives step-by-step advice about buying and selling real estate in the Bahamas, including local laws and practices, pitfalls to avoid, and money-saving tips. Experts from each major Bahamian island describe the communities and developments on their island, what real estate is available in each, and at what price. Save yourself time, stress, and money by knowing the facts--and the tricks--before you buy.

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Title: How To Buy and Sell Real Estate in the Bahamas
Author: Matthew Simon

An experienced real estate investor gives step-by-step advice about buying and selling real estate in the Bahamas, including local laws and practices, pitfalls to avoid, and money-saving tips. Experts from each major Bahamian island describe the communities and developments on their island, what real estate is available in each, and at what price. Save yourself time, stress, and money by knowing the facts--and the tricks--before you buy.

Here are more questions we'll answer in How to Buy and Sell Real Estate in the Bahamas:


  • Is the Bahamas a safe place to invest?
  • Are property rights protected?
  • How is the buying process different from in the United States, and what should I expect?
  • How is the infrastructure?
  • How much should I expect to pay to build a house, and how is the process in the Bahamas different from other locations?
  • What kind of financing is available for foreigners?
  • Is the government stable?
  • What weather can I expect at different times of year?
  • Do I have to worry about exchange rates?

I will answer all these questions and more - everything you need to know to buy and sell real estate successfully in the Bahamas.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (4.83 after 6 votes)
Category: Travel

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Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-12-04
My Rate 5
I will give 5stars to this book "Fly for Free, Fly Free Travel,Kid Fly Free" as by this one can learn many things some are
how to fly anywhere in the world, only pay the ticket tax.

Reviewed by Jude on 2008-05-31
My Rate 5
great eBook, loaded with tips from an expert.

Reviewed by Jude on 2008-05-31
My Rate 5
great eBook, loaded with tips from an expert.

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Title: Fly for Free, Fly Free Travel, Kid Fly Free
Author: David Tinney

Discover how to fly for free & travel on a shoestring budget...

Travel Agent tells his secrets

I've been beating the airlines at their own game for more than 9 years, flying almost free 98% of the time.You can use the same strategy that I've used to get 57 free airline tickets over the last 9 years.

Even though the price of airline tickets have gone out of site because of skyrocketing fuel prices and increased costs of airport security, there's still a way you can beat the system's high prices.

My name is David Tinney and I own a travel agency in the midwest United States. Our specialty is selling discount international airline tickets. I've written a ebook that shows how you can travel practically free just about anywhere in the world.

That's right, after more than 15 years in the travel industry, I'm giving up all my secrets and little tricks I've learned and been using myself.

But you don't have to own a travel agency like I do for this to work. You'll learn the strategies to make it happen. My ebook teaches you how to turn expenses into free travel...including:

  • Learn: to fly anywhere in the world, only pay the ticket's tax
  • Learn: the truth about last minute airfares
  • Learn: strategy I use to get free airline tickets
  • Learn: secrets the airlines DON'T want you to know
  • Learn: how your kids fly free
  • Learn: how you can
... Click here to read the full description!

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Rating: (5 after 3 votes)
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