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Self Help ebooks

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Category: Mind, Psychology, Self Help

Motivate Your Way To Success

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Reviewed by Desi Totke on 2015-11-08
My Rate 5
If you are searching how to get rid of whiteheads on face then you are at right place. A person which has the problem of black or whiteheads on face can be in pain. When the hair follicles are blocked by dead skin cells and sebum, whiteheads become. www. desitotke. com/how-to-get-rid-of-whiteheads-on-face/

Reviewed by Maged Awad on 2015-10-10
My Rate 5
. Now you, too, can discover the powerful secrets that these people use to motivate themselves to success. Secrets that show you. . . .

Reviewed by Maged Awad on 2015-09-18
My Rate 5
Imagine having the secrets to that "midas touch" formula that infuses your power in every aspect of your life! The power to cultivate an attitude of positive expectancy, develop an attitude of abundance and finally create a definite purpose to your life!

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Title: Motivate Your Way To Success
Author: Marc Sanders

Learn Your Hidden Power NOW!
Unleash Your Own Driving Force to Do More and Be More!

Secret Tactics To Motivate Your Way to Success!

Have you ever wondered why it is that some people seem to have the "midas touch?" We've all met people where everything they touch turns to gold and every little thing about their lives appears to literally burst with excitement and enthusiasm?

You are about to discover how and why that happens.

Imagine having the secrets to that "midas touch" formula that infuses your power in every aspect of your life! The power to cultivate an attitude of positive expectancy, develop an attitude of abundance and finally create a definite purpose to your life!

Now you, too, can discover the powerful secrets that these people use to motivate themselves to success. Secrets that show you. . .

  • How to become self-disciplined
  • How to really set goals
  • The fine points of setting priorities
  • How to develop the attitude and behavior of a winner
  • How to handle adversity and turn it into opportunity
  • What you need to overcome procrastination
  • Unleash your full potential and put it to work
  • Ten ways to bolster or regain self-esteem
  • Why you need self-motivation

And that's just for starters!

This revealing e-book will turn even the most unmotivated person into a success

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Rating: (5 after 3 votes)
Category: Psychology, Self Help

The 5 Steps to Personal Power

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Reviewed by Maged Awad on 2015-10-10
My Rate 5
Traditional psychology emphasizes normality, abnormality, and learning theory. Seldom will the reader discover how to alter a state of mind or to take responsibility for feeling better.

Reviewed by Maged Awad on 2015-08-29
My Rate 5
all best
Traditional psychology emphasizes normality, abnormality, and learning theory. Seldom will the reader discover how to alter a state of mind or to take responsibility for feeling better

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Title: The 5 Steps to Personal Power
Author: Patrick J Ryan
Are YOU Giving Away YOUR Personal Power?

It really isn't a mystery. These people have learned how to take control of their lives by charting a course aimed directly at success. They own their own power. Now you can solve the mystery for yourself.

The 5 Steps to Personal Power is not just another so-called "self help" ebook. Quite the contrary, it picks up where other works usually end. Many ebooks of this type are long on theory and very short on practical application.

Traditional psychology emphasizes normality, abnormality, and learning theory. Seldom will the reader discover how to alter a state of mind or to take responsibility for feeling better.

Flying in the face of traditional psychology, The 5 Steps to Personal Power will introduce you to the same simple and revolutionary idea discovered by the author.

A powerful concept so powerful that it cannot be under emphasized:

"Reality is not so much what happens to us; rather, it is how we think about those events that create the reality we experience. In a very real sense, this means that we each create the reality in which we live." . . . Albert Ellis

The 5 Steps to Personal Power is filled with over 300 pages that teach you a system based on sound principles. Here are some of the things that you will learn:

A more effective paradigm for how you think.

  • Help you learn your mission, vision, or purpose in life.
  • Give you an expanded vision of what
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Rating: (5 after 2 votes)
Category: Health, How To, Self Help

How To Overcome Snoring and Sleep Apnea

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Reviewed by Maged Awad on 2015-10-01
My Rate 5
Often you have no idea that you have this disorder until your partner hears your loud snoring or some of the other symptoms which can actually be quite frightening. You may experience:

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Title: How To Overcome Snoring and Sleep Apnea
Author: Hoe Bing Lo
Breakthrough Treatments Allow Anyone To Cure Their Sleep Apnea and Snoring Problems

Other than the glowing numerals on the alarm clock registering 2:00 a.m., it's pitch black. You've spent the last three hours trying to get some sleep. Every bone and muscle in your body is crying out for rest!

But, no matter how hard you try, you just can't get to sleep. You would almost swear there's a freight train bearing down on you, but that rumbling roar isn't a train.

The reverberating cacophony is coming from your partner. That sweet, gentle person you swore to love, honor and cherish. Hmmm. . .if memory serves you correctly there was no mention of snoring!

If this sounds like you or someone you love, it's really no laughing matter, is it?

Often you have no idea that you have this disorder until your partner hears your loud snoring or some of the other symptoms which can actually be quite frightening. You may experience:

  • Choking noises
  • Gasping for breath
  • Loud pauses in breathing
  • Morning headaches
  • Excessive sleepiness during daytime hours
  • Lack of concentration

Feeling restless

  • Excessive night time perspiration
  • Morning heartburn
  • Increase in blood pressure
  • Lack of mental acuity
  • Irritability

Chapter 5 discusses these and more debilitating symptoms.

You may know that the medical community considers sleep apnea as an "incurable" disease. As a result of his biomedical science

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Rating: (5 after 1 votes)
Category: Self Defense, Self Help

Scam Exposed

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Reviewed by Maged Awad on 2015-08-30
My Rate 5
with this book very well abd hight views
and reading

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Title: Scam Exposed
Author: Ellis Wright
Go behind the Schemes - Know the enemy!

Do Not Respond To Another Request For Money Before Reading This Ebook!
You've Been Warned!

It's Saturday afternoon. After putting in a full week on the job, you now have the delightful task of refilling the family larder. Clutching your fistful of coupons, you are braving your way towards the checkout counter.

You've just spent the last hour scratching and fighting your way through the crowds in the grocery store. Your 18 month old daughter is tired of sitting in the passenger seat and is expressing her unhappiness to anyone within earshot while your 4 year old son is tossing fists full of candy bars into the cart.

You're almost down to the wire. You've stacked your mounds of treasure on the moving counter and eased your way toward that tiny little shelf that's supposed to accommodate your purse and anything else you have in your hands. You manage to work your debit card out of that slot in your wallet that they always make too small and run it through the slide.

Foot tapping, both kids are now screaming at the top of their lungs when the clerk says, "sorry it's declined." What? Can't be, you just deposited your paycheck yesterday. Oh well, it probably hasn't posted yet, right?

Pulling out your number one credit card you slide it through with a flourish. Uh, oh! "Sorry, that's declined too," says the clerk with an impatient shrug of her shoulders. Well, this is just ridiculous. Fishing through your purse

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Rating: (5 after 1 votes)
Category: Family, Health, Self Help

Taking Control of Alcohol

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Reviewed by ravi on 2009-03-20
My Rate 4
this is a very good book on taking control of alcohol,every one knows that taking alcohol is injirious to health and family or socity but after this alcohol destroy a men totally to kill his will power.

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Title: Taking Control of Alcohol
Author: Claire Nash

How To Detect the 4 Stages of Alcoholism AND Take Control Once and For All!

Dear Reader,

As you see this letter, you will see that there is no "hype." There is much that could be written about alcohol abuse that would rank amongst the top level "hard sell" verbiage. Much of that could be written as humor.

However, alcoholism is not a laughing matter and our discussion here deserves serious attention.

We see and hear the statistics on television all the time. More and more people are "self medicating" with illegal drugs. Adults, teenagers, young and old alike. . . no one is immune. With all the choices out there the number one drug of choice is still alcohol.

Alcoholism is spiraling out of control here in the U.S. and abroad. Perhaps you can recall images of the "town drunk" in the old western movies. He was usually portrayed as a bumbling, likable and hearty sort of fellow who made you laugh.

Well, no one is laughing anymore.

The chances are very high that you have a friend or family member who is abusing alcohol. Most people who abuse alcohol are in a constant state of denial. They don't believe that alcohol is a problem for them, therefore they do not seek treatment.

Ignoring the problem only exacerbates the situation. Sometimes the only course of action is intervention, usually by loved ones. That's why it is so important to be informed and know what to look for in your own sphere of

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Rating: (4 after 1 votes)
Category: Self Help

Exhibit Dynamic Personality for Super Success

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Reviewed by RAVI on 2009-11-17
My Rate 4

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Title: Exhibit Dynamic Personality for Super Success

"How to Bring About a Positive Change in Yourself to Ensure Success!" 

The right attitude not only defines who you are but also your stance and success in life. That is why all top of the line business owners are those who have in their lives been not just about physical, mental and social prowess, but about the right attitude, with regards to the nature of success and achievement and the need to achieve something in life. Do you have it in you to be one?

Pages: 36

Table Of Contents

How to Get to Know Yourself Better Than Now

How to Discover Your Personality?

  • Each Person is Distinct and Special
  • Know Yourself
  • Supervising Your Virtues and Vices i.e. Your Features

How Law of Attraction Helps in Personal Development

  • The Success of your Business Depends on your Positive Attitude
  • Do You Have A Positive Attitude? Take the Quiz
  • Develop the Ideal Personality for Success in Business
  • Maintain a Positive Attitude During Hard Times
  • Maintaining Positive Attitude
  • What You Need to Be on the Top
  • Traits of a Dynamic Personality

Learn to Face Criticisms

  • Those Who Do Not Have Your Best Interest at Heart
  • Those Who Truly Believes in You and Want to Help You
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Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (4 after 1 votes)
Category: Home, Manuals, Self Help

Home Remodeling Secrets

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Title: Home Remodeling Secrets
Author: Sal Vannutini
How To Create A Beautiful Home...On A Shoestring Budget!

Dear Friend,

If you'd like to get a fixer upper ready to sell, increase market value or just make your own home more comfortable, you're in the right place and here's why:

Home Remodeling Secrets will help you choose inexpensive remodeling and renovation projects with little expense or your money back!

Why should you consider Home Remodeling Secrets?

Reason one: Sal Vannutini has successfully renovated real estate for personal and professional purposes for over 10 years.

Reason two: 11 years in the real estate profession where he has witnessed what works, and what doesn't work when remodeling a home, and the effect this can have on the eventual selling price; as well as his "in the trenches" experiences as a full time renovator.

Reason three: He is also an international author and highly respected speaker on the topic of investing in fixer-uppers.

Here is a summary of some of the things you will discover

  • What about wallpaper? - How to measure, purchase, apply or remove wallpaper dressing.
  • A fresh coat of paint makes your home look clean and fresh. - Take the guesswork out of colors, types and amount of paint required.
  • Do the floors need attention? - How to rejuvenate wood floors, repair or replace carpet or tile.
  • Are updated window treatments are in order? - Discover how to clean or upgrade window coverings.
  • Is
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Category: Health, Self Help

Natural Pain Management

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Title: Natural Pain Management
Author: Teresa King
How to Conquer Pain Once and For All by Attacking the Source and Do It

- A Practical Handbook For Self-Help

Chances are, you may have heard the story about the guy who goes to his doctor and tells him, "Doc, it hurts when I lift my arm this way," as he twists his arm in an awkward position.

The doctor responds, "then don't move your arm that way," and hands the guy a bill for $100!

Plenty of people have laughed at that joke, but if you suffer from acute or chronic pain it's no laughing matter!

It's all in your head?

Have you heard that one before? Maybe it's a backache, or a headache or a throbbing joint or muscle. You go to your doctor and he can't find anything wrong. He writes you a prescription for pain medication and suggests you see a neurologist.

The neurologist does an exam and tells you that you need to see a specialist and writes you another prescription for pain medication.

The specialist tells you that all you need is physical therapy, writes you another prescription for pain medication and sends you off to see a physical therapist.

Am I crazy?

By this time you probably feel like the doctors are right and maybe you are nuts! No, you aren't crazy but you do need help.

If you have ever been on a medical merry-go-round like this you understand the frustration. Pretty soon, instead of feeling better all the aggravation has just contributed to the original problem.

Okay, I'm not crazy, so what's next?

First, what

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Category: Business, Self Help

101 Golden Keys to Success and Fulfillment In Life

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Title: 101 Golden Keys to Success and Fulfillment In Life
Author: Bryan Winters
Your Personal Guide to Succeeding...At Anything!

Dear Friend,

Most people want to be successful in life. There are goals set and then the hard work begins to reach those goals. The question is what is success? Actually, success can mean different things to different people.

For example, a person that owns their own oil changing service for vehicles might set their level of success at servicing 50 cars a day while someone who loves music might consider success as cutting their own CD. In addition, success does not always have to involve money. Success could be getting a good grade in a difficult class or learning how to bake the perfect chocolate cake.

Success comes in all different shapes and sizes with one common denominator. Success is important and it takes work to reach.

Regardless of what your specific success is, there are ways to surpass your goal. I've put together 101 tips that can be used for any success. These are ways to better yourself as a person, proven methods you can apply to reach success.

So let's get started, shall we?...

101 Golden Keys to Success!

Realize your Potential

In order to succeed at anything, you need to see that you have the potential to reach your goals. For example, if you want to be a recording artist but have no singing ability, having success in this field is not likely. However, if you love working on cars and have a real talent for fixing engines and transmissions, and to you, success would mean working for... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Self Defense, Self Help

Police Reports

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Title: Police Reports
25 Reports

Crime Reports:

  1. Manual To Police Scanning.
  2. Federal Law Enforcement Job Manual.
  3. How Shoplifting Affects You And Your Family.
  4. How To Avoid Traffic Accidents.
  5. How To Avoid Being Arrested.
  6. How To Avoid Traffic Tickets.
  7. How To Burglar-proof Your Windows.
  8. How To Burglar-proof Your Doors.
  9. How To Get The Most Out Of Your Police Department.
  10. How To Protect Cars Bicycles Motorcycles.
  11. How To Guard Against Purse Snatchers.
  12. How To Protect Your Home From Intruders.
  13. To Protect Your Valuables From Theft.
  14. How To Protect Your Home While Away.
  15. How To Protect Yourself From Armed Robbery.
  16. How To Protect Yourself On City Streets.
  17. How To Protect Yourself From Pickpockets.
  18. How To Protect Yourself When Traveling.
  19. How To Safeguard Against Rape.
  20. How To Reduce Crime In Your Neighborhood.
  21. How To Select A Burglar Alarm.
  22. Popular Con Games And How To Recognize Them.
  23. Living With Police Radar.
  24. Primer For Prospective Police Applicants.
  25. What To Do When Youre A Crime Victim.


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