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Theodore Parker

Self Help ebooks

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Category: Education, Music, Self Help

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Title: Guitar Lessons for Beginners
Author: Timothy B. Miller

This guide and videos are for complete beginners in learning guitar. You can learn guitar with this guitar guide and easy to folllow videos. Just follow along and you be able to play your guitar without years of practice!

Exmaple eBook for How To Be A Guitar Monster Guide.

Learn you how to hold the guitar, open strings, tuning the guitar two different ways, fretboard notes that you have to memorize, strumming patterns for beginners and most common basic sturmming patterns for acoustic guitar players.

Then you will go into children's songs, you've got to start somewhere. After you get the children's songs you will learn a very nice strumming patter for your big songs. CCR songs and more.

Then you will introduce to differnet guitar patterns and tab and music knowledge you will need in the future.

This is a complete program geared towards the beginner. When all done with the complete course you will be able to play your guitar for the first time and will be able to learn more complex songs.

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Category: Nonfiction, Self Help, Spirituality

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Title: What Am I Doing With My Life?
Author: Scott Zarcinas

Ever asked yourself, "Why do I do what I do?"

What is it that you seek from your work, relationships, possessions, and other activities? What do you hope to gain from doing everything you do?
The first serialization excerpted from Your Natural State of Being, this ebook will help you find the answers to these questions.

Scott Zarcinas is a writer, doctor, husband, father, public speaker, and very average soccer player. He lives in Adelaide with his wife and daughters.

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Category: Nonfiction, Self Help, Spirituality

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Title: Pleasure & Pain
Author: Scott Zarcinas

Humans naturally seek pleasure and avoid pain. But problems arise when pleasure and pain dominate our thoughts, words and actions, when we become trapped in a cycle of continual pleasure seeking and pain avoidance, when they become our everyday addictions.

The second serialization excerpted from Your Natural State of Being, this ebook will help bring you closer to finding release from the continuing cycle of pleasure and pain.

Scott Zarcinas is a writer, doctor, husband, father, public speaker, and very average soccer player. He lives in Adelaide with his wife and daughters.

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Category: Nonfiction, Self Help, Spirituality

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Title: What's Love Got To Do With It?
Author: Scott Zarcinas

What's Love Got To Do With It? is the third ebook serialized from Your Natural State of Being, taking us on a journey of love. What actually is it? Is it something real or an illusion of our chemical makeup? Is it a cause or an effect?

After Pleasure & Pain (Book 2) Scott Zarcinas now guides us to the natural consequences of Light, Life and Love.

Scott Zarcinas is a writer, doctor, husband, father, public speaker, and very average soccer player. He lives in Adelaide with his wife and two daughters.

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Category: Self Help, Spirituality

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Title: Up From Down

Up From Down is the story of my 14 year addiction to drugs, and my 35 years in recovery.

It is a journey of awakening. The reader will see what drug treatment programs are like as well as prison.

The genesis of addiction is explained as well as the solution.

This ebook is valueable for anyone suffering from an addiction or has a loved one who is suffering.

Expect a real story with real solutions and not the usual pablum.

There are chapters on a synanon based Therapeutic Community and the bizarre "treatment" efforts. There is also an overview of my experience with 12 step programs which exposes many of the flaws.

My various battles with bureaucrats in two states is also described as I detail my fight to be able to make an honest living.

This is the raw hard truth of what recovery is like.


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Category: Nonfiction, Self Help, Spirituality

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Title: Your Natural State of Being
Author: Scott Zarcinas

Do you have a Natural State of Being? Ever wondered what it was?

At our core we are all Joyous, Secure, Worthy, Peaceful and Free. Problems arise, however, when our Natural State of Being is covered and hidden by reactive feelings, emotions and thoughts.

Dr. Scott Zarcinas helps you to reveal the inherent Goodness, Truth and Beauty that is Your Natural State of Being.

The Author:
Scott Zarcinas is a doctor, writer, husband, father, public speaker, and very average soccer player. He lives in Adelaide with his wife and daughters.

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Category: Self Help, Relationships, Parenting

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Title: Accept No Trash Talk: Overcoming the Odds
Author: Traci Lawrence

This is a motivational book about overcoming various challenges in relationships and our health. These trials may include the following: bullying; physical and mental limitations; and, general disrespect.

The author uses brief stories from her own life, as well as the lives of prominent people, to illustrate her points. She cites great acheivers in history, such as: Helen Keller; Jackie Robinson; and, Teddy Roosevelt. The author also mentions successful individuals in pop culture, such as Katy Perry and Kate Middleton.

The basis for the work is Mrs. Lawrence's own background of being sidelined in school and on the job. She was bullied because of her short stature, her religion, and the mental slowness caused by a medical condition.

The author intersperses accounts of achievement with tips on how the average person can block negativity. The book also includes general "pep talk" about accepting, and believing in, ourselves.

The purpose of the book is to uplift the reader and help him to see that any person can overcome tremendous odds. In a world of chaos and negativity, this work stands as a ray of light.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Business, Self Help

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Title: Enlarge Revolutionary Conversations- Tools for successful communication skills.
Author: Mark H. Fowler, Noal McDonald, Barbara Gaughen-Muller

Who would image that one wor dcould change youe life? Introducting the S.H.A.R.E. Tools, which tohether spell the word that leads to positive connections and the success of Revolutionary Conversations. Developed over the course of 25 years by business re-engineering specialist Mark Fowler and refined with human resources professional Noal McDonald and the noted public relations authority and NGO leader Barbara Gaughen- Muller, The S.H.A.R.E Tools are five simple flexible pathways to lead to productive constructive conversations by creating an exceptional connection between two or more people.

You can use the tools to solve problems, improve hiring and training, promote employee engagement, develop and implement marketing initiatives, unite a group around a common purpose, and anything else that requires interaction for superior success. The book is packed with examples showing how the Tools fit easily into every conversation, fro the boardroom to the shop floor; from high-stakes negotiations to staff meetings; from water-cooler conversations to job interviews.

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Ebook Type: Audio Included,
Category: Mind, Self Help, Spirituality

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Title: Prevail: Seven Keys to Create a Personal Victory
Author: Betty Withrow

"Prevail" tells my story of rising from extreme abuse as a child, desperate poverty as a young adult, to living a life that is full, happy, and rewarding.  It moves from my story into yours.  The focus of the book is on YOU, the reader, making the most of your life and getting more of what you want happening.  You can take any experience you have had, or are having now, and put it to work making your life better.In "Prevail", I offer tools to help with disconnect, lack of motivation, or low self-worth.  The book is all about taking what is going on right now and using it to create a better life.

The seven keys are the qualities within you that can get you through anything.  They can be cultivated and put to work using your experiences as leverage for making the most of your life both now and in the future.  They are: Cheerfulnees, Patience, Friendliness, Creativity,  Fortitude, Perseverance, And Completion. 

Quotes from great thinkers of all times weave through the book to create a deeper perspective.


If you feel that simply surviving is not enough to have in your life, and you want to take control of your inner forces, this book is for you.  Step forward and cultivate a perspective that gives you the quiet victory within you of knowing that you have made the most of what you were given.  Reclaim the juice of your life!

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Category: Self Help, Fitness, Health

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Title: NO-MIND FITNESS Self-Mastery Guide
Author: Colin Brown

The NO-MIND FITNESS Self-Mastery Guide is a motivational guide that provides an entire framework for self-mastery and high-level performance in all areas of your life.

If you take it absolutely seriously, this motivational guide can light a huge fire under you and help you realize that the term "overachiever" is utter nonsense.


"I recommend working with Colin everyone I come across who is seriously interested in improving themselves. Yes, Colin principally focuses on helping his trainees achieve their fitness goals. But my work with him has yielded much, much more. Aside from flying through strength plateaus in the gym, Colin's consistent encouragement, the example that he sets, and the supplemental materials (see his Self-Mastery Guide) he regularly sends his trainees, have inspired me to make significant and meaningful changes to many of my habits and attitudes. I am not the same person I was before we started working together, and I expect to become stronger and more resilient in every respect as we continue working together.

"Read Colin's blog [] to get an idea of the kind of changes working with him will inevitably foster in your life. Better yet, here is an example of how he has helped me. I quit a job in December 2013. I wanted to pursue a new line of work and expected to find a new job quickly, but was frustrated by several late-round interview rejections. It was at about this

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