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William Lyon Phelps

Remedies ebooks

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Category: Men, Remedies

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Title: Ejaculation Pro
Author: Jeffery Penzer

In The Stamina Guide we show you exactly how to address both the physical and psychological aspects behind what causes premature ejaculation.

We also show you precise techniques and methods for increasing your stamina to over 45 minutes on a consistent basis.

And as we discussed before, we’ll also delve into the psychological aspects of makes a woman “addicted” to a man who can give her the kind of sex we’ll teach you to give.

We will teach you how to…

  • Eliminate premature ejaculation permanently (we show you methods and techniques that address the problem for long-term success)
  • Increase your stamina to last at least 45 minutes on a consistent basis within 60 days or your money back
  • Give your partner multiple, ecstatic orgasms every time you have sex
  • Understand the psychological “game” behind what makes women attracted to a certain kind of man (the Ejaculation Pro who can make her orgasm every single time)
  • Identify the triggers, both physical and mental, that lead to premature ejaculation
  • Do the right kinds physical exercises that lead to permanent results (many other “quick fix” programs cause more physical harm than good and can actually decrease stamina)
  • Increase your sex drive and sexual appeal (you will notice these almost instantly and even complete strangers will notice your high level of... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Men, Remedies

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Title: Male Fertility Plan
Author: Ashley Spencer

There are so many mistruths about infertility that it's quite possible you could believe that there is no solution for you. Today, you have found the source of knowledge that will give you the power to take control of your situation.

Introducing the Male Fertility Plan, this is the most detailed, comprehensive all-in-one Male Fertility Plan currently available and in it you will learn:

  • How assisted reproductive techniques will increase your chances of conceiving by 28%
  • The medically recommended treatment for each male infertility problem and how to get started immediately
  • The exact daily dietary intake of each food group you must consume to become highly fertile and conceive easily
  • The powerful combination of supplements you can start taking now which are proven to increase conception chances
  • How the consumption of some foods can dramatically reduce your chances of having a healthy baby
  • Why this particular food group needs to be consumed in at least 5 servings per day
  • A simple activity you can do every day to increase sperm flow and production
  • How sperm quality is drastically affected by dietary intake of antioxidants
  • How to eradicate interference from external sources on your sperm production
  • What you must avoid on a daily basis to ensure a healthy conception process
  • The 3 major factors affecting sperm health and how to positively influence these... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Health, Remedies

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Title: Nature's Quick Constipation Cure
Author: Dr. Scott McLeod

When you do a simple online search for natural constipation remedies you are served with websites that simply regurgitate the same basic constipation advice you’ve heard A MILLION TIMES:

  • Stay better hydrated
  • Eat more fiber
  • Exercise more
  • Use an arsenal of laxatives that might be dangerous to your health
  • Eat a healthier diet

I’m sure you’re sick of digging through the same, old constipation advice you’ve read a hundred times, hoping that between the fluff and filler the author might actually provide something UNIQUE, something you haven’t heard of; something that will provide you relief now.

My Patients and I, would talk over their specific circumstances of their constipation and then discuss the best solutions for them. There was no greater reward than a patient coming back and offering a heartfelt thank you for the relief they received by using my advice.

It’s surprising how much you learn on the job by trouble-shooting such a broad variety of patient’s unique medical problems and even more surprisingly, how much you learn from just talking to your patients. Sometimes when you’d offer advice, a patient would chime in with, “Oh, that reminds me, you know what else works really well?” and then they would tell you about some strange folk remedy or quirky solution that’s worked for them in the past.

This plan uses a

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Category: Health, Remedies

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Title: The Liver Cirrhosis Bible & Ezra Protocol
Author: Debra Elkin

"Book that stirred the medical waters - One of the 3 Most prominent Liver Experts in Holistic medicine discloses how He Helped 1,000s of sufferers
Stop Cirrhosis Dead In It's Tracks and Live Normal Lives "

Here's a little pre-taste of what you'll learn when you download your copy of The Liver Cirrhosis Bible Today:

  • SECRET #1: A substance that's in your kitchen right now lowers the risk of cirrhosis by a shocking 80%. It is literally unbelievable that this information confirmed in 6 large scale double blind studies is not made available to the sufferers. Who and why prevented the information being widely available. I was so mad when I learned this...
  • SHOCKING DISCOVERY: Learn the dramatic truth about the Extracellular Matrix in liver cirrhosis sufferers and how going public with this breakthrough ruined the life of one doctor
  • SECRET #2: What shocking discovery about liver cirrhosis triggers has been made in a double blind study in Russia.
  • SECRET #3: Malfunction of one small organ in our abdomen (not the liver) is where so many answers lay. Find out which organ and how to amend the damage within weeks.
  • Revealed: What shocking discovery about liver cirrhosis triggers has been made in a double blind study in Russia.
  • SECRET #4: Learn about the one deadly mistake that over 90% liver cirrhosis sufferers makes every day. This mistake alone can rob them of their healing.
  • SECRET #5: A problem
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Title: The Neuropathy Solution
Author: Dr. Randall Labrum

How to End Chronic Peripheral Neuropathy & Diabetic Nerve Pain.
Without Drugs, Surgery or Guesswork.

Are you sick and tired of the numbness, the prickling, the burning, the intense stabbing pains? Do you feel like Peripheral Neuropathy is robbing you of what could be some of the best years of your life? Has this left you hopeless and desperate?

My Self-Treatment Program Provides a Simple, PROVEN Solution.

Here is some of what has been proven about this extraordinary Solution in my clinical work, through its many successful home users, and in indeed in my own case:

  • Works regardless of your age, background, ethnicity or gender.
  • It works time and time again. Virtually without fail.
  • Effectively treats chronic peripheral neuropathy & diabetic nerve pain in both the feet & legs and hands & arms.
  • Works whether your PN results from diabetes, chemotherapy, hypertension, or the process of ageing.
  • Is very often permanent because it corrects your pain at the source by restoring damaged peripheral nerve endings.
  • Works for Peripheral Neuropathy as a result of almost any other major causative factor or factors.
  • Can be used effectively after neuropathy surgery, even in cases where neuropathy surgery has failed.
  • Is effective even if you are currently using prescription meds or other protocols to control your PN symptoms.
  • Is is so simple
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Title: Natural Multiple Sclerosis Treatment System
Author: Gary Levin

Multiple sclerosis is one of the most debilitating and discouraging conditions anyone can have.

I've been treating patients with multiple sclerosis for 30 years and I will show you the way to eliminate your MS symptoms, get your life back and age peacefully.

So I've written down my complete Method for Treating and Eliminating the Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis in an EASY TO UNDERSTAND E-Book. You will never need to buy anything else from me to make this method work. You can download it and be reading within seconds.

I use a step-by-step Treatment System that is based on a deep knowledge of the human body, my years of experience & the thousands of clinical studies I have reviewed.

You will learn how to pull your body's chemical processes in line with a simple vitamin regimen and a nutrition method I found that works better than all the multiple sclerosis medicines combined. It's available everywhere.

There is no medical speak in my e-book. I keep it simple and easy-to-grasp just like I'm talking with one of my patients.

Download your copy NOW and let me help YOU on your way to recovery. You owe it to your family and your future. But mostly you owe a MS-FREE life to yourself. You deserve it.

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Title: Everyday Roots
Author: Claire Goodall


Learn how to replace the toxic products and medications in your home with over 215 healthier, all-natural alternatives.

With 250+ pages, you will be able to live a healthier life, free from toxic products and medications.

You will be confident in knowing exactly what is in the products your family uses and happy with the money you will save every month.


  • Sore Throat - Soothe your sore throat with simple natural remedies & help it heal faster.
  • Headaches - Get help with relief from your debilitating tension headaches and migraines.
  • Weight Loss - Jumpstart your metabolism and curb your cravings. Get tips on how to lose weight naturally & keep it off for good.
  • Gas & Bloating - Learn which teas and herbs can help alleviate embarrassing and uncomfortable gas and bloating.
  • Homemade Shampoo & Conditioner - Deep clean, strengthen and repair your hair with homemade shampoos and conditioners.
  • Acne - Treat your acne naturally without using anymore chemical filled scrubs, exfoliants and medicated creams.
  • Nausea - Alleviate the symptoms of nausea with soothing herbal teas and natural drinks.
  • Arthritis - Get help with relieving your sore joints. Learn how to make natural relief salves and balms.
  • Constipation - Keep things regular and/or
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Category: Health, Remedies

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Title: Herpes Blueprint
Author: Charlotte Hanson

The surest way to overcome herpes is the right plan!

Thousands of People Now Have ALL the Herpes Problem Answers They Will Ever Need.

Now you can get all the tips on how you can remedy herpes. You can find all the answers you are searching for in one convenient location, from someone who truly understands what you are going through. Herpes Blueprint was created with YOU, your body and your questions in mind.

An Alternative Health & Medical Researcher Teaches You How To:

  • Learn different type of herpes
  • Learn the symptoms of herpes
  • Tell the difference between having cold sore and herpes
  • Have a relationship while you have herpes
  • Live a full life even with herpes
  • Have children even when you have herpes
  • Treat the cause of herpes
  • Tell if your partner have herpes
  • Treat different type of herpes
  • The exercise to boost your immunity
  • Choose what you eat and drink which greatly influence the recovery or reactivation of the symptoms
  • Learn kinds of things that worsen herpes outbreaks
  • Remedies the herpes symptoms before you get outbreaks
  • Take balanced nutrient and vitamin to fight herpes
  • Avoid harmful side effects of medicines or remedies
  • Build your immune system against herpes
  • Choose the right medicine or treatment for you
  • Get rid of herpes blisters... Click here to read the full description!

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Title: Magnetic Therapy For Idiots
Author: Travis Williams

“Finally, A Scientifically Proven Method To Reduce and Eliminate Pain For Good. Naturally, Without any Harmful Medications or Side-Effects!”

Magnetic Therapy For Idiots is based on scientific studies to drastically increase the blood flow to the body while reducing swelling of affected muscles, ligaments, and other soft tissues causing pain.

Magnets are used to correct these imbalances resulting in instant relief from a number of common conditions including those mentioned previously.

Magnetic Therapy For Idiots™ will show you how to:

  • Correction of Improper Circulation - Using Plethysmography, a method for measuring blood flow in the fingers, experts have shown increased blood flow by as much as 300% when the finger is subjected to a magnetic field for five minutes or more. This increased capillary circulation speeds up the fluid exchange: bringing fresher, oxygenated blood to the area, flushing away lactic acid and other pain causing chemistry at a faster rate.
  • Absence of Pain - By far, the most important motive for the use of magnetic therapy is the presence of pain. The impact of clinical studies along with anecdotal evidence has resulted in the acceptance of magnetic therapy as a natural pain relief alternative to allopathic drug treatments.
  • Optimum Energy & Stamina – With the correlation between magnetic deficiency and many so called modern diseases, such as fatigue and general
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Category: Health, Remedies

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Title: Cholesterol Never Again
Author: Martín Teixido

Would You Like to Control Your Cholesterol in 60 Days or Less, Attacking The Cause of The Disease and Using a Scientifically Proven, 100% Effective Method?

You Need to Know That Your Doctor and The Big Laboratories are Not Telling You The Truth About Your Cholesterol... But I Will Tell You The Truth Here.

This method is NOT just a diet plan, and it is NOT just an exercise routine. My system has a multi disciplinary approach that will solve your cholesterolemia issues, attacking it on all fronts.

My Program Is Based On The Following Principles:

  • A simple exercise routine, only a few minutes a day. These are NOT intense cardiovascular exercises.
  • An attack plan with a holistic approach, to improve your lifestyle..
  • An important focus on natural medicine and alternative therapy, which can help us significantly.
  • Simple adjustments to your diet, which will quickly reduce your cholesterol and make your arteries flexible and strong.

With My Guide You Will Learn:

  • The only 100% natural system with quick results that will decrease your cholesterol level drastically.
  • My complete guide to lowering cholesterol using no medication at all. With step- by- step instructions, using simple and easy- to- understand language that will walk you through the whole process.
  • The food you will need to remove from your diet, because as you may or may not know, your food intake does... Click here to read the full description!

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