Knowledge is like money: the more he gets, the more he craves.
Josh Billings

Remedies ebooks

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Category: Health, Medicine, Remedies

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Title: Hemorrhoid No More
Author: Jessica Wright

The Only Way You Can Ever Cure Your Hemorrhoids is From Within by Correctly Diagnosing Your Condition and by Listening to What Your Body is Trying to Tell You, Work With It and Free Yourself

Here Is a Small Sample Of What You'll Learn When You Download Your Copy Of The Hemorrhoid No More™ System Today:

  • Several of the best-kept anti-Hemorrhoids supplements that almost NOBODY knows about...compiled by an 14 year study
  • The shocking truth about conventional Hemorrhoids treatments and hemorrhoids surgeries and the medication trap. Discover Why Most Lotions, Ointments and Suppositories Don't Work and how you can finally free yourself and use the natural approach forever
  • SECRET#1: Discover the 1st most important element that when eliminated can virtually banish over 85% of all Hemorrhoids cases (and almost all Hemorrhoids sufferers do it)
  • Why Hemorrhoids is a WARNING sign that something is wrong in your system and in some cases even a warning sign for much worse diseases and what you can learn from it and do about it.
  • Discover Exactly What To Do If Your Hemorrhoid has Thombrosed Or If Your Hemorrhoid is Internal. This Secret Technique has Worked For Thousands of Sufferers Worldwide
  • Why this "almost magical" combination of three types of herbs will empower your body's self-immune... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Health, Remedies

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Title: Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease
Author: Robert Rodgers PhD

What does Road to Recovery from Parkinsons Disease Reveal?

  • The diet connection - People who are meticulous about their diet eat live foods. Their body becomes stronger and their immune system is enhanced because they eat food their bodies love to digest.
  • The Power Connection - People who recover Parkinsons take responsibility for identifying options that help to reverse their symptoms. They take action to balance their hormones. They get better.
  • The toxin connection - There is no question about it. Toxins cause the symptoms of Parkinson's. Eliminate toxins.
  • The exercise connection - People who exercise feel better. We don't need any more studies to "prove" excercise provides ongoing relief Parkinson's symptoms. 
  • The trauma connection - Trauma has a profound impact on Parkinson's symptoms. Release the trauma. Find relief from symptoms.
  • The family connection - Some people with Parkinsons take on a dynamic in their family that began at a time far away and long ago. Identify the dynamic and the engine that drives the illness is sent to the salvage yard.
  • The Trauma-Toxin connection - Have you done all the detox programs prescribed by your doctor but still see no relief in symptoms? A traumatized body retain toxins no matter how many detoxes you do.
  • The thought form connection - When we think negative thoughts, we manifest negative outcomes. Hold positive
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Category: Health, Remedies

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Title: Psoriasis Revolution
Author: Dan Crawford

Medical researcher, nutritionist, health consultant, and former chronic psoriasis sufferer teaches you how to:

  • Fix the root cause of your Psoriasis by holistically addressing the internal causes of this condition within 30 to 60 days.
  • Stop Psoriasis and gain instant relief from the symptoms of Psoriasis, such as red, inflamed itchy skin, silvery scales, burning or bleeding that occurs around your joints andrelated discomfort in the next 7 days!
  • Reverse Pitted, Thickened, or Discolored Finger Or Toe Nails
  • Restore your natural inner balance and prevent untreated Psoriasis-related health issues such as Psoriatic Arthritis and keep them away forever!
  • Throw away your drugs, steroids and creams and feel more confident right away!
  • Lose extra weight, look younger, and feel healthier.
  • Restore your energy levels and improve your quality of life dramatically... guaranteed!

Here Is a Small Sample Of What You'll Learn When You Download Your Copy Of The Psoriasis Revolution™ System Today:

  • Step-by-step instructional diagramsand illustrations that will take you by the hand and walk you throughclearing up your Psoriasis faster than you ever thought possible!
  • The proven 7-step, multidimensional Psoriasis Revolution™ Success System that has helped thousands of men and women to end the Psoriasis and discomfort, sometimes within days, and eliminate all types of
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Category: Fitness, Health, Remedies

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Title: Fight Gout
Author: Frank Mangano

"Finally, A Resource Designed To Combat Joint Pain And Gout Safely, Naturally And Most Of All Effectively Without The Use Of Any Harmful Drugs Or Surgery..."

Introducing The Mangano Method: An All-Natural Approach To Fight Gout 

Let's take a closer look at what you will discover within the pages of this life-changing information included here:

  • Kicking Up Your Food - Here you'll learn about a special ingredient that will give your recipes a good kick that it needs while also serving as a natural pain killer.
  • Eight Common Symptoms of Gout - Here you'll learn about the symptoms of gout so you don't mistake it for anything else.
  • Leveraging The Doctor - Here I'll show you how to use a medical professional's knowledge to your advantage without being mislead.
  • Gout And Your Life - Here we'll cover the basics and how gout can affect you and the one's you love.
  • Decreasing Inflammation - Here I'll show you a vitamin that can not only decrease inflammation but also protect against joint damage that can be caused by gout.
  • Identifying Gout - The first step in defense is recognition. Here you'll get a brief introduction to how to identify our gout.
  • A Delicious Treat That Tops The Charts In Fighting Gout - Here you'll learn about a delicious fruit that was shown
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Category: Health, Medicine, Remedies

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Title: The 7 Steps to Health and the Big Diabetes Lie

We have assembled hundreds of suppressed scientific studies and powerful medical research into an easy to read and understand step by step health guide called "The 7 Steps to Health and the Big Diabetes Lie". It has already been used to help tens of thousands of diabetics all over the world.

You will learn:

  • Learn how you can safely lower your cholesterol levels by 25-30% without using prescription drugs.
  • Find out how a Norwegian endocrinologist helped many of his 18,000 patients completely come off insulin and other diabetes medications and how you too can apply these same methods to fight your diabetes..
  • Discover the mechanism behind cancer cells as told by Nobel Prize winning doctors and find out how you can lower your chance of getting cancer by removing this one thing from your diet.
  • We reveal the absolutely mind blowing, scientifically proven methods that have been shown to help people lower their chance of dying from all causes by 43%. No need for drugs, pills, injections, shakes, powders or crazy diets.
  • The reason why most people are always hungry, and the simple step you can take to reduce your food cravings to almost nothing.
  • Learn how high fructose corn syrup HFCS is making you gain weight and causing serious health detriments and why you need to avoid this sugar for your own good.
  • How the FDA (American Food and Drug Administration) prohibited the sale of natural treatments even though they knew those remedies could save thousands of lives.
  • See how drug studies are specifically structured to get the positive results pharmaceutical companies want. Things like using younger, healthier people in studies for drugs that will be sold to older people.
  • Simple methods showing you how you can eat less and feel fuller.
  • Learn which foods and additives are causing thyroid imbalance and how you can easily improve your thyroid function by adding this mineral to your diet. “...Japanese women, who have one of the lowest breast cancer rates in the world, ingest this mineral...”
  • This ingredient in bread is now being linked to countless diseases including cancer!
  • People who eat this common sweetener showed enlarged livers, kidneys, and shrunken thymus glands.
  • How a single teaspoon of sugar lowers your immune system by up to 50% for 24 hours. This makes you more suceptible to the flu, colds, and other infections.
  • Why milk may actually be causing osteoporosis and other terrible health consequences. And learn the shocking truth about todays factory produced milk that has traces of up to 80 different antibiotics, growth hormones and animal pus. We also show you the top healthy alternatives.
  • Discover the exact step by step solution that lead to 96% of study subjects completely discontinuing their insulin medication.
  • Discover how diet soda and other 'diet' products actually cause you to gain weight, spike blood sugar and are dangerous for your health.
  • See how a certain food - that is most likely sitting in your fridge right now is making your diabetes worse, and has been shown to raise the risk of diabetes in healthy people by 170%
  • The step by step instructions you can use today that have been shown to completely eliminate neuropathy pain in 81% of patients.
  • Shocking scientific findings that discovered which foods work nearly two times better than Metformin - the leading diabetes drug at reducing the rates of diabetes! The people following these methods don't need to take any more drugs or inject insulin.
  • Discover the truth about a spice that you probably have in your kitchen cabinet right now and how it increases glucose metabolism twenty-fold!
  • Learn the secret thousands have used to normalize blood pressure. People with high blood pressure were able to lower it by over 38% without using drugs or pills!
  • See the exact foods scientists discovered that can lower your risk of dying from cancer by 67%
  • Find out how people increased their longevity by at least 50% (live 50% longer) and lower incidences of most diseases by taking a few vitamins, as proven by numerous studies across the world.
  • Learn why counting calories is completely unnecessary, and how you can lose weight without worrying about counting anything!
  • Learn which foods you can munch on all day without gaining weight and which so called "healthy" foods you have to stay far away from.
  • Knowing how keeping your body’s PH level normalized is your key to preventing most diseases (cardiovascular, diabetes, cancer, hormone imbalance, immune deficiency, kidney problems, headaches, etc.). Learn a simple method to test your body’s PH level and how you can easily keep it within safe levels.
  • How you can strengthen your immune system by changing a few things in your diet.
  • Find out what vitamins can replace a bad or improper diet and which vitamins are needed to stay healthy and rid your body of disease. You will learn why “dieting” is not the answer to your health or weight loss problems and may actually be doing you more harm!
  • Find out how Splenda/NutraSweet and other so called healthy zero calorie sweeteners in drinks actually make you pack on the pounds. Discover how these sweeteners trick your brain, hinder your body’s ability to estimate caloric intake, and make you gain weight
  • Learn to distinguish between healthy fats and unhealthy fats. Omega 3, omega 6, saturated fats, unsaturated fats - which are healthy, and which do you need to stay away from.
  • This toxic food additive has been linked to overstimulating your nervous system causing headaches, anxiety, seizures, joint pain, and depression.
  • Find out the truth about protein, energy and meal replacement bars that the industry does not want you to know about. Loaded with dangerous fillers, preservatives, colors and sweeteners.
  • We show you the truth about so called "healthy" butter alternatives like margarine that are nothing but synthetic lab made chemicals and have been linked to cancer.
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Category: Health, Remedies

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Title: The IBS Miracle
Author: James Walden

"Doctors Told Me I Would Never Be Free From Irritable Bowel Syndrome...But Contrary To Their Prediction, I Cured My IBS Permanently and Naturally In Just 2 Months! I'll Show You How..."

  • Free Yourself From Pain, Bloating, Constipation and Diarrhoea!
  • Get Relief From IBS Symptoms Immediately!
  • Stop Feeling Self-Conscious And Limiting Your Social Life!
  • Cure Your IBS Completely and Permanently Within 2 Months!
  • Feel and Look The Best Ever!
  • Save hundreds of dollars in prescription medications, countless tests, and doctor visits!

Download Your Copy Of The IBS Miracle Today to Discover:

  • The horrible truth about conventional IBS treatments.
  • My unique holistic system to immediately get symptomatic relief and completely cure your condition within 3 to 8 weeks using my powerful 100% natural system.
  • A list of the original hidden research papers (together with all the details you need to locate them yourself) published by scientists and MDs reporting how they cured IBS using natural methods - so you'll see that my system is backed by scientific evidence! 78 different scientific sources to be exact!
  • The dietary changes you should make to live an IBS-free life.
  • How simple over the counter products will immediately reduce cramps and abdominal pain.
  • How to make your body combat IBS and re-balance itself.
  • The specific
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Category: Health, Remedies

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Title: Gallstones Natural Solution
Author: David Smith

Easy Natural Method Gets Rid of Gallstones in as Little as ONE Day... With No Pain, No Surgery, No Drugs… GUARANTEED!

Dear Friend and Gallstones Sufferer,

I have discovered a remarkable method that will get rid of your gallstones in 24 hours or less - without drugs or surgery - using 100% natural, easy and effective methods.

Every Thing You Need To Get Rid of Your Gallstones For Good Is Here…

  • How to save your gallbladder through natural remedies and simple recipes.
  • Simple, step-by-step instructions to get rid of your gallstones safely, quickly, and painlessly.
  • How to trigger the powerful digestive liquid that can sweep out your gallstones.
  • 12 little-known wonder nutrients that can drastically reduce gallstones all by themselves.
  • How to stop gallstones from returning. Yes, gallstones do return, even if you get surgery. I’ll tell you exactly what to do right now to keep gallstones away for the rest of your life!
  • Simple, easy exercises to cleanse your gallbladder and pass your gallstones.
  • The blunt facts about gallbladder surgery. Will you still want this “magic operation” after you read these facts?
  • Find out exactly which common foods and drinks help your gallbladder.
  • The Four Simple Steps you need to take TODAY to get your gallbladder attacks under control and keep them under control.
  • How your... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Health, Remedies

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Title: Banish My Bumps
Author: Angela Steinberg

"Dermatologist After Dermatoligst Told Me Keratosis Pilaris Was UNCUREABLE. But I Wasn't Having That For An Answer! I Easily & Permanently Got Rid Of My KP In Just 5 Days! And I Can Show You How..."

I will show you how I cleared my skin permanently, started to feel comfortable in tank tops again, finally wasn't petrified to be touched on my body, stopped wasting money trying every skincare cream at the stores, and was releived there was nothing to pick anymore!

After Fighting KP For Over 15 Years... I Know Exactly How You Feel

Growing up I always felt I was hiding something from the world. Not showing the real me. I could tell that others noticed it too.

The bumps. The picking. The redness. It was just so depressing.

Everytime I tried not to think about it I'd just look down and see my arms and think to myself...

In my KP Remedy Secrets eBook, I'll walk you through every step to getting the clear skin you so long for (and completely deserve!), and I'll explain WHY everything is going to work for you.

Here is a list of things of what you will discover in the "BanishMyBumps" system...

  • How to Treat Your Child's Keratosis Pilaris in The Special Kids Section.
  • How to Eliminate Keratosis Pilaris Without the Need of Any Medication.
  • How to Focus on the Root Cause of Keratosis Pilaris - Rather Than Just the Symptoms.
  • Learn the Causes of Keratosis
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Category: Health, Remedies

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Title: How To Get Rid Of Varicose Veins Naturally
Author: Diane Thompson

Here are some sneak previews on what you'll find in this report

  • Forget about paying for expensive gyms for working out your fitness to prevent the horrible looking veins from coming back. Here are 7 simple exercises you can do instantly without costing you a dime
  • Unlike popular belief, common dieting found in other diet books just don't work. You only need this special diet to help improve and lessen the veins discomfort
  • How to use special aromatherapy technique to literally help the blood leave the legs and return to the heart. This will reduce swelling while shrinking the blood vessels near the skin's surface
  • How to use 4 types of common homeopathic remedies to ease the pain and soreness that are worse from touch
  • My 3 top herbal therapies to relieve my pain from my veins
  • Secret tips on using specific herbs which are used during naturopathic treatment
  • How to mix special juices to help strengthen the walls of the veins, which also help prevent blood clots, one of the serious complications of varicose veins.
  • One of my favourite remedies to help me relieve aches and pain from varicose veins. This works effectively on spider veins as well.
  • 5 massage secrets which you can do it yourself to alleviate discomfort associated with varicose veins. I'll even show you how to prepare massage oil treatment effectively
  • My 3 most effective yoga exercises which have helped to relieve
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Category: Health, Remedies

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Title: The Autoimmunity Bible & Norton Protocol

Attention! If You or someone You love is suffering from an autoimmune disorder than this will probably be the most important letter you will ever read

"Controversial Book That Stirred Medical Waters - 5-Step Protocol That Healed 1000s Worldwide"

"Autoimmunity Bible & Norton Protocol" is a 261 page downloadable ebook. It is completely unique, one-of-a-kind ultimate resource on autoimmune disorder with the complete relevant knowledge mankind has about these terrible condition which causes a variety of diseases. It is also the only e- book available that explains in detail everything about the healing of any autoimmune disease using the Norton Protocol.

In 5 simple steps in this ebook I will take you by the hand and share every little secret that has been kept from you until today. I will show you precisely, taking it day by day, what I did to completely beat my illness within 2-4 months, without adding dangerous drugs, without surgery and without any side effects. Completely naturally by eliminating the 3 root causes of your condition.

Here are some of the life altering facts you will learn when You download this ebook today.

  • Exciting news: Why are you in pain? To be more precise - what are the exact chemical reactions that flare up your pain and what a study conducted at the University of Western Ontario found as the natural answer to this living hell...
  • The officially proven, 5-step Norton Protocol for the
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