A classic is something that everybody wants to have read and nobody wants to read.
Mark Twain

Religion ebooks

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Category: Religion, Self Help, Spirituality

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Title: Proof Of GOD
Author: Scott Zarcinas

Proof of God, is the fourth and final ebook serialized from Your Natural State of Being, completing the adventure of self-empowerment that began with What Am I Doing With My Life?

Evoking the inner Wisdom and Peace of our Natural State of Being, Proof of God reveals the truth of everyday existence - our thoughts determine our experience.

We see what we believe!

Scott Zarcinas is a writer, doctor, husband, father, public speaker, and very average soccer player. He lives in Adelaide with his wife and two daughters.

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Category: Christian Books, Religion

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Title: Clarity: 365 Ways to Find Focus
Author: W. George Elliott

A daily devotional reading eBook for Christians and non-Christians. It is written by 'an average guy' in simple language featuring events - good and bad - in the author's life and a Bible verse to connect to the devotional. Each reading ends with a personal note from the author tying all parts together and sometimes there is a challenge for the reader to take on that is related to that specific day's reading/message. . In the series of devotionals there are a number of examples of activities that most people can relate to which helps the reader connect to what the author is saying. He deals with such subject matter as addictions, peer pressure, faith and many other items that are commonplace in today's hectic world. Each devotional reading ranges between 350 and 500 words making for an easy program to introduce and follow in your day as you continue on your Christian walk. This eBook is meant to be encouraging and you will be encouraged by what you will learn in the pages of Clarity: 365 Ways to Find Focus.

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Category: Christian Books, Religion, Spirituality

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Title: Dios en nosotros
Author: WITTEK Gabriele
Language: Spanish

Somos seres cosmicos, la manera mas natural de vivir es conectados con todo el universo,abrirse a Dios es abrirse a todas las fuerzas del universo abastecerse de ellas trabajar con ellas, dar del universo al que lo necesita, directamente de su corazón al espiritu universal, sin intermediarios, tu eres el templo de Dios, tu, yo y todas las personas somos el templo en el cual vive el espiritu de Dios, la vida, y a nuestro alrededor Dios es Todo en Todo, parte el tronco y me encontraras, levanta la piedra y ahí estoy Yo, en las estrellas, en las plantas, en todos y cada uno de los animales, en todos y cada uno de los elementos de la naturaleza, y podemos construir una relación unica partiendo de esto. Dios envio a la humanidad en todas las epocas en todas las culturas y pueblos, misticos y videntes para que trajeran su mensaje para que nos fuera bien el la tierra, para tener las herramientas para vivir felices y volver a la casa del Padre despues de la muerte, si ves, lees estos mensajes en tucorazon conoceras los que tienes que seguir ahora para desarrollarte ahora para evolucionar en el camino, el unico camino de aquel que dijo YO SOY EL CAMINO LA VERDAD Y LA VIDA. Busca y encontrarás!!!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Christian Books, Nonfiction, Religion

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Title: Never Forsaken: A Testimony Collection
Author: Edited by Kim Bond

Never Forsaken: A Testimony Collection consists of first-hand accounts from Christians with transformed lives. These true-life short stories include personal experiences by unpaid authors with nothing but the desire to share the truth of what happened to them with you so you can also know the power of God. The testimonies are categorized into three sections. Testimonies of being set free from addiction and sin appear in the "Freedom" section like one amazing story from a drug addict turned pastor. Read about miraculous physical healings in the section called "Healing" like an incredible recovery from multiple gunshot wounds. The "Salvation" section communicates the story of a Hindu woman who turned into a Christian and an atheist who became a Christian after supernatural spiritual encounters. This book is for Christians and Non-Christians who are curious about what God is doing in the lives of His people today. It will increase your faith in God's love for you and others.     

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Spirituality, Religion, Health

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Title: Radical Revolution: A Conversation with God
Author: Shady Srour

This is a profound look into the deepest realms of spirituality, philosophy, religion, and life.  The book delves into issues of ecology, environmentalism, alternative medicine, spiritual truth, inner wisdom, and happiness. 

This is no less than a guide to the right way to live a full life.  It is inspirational and controversial at times.  It values simplicity above all else.  This is a moral wake-up call to the lost world we live in today. 

Plunge into this search for the deepest levels of spiritual truth and wisdom.  Radical Revolution: A Conversation with God is a unique book whose time has come.  It touches the soul and moves the spirit toward action in our world. 

This book will transform your life.  The flowing words and deeply profound wisdom will move your emotions and lift your soul to action.  Leaving no stone unturned, it covers life, death, birth, careers, family, morals, health, environmental devastation, happiness, disease, and many other aspects of the human experience. 


For a limited time: Coupon Code XC59Z gives you a free copy from https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/488107 until November 11th, 2014.  I kindly ask for an honest review of this book. 


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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Family, Nonfiction, Religion

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Title: In the Cleft Joy Comes in the Mourning: A Story of Hope After Tragedy
Author: Dana Goodman

In the Cleft Joy comes in the Mourning is a poignant memoir about loss, hope and faith even during the worst of tragedies.  Dana Goodman does not gloss over the devastating journey of losing three of her family members to cancer:  Her husband, son and mother-in-law.  

In the Cleft is a story beyond grief, as Dana shares the goodness and sweetness of God through the times in the deepest, darkest valleys.

Time and time again she describes how God's love met her during her messiest times.  Torrents of heartache crashed in on her family every day, wave upon wave of debilitating bad news. Yet, she held onto hope and never let go.

Through her journey, she discovers that in the broken moments of our lives, seeds are planted in the very rich soil of God's kindness and when those seeds are showered with his love they bear much fruit and multiply.  Just when Dana thought nothing could grow in the barren waste of broken dreams, seeds began to grow into beautiful plans of love and hope.  Her prayer is that the seeds from her family's journey are implanted into other's hearts so that when they walk through the valley of sorrows, they can be assured that even the most painful journey can be transformed into a love story.

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Category: Philosophy, Poetry, Religion

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Title: Ponder Awhile
Author: Mohit.K.Misra

A collection of 48 poems on enlightenment, spirituality and God.

Award Winning Finalist 2009 USA Book News Spirituality General

Ranked 1 in Religious ebooks for 2010 and 2011 Franklin ebooks


Ranked in Top 10 Poetry, Body, Mind and Spirit and Philosophy Best Book Buys 2011/2012 ans 2013.


Poet shares his god knowledge gained via enlightenment in order to unite religions.


There are many misconceptions regarding enlightenment and spiritual truths which the author aims to clarify in simple language which can reach out to all.

Poems such as Religions is bound to benifit humanity and unite them as the expound on essence of religions, the similarities which are identical.

 Poems range on various topics such as Mom,Religions, Truth, Death, Eternity etc


An athiest who encountered God in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean while working as a Navigating Officer in the Merchant Navy refelects his change of thinking and life which took a drastic turn after the experience of enlightenment.

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Category: Nonfiction, Religion, Spirituality

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Title: Walking With Jesus - The Joy Of Living In His Love
Author: Scott Shannon

Walking With Jesus - The Joy Of Living In His Love is the result of my experience as a volunteer Christian minister for almost 30 years. It is a work of love that should be of interest to all Christians.

Throughout my ministry I have encountered so many Christians who are filled with hate or fear. Some do not truly understand what being a Christian actually means. Others are "Cafeteria Christians" who pick and choose which parts of the Bible they want to believe. Still others are simply misinformed about our religion.

My book is primarily based on the words of Jesus. He has told us what to do in order to have even a hope of salvation. He has also told us what not to do. If we follow his teaching we can become transformed as Authentic Christians.

When we become Authentic Christians our lives are filled with love; for God, for ourselves, and for ALL others. This love that fills us permeates our daily lives in everything we do and everything we say. This gives us a truly joyous life.

Most importantly, when all that we express is love, we discover that Jesus is a constant presence in our lives. We can turn to Him at any moment with a problem, with gratitude, with praise, or with repentance for something we have done or said that is not loving.

If you want to become an Authentic Christian then I urge you to read this book.

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Category: Christian Books, Nonfiction, Religion

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Title: Crumbs under the table

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