Those who write clearly have readers, those who write obscurely have commentators.
Albert Camus

Religion ebooks

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Category: Christian Books, Religion, Spirituality

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Reviewed by sandra on 2018-01-28
My Rate 5
A very inspiring and uplifing book!When you have Troubles open your heart

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Title: Wings Like Eagles: A Prayer Book
Author: Kim Bond

Many Christians want to devote more time to prayer and personal devotion to God, but they soon realize they have a hard time finding the right words to say. Wings Like Eagles: A Prayer Book provides over thirty penned prayers ready for you lift up to our Almighty Father in prayer. Each one is introduced with the prayer focus and a corresponding New International Version Bible verse. The prayers in Wings Like Eagles are relevant to modern life and applicable to nearly everyone. This free ebook includes a variety of prayers like personal appeals, intercessory prayers, and worshipful praise. Unlock your potential to impact the world around you with powerful and inspirational prayer. Bless your children. Bless your friends. Pray for the future of scientific advancements. Pray for your community. Pray for your spouse (or future spouse). 1 Thessalonians 5:17 tells us to pray continually. Wings Like Eagles: A Prayer Book is one way to perform an act of obedience in answer to that call for prayer.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (5 after 1 votes)
Category: Christian Books, Religion, Spirituality

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Reviewed by Chello on 2017-08-25
My Rate 4
Very intruiging! A fresh vieuw on the mysteries of the bible.

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Title: Gospel Mysteries

In this ebook you can read about many intriguing mysteries pertaining to some incidents in the earthly life of Jesus Christ. Examples are the possible hidden role of Mary Magdala, the significance of the ebook of Judas, the trial before Pilate, re-discovered gospels, and the temptation by Satan.

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Ebook Type: Other
Rating: (4 after 1 votes)
Category: Novels, Arts, Religion

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Reviewed by joholin on 2011-11-26
My Rate 4
An unusual take on the 'country-house novel' that involves a group of young people with growing reputations in one or another of the arts, who are being put to the test.

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Author: John O'Loughlin

A country-house novel involving a group of talented artists of one kind or another who are being encouraged to make contributions to a unique museum which specializes in the human voice, including the voices of the famous. But there are snags, and one or two of the guests have opinions and motives of their own.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (4 after 1 votes)
Category: Christian Books, Religion, Spirituality

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Reviewed by Rob Helfer on 2019-12-26
My Rate 4
I am a Drug & Alcohol Counselor in a Prison Treatment Center and use it as part of my treatment and am seeing results

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Title: The Healing Scriptures Workbook for Depression
Author: Marlene Taylor

This is a 21 day, faith based, writing program for those who suffer from stress, anxiety or depression. It is a healing tool using scripture from the word of God. If you're suffering from depression, stress or anxiety please see a medical doctor. This writing program was created to help you focus your mind on praising God through Christ Jesus. The author, Marlene Taylor, suffered from clinical depression and through prayer was led to do this writing program herself. It helped her to refocus her mind on the blessings of God as opposed to the history of abuse that dwelled constantly in her mind.

The writing process was a large part of her healing.  Forgiveness, trusting God and letting go of the past was pivotal in ushering in peace and joy for her. She was taken off depression medications and began enjoying a new found happiness and peace in Christ Jesus. Marlene Taylor holds a ceritifcation as a Substance Abuse Counselor.

She a is also a member of NAMI National Allience on Mental Illness. She understands that sometimes people may need medication to help them and advises all to consult with a doctor if symptoms of depression, stress and anxiety are present. She is not a medical doctor and can not give medical advice. But by faith, she would encourage you to use this scripture writing tool as additional help, on your way to recovery.

All scriptures are taken from the KGV Bible which is in the public domain. You can visit Marlene Taylor's wesite

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Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (4 after 1 votes)
Category: Religion, Spirituality

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Reviewed by on 2011-10-08
My Rate 1
this was not a book

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Title: Traditional Witchcraft: The Secret of the Magical Life
Author: Adrian Eglinton

The mystery of witchcraft and the viability of Traditional Witchcraft, or "Trad Witchcraft," as a personal spiritual path is examined along with the primary forms of magic used in the British Isles today.

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Rating: (1 after 1 votes)
Category: Christian Books, Philosophy, Religion

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Title: Vital Truth and Precepts Study Guide
Author: Felix Amiri

This study guide examines some important considerations of the Christian faith. It provides useful teaching or study content for Sunday school teachers, professors and students in bible colleges and seminaries. The guide is suitable for personal bible study, or in a group or college classroom setting to facilitate discussions. The topics covered include:

- God's Supremacy - God's Sovereignty, God's Tri-unity, God's Creation and the Reality of Evil, God's Omnipresence, God's Benevolence, God's Immutability, Christ's Absolute Perfection

- God's Absoluteness and Implications - Absolute Love, Mercy and Grace, Absolute Truth, Absolute Goodness

- God and Humans - Purpose and Prospects for Creation, Roles of Creation, Future Prospects

- Culpability and Grace - Retribution and Recompense, Guilt and Innocence, Choice and Consequences, Sin and Detriments, Punishment and Justification, Rewards in Heaven

- Salvation - True Gospel and The Purpose of Calvary, Coming to Faith, Saving the Lost, Perfect Salvation, Response and Faith, True Godliness

- Salvation And Freewill - God's Love and Human Freewill, Purpose and Extent of Human Will, Human Will and Consequence

- Salvation Realities - Reason and Responsibilities, Regeneration and Knowledge in Time, Sanctification through Time, Ultimate Glorification, Right to be God's Children

- Prayer - God and Our Prayers, Benefits of Prayer, Biblical Asking, Effectual Fervent

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Humor, Religion, Fiction

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Title: The Adventures of Jesus - EScreen Format
Author: Walt Sautter

This is a rewrite of "The Adventures of Jesus" in screenplay format. Much has been added and deleted from the original making it ever funnier.

 The "Adventures of Jesus" will give a whole new understanding of how The Second Coming may occur and plenty of laughes besides. 

Jesus returns accompanied by his faithful companion, the Angel Gabriel and together they attempt to devise a plan to publicize his arrival. They find themselves continually plagued with problems from finding new Apostles to organizing a Sermon on the Mount rally.

Even the Savior's old miracle working skills need updating now and then. He frequently reveals the true meanings of many of his arcane sayings and parables with clear, easy to understand explanations. Additionally, He tells how some of the most dramatic events in the Bible actually unfolded. You will be shocked (and laugh your ass off!).

Warning - Reading this story will not condemn you to Hell but may require you to spend a little extra time in Purgatory. LOL  

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Ebook Type: Kindle
Category: Religion, Christian Books, Spirituality

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Title: Spiritual Warfare Manual for Beginners: The Key To Powerful Spiritual Warfare Prayers
Author: Willie Estrada

This is a spiritual warfare for beginners, but it also contains vital information for the experienced warrior. This manual was prepared with the guidance of the Holy Spirit; based on Bible studies, and based on more than 15 years dealing with demonic influences and supernatural deliverance. The experience that you will gain from this manual, will be a step forward in your spiritual life. With this knowledge, you will be able to fight all kinds of demonic strongholds, and get delivered from any evil influence for the glory of the Lord. Today you will learn new spiritual warfare strategies, that you've probably never heard of before, such as: Territorial spiritual warfare. This will enable you to fight for your territory because it's in the air that you must fight Satan and his demonic forces. This territorial evil influences affect you in an indirect way, and they destroy your nation, your church, your family, and therefore, your life, so don't underestimate this vital information. 

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Ebook Type: Kindle
Category: Humor, Poetry, Religion

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Title: Help for Hysterical Humans who Hope to Be Happy in Heaven
Author: James Sterngram

Help for Hysterical Humans (etc.) is a slender PDF densely packed with music, magic, meditation, and humor. Author James Sterngram is a poet for the Associated Individuals Desiring Enlightenment (Sometimes). AIDE(S) is a global prophet-making organization currently boasting roughly seven billion members.

A shorter sample poem:

True Discipline

Perfect discipline is this:
never waiting till you're done
with this task, this life, this sun
before you take it all in fun.

I'm still 'working' on this one,
but I have learned that, deep within,
my somber psyche has a friend
who never lacks for discipline.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Nonfiction, History, Religion

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Title: Puppets of Faith
Author: BS Murthy

The sublimity of Muhammad's preachings in Mecca and the severity of his sermons in Medina make Islam a Janus-faced faith that forever bedevels the mind of the Musalmans.

When a bunch of apparently non-practicing Musalmans headed by Mohamed Atta launched that fifayeen attack on New York's World Trade Centre that Sep 11, the non-Muslim world, by then familiar with the ways of the Islamic terrorism, was at a loss to fathom the unthinkable source of that unexpected means of the new Islamist scourge.

This novel nonfiction probes the mind of the Musalmans, afflicted by the Islamic psyche shaped by the proclivities of their prophet, vicissitudes of his life, attitudes of his detractors, and the credulity of the Umma, with Thomas A. Harris's 'I'm Ok - You're Ok' scanner, to sketch the anatomy of Islam that explains the Atta phenomenon.

Also examined herein is how the Hindu sanatana dharma came to survive in India that is in spite of the onslaught on it, first by Islam and then by the Christianity, for over a millennium.


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