Most ignorance is vincible ignorance. We don't know because we don't want to know.
Aldous Huxley

Religion ebooks

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Category: Christian Books, Religion

Smith's Bible Dictionary

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Title: Smith's Bible Dictionary
Author: William Smith


See Alpha

(high or holy ground), a mountainous district of Asia mentioned in the Bible in connection with the following events:- (1) As the resting-place of the ark after the deluge. (Genesis 8:4) (2) As the asylum of the sons of Sennacherib. (2 Kings 19:37; Isaiah 37:38) Authorized Version has "the land of Armenia." (3) As the ally, and probably the neighbor, of Minni and Ashchenaz. (Jeremiah
51:27) [Armenia] The name Ararat was unknown to the geographers of Greece and Rome, as it still is to the Armenians of the present day; but it was an ancient name for a portion of Armenia. In its biblical sense it is descriptive generally of the Armenian highlands-the lofty plateau which over looks the plain of the Araxes on the north and of Mesopotomia on the south. Various opinions have been put forth as to the spot where the ark rested, as described in (Genesis 8:4) (but it is probable that it rested on some of the lower portions of the range than on the lofty peak to which exclusively) Europeans have given the name Ararat, the mountain which is called Massis by the Armenians, Agri-Dagh, i.e. Steep Mountain, by the Turks, and Kuh-i-Nuh, i.e. Noah's Mountain, by the Persians. It rises immediately out of the plain of the Araxes, and terminates in two conical peaks, named the Great and Less Ararat, about seven miles distant from each other; the former of which attain an elevation of 17,260 feet above the level of

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Category: Christian Books, Religion

Easton's Bible Dictionary

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Title: Easton's Bible Dictionary
Author: Easton M.G.



the first letter of the Greek alphabet, as Omega is the last. These letters occur in the text
of Rev. 1:8,11; 21:6; 22:13, and are represented by "Alpha" and "Omega" respectively (omitted in R.V., 1:11). They mean "the first and last." (Comp. Heb. 12:2; Isa. 41:4; 44:6; Rev. 1:11,17;
2:8.) In the symbols of the early Christian Church these two letters are frequently combined with the cross or with Christ's monogram to denote his divinity.
The eldest son of Amram and Jochebed, a daughter of Levi (Ex. 6:20). Some explain the name as meaning mountaineer, others mountain of strength, illuminator. He was born in Egypt three years before his brother Moses, and a number of years after his sister Miriam (2:1,4; 7:7). He married Elisheba, the daughter of Amminadab of the house of Judah (6:23; 1 Chr. 2:10), by whom he had four sons, Nadab and Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar. When the time for the deliverance of Isarael out of Egypt drew nigh, he was sent by God (Ex. 4:14,27-30) to meet his long-absent brother, that he might co-operate with him in all that they were required to do in bringing about the Exodus. He was to be the "mouth" or "prophet" of Moses, i.e., was to speak for him, because he was a man of a ready utterance (7:1,2,9,10,19). He was faithful to his trust, and stood by Moses in all his interviews with Pharaoh.
When the ransomed tribes fought

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Category: Christian Books, Religion

Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

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Title: Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible
Author: Matthew Henry



Genesis is a name taken from the Greek, and signifies "the book of generation or production;" it is properly so called, as containing an account of the origin of all things. There is no other history so old. There is nothing in the most ancient book which exists that contradicts it; while many things recorded by the oldest heathen writers, or to be traced in the customs of different nations, confirm what is related in the book of Genesis.

Chapter 1

Chapter Outline

God creates heaven and earth.

The creation of light.

God separates the earth from the waters, and makes it fruitful.

God forms the sun, moon, and stars.

Animals created.

Man created in the image of God.

Food appointed.

The work of creation ended and approved.

Verses 1, 2

The first verse of the Bible gives us a satisfying and useful account of the origin of the earth and the heavens. The faith of humble Christians understands this better than the fancy of the most learned men. From what we see of heaven and earth, we learn the power of the great Creator. And let our make and place as men, remind us of our duty as Christians, always to keep heaven in our eye, and the earth under our feet. The Son of God, one with the Father, was with him when he made the

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Category: Christian Books, Religion

Nave's Topical Bible

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Title: Nave's Topical Bible




-Lineage of Exodus 6:16-20; Joshua 21:4, 10; 1 Chronicles 6:2, 3; 23:13
-Marriage of Exodus 6:23
-Children of Exodus 6:23, 25; 1 Chronicles 6:3; 24:1, 2
-Descendants of Exodus 6:23, 25; 1 Chronicles 6:3-15, 50-53; 24
-Meets, Moses in the wilderness and is made spokesman for Moses Exodus 4:14-16, 27-31; 7:1, 2
-Inspiration of Exodus 12:1; Leviticus 10:8; 11:1; 13:1; 15:1; Numbers 2:1; 4:1, 17; 18:1; 19:1; 20:12
-Commissioned as a deliverer of Israel Exodus 6:13, 26, 27; Joshua 24:5; 1 Samuel 12:8; Psalm 77:20;
105:26; Micah 6:4
-Summoned to Sinai with Nadab, Abihu, and seventy elders 24:1, Exodus 19:24; 9, 10
-Priesthood of Exodus 28:1; 29:9; Numbers 17; 18:1; Psalm 99:6; Hebrews 5:4
-Consecration of, to the priesthood Exodus 28; 29; Leviticus 8
-Enters upon the priestly office Leviticus 9
-Descendants of, ordained priests forever Exodus 28:40-43; 29:9; Numbers 3:3; 18:1; 1 Chronicles 23:13; 2
Chronicles 26:18
-Judges Israel in the absence of Moses Exodus 24:14
-Makes the golden calf Exodus 32; Acts 7:40; Deuteronomy 9:20, 21
-Rod of, buds Numbers 17; Hebrews 9:4
-Preserved Numbers 17; Hebrews 9:4
-Murmured against, by the people Exodus 5:20, 21; 16:2-10; Numbers 14:2-5, 10; 16:3-11, 41; 20:2; Psalm
-Places pot of manna in the ark Exodus 16:34
-With Hur supports the

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Category: Christian Books, Relationships, Religion

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Reviewed by Sunny on 2024-01-25
My Rate 5
Awesome book i dont know why I like it and I am reviewing it because it is not opening and I have to review it in 100 words

Reviewed by Elizabeth on 2020-01-08
My Rate 5
A lot of Christians have so many questions around sex and this book will help you understand clearly.

Reviewed by jane jorton on 2018-07-27
My Rate 4
good ebook and will help that people who has ever or will ever have six

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Title: The Bible, Sex, And This Generation
Author: Monicque Sharman

How God's Word Applies Today

Learn What The Bible Really Says About Sex!

  • How should Christians view and treat those living in defacto relationships?
  • Do men and women today really have to wait until they are married before having sex? And what happens if they don't?
  • Have you ever wondered why Jesus gives an 'exception' for divorce in only one gospel?
  • Or why men described as 'righteous' in the Old Testament were allowed more than one wife?
  • And have you ever pondered how these and other biblical teachings on sex can be translated into your life today?

This website promotes a fantastic Christian book that uses Scripture after Scripture to establish a harmonic picture of the biblical teaching on sex. It answers the above questions - and many more - in a unique and challenging way.

Don't allow yourself or those in your influence to continue hurtful sexual patterns. Discover freedom through understanding, and guidance for the future in the sexual area of life!

As well as being a must read for parents, counselors, church leaders and scholars, this resource will be valuable for anyone who has ever or will ever have sex.

This website and the book does NOT promote sexual promiscuity, or a lowering in moral standards. It does NOT contain erotica. However, it does include some

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Rating: (4.14 after 64 votes)
Category: Christian Books, Religion, Spirituality

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Reviewed by SHILPI TIWARI on 2020-09-27
My Rate 5
It is one of the best spiritual book i read. it is totally enriching and powerful. it has explained the basic things so beautifully.

Reviewed by PolaxWater1 on 2020-03-01
My Rate 5
I really like this book. I will rate it 5 stars. I think everyone should read it. Shadowpak This version is the best i have read.

Reviewed by Marcelo on 2019-01-22
My Rate 5
The sacred bible is one of the most widely read books in the world and this copy is perfect. Meeting of various texts with an easy reading. I really love it!

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Title: Holy Bible
Author: King James Version without Apocrypha

Holy Bible

The Bible (from Koine Greek, "the books") is a collection of texts sacred in Judaism and Christianity. It is a collection of scriptures written at different times by different authors in different locations. Jews and Christians consider the books of the Bible to be a product of divine inspiration or an authoritative record of the relationship between God and humans.

The King James Version (KJV), also known as the Authorized Version (AV) or King James Bible (KJB), is an English translation of the Christian Bible for the Church of England that began in 1604 and was completed in 1611.

James gave the translators instructions intended to guarantee that the new version would conform to the ecclesiology and reflect the episcopal structure of the Church of England and its belief in an ordained clergy. The translation was done by 47 scholars, all of whom were members of the Church of England. In common with most other translations of the period, the New Testament was translated from Greek, the Old Testament was translated from Hebrew and Aramaic text, while the Apocrypha was translated from the Greek and Latin. In the Book of Common Prayer (1662), the text of the Authorized Version replaced the text of the Great Bible – for Epistle and Gospel readings (but not for the Psalter which has retained substantially Coverdale's Great Bible version) and as such was authorized by Act of Parliament.

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Rating: (4.91 after 12 votes)
Category: Christian Books, Religion, Spirituality

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Reviewed by Jaya Chahal on 2018-01-28
My Rate 5
The God is above all the powers in the whole universe. Without Him, even a single breathe cannot be taken. We come to know about all this in a detail from this book.

Reviewed by Chris Efird on 2017-09-09
My Rate 4
The King James bible is a standard of the Christian faith, but this only includes the New testament. . . and the Old testament must also be present for the complete message

Reviewed by jack walker on 2017-08-28
My Rate 4
god is very good. without him, there the life is nothing this ebook is showing a lot of staff to all of us

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Title: Holy Bible, New Testament
Author: King James Version

The New Testament is the second major part of the Christian biblical canon, the first part being the Old Testament, based on the Hebrew Bible. The Greek New Testament discusses the teachings and person of Jesus, as well as events in first-century Christianity. Christians regard both the Old and New Testaments together as sacred scripture. The New Testament (in whole or in part) has frequently accompanied the spread of Christianity around the world. It reflects and serves as a source for Christian theology and morality.

The New Testament is an anthology, a collection of Christian works written in the common Greek language of the first century, at different times by various writers, who were early Jewish disciples of Jesus. In almost all Christian traditions today, the New Testament consists of 27 books. The original texts were written in the first and perhaps the second centuries of the Christian Era, generally believed to be in Koine Greek, which was the common language of the Eastern Mediterranean from the Conquests of Alexander the Great (335–323 BC) until the evolution of Byzantine Greeks (c. 600).

The King James Version (KJV), also known as the Authorized Version (AV) or King James Bible (KJB), is an English translation of the Christian Bible for the Church of England that began in 1604 and was completed in 1611.

James gave the translators instructions intended to guarantee that the new version would conform to the ecclesiology and

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Rating: (4.59 after 5 votes)
Category: Christian Books, Religion, Spirituality

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Reviewed by Evo on 2008-06-19
My Rate 5
This book is very comprehensive - It's like a Study Guide. It gives much more information than was expected and could easily have been divided into 3 separate books. It has revelation I've never read anywhere else. An excellent bargain!

Reviewed by keijo leppioja on 2008-03-24
My Rate 4
And the salvation with faith is the gift of God who is good and his love endures for ever,so let us go an and winning the painful men to Christ,pray for those believer who will fight and arr attacted about bad spirit,thanks an dbless and hope,keijo

Reviewed by John on 2008-01-23
My Rate 5
I have been saved for 20 years and have read hundreds of Christian books on many topics but this Ebook gives the best explanation of what becoming born again means and the true nature of the Christian life out of ALL that I have ever read!

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Title: Understanding The 3 Levels of Salvation: Spirit, Soul & Body
Author: Everest John Alexander

A Unique Look at Being Born Again and How it Affects You Spiritually, Mentally and Physically!

You'll Get A Step-by-Step Explanation of:

  • The salvation of your spirit, your soul and your body
  • The offices of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit and how they work in unity
  • How your nature is changed from human to divine
  • How the influence of God's word changes the way your mind operates
  • How a simple 4-step faith formula works to get guaranteed results every time
  • How Satan systematically infiltrates the mind of a Christian

After Reading This eBook You'll Be Able To:

  • Properly explain the Salvation Plan and lead anyone to Christ
  • Pray with confidence and power like you never did before
  • Live a guilt-free life full of real joy and peace that passes all understanding
  • Expertly defend basic salvation doctrines to anyone who challenges your faith
  • Experience the true joy and liberty of salvation without the fear of condemnation
  • Daily walk in the power and authority that Jesus died to give you
  • Completely forgive yourself and overcome your past mistakes
  • Better understand the Bible and have a desire to read it more regularly
  • Better resist the temptations the enemy throws at your mind
  • Apply life-changing principles to becoming totally debt-free
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Rating: (4.66 after 3 votes)
Category: Christian Books, Nonfiction, Religion

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Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-10-15
My Rate 5
I will give 5 stars to this book as it give true image of dalits ,untouchability as i too against untouchability and caste system in society that why i like most.

Reviewed by robert on 2009-06-21
My Rate 5
Super great information. We have been provided only part of the story. Hat's off to the aythor

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Title: Truth About Dalits, Caste System And Untouchability
Author: Oliver D'Souza

'Truth About Dalits" presents an extensive insight into India' caste system and the plight of the Dalits. It provides a realistic and scholarly perspective of the Dalit issue, as opposed to the archaic, piecemeal and often repeated information that is increasingly come into circulation. Unlike any other work on Dalits, the ebook uses a combination of religious text, scholarly resources, statistical data and extensive field experience with the Dalits to put forth a work bound to change the common perception and understanding of the Dalit plight. It also debunks the evangelical claim that Dalits want to convert to Christianity.

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Rating: (5 after 2 votes)
Category: Spirituality, Religion, Mystery

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Reviewed by Bibliomania777 on 2021-05-15
My Rate 5
The Truth about Angels presently stands out as an essential and enlightening truth. Not only satisfying curiosity, it radiates with hope. . .

Reviewed by Bibliomania777 on 2021-03-14
My Rate 5
This is a truly eye-opening novel. It inspires the reader with life-changing views of the supernatural.

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Title: The Truth about Angels
Author: Ellen G. White

This book, The Truth about Angels, describes these heavenly messengers who execute God's will on earth. It dispels some of the misconceptions regarding their nature and role in human affairs. Angels are commissioned with critical responsibilities on which hands the lives of humanity. Myriads of angels sing and surround the throne of God. Lifting the veil between the seen and the unseen world, this text sets forth the truth about angels and their involvement in events on earth. Beginning with Lucifer's rebellion in heaven and continuing to the work of angels after the beginning of chaos, this volume provides a behind-the-scenes view of the existence and activities of angels as they go about the work of heaven as well as the powers of darkness. Best of all, it would enable the reader to appreciate the mission, fellowship and companionship of angels. Multitudes believe that angels are spirits of the dead who are "ministering spirits" sent to help mankind in peril; however this book explains the truth about angels, both good and evil. 



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