Many a man fails as an original thinker simply because his memory is too good.
Friedrich Nietzsche

Relationships ebooks

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Category: Holidays, Relationships

Hot Tips & Treats To Light Your Valentine's Fire

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Title: Hot Tips & Treats To Light Your Valentine's Fire

Table of Contents:

  • Love
  • Listen Up Guys
  • Communicate Your Love
  • This Goes Both Ways
  • A Woman Knows How to Spice it Up
  • Know Your Love
  • The Way to the Heart...
  • 50 Romantic Ideas for Valentine's Day
  • Conclusion


Love is on most everyone's mind at some point in time and especially during the month of February. February is the month of romance and the time for not only romantic thoughts but romantic actions. Keeping in mind that sex is sex and love is love and what we're talking about here is true, unadulterated love. Almighty love between two people who care for one another so much that when physical contact is no longer possible because bones are too old and brittle, or illness keeps them physically apart, they still have that need to be together because of the great love they share for one another.

Yes, it is possible to have this amazing kind of love in your life.

The following information is intended for those of you who may or may not have a clue what to do when the month of amore rolls around.

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Category: Relationships

Guide To Online Dating and Matchmaking

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Title: Guide To Online Dating and Matchmaking

Are you ready to find a budding romance online?

Secrets of Finding Your 'ONE and ONLY' with Online Dating Services!

I know what you're looking for...

You're looking for SOMEONE. ANYONE!

Anyone that fits your highly detailed list of qualifications that is. Well GOOD.

If you've ever thought you could use those online dating services you've heard about to find a special someone... you were absolutely right. You can! Thousands have and thousands will continue to!

In fact, thousands of people just like you are looking to meet someone right now. It's time to get serious. It's time to take the guessing out of the game. It's time to take the matchmaking world by storm with our...

Manual to Online Dating and Matchmaking!

Greetings Friend,

If you are a sexual creature, you can find a meaningful relationship through online matchmaking.

If all you are looking for is sex, you will find it. If you want a relationship, there are certain ways to go about it and there are certain ways to not. Don't embarrass yourself. Do things the right way the first time.

Gone are the days when parents stuck kids in a room and tried to force sparks to fly. And face it, high school sweethearts

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Category: Relationships

The Ultimate Guide To Online Dating

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Title: The Ultimate Guide To Online Dating

If you're wanting to learn how to map out online dating success from the start...
Then this may be the most important letter you'll ever read!

You're About To Uncover All The Insider Tips And Tricks To Online Dating And How To Get The Most For Your Money, No Matter How Much Time You Have Had To Prepare!

It doesn't matter if you've never experienced online dating up close and personal, This guide will tell you everything you need to know, without spending too much brainpower!

Dear Friend,

Are you planning on starting to online date right now or in the near future? If so, pay attention!

There's finally a new, breakthrough book created just for people like you!

And, if you really want to have the most beautiful, significant other that will bring a smile to your face, then this book is definitely for YOU!

I myself have been a match maker for 5 years, but it wasn't easy my first two times! I mean, information on this is pretty hard to come across. Especially the kind of information I wanted to know more about. To be quite honest with you, I got tired of looking and searching all over the place, so I decided to create the definitive book on online dating!

This Isn't Like Any Other General or Generic Book On Online Dating You Can Find In Any Store..


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Category: Psychology, Relationships, Self Help

51 Ways to Overcome Shyness and Low Self-Esteem

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Title: 51 Ways to Overcome Shyness and Low Self-Esteem

Do you have low self-esteem? Do social situations stress you out? Do you wish you weren't so shy?

51 Ways to Overcome Shyness and Low Self-Esteem can help!

You'll learn...

  • How to start conversations
  • How to start thinking positively
  • Ways to make dating less stressful
  • How to start liking yourself again

Find all these ideas and more! Start raising your self-esteem today!

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Category: Relationships

The Comprehensive Guide to Finding Your Perfect Woman

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Title: The Comprehensive Guide to Finding Your Perfect Woman

"Who Else Wants to Learn Amazing Dating Secrets You Can Use to Get Any Beautiful Woman You Want - Even If You Are Butt-Ugly, Missing Teeth & Have Struck Out With Every Single Woman You've Ever Approached?"

New e-Book Reveals How Any Man Can Go From Being a Failure With Women to Being a Success ... from Being 'Made Fun of' to Being Respected ... from Being Ignored to Being Worshipped ... All in Just a Few Days!

Dear friend,

Have you been lonely long enough? Are you ready finally ready to discover what you need to do to be truly successful with women?

Well, today is your lucky day! I've just published a new e-book that reveals everything you need to know to start attracting women like a 10-ton magnet attracts paperclips.

That's right, read "The Comprehensive Manual to Finding Your Perfect Woman: A Man's Dating Toolbox," and you'll discover:

  • How to quickly and easily determine what type of woman is best for you
  • How to quickly become irresistible to beautiful women - this is a secret very few men know ... it's time that you became one of the privileged few!
  • How to become the romantic man all women want!
  • Plus, you'll also discover how to build our own self-confidence and in no time become the type of man other men want to be and women want to be with!

The truth is, it doesn't matter if you've

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Category: Relationships

Online Dating for Senior Citizens

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Title: Online Dating for Senior Citizens

"Are You Single And Over The Age Of 50? And Tired OF Being Alone And You Are Eager To Get Back In The Dating World? Do You Feel Overwhelmed By The Thought Of Dating? Well, Worry No More!"

There Are So Many Seniors Out There Just Like You Who Are Single And Ready To Get Back Into The Dating Scene. The Best Part Is You Can Do It From Your Own Home!

Dear Senior:

Every minute, people from all walks of life connect to the Internet and thus, the Internet is a best place to meet lots of people-of different age group, gender, religion, likes and dislikes, interests, nationality, character and beliefs-all at the same time.

Many people, old and young ones alike love meeting people online as this gives them the opportunity to discover of different cultures and interact with real people without the need to change locations. All you need is a computer, an Internet connection and you're on your way to meeting people online.

With the advent of the Internet, and with so many people all over the world turning to the Web to do nearly everything, including meeting new friends, getting a date online has become
too commonplace to really strike curious chords. In fact, any Internet fanatic would tell you that online dating is probably one of the best products to be introduced to the Web ever.

There is no question that the popularity of online dating has

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Category: Relationships

A Teener's Guide To Dating

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Title: A Teener's Guide To Dating

Discover The Art of Successful Dating In Few Simple Steps

If you are a Teenager, let this manual will prepare you to one of life's most delightful experiences.

If you are a parent, this manual will help you manual your teenage child through her life's first steps towards adulthood...

Dear Friend,

Dating is one of the most exciting periods of your life.

Suddenly, there are new horizons before you, friendships flower, your personality blooms, and your sense of being a desirable person worthy of affection becomes real.

This is a time of great exhilaration, splendor, and discovery. To live it fully is to enjoy one of life's most delightful experiences.

To miss out on dating is a shame and a waste, especially when there is still time to do something about it. Dating is an art, and like all arts it must be cultivated to give results.

Long before you actually start dating, you dream about it. Wistfully, you see other fellows and girls out together on dates, laughing, talking, going places, having a seemingly effortless, wonderful time.

Before you ever get a date, you see yourself as the gallant hero or the glamorous heroine of a romantic situation.

You imagine all the right words and actions so easily, so vividly, that you can hardly wait to start dating.


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Category: Relationships

Getting the Woman of Your Dreams

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Title: Getting the Woman of Your Dreams

Learn How to Get Any Woman You Desire - Even If You're Shy, Unattractive & Out of Shape!

Dear friend,

If you have ever dreamed of being able to attract and date beautiful women - then this is definitely the most important letter you will read today!

Here's why:

In less than 10 minutes I'm going to reveal how you can overcome your fears and doubts and become the self-confident man you need to be to get any woman you want ... no matter how beautiful or "out of your league" you think she might be!

It's true.

It doesn't matter if you are good-looking or ugly ... fat or skinny ... shy or the life of the party ... old or young ... rich or poor ... you can get the woman of your dreams quickly and easily!

All you need to know are the dating and self-improvement tips contained in my new e-book, "Getting the Woman of Your Dreams: A Female Attraction Handbook for Shy Men."

At Last! Everything You Need to Know to Succeed With Women is Revealed in One Convenient, Inexpensive e-Book!

Let me be totally honest with you: The cheesy pick-up lines, hidden tricks, and special "secrets" that many manuals promise ... DON'T WORK!

The simple truth is without the self-confidence to look a woman in the eyes and communicate with her, you won't have much success in the dating department.

I learned

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Category: Relationships

The Player's Guide: To Picking Up Women

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Title: The Player's Guide: To Picking Up Women

For the Average Frustrated Male, Who's Unlucky With Women...
"Stop Chasing After Women, and Let the Women Chase You...Discover Proven, Tips for Attracting Women That Will Make Ladies Fall in Love With You Every Single Time!" .

Dear Frustrated Friend,
Are you a guy that has no luck with women? Or absolutely have no idea what you're doing when it comes to asking a girl out on a date ?

Let's see if this sounds familiar?

It was funny how a few year's ago, I was an average frustrated schmoe who thought putting a woman on a pedestal would lead to sex...I'd follow them around like a dog on a leash and jump at the chance to do them a favor at their requests; a complete fool. A hopeless romantic, I'd used to call it.

After some bad dating experiences, I decided to look into some psychology and influence ebooks to help me discover, "what makes a women tick."

After months of research and experience, I've learned the following: You don't have to be a good-looking, rich smooth operator to be successful with women. It's all a matter of attitude.

Yes, that's all it took!

And Changing Your Attitude Towards Women Can Help You, Too!

I know, because it has worked for thousands of people just like you.

I promise, every man on this earth has the abilitiy to become irresistible to

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Category: Relationships

Shy Guy's Guide To Success With Women

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Title: Shy Guy's Guide To Success With Women

If You Are Nervous, Experience Anxiety And Just Plain Don't Have The Confidence When It Comes To Approaching Women, This Letter Is For You.

"Discover The Simple And Proven Techniques To Get Rid Of Anxiety When Approaching Women And Gain The Confidence You Need To Make A Move On Any Girl You Want!"

Want to go from nervous geek that is scared to death of approaching a hot girl to dominant alpha male that wouldn't think twice? Keep reading...

Dear fellow shy guy,

To pick up any virtually any girl you want, you need to approach her with confidence as if you own the place, be cocky, sexy, interesting, mysterious, dominant and make her laugh!

Isn't that what all the pick up manuals teach you?

All the ebooks, tapes, seminars teach the same thing: be funny, interesting, exciting and be a man. But guess what? You could know exactly how to act, know a ton of jokes and magic tricks and it would not matter one bit unless you had one thing.

That's right, it does not matter how many ebooks you read or tapes you listen to when it comes to being successful with women unless you have the confidence to approach a girl in the first place!

Confidence is the most important thing you need if you want to pick up hot babes left and right, because

"If You Are Confident Enough To Come Up To A Girl As If You

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