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Relationships ebooks

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Category: Relationships

Getting Ready for the Right Relationship

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Title: Getting Ready for the Right Relationship

How Do You Know When You're Ready for a Serious Relationship

Table of Contents

  • How to Find and Attract Your One True Love?
  • Love - Deepen Your Understanding of Love
  • Key Tips to Starting a Relationship
  • Bad Reasons to Get into a Relationship
  • The Right Time to Say "I Love You"
  • Rushing into a Relationship
  • Choosing Your Relationship Challenges
  • Romantic Love and Pre-Commitment
  • Pain Prevention
  • 10 Tips to Know if You're Ready for a Relationship
  • When Is The Right Time To Be With Someone?
  • The Compatibility Factor
  • 15 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Getting into a Long Term Relationship
  • Time Factor in a Relationship
  • When Are You Ready to Move onto a New Relationship?
  • How Do You Know When You Are in the Right Relationship?

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Category: Relationships

HIS Guide To HER Jewelry

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Title: HIS Guide To HER Jewelry


HIS Manual To Buying HER Jewelry explains:

  • what it is for
  • what there is
  • how to pick yours
  • even what to get her based on age, relationship, etc.

It has been said....even a song has been written....that "Diamonds are a girl's best friend".

Maybe that's true...maybe not but it IS true that diamonds, as well as, emeralds, pearls, rubies, silver, gold, white gold, platinum and all combinations of the above are the stuff a guy's nightmares are made of.

How to choose? How to know what is good, what is not good and what is the difference?

How to know how much to spend? How to know whether to buy earrings, necklaces or brooches... and what the heck IS a brooch anyway? What occasion to give what piece of jewelry?

What kind of jewelry to give to whom?

Then there is the real biggie....the (gulp) Engagement Ring! Mind boggling!

Relax, fellows... We are here to help you solve the whole jewelry-buying-jewelry-giving mystery.

Diamonds: The Way to a Woman's Heart

Jewelry is the perfect gift, every woman loves it!
But you have to

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Category: Relationships

Romantic Ideas & Tips For A Special Valentine's Day

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Title: Romantic Ideas & Tips For A Special Valentine's Day

Add The Extra Zing To Your Special Valentine's Day! Spice Up Your Romance & Rejuvenate Your Zeal!!!

Express Your Love For That Special Someone In Your Life In A Special Way...

Dear Friend,

Let me first congratulate you that you are among those who really care and have kept the essence of love and emotions alive in today's world. The reason why you are reading this letter today is that you are a die had romantic at heart and can go to any extent to make your loved one happy and really wish to spruce up your romance and make your valentine happy.

In this world of speed and everything fast, sometimes love and emotions take a backseat. We seem to have time for anything and everything but love. Valentine's Day is that time of the year that urges us to break free from the mundane living, and spend some time for love and cherishing the moments of love. People who care for love and take care of the little things to ensure that their loved ones are happy actually make this world a much happier and beautiful place to live in. It's them due to which love is still alive and is celebrated in the form of 'Valentine's Day'.

Making your day special and adding more romance and zeal:

Love is present in all of us but it's the expression of love that matters. You may love someone dearly everyday, but unless you express and

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Category: Psychology, Relationships

Body Language

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Title: Body Language

Is a handshake really just a mere handshake, or does it express so much more?

"Learn Body Language and How it Can Benefit You!"

Dear Friend,

Have you often wondered why some people make you feel inferior, or how some people are able to communicate so completely, often times without uttering a word? In those situations and so many more, the people with the power have learned how to use body language to their advantage, from landing that sweet job to the perfect partner.

Have you wished you could read body signals better, notice those subtle cues that could offer you a wealth of information about the person with whom you are conversing? Introducing:

Body Language

Often times subtle body language signals are missed because we are either not paying close enough attention to the person we are engaged in conversation with, or we simply do not know how to read them. "Body Language" can give you the inside track on the numerous different types of body language people use everyday. Effective people use 50% body language and 50% verbal language to express themselves.

The use of body language alone can take a situation that you would normally be submissive in and turn it around to where you control all the power. Your body is far more powerful then most give it credit. From the way initial you greet a

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Category: Relationships

Routledge's Manual of Etiquette

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Title: Routledge's Manual of Etiquette

Routledge's guide of etiquette is a 19th-century manners and etiquette handbook with relevance to today's man and woman.

A humorous manual to courtship, toasts to ballroom dancing, proper meat carving, Introductions, Letters of Introduction, Visiting/Morning Calls/Cards, Conversation, Notes of Invitation, The Promenade, Dress, Morning & Evening Parties, The Dinner-table, The Ball-room, Staying at a Friend's House, and General Hints.

Some funny, some amusing but these guidelines are practical ways that we can apply to our every day lives to overcome shyness, avoid breach of proper manners and make others comfortable in our presence.

Table Of Contents:


I. Introductions
II. Letters of Introduction
III. Visiting, Morning Calls, Cards
IV. Conversation
V. Notes of Invitation, &c.
VI. The Promenade
VII. Dress
VIII. Morning and Evening Parties
IX. The Dinner-table
X. The Ball-room
XI. Staying at a Friend's House--Breakfast, Luncheon, &c.
XII. General Hints

* * * * *


I. Introductions
II. Letters of Introduction
III. Visiting, Morning Calls, Cards, &c.
IV. Conversation
V. Notes of Invitation, &c.
VI. The Promenade
VII. Dress
VIII. Riding and Driving
IX. Morning and Evening Parties
X. The Dinner-table

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Category: Relationships

Proven Dating Secrets for Men

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Title: Proven Dating Secrets for Men

Overcome Shyness, Loneliness and Any Other Excuse You Have That is Preventing You From Dating Attractive Women!

These Are Same Techniques That Master Pickup Artist Are Using Everyday!

Hey There,

Within 20 minutes you will have the secrets to talk to any girl your heart pleases and get results. And by results I mean their number and the correct number at that.

If you're ready to start picking up chicks with ease and with no guess work follow along!

The problem most men have these days in getting a girlfriend or at least a lady to talk to is the approach. How do you approach a woman and actually have her interest to continue on?

That's Where I Come Into Play.

If you had problems in the past with sealing the deal, leave it in the past because now you're about to get something that's going to make the next time a breeze.

Introducing ...

Proven Dating Secrets for Men!

Proven Dating Secrets for Men is going to show you everything you need to know on how to approach a female, get a date with a female, and etc. etc.

I won't just teach you how to approach any female; I'm going to give you the secrets to approaching any woman no matter how hot she is. Things get real easy when you know you have the

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Category: Relationships

How To Woo A Woman

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Title: How To Woo A Woman



In the last two centuries women have gotten more and more independent, gone are the days when women have no say about issues that directly affects them, like whom to date or marry or whether to go to school or not. The days of arranged marriages are forever gone in most societies, even in societies where it still holds the women's resistance to arranged marriage is hugely increasing daily, as they are getting more aware.

As more women become independent, successful and enlightened, some men find it difficult to seek the affection or love of the woman they desire. As suggested in the name woman, a woman should be wooed and a man should be seduced. Wooing is one of the jobs that a man must do at least once in his lifetime. A man that does not want to do this job should not expect to be loved or be in a romantic relationship with a woman.

Strategizing is a good way of getting a desired outcome, seeking the affection or love of a woman is no different, because with proper strategy and careful planning you can effortlessly melt the heart of the hardest woman. Men think that getting a woman a gift is all it takes but it takes more than that, a woman wants to be appreciated and loved for who she is not for what you can get from her.

Every man wants to know the secret of attracting women. Most men make it harder

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Category: Relationships

The Elements of Character

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Title: The Elements of Character

Table of Contents


The weakness and helplessness of humanity, in relation to the fortunes of this life, have been a favorite theme with philosophers and teachers ever since the world began; and every term expressive of all that is uncertain, insubstantial, and unstable has been exhausted in describing the feebleness of man's power to retain in possession the good things of this life, or even life itself. However firmly the hand of man may seem to grasp power, reputation, or wealth; however numerous may be the band of children or friends that surrounds him, he has no certainty that he may not die friendless and a pauper. In fact, the most brilliant success in life seems sometimes to be permitted only that it may make the darkness of succeeding reverses the more profound.

Weak and helpless as we may be in the affairs of this life, there is, however, one thing over which we have entire control. Riches may take to themselves wings, though honest industry exert its best efforts to acquire and retain them; power is taken away from hands that seek to use it only for the good of those they govern; reputation may become tarnished, though virtue be without spot; health may vanish, though its laws, so far as we understand them, be strictly obeyed; but there is one thing left which misfortune cannot touch, which God is ever seeking

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Category: Relationships

Dating and Online Dating for Newbies

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Title: Dating and Online Dating for Newbies

Find that special someone to share romantic moments with and feel on top of the world


Learn the secrets of identifying the right person and getting yourself a date

Are you spending Friday nights watching TV alone? Do you get butterflies in your stomach at the thought of meeting new people and starting a conversation? Having trouble meeting your kind of person? You are not alone. Millions of others, just like you, want to find a date too. All you have to know is how to. Increase your chances of meeting likeminded people and getting them to agree to date you (or to even ask you for a date).

Get A Date And Bring Sunshine Into Your Life

According to an online survey conducted in 2010, 58.4% of the respondents said it was "very difficult" to find someone they would love to date. The same survey also revealed that 67.8% of the people felt "under confident about getting a date." Are you one of them?

  • Getting a date can build your confidence and self esteem. It can help you be a more positive person
  • Discover how to get a date and create some happy moments and some unforgettable memories
  • Learning to get
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Category: Relationships

The Book of Good Manners

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Title: The Book of Good Manners
Author: W. C. Green


THE EBOOK OF GOOD MANNERS is a complete and authentic authority
on every single phase of social usage as practiced in America. The author
has compiled the matter in dictionary form in order to give the reader the
desired information as briefly and clearly as possible, and with the least
possible effort in searching through the pages.



ADDRESS. The address of a person may be stamped on the stationery.

If the address is stamped, it is not customary to stamp also the crest or monogram.


MEN. A man should be addressed as Mr. James J, Wilson, or James J. Wilson, Esq. Either the Mr. or the Esq. may be used, but not the two together.

The title belonging to a man should be given. It is not customary to use Mr. or Esq. when Jr. or Sr. is used.

WOMEN. A woman's name should always have the Miss or Mrs.

A woman should never be given her husband's official title, as Mrs. Judge Wilson.

If a woman has a title of her own, she should be addressed as Dr. Minnie Wilson, when the letter is a professional one. If a social letter, this should be Miss Minnie Wilson, or Mrs.

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