Pontius Pilate was the first great censor, and Jesus Christ the first great victim of censorship.
Ben Lindsey

Relationships ebooks

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Category: Relationships, Romance, Travel

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Reviewed by Tresa Trujillo on 2016-03-27
My Rate 5
Great tips how to meet new people, what to say and bring up subject to talk to others.

Reviewed by Chuck Boney on 2015-11-10
My Rate 5
I wlaways wanted to know where to meet people moire than just the regular palces,like online,in the the mall,supermarket,ore even at church,I hope this e-book will help me find other places.

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Title: Seven Ways to Meet People
Author: David Bolton

When you go to another country in order to learn a language, the wisest thing you can do is to meet a lot of people. After all, speaking the language is the very best way to learn, and the more you converse in your new language, the quicker your skills will improve.
Yet meeting people - especially in a foreign country, and using a new language - is often a most daunting task. Are there any "easy" ways to make new acquaintances, without making a total fool of yourself? Fortunately, there are. This short EEbook will give you seven different methods you can use to meet as many people as you want, without seeming desperate. These techniques may also come in handy in your own country, for they can be used practically anywhere!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (5 after 2 votes)
Category: Men, Relationships, Romance

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Reviewed by Alex on 2008-10-22
My Rate 5
Amazing design & Awesome Product!

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Title: How To Get a Girlfriend
Author: Stephen Nash

Do you struggle with meeting and attracting women?

Do you feel "average" and unattractive?

Do you feel clueless as to what to say when you are standing face-to-face with an attractive woman?

Are you looking for a systematic plan for meeting and attracting the RIGHT kinds of women for you?

Would it surprise you to learn that most men struggle with meeting and attracting women? In fact, most men settle for women that they don't feel that true burn of attraction for.

I was once on of the greatest pick-up artists in the world, but since 2004 I have codified a system for helping men get GIRLFRIENDS. Sure, my ebook "How To Get A Girlfriend" will help you meet and attract virtually any woman you want. But, my primary interest is in helping single men meet and attract the women of their choosing.

My ebook outlines the 7 essential skills that you need to meet the woman of your dreams. These skills are very simple to learn, and that if you are willing to simply put one foot in front of the other - in a direction that I prescribe - you will find yourself dating interesting and attractive women within 30 days (or, I refund your money...deal?).

With "How To Get A Girlfriend", I have taken all the guesswork out of your game plan for meeting and attracting women. I incorporate the best social skills that I learned as a PUA (pick-up artist) along with the smoothest, most transforming lifestyle program in the dating market for men.... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (5 after 1 votes)
Category: Relationships, Men, Self Help

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Reviewed by Chuck Boney on 2015-11-13
My Rate 5
This is a great e-book,because i have been through some really,i mean really bad relationships,retlationships so bad they made me feel as though everything i said and did was wrong,but it was the woman. i need this book to find that wake up call next time.

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Title: The Social Interaction
Author: Bobby Singh

The social Interaction Is a online website based free guide book. The pupose of me writing this guide book is to help those people who face social awkardness in their life especially when it comes to interacting with woman. But I will not suggest you to  limit this knowledge only interacting with women. as guide explains step by step process how any conversation can be made in natural way with any person you like. If done correctly it would be helpful in business relations too . Guide is focused on how to make connection with the people you just met, using diffrent tools such as body language . with the help of body laguage users will able to undersatnd comfort and discomfort of their conversation partner. it does not only limited to that but also helps you to teach how you can respond to those body signals to make your partner feel more comfortable. usres will also learn how to embrace their confidence by using body language , and special tip to boost confidenec by using body language.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (5 after 1 votes)
Category: Relationships

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Reviewed by Kylie Atkinson on 2015-02-22
My Rate 5
Good read. I think this helped me to figure out that my crush did like me :)

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Title: Does He Like Me Or What? 60 Surefire Signs That He's Interested
Author: Luanna Wallis

This is an innovative and powerful book helping women everywhere decide whether or not the special man in her life is interested in her (as more than a friend) or not. Included are 60 indicators that will show that he is either interested or not. A keenness quiz can be taken to decide how much he likes the woman and can be used over time to determine and increase or decrease in attraction. A great read for teenage girls, young women or women of any aged who want to know whether or not the special boy, man or guy is into her.

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Rating: (5 after 1 votes)
Category: Relationships

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Title: Malignant Self Love - Narcissism Revisited EXCERPTS
Author: Sam Vaknin

The Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) and relationships with abusive narcissists - FAQs, journal entries, excerpts from the archives of the Narcissism List.

"Malignant Self Love - Narcissism Revisited" - Fifth Edition (Revised September 2003) - Excerpts.

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Category: Relationships

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Title: How I got 700 Dates in One Year
Author: Mr. L. Rx

How I got 700 Dates in One Year.

Why settle for doubling your dating when you can 10 x it!


A special instantly downloadable ebook to get you to JUMP START your love life.

Don't sit around the house wondering when you will ever date again when within hours you can get started meeting and dating 100s of women in the coming year.

Mr. L. Rx has done it and still does it, and he will show you HOW!

In this concise, downloadable, easy to read and easy to implement ebook you will learn:

  • TWO separate proven TECHNIQUES for generating 100's of dates a year
  • TECHNIQUES that are FAST, and SIMPLE to learn, and that you can START implementing them IN A COUPLE OF HOURS from now. That's right in just a few hours from now you can be on your way to generating 100's of dates a year.
  • This ebook is GUARANTEED to change your love life. That is why I wrote it.
  • TECHNIQUES that don't require you to have any understanding of women at all. You can be shy, UGLY, and a geek and they will work. IN FACT these TECHNIQUES will not only get you 100's of dates, but the sheer experience of going out on 100s of dates will give you a better understanding of women than anything you could ever read in a ebook--anything that I or any other GURU could ever say to you.

Bonus to the "Dating To Relating - From A to Z"

... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Relationships, Romance, Self Help

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Title: Loveletterbox Diary
Author: Rick Valens

A little journal of love, sharing with you the very questions and problems relating to love and relationship posted by friends in our love discussion forum. In the path of love, they are what most would have been or are going through...

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Category: Poetry, Relationships

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Title: As I See (A Collection of Poems, Photographs, And a Short Insightful Piece)
Author: R. Joseph Reece

"As I See" is a departure from the norm for Reece. Most of his work has focused on Gothic/suspense. This addition to his works, could be claimed from Reece's softer side
The poetry spans form 1985, up to the present, in chronological order.
The sample of photography comes from Reece's own choosing.
The closing story delves deep into Reece's psyche. As the story begins, you find a man on the brink of ending his life. The story follows as he searches, not only the country, but also his soul for answers to choices he needs to make.

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Category: Fiction, Humor, Relationships

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Title: Souching Past Bethlehem
Author: Carol Adler

Dr. Gissalayne Chondroitin (five PhDs in five useless academic disciplines)--currently employed at Hook, Line & Sinker, LLC, ("We give you the rod, you hook the fish")--has one agenda: find a man, fast. But not any man; the sugarcone.com internet match websites has already led her down the disaster trail too many times. Magically-or maybe not--on New Years Day of YK24 (2004) Jonas Foreplay sits down in the empty plastic seat next to her at the SeaTac airport on her way home from her most recent sugarcone.com failure. In this fast-reading novel, Adler neatly hides the truth of what's really happening right in your own back yard.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Relationships

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Title: How to Be Irresistible to Women

This is it: The ebook that started it all! Over 100 pages of in-depth secrets on flirting, dating, seduction, relationships, and so much more. Yours today for absolutely free, you get the ebook that will answer your questions:

  • What kinds of methods and techniques can I use to make them interested in me?
  • What is the best way to handle a first date?
  • What do women want in a man?
  • What do I do to make things turn steamy?
  • How do I interact with people at a bar or club?
  • How do I avoid becoming "just friends"?
  • How do I approach a '10'?

These questions, and so many more, are answered in great detail. The best part is, you get How to Be Irresistible to Women for free with your purchase of PREMIUM.

Bonus to the "How to Attract Women"

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