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Relationships ebooks

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Category: Psychology, Relationships, Women

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Title: What's He Really Thinking?
Author: Bob Grant

"It's a 5-Star Crash-Course For Understanding Male Psychology

That Quickly Puts YOU in Control... Without Him Ever Knowing It"

IT’S A FACT: If you could read your man’s mind, you would have an almost “unfair” advantage over every other woman he’s ever met.

What’s more, your relationship would now be DRAMATICALLY better on EVERY level:

  • Your SUPPORT would be stronger…
  • Your COMMUNICATION would be more intimate…
  • Your RESPECT would be mutual…
  • Your TIME TOGETHER would be more rewarding…
  • Your LOVEMAKING would be amazing…
  • Even your FUN would be natural and effortless!

And if you’re a woman of average intelligence or better, I can teach you exactly how to do it. No kidding. Keep reading…

Imagine how your relationship would change for the better if you knew:

  • How to get him to really listen to you, instead of just telling you how to “fix” the problem
  • How to “decode” his body language and translate his “man-speak.” (He won’t have a clue what you’re doing differently, but in just minutes he’ll feel closer to you than ever before.)
  • Little-known ways to make any man a superstar in bed… without even having sex
  • What amazing women do that make them irresistible to men. (You can begin
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Category: Relationships

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Title: Rapport and Sexual Escalation Secrets

Discover Dirty Psychological Tricks To Make A Woman WET, Unleash Her *ANIMAL* Within & Get HER To Beg YOU For Sex... Every Single Time!

Here are a few of the other things you'll learn inside this exciting program:

  • How to create playful, innocent, physical contact with a woman to get things started... and drive her crazy with sexual excitement that will makes her want MUCH MORE from you.
  • Uncover the 7 BIGGEST mistakes guys men make when they first attempt to "get physical" with a woman.
  • How to instantly create deep rapport with a woman within minutes when you first meet her... step-by-step
  • How to "flirt" with women and communicate with them in a way that makes them feel deep-level, logic-defying attraction for you… while avoiding the impression of "this guy is a pervert who only wants to get into my pants" that so many guys get from women.
  • How to use rapport & connection to change a girl's emotional state from a cold, aloof & bitchy state to one of intense lust and attraction.
  • Discover the 4 secret ways to make any girl feel like she's known you for a long time within a few minutes.
  • How to get a woman to open up to you sexually by holding back physical contact (She'll be confused, fascinated, and totally caught off-guard… at the same being being totally attracted to you PHYSICALLY than she’s ever been attracted to anyone... ever)
  • A step-by-step
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Category: Relationships

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Title: When Women Cheat
Author: David Nicosia Longhi

The Bestselling book “When Women Cheat” tells all about this New Phenomenon affecting Millions of Women worldwide and how it is ultimately affecting YOU!

Learn the real reason why more and more women are cheating on their husbands and boyfriends and why the situation is only getting worse!

If you are struggling to come to terms with modern Infidelity Issues then this book is exactly what you need….

  • Learn from scientific evidence and expert insights about alarming global infidelity statistics for women and the effect it is having on men, women themselves and children.
  • Learn from shocking first hand accounts of women’s cheating, how and why they do it.
  • Find out the signs of a cheating spouse, what you can do to protect yourself, stop the cheating and have the love, respect and healthy sex life you’ve always wanted.

As you read every word of this report you will become stunned at the things you take for granted everyday in your relationship and how the female role is changing fast.

These are just a few of the shocking facts in the eBook:

  • Modern women have an increased lust for sex, while their male counterparts are becoming increasingly unable to cope.
  • Modern Men are rapidly becoming submissive Beta Males, both socially and physically.
  • Our love ideals are beginning to crumble, as we stay faithful to no one but ourselves.
  • Women
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Category: Men, Relationships

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Title: Impulsive Desire Method
Author: Alex Carter

Dating & relationship program geared towards men.

Extremely twisted attraction trick - Try this on her today

Today I will reveal a wacky, but very effective “Secret Formula” that will show you how to access the impulsive part of any girl’s mind.

This formula is so ridiculously powerful, it will make any female feel a desire so intense, that you’ll be able to send her pulse racing through the roof... and have her buckling at her knees just thinking about you.

This weird trick triggers a spontaneous reaction in her brain which forces her body to do whatever it takes to get close to you...

The weirdest thing is that she will do ridiculously embarrassing things to win you over once you apply this formula.

The moment you use this on any girl, she will suddenly find you to be 10 to 20 times more attractive than you truly are.

I mean, a guy could be ultra fat, balding or even someone with pimples as huge as volcanoes popping out of his face, it won’t really matter.

Every girl will still find him to be as hot as Brad Pitt.

But it doesn’t stop there because when you use this formula on a girl; she will feel such an intense emotional high, that every moment she spends around you will feel special to her.

You could take her to Mc Donald’s and she would still tell you that it was the best date of her life.

Now that super hot girl

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Category: Relationships

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Title: Secrets of G-Spot Orgasms
Author: Lloyd Lester

"Finally , YOU Can Become The Best She's Ever Had... When You Use These Powerful Secrets To Give Any Woman Her First, Incredible G-Spot Orgasm Or Even Multiple, Whole-Body, 'Squirting' Orgasms... GUARANTEED."

Here's A Small "Sample" Of The Astonishing Secrets

You're About To Discover...

Just take a look at some of the powerful secrets I am going to reveal to you - and give you the kind of power over hot, sexy women that most men will never know...

... you can try them all out absolutely risk-free, and discover...

  • Find out exactly how (and when) to easily give her multiple orgasms so that you can exponentially increase her pleasure and experience, without overwhelming (or hurting) her in any way.
  • How to make a girl who has never had an orgasm - of any kind - to 'come' like a maniac, for the very first time in her life! (Imagine how much of a sex "god" she will think you are after you get her to explode with such intense pleasure - for the very first time in her life!)
  • The 2 most common mistakes that every guy makes, when trying to give a girl her very first g-spot orgasm.
  • The #1 reason why most guys will never find a woman's g-spot...unless they do these 3 things first.
  • How to find her g-spot - even if she doesn't believe she has one! (Again, imagine how amazing she will think you are, after you show her something new and exciting about her own body, that she
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Category: Relationships

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Title: Long Distance Love
Author: Bob Grant

“I took hundreds of hours of research working with real couples and created a powerful, step-by-step “Communication Blueprint” that FIRES-UP your passion… SUPERCHARGES your love… and MELTS THE MILES between you.”

You’ll Discover:

  • How to patch up the holes in your relationship FOR GOOD and build a rock-solidfoundation of confidence that all loving couples “feel” whether they’re physically together or not.
  • The # 1 mistake that couples in long-distance relationships make… and how it all but guarantees your relationship will FAIL. (This is one of those incredibly obvious mistakes that will make you slap yourself for not realizing it sooner!)
  • A FASCINATING way to increase your natural “intuitive” abilities with your partner… practically overnight… so you do the things that make them feel MORE attracted to you subconsciously.
  • Why human nature can actually PREVENT you from having a successful
  • You HATE it when your partner has to leave again… so why do you always seem to have your worst fights just before you have to say “Goodbye?” Read the surprising truth on page 21.
  • long-distance relationship… and what you absolutely must do to overcome your “bad programming” and start enjoying the loving relationship you deserve.
  • How to transform your time apart so it seems to
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Category: Relationships

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Title: Female Orgasm Secrets Revealed
Author: Gabrielle Moore

Did you know that 71% of women DO NOT reach an orgasm regularly with their partner during sex?

"You're About To Discover My Most  Intimate Secrets And Naughty Tricks To Please Your Woman With Intense Orgasms!"

Here are just some of the dozens of tips and techniques you will learn today:

  • The main reason why the vagina was NOT "designed" for having orgasms. And what to do about it;
  • Dozens of advanced techniques and positions specially "designed" to make it easier for a woman to reach an orgasm;
  • The 4 stages of female sexual arousal (once you understand them, it will be easier for you to make her orgasm);
  • How to build up her "sexual tension" (remember, the longer you hold off from sex the more the sexual tension will build in your body. And the more tension that's released during your orgasm, the stronger your orgasm will be;
  • The 5 "body signs" of female sexual excitement (Trust me, just because her vagina is lubricated, doesn't mean that she's ready for sex. There's more to it... as you're about to learn!);
  • Why size doesn't matter (actually sometimes "less is more", as you will discover);
  • 4 naughty oral sex techniques you can enjoy tonight (Remember, oral sex is one of the easiest ways to make a woman orgasm!);
  • 4 techniques to add "anal stimulation" to the mix, so that it's easier for her to achieve an orgasm. (Because her anus contains a large number of nerve endings,
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Category: Relationships

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Title: How To Read A Man System
Author: Mark Scott

This program shows any woman exactly how sneak into a man’s mind and control his thoughts from the inside.

Why women freak out around a man & unknowingly do things which push him away...

Do you know what happens when a woman goes through a difficult
situation with a man?

She keeps freaking out...I call it the freak out syndrome. This is how the cycle runs...

Most women rely on pure luck or chance & hope that things will somehow get better with time. The truth is that it won't unless you do something about it right now.

Here are the two most common routes women take...

  • They first try to convince a man.
  • And when the first option doesn't work, they try to argue their way into his head.

I don't know why but women have this inner belief that if they can just explain their situation to a man he will somehow get it...

It doesn't really work that way. You can never make him understand your situation when you try hard to drill your point into his head. In fact! The harder you try, the further he will pull himself.

Here is the golden secret - In order to be understood, you have to first understand. In other words, you have to show your man that you understand his situation first, before you expect him to understand yours. When you give it, you always get it back ten folds.

I’d like to show you exactly how you can speak the secret... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Relationships, Women

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Title: How To Make Him Desire You
Author: Alex Carter

This is a dating & relationship program for women which reveals how to access the impulsive part of any man's mind & make him go crazy for you.

2 Weird ways to make him feel impulsive love for you

Step 1 - Become emotionally in-tune with him.

If you ever want a man to feel a deep intense, almost addictive love for you, then you need to become emotionally in-tune with him.

I’ll show you a ridiculously easy way to do it in a moment, but before that let me give you the second step.

Step 2 - Establish yourself as a valuable asset in his mind.

The fact is, diamonds are valuable because they’re rare and not easy to acquire. They’re perceived as something very valuable.

You need to position yourself in a way, that he would be absolutely scared to lose you and would even fight to keep you for as long as possible.

3 Ridiculous tricks to make him ache will pure love for you

Step 1 – Trigger a sense of positive discomfort in his mind.

Well, there is an age old psychological concept which states that as humans we value the very thing we have to work hard for.

In fact, this concept works so well that he will actually enjoy chasing you and will get a special kind of feeling which will get him

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Category: Relationships

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Title: The Ultimate Strip Club Seduction Guide
Author: Stro Diggs

Here's a sample of some of the great things you'll learn: * How to breeze through the FOUR levels of strip club mastery quickly

  • How to use Hive Theory to master strip club social engineering
  • The ONE thing you must do to get VIP status fast
  • What ONE thing will elevate your social status the second you walk in the door
  • How to avoid making the BIGGEST rookie mistake men make in strip clubs
  • How to project the frame of mind of a strip club master effortlessly
  • How to immediately acquire the personality traits of a strip club master
  • How to use eye-contact to silently seduce ANY stripper
  • How to use your body language to send all the right signals
  • How to command respect from using ONE simple gesture
  • How to use your VIBE to demonstrate that YOU are the life of the party
  • How to tweak your personal style to ensure success with strippers
  • What FOUR items of gear you MUST have with you in a strip club
  • What ONE high-status gesture can prove that you are VIP material
  • How to GUARANTEE you say all the right things at exactly the right time
  • How to quickly demonstrate an interesting and attractive personality
  • How doing ONE thing will make strippers think you genuinely care about them
  • What SIMPLE words will attract and keep the interest of ANY stripper
  • How to use the TEN motivations of a stripper to your
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