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William Lyon Phelps

Relationships ebooks

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Title: The 4 Elements of Game

You Remember That Girl Who Caught Your Eye, but You NEVER Approached? You're About to Discover the Exact Steps to Meet & Attract Her

Here are just a few of the "insider secrets" our ebook will reveal to you

  • 5 proven ways to effortlessly get around ANY objection or obstacle a woman can throw at you (this one is going to save you countless relationships and interactions with girls!)
  • Map out an interaction by the "5 stages of transition" to turn strangers into lovers without ever thinking "What do I do next?"
  • A 1-question test that will ALWAYS let you know if you are coming off as "needy" or "attractive" when taking things physical (this is so EFFECTIVE and DEAD-ON accurate that it will blow your mind)
  • Develop the mindset that makes touching girls ORGANIC and as if "it just happened"
  • Uncover the "pacer/pursuer" secret and get in on one of the BIGGEST hidden truths about attraction that will SKYROCKET your sex appeal
  • Have you ever feared what people might "think of you" for approaching women? If so, this one statement is going to annihilate ALL your anxiety so you NEVER let another hot girl walk out of your life
  • Find out the REAL reason why guys get "on-and-off" results with women, then use that understanding to keep yourself consistently "in your prime"
  • Realize the REAL behavior that attracts women (it is
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Title: Magical Tactics

"You Are About to Discover The Ultra Rare Secrets That Most Men Will Never Know About Attracting Women...I Personally Guarantee That By The Time You Finish Reading This Page...You Will Effortlessly Attract Beautiful Women Even If You Completely Suck At It Right Now"

Let me tell you what exactly I have in store for you....

  • A simple set magical lines which will have a girl stop whatever she was doing and focus on you. She won't be able to pull away... because she won't want to.
  • Scared of approaching women? Here is a top exercise which will shatter all your fears within seconds and make you a fearless approach machine. once you click to this...You will be able to start conversations anytime, anyplace and with any woman you choose.
  • An earth shattering psychological tactic which will literally force women to choose you over guys who are better looking or make more money than you. Master this and you will have an unfair advantage over most men.
  • How most guys kill their own chances when they compliment a woman. This can be the kiss-of-death in your conversations with women. This is absolutely critical...Trust me! You don't want to screw up here.
  • How and why women test men...Plus...I'll demonstrate a secret way to pass all her tests. The best part is she will be more and more addicted to you
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Title: Magic Relationship Words
Author: Susie & Otto Collins

"Magic Relationship Words That Make Sure You Say It Right Every Time In Any Situation With Your Partner, Spouse or Lover - No More Conflicts That Last Forever, Stonewalling or Nasty Arguments..."

Here's a partial list of what you'll learn when you get the "Magic Relationship Words" eBook and audio program...

  • How to bring up a "negative" topic or something difficult to talk about
  • A good question to ask your partner if you want to understand how they are feeling about something--when you ask this question, it eliminates confusion and guessing about how they feel
  • The best words to respond with when someone (especially your intimate partner) criticizes you or says something that hurts your feelings
  • Wonderful tools to communicate what's true for you about situations that may be difficult or may need clarification
  • A powerful thing to say if your relationship has run "off course" and you want to steer it back where you want it
  • A magic phrase you can not only say to put a positive spin on something negative but it is something you can also use to look to the future with excitement
  • Words you can say that insert a sense of ease into tense times and actually help you and your mate move closer together
  • How to make words of appreciation more meaningful when you express them to your mate, partner or spouse
  • A
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Title: Turn Her On Through Text
Author: Matt Artisan

Proven Text Messages To Get The Girl And Get Her Hooked On You...

It’s the first step-by-step, in-depth system to transform your phone into a magnetic weapon of seduction… having the hottest girls craving your attention, clamoring for you to satisfy them in bed, or even turning one into your girlfriend if you want.

Here Is What You Will Discover In This Ultimate Guide To Texting...

  • The Texting Formula I use to line up Date after Date, get women completely hooked on me, and get them over to my place for a night of fun as soon as possible...
  • THE NUMBER ONE BIGGEST MISTAKE guys make when texting that WOMEN ABSOLUTELY HATE and why you must AVOID this at all costs (note: this is like flushing sex down the toilet!)
  • It reveals how to use seductive wordplay to spark attraction and arouse women so that she WANTS to see you. I learned how to do this after studying writing techniques from Best-Selling Romance Novels...
  • The Never Before Seen Text Messages to Turn Her "ON" and in the process get her Sexually Addicted to you…without you even being there in person.
  • On page 76, you will learn what to text so you skip the date altogether and get her over to your place…
  • It has "Embedded Commands Texts"… which subconsciously turns up her horny volume knob in a low-key, under-the-radar method that simultaneously builds comfort. – page 150
  • The "Cliffhanger
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Title: Men: Last Longer, Extend the Pleasure!

Those are a mere sampling of grateful comments I get...

There Are Only a Few Common Reasons Why You Get Premature Ejaculation...

That's true, it's really not that complicated...

The truth is, the inability to control your ejaculation affects over 30 million men in America alone; they and their partners are FRUSTRATED!

  • Some men have inadvertently trained themselves to come fast through masturbation. Not that masturbation is bad thing-but habitually rushing through masturbation teaches you to come fast.
  • Recent research has confirmed what I've suspected for years. For many men there is a genetic factor-they're wired to be quick!
  • Some men are very sensitive to body sensations, but there is one CRITICAL cue they are not picking up.
  • Anxiety makes everything (all your body mechanisms) go faster. Oh, you don't think you are anxious? That's because the excitement of sex masks the anxiety.

Here's a sneak peak at some of what is inside...


  • How you can exercise the right muscles at the right time to give you powerful control over your ejaculation...
  • How to orchestrate your foreplay to drive her crazy with pleasure while strengthening your sexual performance and building your ability for long term
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Category: Relationships

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Title: The Ultimate Marriage Proposal Guide

FINALLY! The Guy's Guide to Planning and Executing the Perfectly Romantic Marriage Proposal That Will Melt Her Heart and Make Her Yours Forever!

If you're still not convinced this ebook is something you need to get your hands on, take a look at just some of the things you'll learn inside The Ultimate Marriage Proposal Guide...

  • How to Tell if She's Really the Right Girl for You.
  • Why I Hate Terms Like "Pop the Question" and Why You Should Too!
  • The Secret to Getting the Most Out of Your Ring-Buying Dollar.
  • The Overlooked 5th 'C' of Ring Buying, and Why Jewelers Don't Want to Bring it Up.
  • Why You Absolutely Have to Ask Her Father.
  • When It's OK to Lie to Your Girlfriend. (Yeah, I Said It!)
  • How to Get Help in Executing the Proposal.
  • How to Keep Your Proposal a Surprise.
  • The Different Proposal Styles and Which is Best For You.
  • How to Recover if Something Goes Wrong.
  • Why Your Proposal Never Really Ends.
  • What to Expect in the Days, Weeks, & Months After You Propose.

Quit ripping your hair out and get your hands on the stress-free, hassle-free blueprint for giving your girl the proposal she deserves...

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Title: 500 Intimate Questions for Couples

"Pure Genius! Not only has our relationship deepened, these questions led to weeks and weeks of astonishingly great sex."

Couples who have the deepest intimacy and hottest sex (even if it is their 1st, 237th or 1000th time) share this one "secret".

As one of the world's best known relationship experts I get a lot of emails. Here are some of the common questions or concerns. I'm pretty sure you have some of the same thoughts.

  • We've been married for a couple of decades and I'm not really sexually satisfied anymore. I feel we're in a rut and I'd like to spice things up but not sure how to do that.
  • How will I know if my future spouse and I are sexually compatible if we save sex for the honeymoon?
  • I'm in an intimate relationship but how can I REALLY KNOW if I am sexually pleasing him/her.


The hallmark of any great relationship is excellent communication. And if you want a life-time of sizzling sex then you HAVE TO TALK ABOUT INTIMATE MATTERS. There is no other way. Period.

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Title: Sex and Heart

What I was able to do for myself is something I've never heard ANY therapist, coach, writer, or woman talk about.

You can learn how to get so close to your man, every other relationship you hear about will pale in comparison. It doesn't matter whether your man looks at porn, like mine did or if you just KNOW you can be closer to him but don't know how to get there.

  • I will give you detailed instructions on how to become far more intimate with your body and thus yourself.
  • I will teach you how to not only face the pain but also how to have it work for you.
  • I will reveal the ways I discovered to be very effective in effecting the changes I sought within ME, and because I was changing, as is inevitable, changes happened within HIM as well and happily things changed WITHIN US too, yummy changes.
  • I will show you how to uncover and face your fears and open them into your heart that you may trust.


  • Learn how to have the most mind blowing orgasms ever
  • Learn how to heal yourself sexually and have the best time doing so *** More about orgasms than you could have imagined
  • Communication skills to bring you closer right away
  • Learn how to trust - yourself and him
  • Learn how to recognize and root out fear
  • Tool and tips to help you heal
  • Ways to open your heart and keep it open no
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Title: Super Approach Power
Author: CR James

Discover How You Can Get Better At Approaching Women By Using The SAP Method...

Super Approach Power is for:

  • Guys who are rusty (i.e. just getting out of a relationship)
  • Single guys who do not believe it's possible to improve

Super Approach Power is not for:

  • Guys who are married
  • Single guys who do not believe it's possible to improve

Here Is Exactly What You Will Learn...

  • You will learn how to be successful at the 3 phases of approaching women
  • You will learn 24 ways to easily start the conversation (write this formula on the back of a business card and quickly hide it in your wallet)
  • You will learn the '3 magic ingredients' to build desirability fast 'during the ongoing conversation' Hint: This formula has never been shared + It will sense to you
  • You will learn the easiest way to go from 'hello' to 'an ongoing conversation' (this is brilliant for all my fellow introverts)

If You Want To Approach Women With Ease,
Then You Needed This Course Yesterday...

  • Super Approach Power will allow you to Become a Super Approacher (in the shortest amount of time)
  • Super Approach Power is not like anything else out there...
  • Super Approach Power will allow you to be
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Title: Ukrainian Bride Guide

If You Are Ready To Find And Bag The Ukrainian Mail Order Bride Of Your Dreams Then Continue Reading

This is Exactly the Kind of Info You Need

  • EXACTLY What To Write And Say To Make You Every Ukrainian And Russian Woman's Dream Come True And Melt Their Hearts (copy and paste if you want!)
  • How To Build Your Profile So Effectively That These Hot Women Write to YOU First
  • How To Deal With Immigration And Make Yourself Look Like A Real Man And Get "Rock Star" Treatment. This Advice Will Save You So Much Time And Agravation That You Won't Believe It
  • What Kinds of Gifts Will Show You Care and What To NEVER Give Her as a Gift. Seriously, You Need to Know This!
  • The Truth About Visiting Her And What To Expect ;)
  • The 3 Things That You Absolutely Need To Tell Her As Soon As Possible Before Some Other Guy Does
  • 5 Things You Absolutely Need To Include In Your Profile
  • The Truth And Lies Told By Marriage Agencies...Know The Facts From Fiction
  • What Are Her Fears And Why Would She Marry YOU?
  • What Is She Thinking And Feeling?
  • Customs And Culture...This Is So Important That Even If She Does Fall In Love With You, If You Don't Know These Things She Will Drop You Like A Bad Habit
  • Advice On Proposing To A Ukrainian Girl
  • What Her Profile REALLY Says
  • How To Know For Sure If
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