Our progress as a nation can be no swifter than our progress in education.
John F. Kennedy

Philosophy ebooks

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Category: Philosophy, Poetry, Spirituality

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Title: One Hundred Poems of Tukaram
Author: Chandrakant Kaluram Mhatre

One Hundred Poems of Tukaram is a collection of selected peosm of Sant Tukaram, the greatest poet from India whose poetry finely blends worldly wisdom with spirituality. It is translated into English from original Marathi by Chandrakant Kaluram Mhatre, a bi-lingual poet and writer of short fiction. The book also contains an extensive introduction byt the translator which contextualises and elaborates upon Tukaram's poetic art. The range of the poems in this collection will delight readers of all ages and all dispositions, but that's the least what this book does to its readers: it illuminates their lives by giving them new perspectives on life hitherto unknown to them; it feels them with an optimism that strives for the well-being and happiness not only of the humankind but of the life in its entirety; it shows them the path towrds Oneness with the entire creation. Tukaram's poems hold a distinct charm over their readers by lingering in their mind long after the book has been read and kept aside, thus nurturing their soul and maturing their mind.

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Category: Philosophy, Psychology, Self Help

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Title: Inspire To Reach Higher: A-Z Empowering Quotes That I.N.S.P.I.R.E.
Author: Amey Hegde

As a motivational speaker I am often amazed to see the power that a single quotation contains to transform one's life and one's thoughts. This book contains beautiful full-color images and features hand-picked quotations by great minds like Mahatma Gandhi, Jim Rohn, Mother Teresa, Brian Tracy, Dale Carnegie, Paulo Coelho, Robin Sharma, Daniel Goleman, Zig Ziglar and other great thinkers arranged in alphabetically order by topic. I am sure the empowering quotes in this book will inspire you to achieve great heights...

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Category: Philosophy, Poetry, Religion

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Title: Ponder Awhile
Author: Mohit.K.Misra

A collection of 48 poems on enlightenment, spirituality and God.

Award Winning Finalist 2009 USA Book News Spirituality General

Ranked 1 in Religious ebooks for 2010 and 2011 Franklin ebooks


Ranked in Top 10 Poetry, Body, Mind and Spirit and Philosophy Best Book Buys 2011/2012 ans 2013.


Poet shares his god knowledge gained via enlightenment in order to unite religions.


There are many misconceptions regarding enlightenment and spiritual truths which the author aims to clarify in simple language which can reach out to all.

Poems such as Religions is bound to benifit humanity and unite them as the expound on essence of religions, the similarities which are identical.

 Poems range on various topics such as Mom,Religions, Truth, Death, Eternity etc


An athiest who encountered God in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean while working as a Navigating Officer in the Merchant Navy refelects his change of thinking and life which took a drastic turn after the experience of enlightenment.

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