Art is an effort to create, beside the real world, a more human world.
Andre Maurois

Philosophy ebooks

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Category: Fiction, Philosophy, Arts

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Reviewed by joholin on 2011-11-28
My Rate 4
An eclectic collection of short prose with a philosophical bias that is crowned with an aphoristic appendix. In other words, an artful blend of prose and philosophy.

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Author: John O'Loughlin

A collection of short prose by John O'Loughlin which veers from the gently erotic opening piece to the seemingly smug but really quite nightmarish concluding piece, 'Dream Compromise', which has a trick in its tail, so to speak. As does the collection as a whole, in that it ends with a series of aphorisms in keeping with the author's fondness for philosophy.

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Category: Philosophy

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Title: Cyclopedia of Philosophy
Author: Sam Vaknin

More than 200 essays about various topics in current philosophy.
The main emphases are on:
- The philosophy of science
- The cognitive sciences
- Cultural studies
- Aesthetics, art and literature
- The philosophy of economics
- The philosophy of psychology
- Ethics

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Category: Science Fiction, Entertainment, Philosophy

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Title: The Silver Lining - Moral Deliberations in Films
Author: Sam Vaknin

These seven movies deal with moral and ethical dilemmas. "The Matrix" - with the nature of reality, "Titanic" - tackles the moral obligation versus self-preservation and "The Truman Show" - tackles the relationship between God and us, humans. "The Talented Mr. Ripley" deals with the thin line between pathological narcissism and self-promotion, ambition and envy, love and obsession. "Being John Malkovich" deals with this question (among others): are we the owners of our brains? "Shattered" deals with the meaning of self identity nd personal responsibility. "Dreamcatcher" studies the myth of destructibility.


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Category: Health, Philosophy

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Title: THE Orgonite Gifting Book: Operation Paradise
Author: Georg Ritschl

This ebook is the record of Orgonise Africa's stunning orgone gifting work in Africa. After giving a historical overview of Orgone energy and Orgonite covering the early concepts of an all pervasive creative energy through Wilhelm Reich's pioneering work to the current orgonite gifting movement inspired by Don Croft, the ebook presents Orgonise Africa's expeditions and adventures up to 2007. It ends with very useful instrauctions for making your own orgonite, empowering the reader to become an orgone gifter as well! A must have for everone interested in natural healing and improving our environment energetically. Free download, also available as paperback via

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Philosophy, Poetry, Spirituality

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Title: Gifts with No Giver, A Love Affair with Truth
Author: Nirmala

A collection of free spiritual poetry written by Nirmala, a spiritual teacher in the tradition of Nonduality or
Advaita. This heartfelt poetry attempts to capture the eternal presence of love in all of its limitless forms. Let yourself be deeply touched by the words of a lover drunk with a passion for the deepest truth.

Here is one reader's review: "I usually delete books once I have read them, but this one I am definitely keeping. The poems are so beautiful and uplifting, and the language was so easy to understand. Absolutely loved it! "

Here is a sample poem from the ebook:

pure unadulterated longing
tears at the chest with such force
it seems the soul might leave
just to find relief

bittersweet taste of emptiness
weighs on the shoulders
like a burden
too heavy to bear

swallowing all pride
collapsing from all effort
only to find rest again
in the depths of pain itself

why was I running from this profound
silent joy

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Christian Books, Philosophy, Religion

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Title: Vital Truth and Precepts Study Guide
Author: Felix Amiri

This study guide examines some important considerations of the Christian faith. It provides useful teaching or study content for Sunday school teachers, professors and students in bible colleges and seminaries. The guide is suitable for personal bible study, or in a group or college classroom setting to facilitate discussions. The topics covered include:

- God's Supremacy - God's Sovereignty, God's Tri-unity, God's Creation and the Reality of Evil, God's Omnipresence, God's Benevolence, God's Immutability, Christ's Absolute Perfection

- God's Absoluteness and Implications - Absolute Love, Mercy and Grace, Absolute Truth, Absolute Goodness

- God and Humans - Purpose and Prospects for Creation, Roles of Creation, Future Prospects

- Culpability and Grace - Retribution and Recompense, Guilt and Innocence, Choice and Consequences, Sin and Detriments, Punishment and Justification, Rewards in Heaven

- Salvation - True Gospel and The Purpose of Calvary, Coming to Faith, Saving the Lost, Perfect Salvation, Response and Faith, True Godliness

- Salvation And Freewill - God's Love and Human Freewill, Purpose and Extent of Human Will, Human Will and Consequence

- Salvation Realities - Reason and Responsibilities, Regeneration and Knowledge in Time, Sanctification through Time, Ultimate Glorification, Right to be God's Children

- Prayer - God and Our Prayers, Benefits of Prayer, Biblical Asking, Effectual Fervent

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Philosophy, Self Help, Nonfiction

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Title: 100 Diamond Files
Author: RVM

In this ebook RVM explains the meaning of 100 inspiring quotations penned down by him. He believes these quotes helped him move from a life of Achievement to a life of Fulfillment. This book is a true treasure that everyone must possess. In this ebook RVM explains the meaning of 100 inspiring quotations pened down by him. He believes these quotes helped him move from a life of Achievemnt to a life of Fulfillment. This book is a true treasure that everyone must possess. In this ebook RVM explains the meaning of 100 inspirinf quotations penned down by him. He believes these quotes helped him move from a life of Achievement to a life of Fulfillment. The book is a true treasure that everyone must possess. In this ebook RVM explains the meaning of 100 inspiring quotations penned down by him. He believes these quotes helped him move from a life of Achievement to a life of Fulfillment. The book is a true treasure that everyone must possess. In this ebook RVM explains the meaning of 100 inspiring quotations penned down by him. He  believes these quotes helped him move from a life of Achievemnt to a life of Fulfillment.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Philosophy, Science

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Title: Informationism
Author: Krzysztof Urbanowicz

Informationism is the Philosophy of science, based on Information Theory. Information Theory, is short, makes the relationships between matter and information. Action, which is just change the energy over time, is quantizied and has minimal value. Value of Planck Constant h (6.62e-34 [Js]). This value is just one bit of information. Information is a action and action is the source of matter. In such a way matter can be converted to information and opposite. Information is dynamic force. Matter static. Information, becuase is a action, is looking for smallet time to process the event. Matter each time collapse in minimum energy. This is becuase information and matter is existing and is limited, so the principles which rule the behaviour are trying not to overuse limited substance, which is time and energy respectively to information (action) and matter. Informationism is gathering the strong site of science with answering to most prominent questions in philosophy. Informationism is the philosophy of Information Society in twenty first century.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Education, Mind, Philosophy

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Title: Dose
Author: Olakunle Agboola

The idea of this book came from sharing inspirational quotes with friends on my BlackBerry contact everyday. This was encouraging while I extended it to other social media platforms such as 2go, twitter, facebook, stage32, The Circle TV Channel, Goggle+,intagram and my private website.  I share Dose with more than five thousand people every day.

Dose has blessed many lives and that is why it is put together as  a book to make your library. "160 Ways of Developing The Greater You" will brace you up by clearing the clutter of old belief system and outmode your thinking department which will produce a whole new sense of freedom and clarity.

Your inner changes begin to find their reflection in the ordering of the outer sphere which will open great ideas and higher perspectives of thinking. You begins to define yourself by your potential  and do away with that which no longer serves you.

"Dose" is a reminder of why you are here and the choice is yours now to read and gain a new ground of knowledge. You are the one you have been waiting for.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Philosophy, Psychology, Science

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Title: A Compassionate Guide For Social Robots
Author: Marcel Heerink

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Ebook Type: Kindle
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