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Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Nonfiction ebooks

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Category: Family, Nonfiction, Religion

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Title: In the Cleft Joy Comes in the Mourning: A Story of Hope After Tragedy
Author: Dana Goodman

In the Cleft Joy comes in the Mourning is a poignant memoir about loss, hope and faith even during the worst of tragedies.  Dana Goodman does not gloss over the devastating journey of losing three of her family members to cancer:  Her husband, son and mother-in-law.  

In the Cleft is a story beyond grief, as Dana shares the goodness and sweetness of God through the times in the deepest, darkest valleys.

Time and time again she describes how God's love met her during her messiest times.  Torrents of heartache crashed in on her family every day, wave upon wave of debilitating bad news. Yet, she held onto hope and never let go.

Through her journey, she discovers that in the broken moments of our lives, seeds are planted in the very rich soil of God's kindness and when those seeds are showered with his love they bear much fruit and multiply.  Just when Dana thought nothing could grow in the barren waste of broken dreams, seeds began to grow into beautiful plans of love and hope.  Her prayer is that the seeds from her family's journey are implanted into other's hearts so that when they walk through the valley of sorrows, they can be assured that even the most painful journey can be transformed into a love story.

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Category: Mystery, Nonfiction, Thrillers

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Author: LaVonna Moore

Do you like mysteries?  Spooky stories?  This ebook is a collection of 72 true account short stories involving miracle and near-death experiences, guardian angels, the paranormal, the unexplained, dreams, premonitions, psychic experiences, the bizarre and legends.  The stories take place in Oklahoma, Texas, Kansas and Arkansas.  There is also a story and photographs witnessing a bizarre ceremony in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.  These are interviews I conducted over a two year period from individuals of all ages.  The book also contains amazing photographs captured by various people.  Some of the stories have the names of the individual and some of the stories have only their initials.  A few requested that they remain anonymous.  The miracle and near-death experiences are intense testimonies of what they experienced before, during and after death.  There are several haunted house, ghost stories and just plain creepy tales.  Prepare to step into the world of the unknown. 

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Ebook Type: Audio Included,
Category: Nonfiction

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Title: Shoot First: Code of the News Cameraman
Author: Hank Schoepp

Hank Schoepp's memior spans 29 years (1968-1997), a significant period in television news history. While on assignment for KPIX/CBS 5 in San Francisco, he captured events through the lens of his camera which commanded regional, national and worldwide attention.


Many books have been written by and about broadcast journalists with interesting things to say. And yet few have spoken on behalf of those who perform on the other side of the camera lens. Finally, that voice is heard with SHOOT FIRST: Code of the News Camerman.


Getting the pictures and bringing them back in time to air on the news often posed challenges, and Schoepp vividly recalls them with the stories behind the stories. A few among the many include tear gas attacks during students protests and rioting at U.C. Berkeley; the kidnapping saga of Patricia Hearst; the search for a vanishing school bus, driver and 26 children in Chowchilla, California; the aftermath of a mass suicide of over 900 people in Jonestown, Guyana; and rushing to the city hall murder scene of a San Francisco mayor and supervisor.


His stories bring laughs, tears, and nostalgia for the way it was; the adrenaline rush, the need, both professional and personal, to "get the shot." And he does it with wisdom, and warmth, revealing the man behind the machine. It's all about telling a good story and Hank Schoepp gets the story right.


But there is more to this

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Category: Mystery, Nonfiction, Thrillers

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Author: LaVonna Moore

If you are a mystery lover, then you will be captivated by this third book of The Unusual, Unknown & Unexplained mystery series.  This book contains miracle and near-death experiences, unexplained mysteries and the unusual.  Do you believe that someone can be sent from heaven to help a loved one in crisis here on earth?  Take a tour through an old abandoned haunted insane asylum in north Texas.  See more photographs of images captured that are possibly from the spirit world taken by various individuals.  You will be amazed by the images caught on camera at one of the most haunted locations in the United States.  It is a haunted plantation in St. Francisville, Louisiana.  Haunted houses, a ghost farm, ghost stories, and haunted woods, are just a few of the true account short stories contained in this book that you will find even stranger than fiction.  Do you dare to step back into the world of the unknown?  The Unusual, Unknown & Unexplained III is also available as an

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Ebook Type: Audio Included,
Category: Nonfiction, Religion, Spirituality

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Title: Walking With Jesus - The Joy Of Living In His Love
Author: Scott Shannon

Walking With Jesus - The Joy Of Living In His Love is the result of my experience as a volunteer Christian minister for almost 30 years. It is a work of love that should be of interest to all Christians.

Throughout my ministry I have encountered so many Christians who are filled with hate or fear. Some do not truly understand what being a Christian actually means. Others are "Cafeteria Christians" who pick and choose which parts of the Bible they want to believe. Still others are simply misinformed about our religion.

My book is primarily based on the words of Jesus. He has told us what to do in order to have even a hope of salvation. He has also told us what not to do. If we follow his teaching we can become transformed as Authentic Christians.

When we become Authentic Christians our lives are filled with love; for God, for ourselves, and for ALL others. This love that fills us permeates our daily lives in everything we do and everything we say. This gives us a truly joyous life.

Most importantly, when all that we express is love, we discover that Jesus is a constant presence in our lives. We can turn to Him at any moment with a problem, with gratitude, with praise, or with repentance for something we have done or said that is not loving.

If you want to become an Authentic Christian then I urge you to read this book.

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Category: Christian Books, Nonfiction, Religion

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Title: Crumbs under the table

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Category: How To, Law and Legal, Nonfiction

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Title: Child Support Kills: How To Avoid Becoming A Child Support Casualty
Author: Montez DeCarlo

Child Support Kills is the only book of its kind to highlight the tragic events of Child Support as well as provide the reader guidance (not legal advice) on how to avoid becoming a Child Support casualty.

Family laws are certainly necessary to make sure “deadbeat” parents are held responsible for co-creating a life and providing the basic necessities and resources to sustain that life. However, rather than approaching each child support case or situation objectively, adjudicators have consistently abused their discretion under the “best interest of the child” premise—which has significantly contributed to the systematic manufacturing of “deadbeat dads”. It is this type of abuse that has destroyed bonds between parent and child, driven a great number of non-custodial parents to kill senselessly, or caused parents and children to commit suicide—hence the title of this book—Child Support Kills.

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Ebook Type: Other
Category: History, Nonfiction

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Title: Ears
Author: Lehel Vandor

On 16 December 1989, in the Transylvanian city of Timisoara, an anti-dictatorship revolution was started by a Hungarian ethnic priest. This, just a few days later, has ended Ceausescu's communist regime in Romania.

The book is a memoir of a Transylvanian Hungarian minority child, who was growing up during that dictatorship and experienced the Kafka-esque society first hand. It is also a memoir of the years that followed the 1989 Revolution, including an ethnic pogrom organised in his hometown by the Romanian extreme right movement. 

It is also an analysis of the post-revolution period, which swapped communism with democracy, religion with greed, external threats with internal tensions, absolute power with surreal levels of corruption, one dread with many fears.

The country is still struggling with the legacy of the totalian decades, with the regime's echoes, whereby former figures of the regime still occupy key positions in public and political life. 

Having relocated to the United Kingdom after his University studies, Lehel had the opportunity to witness remarkably similar distortions of political messages during the so-called War on Terror. It operated with rhetoric that was eerily familiar in its cult of paranoia and excesses in ensuring a "safe society". Once again, external and internal threats were used, in a very different socio-political context, to motivate measures that were deemed illegal even by the European Court of... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Christian Books, Nonfiction, Spirituality

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Title: Uncommon Grace: Saved for a purpose
Author: Wale Akinwumi & Juddie Passion

This book is about the uncommon grace of God in the life of a young man ten years ago after he had a fatal auto accident. The man experienced a terrible crack on his head which ran very deep into his skull but his brain was not affected. Even the doctors were shrouded in mysteries after learning that the man was abandoned for death by the roadside and was bleeding profusely for more than four hours.
He died twice and arose two thousand times to live a borrowed life on second chance. He lives today to care for the poor and the needy in the society. His life of purpose has really justified his salvation on that fateful October night.
This book will teach you never to give-up even when hope seems so dim and when men write you off. When he died and arose he understands that his life is a special one and thereby promises to help many others in need. You will learn how to persevere and build your faith in your God.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Christian Books, Education, Nonfiction

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Title: A Strong Tower
Author: M.D. Magruder

What is really in a name?  Have you heard of name droppers?  They are people that mention names of important and influential people to gain recognition or a higher place of favor.  In the world who you associate with reflects the amount of influence and power that backs you up.  If you are a person who associates with a group of billionaires, people would look at you and say, "ok, let's do what they say, as they have the power to back up what they are saying, because of who they associate with."  Yet if a person associates with a group of people who work at McDonalds, flipping burgers, and frying french fries ... and that person says, "I'm going to build a three billion dollar skyscraper."  People would not respond to that person or even take seriously what they said, as they do not have the power to back up what they are saying. 

"Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on the earth, and those under the earth"  Philippians 2:9-10

Here we see that the name of Jesus is above every name in heaven, earth, and under the earth.  Why the name?  When we understand that everything has a name, then we understand we have authority over EVERYTHING!  God gave mankind the power to name anything and everything in the earth from the beginning.  He had Adam naming the

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