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Lucius Annaeus Seneca

Nonfiction ebooks

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Title: The Tales of Old Japan
Author: A.B. Freeman-Mitford

Classic Book by A.B. Freeman-Mitford (Lord Redesdale), who lived in Japan working for the British Foreign Service. This ebook has been a standard source of information about Japanese customs and folklore.
This Ebook is richly illustrated and contains the full text of the original book.
The unregistered version is limited to 4 Ebook uses; it is a full-working Windows application, so no special software is needed to read it. It features font size customization for easier reading.

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Category: Nonfiction

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Title: Here is Wisdom. [A startling unveiling of the End Time events coming upon this generation...]
Author: Rob Conrad

NON-fiction / Documentary: "Here is Wisdom" spotlights End Time events & Leaders on the world's stage TODAY exactly as scriptures foretell. Solid, accurate handling of key Bible Prophecy topics coupled with Headline News articles which overwhelmingly mirror the piercing insights presented, make it a stunning, one-of-a-kind book. Its jolting clarity stirs to the core making even the staunchest skeptic think twice. [Author's ministry background, powerful conversion testimony & the divine revelation which resulted in the writing & copyrighting of the ebook originally in 1984 & then again in 2006 just before it was released publicly are referenced within the ebook. Today, prophetical world events have now crystallized the magnitude of the book's sobering content.]

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Category: Fitness, Nonfiction, Travel

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Title: Walk the Fife Coastal Path - a guide for walkers.
Author: Gil Campbell

A 60 page ebook to the Fife Coastal path in Scotland. From Culross, the Forth Bridges to the Tay Bridge. Complete with detailed points of interest, colour photographs and direction maps. A useful guide for walkers who want to undertake this 80 mile walk along the coast with some of the best Scottish scenery.

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Category: Business, Nonfiction, Self Help

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Title: Life
Author: Trevor Carss

Life is the raw, inspiring look into the life of author Trevor Carss and his experiences with struggle as he sets forth to accomplish ambitious goals and be successful.

This motivational book will inspire you to make an impact as you battle adversity, obstacles and struggles in your own life. Life is intended to make you take action today and never wait a second longer to reach your dreams.

Some of the content of these chapters will review:

  • The mindset of building an empire.
  • The pro's and con's of choice.
  • Confidence and fear.
  • Love and relationships.
  • Work ethic and relentlessness.
  • Health and sleep.
  • And more!

Trevor decided to write this book when he suddenly lost his vision due to 5 retinal tears to his remaining eye. He was able to regain vision over months of recovery. Unable to stare at a screen, Trevor dictated this entire book with just his phone and managed to transcribe the work with his limited vision months later. He then went on to create several more books, podcasts and e-courses in the span of a few weeks.

When you struggle, you can make a choice to sit or do. If you read this book, you will be motivated to choose the latter.

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Category: Nonfiction, Relationships, Young Adult

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Title: The Little Red Book..1000 things every girl should know
Author: Sala-d Malcolm

Many girls often say that guys are very complicated. They say how hard it is to find a good boyfriend. The fact of the matter is that guys are saying the very same thing about girls. A lasting and meaningful relationship comes from two people understanding each other. True understanding comes through communicating. Sometimes all it takes are some simple things to win a guys heart, you would be surprised at how easy it can be.

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Category: Nature, Nonfiction, Science

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Title: Battery Technology for the Future
Author: antonio patrick

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Category: Home, Real Estate, Nonfiction

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Title: DIY House Inspection
Author: Forrest Ketner

Here you will find a DIY House Inspection and Checklist with lots of room for notes. Walk around your house with our ebook, and it will tell you what to look for and what may be potential issues. Houses require regulare maintenance but you have to know what to look for. You could be living with potential issues that may turn into major problems.

With this ebook and a few simple tools that you already own you can complete this DIY House Inspection on your own. If you are a homeowner or a new home buyer this ebook will be needed for now and in the future. You should check your house on a regular basis to catch any minor issues while they can be repaired early.

This book will walk you thru, checking your house from attic to basement and everything in between. When was the last time you looked under your kitchen sink? Could you actually find the pipes under your sink or do you have too many things in storage under there? It is important to check under sinks as plumbing can change and you could have a major problem. This and a lot of other places to check are included in this ebook.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Horror, Mystery, Nonfiction

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Title: Evil Haunted Object Story Collection
Author: L.G.Lazarus

Real Haunted Dolls have been proven to exist. Annabelle, Robert the haunted doll and many more. These stories are well documented. Many other types of haunted objects have been proven to exist, such as paintings, chairs, statues and more.

I've been studying these types of hauntings for fifteen years and have documented many stories about such haunted dolls and other haunted objects. This book is a collection of the most horrifying true hauntings I have encountered.

These metaphysical occurances have plagued many more than you might believe. Possessed dolls and other haunted items are becoming an epidemic. 

Death, fire, explosions, and murder, a great deal of times have these haunted items involved. The truth is that most people do not want to believe that these kinds of things can happen. But they do happen and are quite frequent.

This book reveals many of these true hauntings and possessions. Creepy dolls, a haunted statue, a haunted stuffed lemur and more! These stories are truely scary and may be to much for some people to handle. If you like to be scared, read this book alone in the dark and you get the shock of your life! Enjoy.

Evil Haunted Object Story Collection:Haunted Dolls And Other Haunted Objects True Creepy Stories is also available in paperback. Link on sales page.

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Category: Philosophy, Self Help, Nonfiction

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Title: 100 Diamond Files
Author: RVM

In this ebook RVM explains the meaning of 100 inspiring quotations penned down by him. He believes these quotes helped him move from a life of Achievement to a life of Fulfillment. This book is a true treasure that everyone must possess. In this ebook RVM explains the meaning of 100 inspiring quotations pened down by him. He believes these quotes helped him move from a life of Achievemnt to a life of Fulfillment. This book is a true treasure that everyone must possess. In this ebook RVM explains the meaning of 100 inspirinf quotations penned down by him. He believes these quotes helped him move from a life of Achievement to a life of Fulfillment. The book is a true treasure that everyone must possess. In this ebook RVM explains the meaning of 100 inspiring quotations penned down by him. He believes these quotes helped him move from a life of Achievement to a life of Fulfillment. The book is a true treasure that everyone must possess. In this ebook RVM explains the meaning of 100 inspiring quotations penned down by him. He  believes these quotes helped him move from a life of Achievemnt to a life of Fulfillment.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Law and Legal, Nonfiction

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Title: Michigan DUI Law: A Citizen's Guide
Author: Patrick Barone

A conviction of any kind can be devastaing, and if you are facing a DUI charge the effects can last a long time.  Even if not convicted there can be consequences. The consequences, like fines, suspended licenses, inurance premium hikes, employment hassles, and even jail time, can impact your life for years.

Defense attorney Patrick Barone's newest book goes into the DUI law in Michigan and offers advise to those facing charges. Barone is a nationally renowned lawyer, when it comes to criminal defense, and gives advice through his book. 

Criminal cases can often be difficult and confusing.  Barone goes through some easy to follow tips and tricks on how to first avoid a DUI arrest or conviction through safe alcohol consumption, and second, if you are facing a criminal charge, how to find a good attorney and the best chances of winning in court. 

If you are currently, or happen to face a criminal charge in the future, look no further than Patrick Barone's book: Michigan DUI Law: A Citizen's Guide.

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