Most ignorance is vincible ignorance. We don't know because we don't want to know.
Aldous Huxley

Nonfiction ebooks

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Category: Self Help, Nonfiction

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Title: The most important Principles of success
Author: Daniel Yordanov

Find out the secrets to success and how to take your life to the next level in this concise ebook. To learn more and something you will absolutely love if you are into self-development is

The book is very small: Only 15 pages but the information is golden. You are going to find out what is success. You will find out what to do in order to meet with success. You will learn how to achieve roaring success. You will learn principles such as habits, belief system and so on.


You belief system is one of the key elements on success and you will learn how to change it, discover negative beliefs and eleminate them.


You will learn how to harness positive habits that will change your life.


You will learn how to motivate yourself so that you can take massive massive action.


You will learn how to create the mindset for success so that you can keep working hard but also feel good about it.


We are going to lay the foundation to your success and what you can do in order to become the best version of yourself.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Gambling, Nonfiction, Games

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Title: Risk Free Blackjack
Author: Gary Free

When you gamble with the intention of winning money, you need a statistical edge.  However, if you are using money that you obtained virtually risk-free, you will need less of an edge.


Blackjack is a game of skill, where the casino has a small edge compared to other casino games.  Therefore, blackjack is one of the best casino games from the point of view of winning money.


Risk Free Blackjack teaches you how to fund your blackjack at virtually no risk.  I am not talking about casino bonuses that you have to grind out.  I am talking about real cash upfront. 


In addition, you will learn basic blackjack strategy, card counting and a short-cut method of card counting.  You will also learn a staking system.  This is not a random progressive staking system.  There is clear rationale behind the system.


If you are interested in maximising your chances of making money from the casinos, Risk Free Blackjack is a must-read! 



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Category: Nonfiction, History, Religion

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Title: Puppets of Faith
Author: BS Murthy

The sublimity of Muhammad's preachings in Mecca and the severity of his sermons in Medina make Islam a Janus-faced faith that forever bedevels the mind of the Musalmans.

When a bunch of apparently non-practicing Musalmans headed by Mohamed Atta launched that fifayeen attack on New York's World Trade Centre that Sep 11, the non-Muslim world, by then familiar with the ways of the Islamic terrorism, was at a loss to fathom the unthinkable source of that unexpected means of the new Islamist scourge.

This novel nonfiction probes the mind of the Musalmans, afflicted by the Islamic psyche shaped by the proclivities of their prophet, vicissitudes of his life, attitudes of his detractors, and the credulity of the Umma, with Thomas A. Harris's 'I'm Ok - You're Ok' scanner, to sketch the anatomy of Islam that explains the Atta phenomenon.

Also examined herein is how the Hindu sanatana dharma came to survive in India that is in spite of the onslaught on it, first by Islam and then by the Christianity, for over a millennium.


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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Gambling, Games, Nonfiction

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Title: Crush Online Poker
Author: Karen Dubois

If you have read poker book after poker book and found that your game hasnt improved significantly, you are in for a real treat.


The "knowledge" consists of poker strategies that the poker gurus have tried to keep secret from you.  I learnt the knowledge from my poker mentor, Artimus Paint.


When you learn any poker strategy, you must learn it in detail.  You must know how you are going to play your hand from beginning to end. 


The problem with most poker books is that they provide you with a lot of information.  However, it is taught superficially and without detail.  In other words, they teach you just enough to get you into trouble.  It's a case of a little knowledge being a dangerous thing.


Online Poker Crusher is an introduction to the "knowledge".  I start from the beginning.  I will tell you where you can get step 2 of the knowledge.  Poker is an easy game.  However, the gurus have missed out an important link.  Step 2 is the important link where everything will become clear.  It will be your light bulb moment.


Your poker journey starts here with Online Poker Crusher!




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Category: Nonfiction, Novels, Women

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Title: Monique
Author: Fox Emerson

Monique is a memoir based on a true story about a north London prostitute and drug mule.

The story follows the life of Kelly-Anne who is forced into prostitution at a young age and abused by many men and women.

When Kelly-Anne becomes pregnant, she must make a life-changing decision that will change her life. Her boyfriend/Pimp has other ideas, he wants to continue to control Kelly-Anne and will stop at nothing to keep her on his short leash.

As Monique, Kelly-Anne becomes addicted to cocaine and pot and trafficks drugs and money across European borders. She continues to be used by people.

But does she have the courage to break free from her past? Can she break the cycle that is forever keeping her a prisoner?

When her daughter is born, Kelly-Anne knows that her child's father will do everything he can to get her back. Her new partner Cookie has other ideas. For the first time, Kelly-Anne has found someone who isn't using her and wants her to have happiness. She begins to dream of a future that will make her and her daughter happy.

Can she break free?


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Category: Military, Action, Nonfiction

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Title: Policing America's Empire - Pax Americana
Author: Fred Dungan

Forty-five years ago I was drafted into the U.S. Army during my sophomore year at the University of California at Irvine, despite earning good grades. The draft board ruled that my Social Science major wasn't essential to the war effort. After completing Basic Training, I attended Military Police School at Fort Gordon, Georgia, for twelve weeks. Following graduation, I was sent to the 534th Military Police Company at Fort Clayton in the Panama Canal Zone. My duties were to eliminate communist insurgents infiltrating the border, maintain discipline, and enforce the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

This is a non-fiction account of my 18 month tour of duty. At 19 years old I was given almost unlimited authority. As long as the Provost Marshal judged my actions to be in the best interests of the U.S. Army, I could get away with murder.

I have PTSD. This book was my effort to dredge up incidents that were buried dep in my subconcious and restore my sanity.                                                                                                                                                  ... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: OtherAudio Included,
Category: Christian Books, Nonfiction, Spirituality

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Title: Gift at the Altar
Author: Kim Bond

Gift at the Altar is a nonfiction book written for people who want to improve their relationship with Christ. This book offers Biblically-based advice to help readers tackle the common challenges of Christian living in a non-spiritual world. It guides readers to deal with issues that relate to themselves like burdens, negative thoughts, and addiction. It encourages humility in our relationships with others—whether it is in our approach to marriage, other denominations, or other religious groups. Finally, this book aids readers to enrich their relationship to God by providing a variety of prayer types, ideas for embarking on new commitments, and tips for receiving physical healing. Topics include corresponding Scripture and suggested prayers. Both new and mature Christians can benefit from the Scripturally-sound advice in this book. Awaken the power of the Holy Spirit inside of you by taking this simple step to a more joyful Christian life. Your loving Father in heaven is waiting for you.   

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Nonfiction, Self Help, Spirituality

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Title: What Am I Doing With My Life?
Author: Scott Zarcinas

Ever asked yourself, "Why do I do what I do?"

What is it that you seek from your work, relationships, possessions, and other activities? What do you hope to gain from doing everything you do?
The first serialization excerpted from Your Natural State of Being, this ebook will help you find the answers to these questions.

Scott Zarcinas is a writer, doctor, husband, father, public speaker, and very average soccer player. He lives in Adelaide with his wife and daughters.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Nonfiction, Self Help, Spirituality

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Title: Pleasure & Pain
Author: Scott Zarcinas

Humans naturally seek pleasure and avoid pain. But problems arise when pleasure and pain dominate our thoughts, words and actions, when we become trapped in a cycle of continual pleasure seeking and pain avoidance, when they become our everyday addictions.

The second serialization excerpted from Your Natural State of Being, this ebook will help bring you closer to finding release from the continuing cycle of pleasure and pain.

Scott Zarcinas is a writer, doctor, husband, father, public speaker, and very average soccer player. He lives in Adelaide with his wife and daughters.

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Category: Nonfiction, Self Help, Spirituality

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Title: What's Love Got To Do With It?
Author: Scott Zarcinas

What's Love Got To Do With It? is the third ebook serialized from Your Natural State of Being, taking us on a journey of love. What actually is it? Is it something real or an illusion of our chemical makeup? Is it a cause or an effect?

After Pleasure & Pain (Book 2) Scott Zarcinas now guides us to the natural consequences of Light, Life and Love.

Scott Zarcinas is a writer, doctor, husband, father, public speaker, and very average soccer player. He lives in Adelaide with his wife and two daughters.

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