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Music ebooks

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Category: Music

Playing Guitar Overnight 3 Pack!

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Title: Playing Guitar Overnight 3 Pack!

"Who Else Wants To Discover How To Play Piano, Guitar, Lead Guitar, Bass And More Over Night With Ease?"

Act Now And You Have A Choice To Obtain Unrestricted Private Label Rights To These 5 Overnight Courses At A Price That Could Very Well Put Music Teachers Out Of Business OVERNIGHT!

Playing Guitar Overnight 3 Pack!

This fantastic step by step manual will literally have you playing actual songs on your guitar over night! No ifs, ands, or buts, this is the real deal!

You Will Receive The Following 3 Packages On Guitar:

  • Your first lesson in guitar that will have you playing over night
  • Your second lesson in guitar that will sharpen your skills dramatically
  • Your third lesson in guitar, focusing on the 'lead' aspect of guitar playing

And Finally, The Bass Guitar Lesson Package:

With This Last Addition To This Already Incredible Package, You Will Be Able To Impress Your Friends With Yet Another Instrument, The Bass, That Was Self Taught....OVERNIGHT!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Music

Guitar Chords and Scales

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Title: Guitar Chords and Scales
  • Get started playing guitar with this detailed guitar chord and scale ebook.
  • This ebook will show you how to play Major, Minor, and Seventh guitar chords.
  • Each chord is shown at three different positions on the guitar neck, for a total of 108 chords.
  • A chord explanation chart is provided.
  • Next there are diagrams for 42 popular guitar scales including Major, Pentatonic Major, Blues Major, Minor, Pentatonic Minor, and Blues Minor scales.
  • Scale study is essential for improvising, soloing and composing.
  • Last but not least this ebook will show you some very common strumming patterns.
  • The ebook contains 47 pages.
  • This E-book is in .Pdf format so you can view it on a Mac or a PC.
  • The ebook is fully printable for easy reference.
  • Below are a few screen shots from this free guitar chord ebook.

Table Of Contents:

  • Major Chords
  • Explanation of Chord Diagrams
  • Minor Chords
  • Common Guitar Scales
  • Seventh Chords
  • Explanation of Strumming Patterns
  • Mixed Strumming Patterns
  • Basic Strumming Patterns



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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Music

How to Play the Guitar like a Pro!

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Title: How to Play the Guitar like a Pro!

Well, almost. Maybe you are like our friend Joe. When Joe was a teenager (long before many of you were born) he got his Mom to agree that he could buy a guitar with the money he had saved doing odd jobs.

Get Excited!

Saturday rolled around. Joe was so excited he could hardly sit still. Finally he and his mother were off to the music store. Joe paused in front of the store and pointed out the guitar he wanted to his Mom.

Half an hour later Joe and his mother exited the store. Joe was toting a musical case. . .however it was much too small to carry a guitar. Instead of the guitar he had been lusting over for months Joe left the music store with a violin!

That was sixty-three years ago and to this very day Joe has no idea how to play the guitar much less a violin! Oh, he appreciates the music of the violin but playing that instrument was never his passion.

Don't let it happen to you!

If that story sounds familiar or if you are a toe-tapping closet guitar player, "How to Play the Guitar Like a Pro" may be just the ticket for you.

Now, obviously you aren't going to qualify for any awards after reading this manual, however, this breakthrough manual will teach you the basics and the rest will be up to you.

Getting the answers to questions like the following is easy:

  • What are the different kinds of guitars? Choose from... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Music

Most Inspiring Music Songs Of The 21st Century

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Title: Most Inspiring Music Songs Of The 21st Century

"Learning About Most Inspiring Music Songs Of The 21st Century Can Have Amazing Benefits For Your Life And Success!"

Music That Will Fill Your Soul!

Dear Friend,

It does not matter what sort of music inspires you, it's what it does to you that counts. Music may open your eyes, cause you to think, make you think more profoundly.

Music may energize you, fill otherwise void moments, and keep you company.
Perhaps your life has you tied up in tangles. Music may help you come through your day, loosen up, solve your troubles, and just take that load off your brain. It may inspire you to face yet some other day...

Is this true for you? Then please continue on as you need to learn the secrets that come from inspiring music!

The truth is:

If You Want To Skyrocket Your Success With Inspiration And Improve Your Overall Life...You Need To Have A Look At Most Inspiring Music Songs Of The 21st Century!

You know why most people have a tendency to not achieve the inspiration they desire in their overall life? It's because they don't know that music may mend. The right music may fill you with reverence and wonder, lift you out of your daily life and send you gliding with the angels. It may give you hope, perk up your imagination, and help you alter your life and then alter the world.


... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: How To, Music

How to DJ

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Title: How to DJ

Perfect The Art Of Playing Records On The Decks!

Learn How To Perfect The Art Of Playing Records On The Decks!

Dear Friend,

Have you always envisioned yourself playing all the best dance tunes in the club? Do you want to get started in the exciting world of being a DJ? As you probably know, there is a lot more to being a DJ than just walking into a club and then telling them that you want to start playing records on the decks. There are also different aspects to being a DJ as well. Some people dream of the club life while others simply want to entertain and start their own business that services events. Still others dream of radio stardom and the idea of becoming a radio personality.

There are many things that you need to know before you can become a DJ. There is a lot more to it than just buying the right equipment and getting started. You have to have vast knowledge of music as well as what sounds work well together. You have to be able to entertain the crowd. On top of that, you also need to know where to get a job, how to get started before you land that job and start paying for your equipment and also how to promote your business.

Being a DJ and spinning records on the decks is exciting, but you still need to have a head for business. You need to be aware of the opportunities that are out there for people like you and be willing to

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Category: Music

Violin Mastery!

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Title: Violin Mastery!

Talks With Master Violinists and Teachers.

Always wanted to discover the secrets to violin mastery? Here are some important articles from the world's greatest violin teachers!

Do you enjoy the beautiful sounds produced from the violin? Do you admire those people who seem to be able to so effortlessly coax the beautiful and haunting sound of music from a violin?

Many people believe that it is quite difficult to discover how to play the violin and thus they never even try. Others try but find that most manual methods are unable to help them discover how to master this beautiful instrument.

Without the right tools and information, it could take you years and cost you a small fortune to learn the secrets of mastering the violin; however. Instead of spending a fortune on so-called experts or knocking yourself out with the old trial and error method, there is an easier way to achieve your goals.

Introducing ...

Violin Mastery!

I won't deny that there are a ton of ebooks out there on the elements of Violin Mastery. Unfortunately the problem with most ebooks on the subject is that they are either filled with plenty of promises and no solid techniques and strategies to back up those promises or they contain only one or two pieces of useful information and

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Arts, Music

Learn to Play Piano

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Title: Learn to Play Piano

For years you wanted to but you never thought it was possible...

"Now You Can Learn How You Can Discover to Play the Piano!"

Dear Friend,

Why is learning to play the piano such a chore? It seems that people who take lessons work and work but take years to discover to play anything interesting or enjoyable. They are always unhappy about their lessons. People who take lessons sometimes even hate their teachers because they feel ashamed of their playing. The teacher may or may not intentionally make the student feel bad, but the fact remains that you lose interest if you never feel any satisfaction.

Teachers also alienate their students by asking them to play music that is either too hard or worse yet, too easy. Without a challenge, there is little point in trying to discover anything. Teachers might pile on too much work for the student to practice on at home, or not give the student a clue as to what to work on. Finding a good teacher can be extremely difficult.

Trying to discover on your own can be just as frustrating if you do not have the right guidance. You can search the internet infinitely and find all kinds of information on piano theory. Most of it you will not even understand. It is often in difficult language and assumes that you know quite a bit about music already. You also have to deal with conflicting theories.

Sure, there are different points of view. You just do not

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Music

Master the Guitar in 7 Days

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Title: Master the Guitar in 7 Days

Imagine yourself playing the guitar, strumming the chords to one of your favorite songs, and really connecting with the music. Finally breaking through and experiencing success on the guitar is very rewarding.

Now you have this great opportunity!

Learn How to Play Guitar In Just 7 Days!

Start Playing and Singing Your Favorite Songs on the Guitar, Learn Songs Faster and More Efficiently, and Improve Your Guitar Skills 100% in Just One Weekend!

Very basics of your guitar, tuning, posture, how to hold your pick, exercises, notation, tablature, scales, beginning theory, chords, strumming, and some really simple songs you can rock to!

Playing the guitar is an enriching experience with many rewards along the way!

It looks like you want to learn the guitar! Congratulations! You will find this endeavor rewarding and at times, very trying.

I have been a musician for nearly 30 years and am here to inject my musical wisdom into you. There won't be a magic button you can press that will make you good. Practice will be the only way to get where you want to go and play the way you want to play, a lot of practice.

I'm going to walk you through the very basics of your guitar, tuning, posture, how to hold your pick, exercises, notation, tablature, scales,

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Music

Learn to Play Guitar Ebook Package

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Title: Learn to Play Guitar Ebook Package
Make Sweet Music And Sweet Profits With This BRAND NEW EXCLUSIVE Ebook Package!

6 E-book Package

Receive 6 Fantastic E-books That Will Help You Discover How To Play The Guitar, Tune Your Instrument, Read Sheet Music, and Play some Super Rock Tabs that'll Blow Your Friends AWAY!

Here's What You Get:


Take a look at what you can discover from just ONE of the e-books included by viewing it's Table of Contents:



Preface *
Choice of Guitar
Main Parts of the Guitar
Lesson 1 Tuning the Guitar
Basic Terms and Symbols in Music
Lesson 2 The Notation of Rhythms
Lesson 3 Rhythmic Exercises
Lesson 4 Terms and Symbols in Guitar Music
Learning Pitches on the Guitar
Notes on the High E-String (first string)
Lesson 5 Notes on the B-String (second string)
Dotted Rhythms
Lesson 6 Notes on the B and E-Strings
Lesson 7 Notes on the G-String (third string)
Lesson 8 Notes on the D-String (fourth string)
Lesson 9 Notes on the G and D-Strings
Lesson 10 Notes on the A-String (fifth string)
Lesson 11 Notes on the low E-String (sixth string)
Note Drill
Lesson 12

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Ebook Type: ZIP
Category: Music

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Reviewed by EH ADAMTHWAITE on 2010-12-28
My Rate 1
I think this would be wonderful, but neither Windows nor Linux computers will give me any sound - so disappointing.

Reviewed by elizabeth adamthwaite on 2010-12-28
My Rate 1
I think this wuld be wonderful but neither on Windows or Linux computers can I get sound So disappointing

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Title: Reading Music Notes With Ease for the Earliest Beginner
Author: Betty Wagner

How your child can read music notes - easily and quickly!

If you are a parent or music teacher with children taking piano lessons, then this might be the most important suggestion you will ever receive.

Here's the reason why:

Most students are excited when they start learning to play the piano or keyboard, but many then quit because they find reading music notes too difficult.

They get upset and frustrated. Why?:

  • They mix up the bass staff notes and the treble staff notes.
  • They cannot remember which note is which on the staff.
  • They cannot locate the notes on the piano keyboard.

This ebook makes learning music notes easy and enjoyable and is designed to help YOUR child or music student whiz through learning music notes.

Here's a list of what your child or student will receive from this ebook:

  • Your child will love the 32 pages of brightly colored comical illustrations and clear diagrams.
  • Your child will gain confidence in playing as they easily learn to recognize all the music notes.
  • Your child will be hugely entertained by the hilarious voices of the 'Gang of Seven' characters used in this ebook. Embedded behind all the illustrations of the Gang of Seven members are voice clips that your child can play as they view the ebook on their computer screen, simply by clicking on each picture with their mouse.
  • Your child will also... Click here to read the full description!

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