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Ralph Waldo Emerson

Music ebooks

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Title: Learn To Read Piano Music With Fun
Author: Anthony Fernando

Fun Piano Software To Help Children and Adult Beginners Learn To Read Piano Notes

I started out searching Google for 'piano software' but the only programs I found were very monotonous drills and I knew my nephew would find these games dull and boring.

What I was really wanted was a program that would:

  • Introduce the notes gradually
  • Use bright and colorful animation
  • Teach both the note names and where to find the notes on the piano keyboard
  • Clearly explain the difference between the Treble and Bass clef notes
  • Be so much fun that my nephew would keep coming back for more
  • Allow me to select which notes to practice

The Easiest Way To Learn The Piano Notes And Keyboard Positions

Piano Is Fun makes learning the piano notes easy and enjoyable. The features of the software include:

20 Step-by-Step Lessons

The 20 step-by-step lessons introduce students to the notes and keyboard positions of the piano gradually so that they never feel intimidated or overwhelmed.

Interactive Exercises

Students discover the names of the notes through interactive exercises and games that ensure that they develop true note recognition skills instead of memorizing silly rhymes.

Practice Games That Teach

The worst thing about most tutorial programs is that they don't... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Music

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Title: Reading Music Notes With Ease for the Adult Beginner
Author: Betty Wagner

Learn to read music notes - quickly and easily!

Here's a list of what you will receive from this ebook:

  • You will learn music notes with a brand new memory technique, combined with a dash of fun -- which makes learning a breeze, not a chore.
  • You will rapidly gain confidence as you learn to recognize all the 21 notes on the bass and treble staffs -- using a systematic method, not just rote learning.
  • You will be hugely entertained by the hilarious voices of the 'Gang of Seven' characters used in this ebook. Embedded behind all the illustrations of the Gang of Seven members are voice clips that you can play as you view the ebook on your computer screen, simply by clicking on each picture with your mouse.
  • You will also enjoy playing the music clips embedded in all the keyboard and staff diagrams. As you listen to every note that is discussed, by clicking on the diagrams, you will easily relate the material to your own keyboard.
  • You will get a feeling of achievement as your knowledge of each music note is locked in when you use the free bonus flash cards.
  • This ebook's simple explanations of basic music terms such as octaves, bar lines, ledger lines, and the bass, alto, tenor, and treble clefs will help you master the fundamentals of music theory.
  • Also included in this ebook is a unique Gang of Seven Musical Map Chart that will give you an overview of all the notes on the Great
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Category: Music

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Title: Learn To Play Professional Piano Chords Faster And Easier
Author: Bill Romer

ATTENTION PIANO LOVERS: Discover the absolute fastest way to learn to play piano like the professionals... and it's NOT going to take months or years!

"How To Quickly And Easily Learn The Secrets To Playing Professional Piano Chords Without Spending $1000's Of Dollars And Countless Months On Piano Lessons"

I love popular piano music, and I like for my playing to sound professional, without sounding too "out there" or avant garde, if you know what I mean.

Anyway, all that is just to say that I LOVE playing piano, and most people tell me it shows.

I've done my best to bring that love and passion to my piano chord guide, and I'd be honored if you would allow me to share it with you.

Here are just a few of the things you'll learn in "Professional Piano Chords For Everyday Pianists":

  • The very special chord that can open the doors to a whole new world of piano playing (it did for me) - and exactly how and when to use it.
  • The single 3-chord progression found in 70-90% of all popular music that just might change the way you listen to and play music on the piano forever.
  • The absolute fastest way to learn any new chord, so you can play it the instant you see the chord symbol.
  • How to play a chord progression so that it sounds good - it's called voice leading, and it is one of the secrets to professional-sounding piano that very few people learn how to do properly - except for... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Music

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Title: Rocket Piano
Author: Ashleigh Southam

Learning to Play the Piano

Learning to play the piano is like learning how to speak a language. If you were learning Spanish, for instance, you would need to listen and speak it, and the more you speak Spanish - the more you imitate native speakers, the more fluent you'd become. The same is true if you want to learn to play the piano. The more you listen and play with in time with professional pianists, the more professional you will become.

That partly explains how I developed Rocket Piano - the Ultimate Piano Learning Kit. Originally I creating three books which contain step-by-step lessons, including numerous sound files, taking people on a journey from beginner to advanced in their piano playing skill, by fast-tracking their piano playing, while covering every aspect involved in learning to play piano.

I wrote Rocket Piano because I was fed up with the quality of the piano playing books on the market. The original Rocket Piano received many favorable comments from people all over the world, which encouraged me to continue developing it.

I have now taken Rocket Piano one step further, I have recorded a truck load of song files which show you, step-by-step, how to play many popular piano songs, and I'm adding new songs regularly. Rocket Piano also comes with 4 exclusive computer games - Jayde Musica Pro, Chordinator, Keycelerator and Perfect Your Pitch. By playing Chordinator and Jayde Musica you learn how to read music,... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Music

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Title: Reading Ledger Line Notes With Ease
Author: Betty Wagner

New technique that makes reading ledger line notes a breeze!

This ebook is fun and easy, and is designed to help you WHIZ through reading ledger line notes.

Here's what you will receive from this ebook:

  • You will be taken step-by-step through each technique. Colorful diagrams and embedded music clips will ensure each example is crystal clear for you.
  • Using just two simply-learnt poems, you will learn to read ALL the ledger line notes on a standard 88 white note piano.
  • Understand the interesting patterns of the Middle Ledger Line Notes (page 20).
  • Learn to read all the ledger line notes in HOURS... not weeks.
  • Learn the meaning of the useful "8va" symbol (page 19).
  • In short, you will find learning to read the ledger line notes is both fun and fast.
  • Discover the special symmetry of important notes (page 21).
  • Discover a simple shortcut for reading the 8 most common ledger line notes.

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Category: Music

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Title: Express Guitar
Author: Mike Hayes

Discover How A 24 Year Old Newbie Guitarist Is Making THREE Times More Progress Than His Ex-Guitar Teacher On The Internet!

There is a lot of confusion surrounding our field. I want to give you 6 criteria or elements you absolutely, positively must have in any solution you obtain:

  • The course teaches you exciting lead guitar techniques including hammer ons, pull offs, bending, sliding harmonic's and flashy leads to blow your audience away
  • The course teaches the right way to practice. You see, you play like you practice. So if you're doing it wrong, you'll play it wrong. That's why I emphasize this point in the course.
  • The course gets you playing right away. Within minutes with Express Guitar™, you'll be picking and strumming.
  • The course doesn't depend on "tabs" - the 400-year-old approach to playing guitar.
  • The author is a professional guitar instructor. Nothing takes the place of experience. But some people who have never taught another will try to sell you a course they "made up", based on their personal learning style. Express Guitar™ is based on 20 years of experience, successfully teaching others how to play the guitar.
  • The author is a guitar professional. Why would you want to learn from an amateur or from someone who can't even play the guitar? Be sure the author of your course is a guitar-playing professional.

Here's What You Will

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Category: Music

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Title: Making Oboe Reeds
Author: Joseph Shalita

"Discover How You Can Improve Your Oboe Reed Making By 100%"
Do you want to make better more consistent reeds?

If you are serious about improving your oboe reed making, or are just starting out and want to learn more, the one thing you must know is

What is it that you want from a reed, and how do you get it.

The most important ingredient to good consistent oboe reed making is knowing exactly what you want from the reed before you can learn how to construct it. Once you do that, you can make them with consistent predictable results. That is one of the biggest "secrets" to making decent oboe reeds.

It is easy to become frustrated by making reeds that don't work the way you want them to. Take control back and relax a bit. Wouldn't it be nice to:

  • Spend less time on carpentry skills?
  • Have more time to improve musical skills?
  • Always have a good reed for concerts and lessons?

If you feel this way, here is something that will help.

"Making Oboe Reeds" will give you the knowledge to be able to make reeds when you need them the most, without all the frustration.

It doesn't matter what level oboist you are, or even if you are just starting out making reeds. This ebook was written for you.

I have made lots of reeds during my 18 year professional orchestral, chamber music, and teaching career. All of my knowledge has been crammed into this... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Entertainment, Manuals, Music

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Title: Secrets of Exciting Chords & Chord Progressions
Author: Duane Shinn

Who else wants to learn chords for one buck a lesson?

39 Lessons on Power-Piano Chords

  • The "Oh Duh!" Chord Progression
  • The "Creep" Chord Progression
  • The "Blue Moon" Chord Progression
  • The "12 Bar Blues" Chord Progression
  • Gospel Chord Progression #2 - "Get On That V7 Chord!"
  • Gospel Chord Progression #1 - "Get On That Church!"
  • Embedded Chord Subs In The "Blue Moon" Chord Progression
  • Embedded Chord Subs In The "12 Bar Blues" Chord Progression
  • "What You Need To Know About Musical Form
  • "What Chords Do I Absolutely, Positively Need To Know?"
  • "The Three Diminished 7th Chords"
  • "The 'VI - II - V7 - I' Chord Progression"
  • "The 'II - V7 - I' Chord Progression"
  • "Suspensions"
  • "Slash Chords"
  • "Oops! I forgot Minor 7th Chords!"
  • "It's Graduation Day!"
  • "Inversions: Chords On Their Heads"
  • "How To Find The Key of a Song When There Are Sharps In The Key Signature"
  • "How To Find The Key of a Song When There Are Flats In The Key Signature"
  • "How To Create Unlimited Original Chord Progressions Using Chord Substitutions - Part 3"
  • "How To Create Unlimited Original Chord Progressions Using Chord
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Ebook Type: PDFVideo Included,
Category: Music

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Title: The Ultimate Guide to Choosing Drums and Cymbals
Author: Daniel N. Brown

"Finally... You Can Eliminate Confusion When Buying New and Used Drums or Cymbals!"

I'll tell you about...

The Factors That Affect Your Drum Sound Quality...

  • Why the way your drums are mounted is critical to their sound!
  • The important part drum shell construction really plays in the sound quality of your drums!
  • The bearing the "depth" of your drums have on their sound!
  • How different types of hoops affect the sound quality of your drums!
  • How different types of drumheads affect the sound quality of your drums!


The Factors That Affect Your Cymbal Sound Quality Too...

  • The differences in sound between thin and thick crash cymbals... and what style of music they are best suited for!
  • The difference in sound between "cast" and "sheet" cymbals!
  • How the size, weight, profile, and even bell size of your cymbals affect their sound characteristics!

But it doesn't stop there! I'll also tell you about...

The Importance of Drum Shell Construction...

  • Why drums with "segment" shells are so easy to tune... and stay in tune longer!
  • Why "stave" shells produce such excellent tone!
  • The sound characteristics of the different woods used in drum shell construction... and how to recognize them!
  • The many different types of woods used in the construction of drum shells... and why there are so
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Category: Music

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Title: Mastering Guitar course
Author: Ryan Cameron

Finally Revealed... Professional Guitarist Sheds Light On The Fastest And Easiest Method For Playing Guitar!

Learn the most prized guitar playing techniques from a trained pro and impress your friends and family with your new found skills!

Here is a little glimpse at what the 'Mastering Guitar' course has to offer:

  • You will learn advanced rhythm playing, such as comping and bosa nova rhythms.
  • Understand the theory behind 'Modes' and how to use them effectively in your songwriting and soloing.
  • The Mastering Guitar course includes 3 high quality ebooks, each with photos and professionally transcribed notation, so you will have no problem following along. The course also includes over 400 audio files and over 300 exercises... That's more than 2 times what any other course offers!
  • Master the art of fingerpicking, as well as playing with a pick. Plus a neat little trick that allows you to combine the two!
  • Learn the true art of strumming like a professional... They'll call you the 'Strumming Wonder' when I'm finished with you!
  • Learn hundreds of open chords and barre chords with the aid of my revolutionary software, 'Guitar Chords Pro'!
  • Learn all the core guitar playing essentials such as, hammer ons, pull offs, palm muting, string deadening, slides, a variety of bends, and lots more!
  • Learn all about the building blocks of
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