A book is a mirror; if an ass peers into it you can't expect an apostle to look out.
Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

Mind ebooks

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Category: Mind

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Title: Is Your Mind Programmed For Wealth

You get your free copy of my exclusive Special Ebook: "Is Your Mind Programmed For Wealth?"

It's an intriguing report that gives you deep insight into your subconscious mind programming and your accumulation of wealth. You'll know if you're programmed for wealth. This unusual report is a "must have" for these economic times.

Bonus to the "52 Mind Power Secrets"

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Category: Mind

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Title: 365 Secret Mental Revelations

You get your free copy of my newly finished ebook of 365 secret mental revelations.

It's an exciting electronic manual of 365 private mental proverbs that reveal the startling changes that happen in your life, when you grow in mind power, and your mental eyes are finally opened!

Bonus to the "52 Mind Power Secrets"

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Category: Mind

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Title: Will The Real Subconscious Mind

"Will The Real Subconscious Mind, Please Stand Up!"

You get your free enrollment to my (7) part email course: "Will The Real Subconscious Mind, Please Stand Up!" (instead of emails, you can have the full course at one time).

This enlightening e-course will arrive in your inbox every other day. Each intriguing lesson will reveal to you the mysterious workings of your subconscious mind.

Old common misconceptions and myths about your subconscious mind, will finally be exposed!

Bonus to the "52 Mind Power Secrets"

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Category: Beauty, Mind, Psychology

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Title: Revolutionary Positive Thinking

You'll learn how to trust in yourself and in your decisions; and free yourself from frustration, depression, stress, and anxiety.

Now you can acquire supreme optimistic attitude and energy to enjoy excellent health, attract lifelong financial prosperity, and feel on top of the world every single day ... no matter what your current situation is.

Bonus to the "How To Be An Expert Persuader"

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Category: Mind

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Title: As A Man Thinketh

You get your free copy of the valuable timeless classic: "As A Man Thinketh". It's wonderful revealing ebook that shows how your thoughts directly affect your circumstances. I've read and cherished it many times throughout the years. You'll cherish it too!

Bonus to the "52 Mind Power Secrets"

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Category: Mind

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Title: The Astonishing Power of Gratitude

The Astonishing Power of Gratitude

A short excerpt from the eBook says:

"If we are grateful about everything, we are focusing on what we want. It's a way of making sure we are putting the highest possible positive energy on our desires, and withholding energy from the doubts and fears that we don't want."

The Astonishing Power of Gratitude is a short 18 page eBook packed with great perspective and helpful ideas to move you from focusing on your self debilitating fears to a grateful mind which is constantly fixed upon the best resulting in receiving the best.

I know you will find this ebook extremely beneficial with combating the fear and anxiety in your life.

Bonus to the "Ease out of Fear"

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Category: Mind

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Title: Mind Control in the USA

If you have a hard time believing that the elite have been brainwashing you, read this rather short 74 page ebook and wake up.

Some of the information revealed in this rare book would almost be unbelievable if it didn't have about 15 pages of references to back it up.

Bonus to the "The Gout-Reversing Breakthrough"

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Category: Mind, Self Help, Spirituality

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Title: Feel-good Treats
Author: Luisa Rodrigues

Feel-good Treats is a fusion of inspirational spiritual writings that serve to soothe, inspire and instruct.


In Feel-good Treats, the author has added her voice to the many who would urge us to yield ourselves to the current that would carry us back to God. She has incorporated various Spirits' counsels for life that she believes exemplify spiritual truths for progressive living.


This thought-provoking book encourages the reader to think on these things and explore right thinking. These magical feel-good treats inspire thinking that reveals the inner world of the soul and the way of the indwelling spirit. Inspiring faith, holding fast, choosing truth, understanding the power of our thoughts, manifesting a positive reality that goes beyond survival and examining the eternal oneness of life are some of the themes that promise to thrill and inspire the reader with much hope to live life more in fulfilment of that great law - Love.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Education, Mind, Philosophy

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Title: Dose
Author: Olakunle Agboola

The idea of this book came from sharing inspirational quotes with friends on my BlackBerry contact everyday. This was encouraging while I extended it to other social media platforms such as 2go, twitter, facebook, stage32, The Circle TV Channel, Goggle+,intagram and my private website.  I share Dose with more than five thousand people every day.

Dose has blessed many lives and that is why it is put together as  a book to make your library. "160 Ways of Developing The Greater You" will brace you up by clearing the clutter of old belief system and outmode your thinking department which will produce a whole new sense of freedom and clarity.

Your inner changes begin to find their reflection in the ordering of the outer sphere which will open great ideas and higher perspectives of thinking. You begins to define yourself by your potential  and do away with that which no longer serves you.

"Dose" is a reminder of why you are here and the choice is yours now to read and gain a new ground of knowledge. You are the one you have been waiting for.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Business, Mind

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Title: Microempreendedor Individual
Author: Henrique Souto
Language: Other

Este livro é um dos resultados da minha experiência dos últimos 13 anos em minha busca contínua pela facilidade e praticidade na vida.

O que você vai aprender neste livro?

Você aprenderá como se tornar um empreendedor, ou seja, aprenderá a criar uma empresa e ser um Microempreendedor Individual.

Vai aprender a força de quatro variáveis que vão construir a sua estratégia de empreendedorismo: passos iniciais, início da vida, gestão de sucesso e capacitação empreendedora.

Estas quadro  variáveis vão lhe dar uma base sólida, e que já são utilizados pelos empreendedores mais bem sucedidos do mundo.

Este e-book é totalmente gratuito. 

Você pode presentear seus amigos, distrituibuir ou mesmo postar no seu blog ou site. 

Por ser um livro grátis, confira se esta é a versão mais atualizada no website: www.sucessoefeliz.com.br

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