Our progress as a nation can be no swifter than our progress in education.
John F. Kennedy

Mind ebooks

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Category: Mind, Self Help, Spirituality

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Title: Prevail: Seven Keys to Create a Personal Victory
Author: Betty Withrow

"Prevail" tells my story of rising from extreme abuse as a child, desperate poverty as a young adult, to living a life that is full, happy, and rewarding.  It moves from my story into yours.  The focus of the book is on YOU, the reader, making the most of your life and getting more of what you want happening.  You can take any experience you have had, or are having now, and put it to work making your life better.In "Prevail", I offer tools to help with disconnect, lack of motivation, or low self-worth.  The book is all about taking what is going on right now and using it to create a better life.

The seven keys are the qualities within you that can get you through anything.  They can be cultivated and put to work using your experiences as leverage for making the most of your life both now and in the future.  They are: Cheerfulnees, Patience, Friendliness, Creativity,  Fortitude, Perseverance, And Completion. 

Quotes from great thinkers of all times weave through the book to create a deeper perspective.


If you feel that simply surviving is not enough to have in your life, and you want to take control of your inner forces, this book is for you.  Step forward and cultivate a perspective that gives you the quiet victory within you of knowing that you have made the most of what you were given.  Reclaim the juice of your life!

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Category: How To, Mind, Self Help

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Title: Re-Energize Your Life
Author: Mark Tinney

If you find it hard to get ahead and things rarely seem to go your way, you're going to find the words of wisdom in this book to be extremely helpful. Life can be more than a random roll of the dice. You have the skills and the power to have an influence over the things that happen in your life and you need to learn to master that power. There are two approaches you can take to living your life. You can bounce from situation to situation and hope the world is kind to you...or you can start to influence the events that happen in your life; you can bounce out of bed every morning with a clear idea of what you want to accomplish and where you are heading. In this book you will learn the secret to a happy life. You will learn about the things that hold us back from achieving our goals and dreams and what you can do about them. In this book you will learn the secret to a happy, successful, super-charged life. If you're looking for a way to re-energize and reinvigorate your existence, this is the perfect book for you. Give your life a new purpose and a new direction. Put yourself on track to the achievement of the goals and dreams you desire.

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Category: Mind

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Title: Maximum Memory
Author: John O'Dowd

I know how hard it is to see people begin to forget as they age… not just losing track of where they put their keys, but starting to forget lifetime events… especially ones that are important to their family…

I created this ebook to help you not only stave off memory loss… but to help you sharpen the blade of your mind to the point that you startle your friends with how clearly you can remember things.

If you’re in business… you’ll quickly see how impressive it is to your clients when you remember not just important details for your transactions…they’ll be amazed when you remember the little things about their families…

See… when you remember what people tell you, they know you care… and they trust you… That’s why I’ve found that strengthening your memory is so important to every relationship you have…

Bonus to the "Grow Younger Blood"

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