Borrowed thoughts, like borrowed money, only show the poverty of the borrower.

Mind ebooks

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Category: Mind, Self Help

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Title: The Amazing Science Behind The Power Of The Mind
Author: Warren Banks

New Audio Mind Control Program Lets You Boost Intelligence… Release STRESS... Access Instant RELAXATION... Master EMOTIONS... Increase BRAIN POWER... Think SHARPER... Improve MEMORY... Raise Your MOOD... & Even Sleep Like A Baby!

Here's what you're going to discover with the “Audio Mind Control” program

  • A secret way to instant relaxation
  • How To Become An Instant Zen Master (don’t bother with years of training n practice just plug into theta brainwaves n access your subconscious in just 15 minutes!)
  • What Beta brainwaves are & why they are so effective at turbo charging your brain power
  • How to know when you’re in alpha?
  • Why Theta waves increase creativity and deep meditation
  • Sleep like a baby every night no matter how hectic your day!
  • Simple trick allows you to take control of that little naggin voice inside your head
  • Long lost Einstein mind technique called ‘thought experiments’ lets you turbo charge your problem solving and skyrocket your creative thinking.
  • Simple way to increase your vitality and enthusiasm
  • How to use brainwaves to fight off colds n coughs without ever using pills!
  • Why all 4 brainwaves are needed to fully master your mind
  • How your brains Beta waves are making you feel stressed out, I’ll show you how to take control n eliminate stress
  • What Alpha waves are and... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: Audio Included,
Category: Mind, Psychology

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Title: Hypnotic Communicator Certification
Author: Dr. Joe Vitale, Dr. Steve G. Jones

Use Hypnosis to add impact and persuasion to your writing, audios and speeches.

This course is for anyone looking to master the art of Hypnotic Writing. Writing is crucial to establishing yourself as an expert Hypnotist. Articles published in your local newspapers to national magazines, enhance your position as a leader in your community.

Through this course you will discover:

  • Transmit the right messages to your audience to manifest abundance and health
  • Communicate your thoughts and ideas clearly while weaving in Hypnotic text
  • Harness the power of writing to create and receive anything you want in life
  • How your writing can enrich the lives of your readers
  • Avoid the common errors that prevent people from effective writing
  • Find out why hypnotic writing is so important to creating change in people's behaviors
  • Write speeches and presentations that will have everyone following your lead
  • Methodically eliminate common writing mistakes that are preventing you from succeeding in building your business
  • New ways to make passion a focal point when you are writing
  • Use hypnotic language patterns to gain compliance in day to day
  • Developing confidence as a writer
  • situations and thorough writing
  • enhance the clarity of your writings.
  • Improve your grammar and fix common grammatical errors to
  • Bring your writing to life and
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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Mind

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Title: Mind Power Unlimited: Unleashing the Full Potential of Your Mind

Are You Ready to Conquer Your Fears and Start Turning Your Dreams into Reality?

Your Mind is So Powerful that Once These Thoughts Enter Your System, There Will Be No Turning Back!

When you think you are not capable, you truly will not be good enough and you won’t really be able to do a certain task.

If you could only understand thoroughly just how the amazingly well the human mind really works, you would realize that it is so much better for you to fill your mind with positive ideas in order to create the positive reality you so deserve!

Here’s just SOME of the information you will find inside this guide:

  • Find out if your glass is half-full or half-empty
  • How to make new friends
  • What percent of the brain humans use in their daily activities
  • Why the mind is compared to a mirror
  • Why the mind is considered as a super-computer
  • How to efficiently deal with worries
  • How the mind becomes a tool for empowerment
  • Why we should forgive and forget
  • What is common among you, me, and superheroes like Superman and the X-men
  • The difference between doing a job with the body and doing a job with the mind
  • What true beauty is
  • How the mind sets man apart from all other creatures in this world
  • How new things and challenges help in training the mind for positive thinking
  • The
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Category: Health, Mind

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Title: Insomnia Free for Life

“Doctors Predicted I Would Never Cure My Insomnia. But Contrary To Their Prediction, I Cured My Insomnia Using a Simple Fool-Proof Method, After Years of 'Trying.' You Can Too! Here's How...”

Do you...

  • Wake up during the night and can't fall back to sleep?
  • Have trouble falling asleep at night?
  • Wake up hours before your alarm clock goes off each morning?
  • Need to rely on sleeping pills to get some sleep?
  • Feel exhausted after waking up, even after getting a full night's sleep?
  • Feel sleepy and lightheaded all day cause of lack of sleep?
  • Dread the anticipation of spending hours counting sheep and staring at the ceiling all night?

If you answered YES to any of the above, then you have a serious sleep problem that's preventing you from enjoying your life.

I studied, researched and tested every treatment, method and technique written on paper. It wasn't until I almost gave up that I found an effective and side-effects-free method for curing insomnia.

My step-by-step system will help you to:

  • Sleep even when under stress.
  • Fall asleep fast and sleep like a baby throughout the night.
  • Sleep during the day if you work night-shifts.
  • Sleep without needlessly changing your lifestyle.
  • Sleep without drugs or pills and avoid their side-effects.
  • Wake the next morning feeling energized and
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Ebook Type: PDFAudio Included,
Category: Mind

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Title: Memory Improvement Power

Let me ask you a few questions:

  • Do you always have to look for your friend’s phone number in your address book before dialing his number?
  • Do you find it difficult to remember the sames of people you’ve just met?
  • Have you ever experienced forgetting the next few lines to utter in an important speech?
  • Do you have a hard time passing the exams because you just can’t seem to recall the lessons you’ve studied?

If you answered “yes” to any of the above questions, then your memory needs some work. Some might say, “So I have a bad memory. No big deal.”

Can you imagine what your life would be like if you have a sharp memory? You can achieve the following:

  • Build good relationships by recalling people’s names, faces, and interests!
  • Increase your sales skills and make more money!
  • Enhance your career by recalling facts and numbers effortlessly!
  • Never get lost on the road again!
  • Get higher grades by studying more efficiently!
  • Save lots of time by never having to find lost objects!
  • Impress your friends with your super memory and be the life of the party!

It doesn’t matter whether you’re 92 years old or just 12, anyone is capable of memorizing and recalling virtually any information possible. However, you must have the proper lifestyle, attitude, habits, and

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Category: Mind, Psychology, Self Help

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Title: Lucid Dreaming Made Easy
Author: Benjamin Lime

“Would You Like to Become a Master Lucid Dreamer?”

Soon, you'll finally have the Knowledge to "Start a Lucid Dream at Will" by simply following a Revolutionary Easy Technique.

Do you want to:

  • Experience Different Realities, Travel to Other Dimensions & Live the Perfect Life?
  • Be Smarter, Richer, More Successful and Enhance Your Confidence?
  • Face your Fears and Overcome Your Phobias Easily?
  • Improve Your Creativity and Inspire Yourself Through your Dreams?
  • Master New Skills as Well as Polish your Existing Abilities?
  • Have Mind-Blowing Out-Of-Body Experiences Whenever You Want?

I Discovered that Dreams Can Be Even More Real Than The 'Real' Life...

After I had almost given up on my quest to dream lucidly, I thought of an idea that was simple yet looked promising. I tried it that same evening and to my amusement, IT WORKED PERFECTLY!

With Lucid Dreaming Made Easy™ you will be able to:

  • Experience Life-Like Dreams - as if they were tangible and realistic events with no distinction between dreams and reality.
  • Recall Your Dreams Clearly - with a technique that allows you to remember all your dreams easily.
  • Dream Lucidly For As Long As you Like - using a simple yet very effective technique that works every time.
  • Travel to Other Dimensions, Experience Different Realities & Live the Perfect Life - with
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Category: Mind, Psychology, Self Help

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Reviewed by sandra on 2018-01-28
My Rate 5
absolutely super and reminds me how important it is to tell yourself what you Need!

Reviewed by sandra on 2018-01-28
My Rate 5
absolutely super and reminds me how important it is to tell yourself what you Need!

Reviewed by Sam Sad on 2016-08-28
My Rate 4
Personnaly, this never works for me. The only way how I get things is when I convince myself my brain that i will never happen.

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Title: Greatest Human Secret of All Time
Author: Bill Long

The most powerful human secret that can change your life forever.

Everyone has the golden key to attaining whatever it is you desire. It requires no special skills or level of intellegence.

The mastery of this one human mind science can literally create miracles in your life and those of the people you love.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (4.42 after 21 votes)
Category: Education, Mind, Psychology

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Reviewed by Sacha on 2011-04-29
My Rate 5
It provides a ton of easy to understand information and guidelines!

Reviewed by Paulette Hamilton on 2010-11-25
My Rate 5
rating of 5.

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Title: Psychology Student Survival Guide
Author: David Webb

Based on my experiences as a student and then a lecturer in psychology I've put together a survival guide for psychology students.

In producing the Psychology Student Survival Guide I've kept one main thought in mind; namely, if I was to go through my psychology education again - beginning when I first started considering studying psychology, right through to graduation and beyond - what information and resources would I most like to have at my disposal?

The primary aim of the Psychology Student Survival Guide, therefore, is to provide an easy to use online reference tool that people can use to quickly locate the information they require.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (5 after 2 votes)
Category: Mind, Psychology, Self Help

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Reviewed by Roberto Fiad on 2015-11-15
My Rate 5
Practical advice to learn how to control the destructive emotion of fear while being able to still being capable of experiencing.

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Title: Fear Control: How To Take Risks & Win At Life
Author: Trevor Emdon

Has your life delivered on its promises? You can blame your circumstances if you want but that doesn't really make you feel better, does it?

Besides, there are people who have achieved incredible feats against terrible odds, so do you really have an excuse?

The fact is, you can have far more control over your destiny than you might ever have imagined ... until now.

You may believe that you're frightened of nothing and nobody, but most of us worry about that we'll lose everything or that our friends and loved ones will think badly of us ... so we play it safe.

Sometimes too safe.

Earl Nightingale said, "Some people tiptoe through life hoping to make it safely to the grave."

If that's you then this book is not for you.

But if you'd like to get more out of life before it's too late, now is the time to read this precious little gem - and change your life for the better forever.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (5 after 1 votes)
Category: Education, Body, Mind

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Reviewed by Milly on 2017-05-23
My Rate 5
I will be trying some of the herbs mentioned in this book to improve my communication skills and think more clearly. Hope it will help.

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Title: Cognitive Function
Author: SupermanHerbs

If you are looking to improve your cognitive function, make sure you know hot figure out the difference between Drugs, Nutraceuticals, and Herbs, know the Herbs that support your memory, support your focus, help you in meditation, and Herbs that just make you feel better. It is also important to knowhow to use coffee or tea to enhance other Nootropics. And of course, hit all the basics for cognition.

The content found on the Vital Way podcast in Superman Herbs is for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advise, for the diagnosis or treatment of a health condition or as a substitue for medical counseling. Please review any information with your qualified heathcare provider before making any decisions concerning your health. You assume all risk for use, misuse or disuse of this information.

 As always, we appreciate a review on iTunes if you care to do that. Just head over there, leave that and it helps other people find the show. It can help spread the word so we can get solid thinking information and herbal information out to more and more people so that can improve their health and performance,, cognitive and otherwise.

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Rating: (5 after 1 votes)
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