Medicine ebooks

De-Mystifying Cancer
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(priced for $17.00 or less).
Title: De-Mystifying Cancer
Author: Stuart Wolfe
By The Time You Are Diagnosed - Will It Be Too Late?
Are you playing Russian Roulette with your health? Do you suspect that you may have cancer but have been ignoring the symptoms hoping they will just go away?
It's hard to believe that people would actually ignore something that important, doesn't it? But it happens. Thousands of people die every day of cancer related illness.
The sad thing is that many of those premature deaths could have been avoided with just a little bit of knowledge and early detection.
The major problem with much of the information about cancer is that it is very general and written in medical jargon that is nearly impossible to decipher. That's where "De-mystifying Cancer" comes in.
"De-mystifying Cancer" has taken all that technical information and broken it down in plain English so that anyone can get answers to their burning questions. Questions like these:
- How does it develop?
- What is cancer?
- What are the major types of cancer?
- What are carcinomas, sarcomas, leukemia, lymphomas and adenomas?
- What are primary and secondary cancers?
- How is your immune system affected by cancer?
- What are the signs and symptoms of cancer?
- Who gets cancer?
- What are the risk factors for cancer?
- Are you at risk for prostate cancer?
- How do you diagnose lung cancer in men and

Your Guide To Deep Vein Thrombosis
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Title: Your Guide To Deep Vein Thrombosis
Author: Marcie Hoff
Did you know?
That over 600,000 people in the U.S.A. are affected by Deep Vein Thrombosis every year?
Also in the U.S.A., it is the second most frequent vascular disease.
Early detection can prevent escalation to pulmonary embolism.
Dear Reader,
Finding out too late that a loved one had a serious condition that could have been treated is devastating news. Deep Vein Thrombosis, is one of those conditions.
Unless you have a history of Deep Vein Thrombosis, either for yourself or a loved one, you probably never even heard of the condition, let alone considered preventative measures.
Because many of the symptoms parallel other diseases DVT can be difficult to recognize and diagnose. There's also no disguising the pain associated with it.
Maybe you or your loved one has experienced an illness that required complete bed rest. Thinking you are doing just what the doctor ordered, imagine how horrifying it can be to suddenly discover that was the one thing that led to a blood clot rampaging through your body.
The damage resulting from an out of control clot should not be minimized. A clot like this can journey toward the heart and make a convenient pit stop in the lungs. The result? That pulmonary embolism we addressed above.
Gone are the days when we could sail through life taking good health for
Ebook Type: PDF

Alternative Medicine
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(priced for $4.95 or less).
Title: Alternative Medicine
Learn How to Heal Yourself Naturally!
Revealed: Safe, All-Natural Alternatives to Taking High-Cost, Side-Effect-Laden Prescription Drugs!
Dear friend,
If you are tired of paying the high cost of prescription drugs ... if you are tired of worrying about prescription drug side affects ... or if you just don't want to risk becoming dependent on prescription drugs ... then have I got great news for you!
You see, there is a new e-book available that reveals everything you need to know about alternative medicine to begin using its techniques and treatments to heal yourself naturally!
Introducing the "Alternative Medicine: The Ins and Outs of Non-Traditional Healing" e-Book
At last, there is a comprehensive yet concise and easy-to-read manual that explores the many different components of alternative medicine, and how they can help you.
This manual covers many different alternative therapies, such as:
- Color therapy
- Hypnosis
- Yoga
- Herbal remedies
- Meditation
- Vitamin therapy
And many more!
Here is just some of what you will discover by reading this amazing e-book:
- The history of alternative medicine - you may be very surprised by what you read here!
- The
Ebook Type: PDF
Circulatory System Problems and Remedies
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(priced for $3.00 or less).
Title: Circulatory System Problems and Remedies
Learn the Secrets The Drug Companies and Doctors Don't Want You To Know :
How To Improve Blood Circulation to the Legs and Feet Without Surgery or Drugs!!
Dear Internet Friend,
If you are over 50, or chronically suffering from cold hands and feet and that irritating tingling sensation in your arms and/or legs when you sit too long, then
listen up!
This could be the most important letter you'll ever read!!
These are symptoms of Peripheral Artery Disease, or poor circulation in the extremeties of the body, more specifically, the legs and feet. The arms and hands are also affected by this problem.
The human circulatory system is a wonderful thing; carrying life-giving oxygen and nutrients to all parts of the body and bringing waste products back to the lungs, liver, and kidneys on its return trip.
When any substance like cholesteral (blood fat) or blocked arteries (plaque build up in the arteries) causes the flow of blood to slow down, it affects every other part of the body.
You see, any time blood is restricted from flowing freely through the circulatory system, it just doesn't affect the area containing the restriction, it also affects every other part of the body, including the Brain!
Decreased blood flow to the brain can cause many other ailments including but not limited
Ebook Type: PDF

Anti-Aging Treatments and Top Spas in the USA
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(priced for $7.00 or less).
Title: Anti-Aging Treatments and Top Spas in the USA
Are You Striving To Look And Feel Youthful? Wish You Could Add 20 Years To Your Life?
Learn the Secrets to a Longer, Healthier Life With This Fantastic Anti-Aging Resource
Greetings Friend,
You might be feeling and looking great now, but have you ever thought about what you'll feel and look like several years from now? Have you ever considered that the choices you make today directly influence how well you age?
If you're intrigued, "Anti-Aging Treatments and Top Spas in the USA" is sure to satisfy your appetite for knowledge. You'll discover exactly what you can do to ward off aging and keep looking and feeling good for longer!
The Earlier You Start Taking Preventative Aging Measures, The Better Results You'll Get!
You may think you're taking good care of yourself, but there's a possibility how you're treating your body is causing damage that will show itself years from now in the form of wrinkles and bodily wear and tear.
This ebook will show you:
- How to create a balanced diet that promotes youthfulness
- The foods to avoid to prevent aging
- Exercise tips to keep fit and flexible
- The skin treatments to literally rid yourself of the years
- Stress relievers to get rid of those worry lines
- The top spa resorts in the
Ebook Type: PDF

Drug Addiction Manual
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(priced for $7.00 or less).
Title: Drug Addiction Manual
If you're wanting to discover about drug addiction...
Then this may be the most important letter you'll ever read!
"You Are Going To Get A In Depth Look At One Of The Most Noteworthy Manuals On Drug Addiction There Is Available On The Market Today"
It Doesn't Matter If You Are Just For The First Time Looking For Answers On Drug Addiction, This Manual Will Get You On The Right Track.
Dear Friend,
Has a drug addiction taken over your life? Are you finally looking to break the cycle?
Do you or someone you know need some help? If so, pay close attention!
There's finally a new ebook created just for people like you!
And, if you really want to know the facts about drug addiction, this ebook is definitely for YOU!
This Isn't Like Any Other Handbook On Drug Addiction You Can Find In Any Store..
...On the internet, or even at your local library for that matter!
This ebook covers everything there is to know about drug addiction and it's easily understandable to the average person! In fact, some people have called it the "Drug Addiction Guide "!
It's like having your very own expert that you can reference and ask questions anytime you need to!
You'll uncover a wide array of tips, including guidelines on how to correctly recognize and
Ebook Type: PDF

Dealing With Bronchitis
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(priced for $9.95 or less).
Title: Dealing With Bronchitis
If you're wanting to know more about dealing with bronchitis...
Then this may be the most important letter you'll ever read!
"You are About To Read The Most Important Information That Is Available To You Today, You Will Achieve A Better Understanding About Bronchitis!"
It doesn't matter if you've never had bronchitis before or never known anyone who has, This manual will tell you everything you need to know, without spending too much brainpower!
Dear Friend,
Forget about deciphering medical terms - when you're sick you want understandable answers now!
Do you live with or know someone suffering from bronchitis? If so, pay close attention!
There's finally an innovative new ebook created just for people like you!
And, if you really want to know the facts of bronchitis, this ebook is definitely for YOU!
This Isn't Like Any Other Medical Textbook On Bronchitis You Can Find In Any Store..
...On the internet, or even at your local library for that matter!
This ebook covers everything there is to know about bronchitis and it's comprehendible to the average person! In fact, some people have called it the "Bronchitis Guide "!
It's like having your very own bronchitis expert that you can reference and ask questions anytime you need to!
Ebook Type: PDF

Biofeedback Mastery
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Title: Biofeedback Mastery
Have you ever wondered what Biofeedback is all about? Uncover these unique information on Biofeedback!
Are you in constant pain? Do you wish you could ever just find some relief? If so, you are not alone. Relieving chronic pain can be difficult and frustrating.
A few years ago I began having major problems with chronic pain due to a medical condition. My condition worsened to the point that it was difficult for me to continue my job and even enjoy everyday activities.
I knew I had to do something.
That's when I decided I had to find a way to relieve my pain and get my life back. I knew I owed it to myself and my family to get a handle on this once and for all!
What I discovered completely changed my life!
How did I do it?
I would love to share my secrets with you and my new special report on biofeedback does just that!
Introducing ...
Biofeedback Mastery!
Everything you need to know about biofeedback is included in this special report:
- What is Biofeedback?
- Available Treatments
- Benefits of Biofeedback
- Biofeedback Training
I leave absolutely nothing out! Everything that I learned about biofeedback I share with you.
This is the most comprehensive report on biofeedback you will
Ebook Type: PDF

Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-11-19
My Rate 5
I will give 5stars to this Book "Cancer Defeated "as it will give various ways from where to take best Cancer treatment ,where to stay during Cancer Treatment,Cancer Remedies.
Reviewed by vania on 2009-06-03
My Rate 5
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Title: Cancer Defeated
Author: Frank Cousineau
The secret is starting to leak out: If you get cancer, there are vastly better alternatives than surgery, radiation, and chemo, which I call the cut/burn/poison approach to cancer treatment.
Let me summarize what you'll get when you receive my Special Ebook Cancer Defeated! You'll get:
- Where to stay if you prefer to stay on the American side of the border during your outpatient treatment in Mexico. Names and phone numbers of excellent, reasonably priced motels that offer FREE daily shuttle service to the Mexican clinics
- Where to stay if you decide to seek treatment in Mexico
- The name and phone number of the U.S. motel that offers RV hookup plus FREE daily shuttle service to the Mexican clinics
- Practical information about what you'll need if you decide to drive into Mexico
- More stories of people who defeated "hopeless" cases of cancer
- Max Factor heir Donald Factor's amazing story of surviving his 'hopeless' and 'terminal' case of cancer - in his own words.
- Detailed information about three of Mexico's finest cancer clinics
- Contact information for 12 other outstanding clinics, including addresses, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, and Website addresses
- A powerful, natural, and inexpensive cancer remedy you can find in your local grocery store
- A discount on my Mexican clinic information services, if you want help to find the right clinic for you
Rating: (5 after 2 votes)

Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-11-19
My Rate 5
I will give 5stars to this book"Easy Quit Marijuana Audio Program"as by reading this book one will learn how to stop not only smoking habits but also various other bad habits.
Reviewed by Roger Kevin Johnson on 2011-11-22
My Rate 5
I quit smoking weed thanks to this program.
Thank you so much
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Title: Easy Quit Marijuana Audio Program
Author: Gary Evans
The Cannabis Coach™ is a complete "how to stop smoking weed" program with very fast results.
The Cannabis Coach will not only help you to stop smoking pot but it will also help you with other bad habits.
After many years of successfully helping weed smokers the "Easy Quit Marijuana Audio Program" has demonstrated to be an authority when it comes to marijuana addiction.
Ebook Type: Audio Included,
Rating: (5 after 2 votes)
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