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Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Manuals ebooks

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Category: Manuals

Cheap But Good: Volume I

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Title: Cheap But Good: Volume I
Author: Rob Frankel
A Guide That Proves You Don't Have to Spend A Whole Lot of Money To Do Business on the Web

1. Why I wrote this E-Book

Greetings. I suppose you're wondering why I decided to give away this e-book. Well, I'm doing this for a number of reasons. First, it's got a lot of information that you could probably get for free anyway, but at least now you've got it all in one place. Second, everything in here is proven, real life stuff. In fact, everything you see about here comes straight out of my own personal experience. I take particular pride in the fact that I've built everything in my career with off-the-shelf stuff; mostly free and low-cost items and services. Which means that you can, too. Third, it answers a lot of the most frequently asked questions that I get, which means I can save everyone time by directing them to download the answers in one simple permanent file.

It's also a blatant ruse to create more publicity for my e-book, The Revenge of Brand X:
How to Build a Big Time Brandâ„¢ on the Web or Anywhere Else. I figure if you're serious about getting up and running on the web, you'll also be serious about creating the most critical part of that business -- your brand -- and buy the e-book.

There. I said it.

Anyway, this is by no means a complete listing of stuff. Just some proven tools and services that have worked for me. If I get a big enough response to this edition, I'll publish more. If you have stuff you want to see included, send it by e-mail to me and I'll consider it for inclusion.

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Category: Manuals

Getting listed in Yahoo ... without losing your mind

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Title: Getting listed in Yahoo ... without losing your mind
Author: Greg Fotson

How to Instantly Generate a Stampede of "Highly-Targeted" Traffic to Your Site Right Now Using Just One Strategy and Continue to Profit from It Indefinitely!

Dear Entrepreneur,

Would you like to learn, once and for all, how to create a massive and continuous stream of hot prospects to your site every single day?

Would you like to generate this kind of traffic using just one simple strategy instead of wasting your time and money on hundreds of other humiliatingly hollow or even obsolete traffic-generating techniques?

Would you like to use this powerful strategy only once and cement it into place permanently so you can continue to generate, and profit from, a barrage of hot buyers to your site indefinitely?

If you would, then I have some very important news for you...

I am going to reveal to you a simple strategy that can do all of the above for you! And you only have to put it into place one time. Then, just sit back and watch the fireworks!

Getting this kind of traffic to your site is really easy when you know how to use this one technique.

And the best part is that most marketers, including your competitors, have no clue how to use this simple strategy to their advantage.

Ask any seasoned marketer and he'll tell you one thing...

"It's all a numbers game!"

The more hot buyers you can get to your site, the more profits you will earn. It's that simple.


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Category: Home, Manuals

The Complete Guide To Wood Finishing

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Title: The Complete Guide To Wood Finishing

Wood finishing can be tricky and after spending hours on building your project you want to be sure that you get the best outcome possible.

In The Complete Guide To Wood Finishing you will learn how to get beautiful, professional results no matter what your project is, even if you have never tried your hand at wood finishing before.

You will learn about every step in the wood finishing process from a professional wood finisher with years of experience. Here are just a few of the chapters you will find inside The Complete Guide To Wood Finishing:


Why take a chance on the woodworking project you have spent hours on when you can own The Complete Guide To Wood Finishing and get professional results the very first time for only $9.95!

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Category: Manuals

Refinishing Your Wood Furniture

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Title: Refinishing Your Wood Furniture
Author: David Crowe
Refinish - Don't Replace!

Picture this. You're finally getting around to cleaning out your garage or attic. Buried under years of dust and debris you run across that old wooden table that served you well as a desk years ago in your college dorm room.

Complete with gouges, scratches, dings and dents it brings back memories of good friends and good times. If it weren't in such bad shape, it would look great in the family room. Well, now there is no reason why you can't do just that!

"Refinishing Your Wood Furniture" will take you by the hand and lead you step by easy step toward turning that old eyesore into a work of art that you can display proudly!

You won't find a more fulfilling hobby. Heck, you may find that you enjoy it so much that you can make a part-time vocation out of an avocation.

Worried about having no experience? Doesn't matter. "Refinishing Your Wood Furniture" has 98 jam-packed pages that anyone can follow and turn out beautifully refinished furniture.

Here's a sample of what you will learn:

  • What are the steps to properly refinishing
  • How to select good candidates for refinishing
  • Preparation for refinishing
  • Prepping your project
  • Material and supplies required
  • How to clean and test your materials
  • What tools are needed to strip your project
  • Steps to strip old finish
  • How to make simple repairs
  • Selecting finishing
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Category: Manuals

The Lazy Man's Guide To Writing Articles

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Title: The Lazy Man's Guide To Writing Articles
"Discover How To Write High Quality In Demand Articles So Quickly That You Could Churn Out 50 To 100 A Day Without Breaking A Sweat!"

"Breakthrough Article Writing Technique That Your Competition Does Not Want You To Find Out About - Uncovered And Revealed Below!"

Dear Friend,

As an Internet marketer I'm sure you are always on the lookout for ways to create quality content quicker.

Especially if that content allows you to churn out Adsense sites by the dozen or ebooks in hours, or even articles to use as promotion for one of your other products.

But don't you find yourself constantly annoyed by the lack of quality content floating around the Internet?

Seriously, have you read some of those so called "free articles" that you can use on your website? Most of them are nothing but trash and direct promotional pieces for their own products with no real value at all.

If I could show you how to not only create quality articles in minutes but profit from them for years to come, would that be of interest to you?

Why Should You Listen To Me?

I've been writing articles for publication and for profit on the Internet since 1999. I've written so many articles you could fill an entire article directory site with just my articles. Even today, articles I wrote 5 or 6 years ago are still earning me a nice little income on the side.

I know how to write articles that not only make people want to read what I'm writing, but also buy from me, and that's what I'm going to show you in this new book of mine.

The Lazy Man's Guide... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: How To, Jobs, Manuals

Welding and Cutting Metals

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Title: Welding and Cutting Metals

Start Your Own High-Paying Career In Welding With This Welding Course

At last you can now start to discover welding - the art of joining and cutting metals with The Welding Course - right at the comfort of your home in your free time!

A Career In Welding and Cutting Metals

Dear friend,

Would you like to start a potentially lucrative career or business with a welding skill?

Acquiring a new skill in welding could give you a potentially high-paying career (Salary Range: $13.00-$26.44 per hour).

It could also open for you a floodgate of new opportunities with various businesses and arts and crafts that you have only dreamt about of starting and enjoying.

At last you can now start to discover welding - the art of joining and cutting metals with The Welding Course - right at the comfort of your home in your free time.

The Welding Course is the textbook equivalent of a hands-on welding training. It prepares and orients you to the basic as well the advanced.

It contains all necessary information and data in one volume, making it possible for the workman to use one source for securing a knowledge of both principle and practice, preparation and finishing of the work, and both large and small repair work as well as manufacturing methods used in metal working.

With almost a hundred

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Category: Manuals, Mind, Psychology

Top Tactics To Easily Aviod Procrastination

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Title: Top Tactics To Easily Aviod Procrastination

Now YOU Can Finally Figure Out How to Stop Procrastinating and Start Accomplishing. Order Today!

Don't put off another task, job or the time you finish reading this manual, you'll be able to handle ANYTHING put in front of you!

Top Tactics To Easily Aviod Procrastination
Dead in its Tracks

Completely Unique Solutions to Fix That Procrastinating!

2 Of The Main Benefits to Kicking Procrastination to the Curb

1) It increases productivity and more things tend to get done.

This one was pretty much a given, but it's definately the truth. If you don't procrastinate, things get done. On top of that, you become less likely to put other things off in the future, which creates a trickle down effect to all areas of your life.

2) Less anxiety and more enjoyment

Sure, the things you procrastinate about may not give you more enjoyment, but the time away from those tasks will be alot more enjoyable. Without the anxiety and stress of trying to avoid doing something that needs to be done, you can enjoy the rest of your time much more.

Here is what you will discover inside this manual...

  • What are the results of procrastination? Now that you know why you might be procrastinating, you'll find out what can happen as a result. Do you know how detrimental procrastination... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Manuals

Boost Your Self Confidence

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Title: Boost Your Self Confidence

Confidence tips that work
It's a myth that winners don't require any motivational or confidence tips. They require good self assurance tips frequently to keep up their motivational level. From the time you get your
confidence tips make sure you apply them in order to transform the existing quality of life.

Confidence is necessary to achieve success in life. Some effective confidence tips must be
followed if you genuinely want to gain accomplishment in your work. So how do you build your
confidence that will work for you in any situation?

Initially, make an effort to spend time with confident people. Their vigor and strength is so stirring that you will surely feel yourself more powerful just by listening to their talk. To build confidence it is vital that you are in the midst of self-assuring people. This will help you derive great confidence from them. All you have to do is ask them for good confidence tips.

Secondly, make sure that you find a mentor. All successful people have mentors in life, those who can efficiently manual you, advise you and also offer some confidence tips. The person can help you considerably and you can taste success more quickly than you ever imagined. Two minds are always better than one.

Try to understand that confidence is just a feeling. Think about all the situations where you have felt confident. Such positive thoughts can make you confident in future.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: How To, Manuals, Self Help

The Complete Guide To Effective Public Speaking

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Title: The Complete Guide To Effective Public Speaking

How would you like to discover the principles of public speaking that will have your audience hanging upon your every word?

The Complete Manual To Effective Public Speaking should be read by anyone who ever has to face an audience, whether that audience consists of one man or a thousand.

It is not made up of rules and principles, but of the common-sense essentials which are of the most importance in public speaking.

If you do any kind of public speaking you should have this ebook.

If you do teleseminars, if you are thinking of turning you e-Book into an audio ebook or if you want to put an audio introduction on your website, this e-Book will help you sound more confident and professional.

Concise And Easy To Read.

You will like this ebook. It is short, but there is a tremendous amount in it. Every time you read it, you will realize more clearly, the essentials to public speaking.

Order Now

Happily, it is no longer necessary to argue that public speaking is a worthy subject for regular study in college. The teaching of this subject, in one form or another, is now fairly well established.

But, not all of us have had the benefit of a course in public speaking. Now you can get what amounts to a quick home study

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Manuals

6 Simple Rules Of Power

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Title: 6 Simple Rules Of Power

" Learning About 6 Simple Rules Of Power Can Have Amazing Benefits For Your Life And Success!"

Learn how you can apply 6 simple habits that will change your life forever!

Dear Friend,

There's one thing that differentiates happy and successful individuals from misfortunate, unsuccessful individuals. It's all in the attitude and personal power.
We can't all of the time control the conditions that we chance upon, however what we may control is how we respond to them.
In that way we may make fresh selections and take a different action, therefore bringing ourselves toward success. A positive mental attitude for life success is utterly crucial and provides great personal power. Many people have never heard if this and have no idea how to go about figuring out where they are or how to change it.

Is this true for you? Then please continue on as you need to learn the secrets that increase your power everyday!

The truth is:

If You Want To Skyrocket Your Success With Business And Improve Your Overall Life...You Need To Have A Look At 6 Simple Rules Of Power!

You know why most people have a tendency to not achieve the success they desire in their business and overall life? It's because they don't know that once you have an extremely positive attitude you'll have a greater expectation of success and more

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