All wish to possess knowledge, but few, comparatively speaking, are willing to pay the price.
Juvenal, (Decimus Junius Juvenalis)

Manuals ebooks

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Category: Dogs, Manuals

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Title: 35 Most Commonly Asked Questions On Housetraining
Author: Ruff Sitwell

Through this extra-special ebook, we are providing answers to as many as 35 most commonly asked questions that Dog owners raise in real life everyday. A full 26 pages ebook packed with the most common Dog housetraining queries...answered such that it is not only easy to understand but simple to implement also.

Let's zoom in and take a sneak peek at this mavellous Bonus ebook...

  • Learn the 3 different ways to deal with coprophagia in your Dog and how to put a stop to it.
  • What workable strategies to take when your set schedule fails.
  • Know how to best deal with your first dog when it forgets its previous housetraining lessons on seeing your new second dog
  • 6 ways to prepare your home to avoid housebreaking accidents before you actually bring a dog or puppy home
  • 10 most critical steps to combat housetraining resistance and establish a better master-pet relation
  • Suitable actions you need to take when your dog refuses to eliminate outdoors owing to cold or hot weather
  • 4 reasons leading to your dog urinating on your clothes and its remedy
  • The best method to stop your Dog from peeing on the flowers and bushes
  • The most suitable way to housetrain an abused Dog keeping the dog's vulnerable condition in mind
  • Know the perfect way to housetrain your matured Dog
  • Learn the effects of food habits for proper housetraining and know which food is harmful for your beloved
... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Green Products, Manuals

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Title: Planning & Installing Bioenergy Systems

Once you see how easy it is to 'go green' using the simple, easy to read Energy 2 Green manual - we know you will be hooked and want to do even more for both yourself and loved ones!

Planning & Installing Bioenergy Systems provides an in-depth guide into renewable energy systems and help you completely transform your home into a true mini power station that is completely eco friendly!

This 238 page ebook is valued at $249 but yours FREE when you order today!!

Bonus to the "Energy 2 Green "

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Category: Law and Legal, Manuals, Nonfiction

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Title: Appearing Before a Royal Commission
Author: Conor O'Brien

Learn more about Royal Commissions in Victoria, Australia. Built to investigate on issues deemed controversial and of great public interest, Royal Commissions are given powers higher than those wielded by the courts. This ebook provides a thorough discussion of the nature of Royal Commissions and the processes involved when appearing before it, with highlights on best practices to be done when summoned to provide evidence. What should you do upon receiving a letter from the Royal Commission? Should you have a lawyer represent you? Can you get funding for legal representation? These are just some of the questions addressed in this ebook by its writer, Conor O'Brien, an accredited criminal law specialist in Victoria, Australia.

This ebook also details various offences related to Royal Commission hearings, along with applicable maximum penalties and relevant legislation. It has a list of notable Royal Commissions created in the state of Victoria ever since 1854. A must-read for somebody appearing before a Victorian Royal Commission and for those who want to learn more about Victorian legal processes.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: How To, Romance, Manuals

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Title: Manuale del perfetto seduttore
Language: Italian

Scopri come conquistare la donna dei tuoi sogni!

Leggi il Manuale della Seduzione, scritto dalla redazione tutta femminile di

Seduttori si diventa! L'universo femminile non è impossibie da conquistare... basta usare la testa e vedrai che (quasi) ogni donna cadrà ai tuoi piedi... non ci credi? Scarica la nostra guida e prova!

Quanto sono diverse le donne dagli uomini? Di cosa hanno bisogno? Il segreto è rassicurarle! Come? Scoprilo con noi!

Nel manuale vengono descritte tutte le situazioni che potrebbero capitarti, dal massaggino all'incontri tet a tet, dalla situazione romantica a quella imbarazzante.

Non sei curioso?

Il manuale contiene i capitoli:

- Seduttori di diventa

- Conosci l'universo femminile?

- Qualcosa di più sull'universo femminile

- Che cosa cercano le donne in un uomo?

- AAA cercasi donna dei sogni

- Le regole dell'attrazione: imparare a piacersi per piacere

- 4 segreti per sedurre

- La conversazione: seduci con la parola

- La seduzione passa attraverso un messaggio

- 5 regole d'oro per non combinare guai con i tuoi incontri sui social

- Come districarsi dalle situazioni imbarazzanti


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