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Ralph Waldo Emerson

Internet ebooks

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Category: Internet, Programming

I Hate PHP

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Title: I Hate PHP

...and discover PHP without becoming a part of the geek patrol.

Dear Fellow Webmaster;

I've wasted probably a thousand bucks on PHP ebooks. Sold 'em on eBay after getting frustrated. So I wrote one.

Yeah, I'm a web designer by trade. I "do" HTML and ColdFusion. But, it took me a long time to "get" PHP. I wasn't exactly sure why at first, but as I looked more and more into PHP development, I finally figured it out. IT LOOKS LIKE A PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE. Gross. Not a good thing for web designers who want functionality that PHP offers but hate the fact that they have to add "Programmer" to their resume. So, What's cool about PHP??

It's free - You don't need to buy some special development tool to code in it.
It's widely supported - Web hosts EVERYWHERE have PHP installed, and often in their cheapest plans too. Try that with ColdFusion or ASP.
It's functional - Most everything you might want to do with a website can be done with PHP - it has very few limitations.

My pain is your gain. I never found "the" product that would help me discover PHP the way I needed I wrote this for myself over several months' time, and you are cashing in on my suffering. Anyone got some

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Internet

Blogging - Tips & Tricks to Profiting From Blogging!

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Title: Blogging - Tips & Tricks to Profiting From Blogging!
Author: Chan G.
Never Before Revealed Information!

Turn your posts into cash...

If You've Been Struggling To Make Money With Your Blog You Must Read This!!

Dear Friend,

If you are like me then you've been working non stop to find ways to promote your blog so that it will start earning money. You want your investment to pay off and you would like to get in on the great opportunity of the ever growing blogosphere. Every time you turn around you hear about some person who has just made thousands of dollars online by using a blog, and you would love to get in on the action. Why should these strangers make all the money when you have a great vision, plan, and the will to succeed?

In spite of all the information you have found on the internet it is still hard to get your blog started. Even if you are able to get a blog off the ground it is very hard to start earning money with it.

On webmasters forums and websites you are constantly being bombarded with stories of men and women who have turned the blogging world into their own personal ATMs. You want to know how they did it , but no one is talking It is like there is one big blogging industry conspiracy and you are determined to figure it out.

After trying repeatedly to start up a blog you are just about ready to give up completely. You're starting to think, maybe blogging isn't for me. Why keep wasting time and energy only to end up frustrated and disappointed. Now you're

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: E-Business, Internet

Power Up Your Websites

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Title: Power Up Your Websites
Author: John Williams

Power Up Your Websites and Power Up Your Sales!

How many times have you landed on a website and wondered how in the world the owner expects the viewer to navigate, let alone buy anything from the site?

Yes, we understand the concept of simplicity. But the site should, at the very least, grab your attention! Right?

If you want to know the mechanics of how to build a website, like html or php, there are dozens of manuals and ebooks online that you can find with a simple search.

However, if you want a website that does what you want it to do powerfully, "you need to power it up!"

Creating a powerful website takes no more effort than building a weak website. You can just as easily create a site that simply sucks visitors in as you can create one that forces the viewer to click away. Which would you prefer? Ah, we thought so.

The first thing you should do is make certain that you have planned your website. It's amazing just how many websites there are that have given absolutely no thought to how their customers are supposed to follow a road map through the site.

"Proper preparation prevents pitiful poor performance!" We have no idea who originally penned that thought but it couldn't address this scenario any better. How do you expect to guide a stranger through your site if you haven't... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Internet, Programming

The Beginners Guide to Mastering PHP

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Title: The Beginners Guide to Mastering PHP

"Fire Your Programmer! Now You Can Learn How To Install And Create Your Own PHP Scripts, Enhance Your Web Pages, Design Interactive Communities All By Mastering The Power of PHP Programming!"

If you have always wondered how PHP programmers are making a fortune creating useful and profitable scripts, or you just want to save a ton of time and money by learning how to install scripts on your server, The Beginners Guide to Mastering PHP is a comprehensive tutorial guide that will take you through the basics of PHP programming.

PHP is one of the most popular programming languages used by coders and web developers, and fortunately, it's also one of the easiest to master. Better yet, if you want to take control of your website in a whole new way, PHP can make it exceptionally easy to manage your entire website, update templates on the fly, and add polls, surveys and other useful tools that will help you get more out of every single area of your website.

Here is just some of what you can do with PHP:

  • If you have ever wanted to know how to set up and configure a blog, customize scripts so they work better for you, install a forum or a guestbook, learning PHP is essential.
  • Most of your favorite websites use PHP to create well managed, interactive and fun communities. Now you can
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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: E-Business, Internet

5 Ultra Simple Strategies For Effective Traffic Generation

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Title: 5 Ultra Simple Strategies For Effective Traffic Generation

Not getting any traffic to your web site? We can help!

"Now You Can Learn This Simple Step-By-Step System That Shows You Exactly How To Easily Generate Hoards of Targeted Traffic To Your Website... In ONLY 1 Hour per Day!..."

Dear Web Site Owner,

Six months ago, I launched an information site - and that information site bombed. It bombed, we discovered, in the end, because we had no traffic. No plan for traffic. In fact, we put the site up and simply expected people to find it.

And the main reason was because we didn't make a plan to promote the site. It was, a complete 'new marketer' mistake, one which we wrote a guide to help YOU avoid.

Are you having trouble with any or all of the following:

  • Absolutely no Adwords income
  • Lackluster sales?
  • No sign ups to your opt-in list?
  • No blog comments?

It could be because you've got NO traffic!

No traffic = NO SALES

Targeted traffic = the sure fire way to website success!

5 Ultra Simple Strategies For Effective Traffic Generation:
"How to Significantly Increase Your Web Site Traffic in Only 1 Hour per Day"

The old chestnut of 'if you build it they will come' is one of the

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: E-Business, Internet

Web Design for Internet Business Owners

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Title: Web Design for Internet Business Owners

Do you run the other way whenever you hear words like Web Design or HTML?

You don't need to have technical knowledge to create websites. Web Design for Internet Business Owners is your solution to creating your web presence.

Dear Friend,

If you don't know to create a professional and easy to use website, then this will be the most important letter you read right now. Stop losing potential sales and wasting your time. Start building your web presence because it's not as hard as you may think.

Fact: People will judge you by your website design.

But don't let the fear of not knowing where to start or not knowing computer programming stop you, because it's easier than you think.

You will lose or gain sales depending on your approach to how your site looks and how usable it is.

You've seen ugly sites everywhere and it affects their sales dramatically sometimes without their knowing...and it doesn't be that way. Some Internet business owners take a blank white page and fill it up with buy now links or banner ads, and they expect to sell something.

They often don't sell anything and get frustrated and give up. Sound familiar or sound like someone you may know?

Why is Web Design and Ease of Use Important to

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Internet

How To Build And Upload Your First Website

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Title: How To Build And Upload Your First Website

"Building A Website Doesn't Have To Be Difficult ..." 

Too many people let the fear of building websites and wrangling with HTML hold them back from the money they could be making -- with their own websites.

Don't let this happen to you!

When you have your own websites, you can start building a solid online presence that will keep steadily bringing in the cash. In fact, you can build a whole network of websites -- quite easily.

And ... with a simple (and free) editor -- and easy, illustrated instructions -- anybody can build a simple money-maker website in just an hour or two.

A Step-By-Step Guide ...

... shows you exactly how to build web pages the easy and quick way ... and upload them to the Internet, in a flash!

"The Newbie Toolkit: How To Build And Upload Your First Website" gives you fully-detailed screenshots, with easy directions showing you exactly how to:

  • Set up the backbone of your webpage, with a controlled-width, white background for easy reading ... and a coloured surround of your choice.
  • Get and install a simple (and free) web page editor. With everything laid out in illustrated steps, you'll soon be zipping out websites like a pro.
  • Easily place... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Internet

Blogging Professional

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Title: Blogging Professional

Get Your Copy Of The Ultimate Manual To Professional Blogging And Discover The Secrets To Creating Automated Money Machines!

Dear Friend,

If you're anything like me, you're fed up with all of the low-quality, useless products that promise instant fortunes with simple niche blogs that end up being little more than a starters manual to "installing Wordpress".

If you have ever bought into these bogus products, don't blame yourself. When I first got started online, I bought everything that I could get my hands on, believing that one of these manuals would surely be the 'golden grail' in helping me build a profitable online blog based business.

I spent hundreds of dollars on these useless products, chasing every opportunity I could find. I subscribed to every business opportunity magazine I could find. I spent hours every day on various internet marketing forums.

I'll admit it, I was as desperate as they come.

I felt crushed under the weight of a controlling boss, office politics, and a dead-end job that only served to make my employer wealthier than he already was. I wanted to get out of the rat race once and for all and start working for the one person that really matters; myself.

But I approached it the wrong way, and rather than following the strategies used by those who really were raking in cash every single day with their blogs, I spent a fortune buying... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Computers, Internet

Go Cable

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Title: Go Cable

Don't Waste Anymore Of Your Precious Time Waiting Around To Access The Internet -- Go Cable And Have More Free Time!"

Dear Friend,

Are you sick and tired of low download speeds? Waiting around for what seems like an eternity to see one web page? Wouldn't you like to have more time freed up to spend doing the important things. . .Like spending time offline?!?

If you are still stuck with a slow-as-molasses Dial Up Internet Connection, then this is an e-book manual you simply must read! Switching from Dial Up to a High Speed Internet Connection is easy, fast, and convenient. And the Go Cable! Manual will outline this process for you.

It will also provide you with clear, easy to understand, explanations of how a high speed Internet connection is achieved. No technical "mumbo-jumbo" here.

Not only will this one-of-a-kind manual reveal the benefits of having a cable Internet connection, but it will also give you two additional high speed alternatives to choose from!

Life is just too short to waste waiting around to get things done online. And with the Go Cable! Manual, you will learn why you don't have to any longer because despite what you may think. . . .


Learn all this and more when you download your copy of the Go Cable! Manual today.

Pick Up Your Copy Of Go

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: E-Business, Internet

The Insider's Guide To Website Protection

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Title: The Insider's Guide To Website Protection

Everything I Had Worked For Was Gone And In A Virutal Instant I Was Totally And Completely Ruined...

"I Was In Shock! My Website Had Disappeared, And My Entire Business Was Lost! I Felt Like I Was Having A Heart Attack..."

...And You Could Be Next!
(Unless You Read This Very Important Letter)

Dear Friend,

I was staring at my computer screen in absolute horror. I felt like I couldn't breathe, like there was an elephant sitting on my chest. I thought I was having a heart attack!

My Website host just informed me that their servers had crashed, and that ALL of my files where permanently lost.

Within the blink of an eye I had just lost...

  • All of my ezine and customer lists
  • All of my high traffic forums
  • All of my Websites

... and much much more

You know what made this news even worse? The simple fact that I thought I was prepared for something like this.

I assumed I was safe from these kind of disasters because my Websites where backed up on a daily basis, only to learn that I was doing it the wrong way!

In fact, 9 out of every 10 online marketers are making the same mistakes.

Are you one of these marketers at risk of losing everything?

My guess is "yes".

This letter

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