Internet ebooks

Internet Promotion For beginners
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(priced for $17.00 or less).
Title: Internet Promotion For beginners
Author: Helen Fox
. . .discover everything you need to know for huge profits online
Are you sick and tired of being knocked around from pillar to post by money making schemes? Have you see tons of so-called internet business ebooks, courses and tele-seminars only to be left feeling even more confused and disappointed?
If you are like most folks you have probably invested in:
- Time. . .working yourself crazy just to earn a measly single digit commission check!
- Countless "how to" ebooks promising overnight riches. All you need is to buy their ebook or course!
- Spent hours learning how to and building sites for little to no return.
- Wasted hours reading reports from "experts" but walking away feeling that they're hiding the "true" secrets from you...
If you are totally fed up with all the empty promises about making a fortune online. If you doubt the stories that all the so-called "gurus" are touting just to sell another over-priced e-book or course, stay right where you are because there is good news!
Internet Promotion for Beginners is not just another carbon copy of one of those over-priced products. Let's face it, with so much hype going on it is really hard to know what works and what doesn't.
What works is knowledge. The more you know, the more you will grow. What can you expect from Internet Promotion for Beginners? Glad you asked. . .take a
... Click here to read the full description!Rating:

Magic Formula Mini Sites
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(priced for $14.95 or less).
Title: Magic Formula Mini Sites
Author: Liz Tomey
"Get The Insider Secrets To Making Multiple Streams Of Income With PROFITABLE Mini Sites!"
I know you're tired of all the hype online about how to make money doing this or that. Frankly, I'm tired of it also.
That's why I've written "Magic Formula Mini Sites". I want to teach you how YOU can very easily make multiple streams of income in ANY market using simple mini sites.
What is a mini site? Simply put, a mini site is a 1-5 page site tightly focused on one topic. It can be on any topic that you can possibly think of. That's why making money with mini sites is so easy.
"Magic Formula Mini Sites", is not a magic formula for instant profits. No one can give you that. If they say they can, then email them and tell them that they are a liar!
"Magic Formula Mini Sites" WILL show you:
- I'll take you by the hand and show you the different types of mini sites, and how you can use them to profit from whatever you want to promote.
- Exactly what a mini site is, and give you FREE resources to show you how to build them. This will get you started quickly on your way to profits.
- You'll get several detailed ways to promote your mini site. How many other e-books out there tell you EXACTLY how to promote your mini site?
- Discover how you can use nothing but affiliate programs on your mini sites, and earn MORE than a full time income!
- You'll also

99 Sites You Should Have Bookmarked...But Probably Don't
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(priced for $3.00 or less).
Title: 99 Sites You Should Have Bookmarked...But Probably Don't
Author: Ryan Deiss
"The Internet is Filled with Millions of FREE, Time-Saving, Money-Making Tools and Resources...But Do You Know Where to Find Them?"
"It all began back in November of 2001..."
I was completely unkown then, and for good reason - I hadn't done a single thing on the Internet.
But all that was about to change...
On November 30th of 2001, I launched my first issue of the "Webs Worth Watching" Newsletter, and never looked back. Each month I rounded up the best sites I could find and sent them out to my subscribers. So far these sites have included:
- Tried and tested link trackers so you know which ads are pulling well, and which ones are not (#38 and #2)
- Free, bannerless webhosts to use when testing your new mini-sites and products (#1)
- Spy tools that are great for keeping tabs on the competition as well as the latest trends on the Internet (#5, #6, #75 and #82)
- Free utilities that add spice and usability to your site (#11, #17, #26, #73 and #95)
- Incredibly low-cost voicemail services that can add an instant level of professionalism and trust to your online business (#9)
- And much much more...
But that's not even the tip of the ice burg. I've also featured:
- Websites that allow you to look back in time and see the changes their competitors have made to their sites over the past months or years (#80)
- Step-by-step

Inside the Minds of Winners
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(priced for $6.00 or less).
Title: Inside the Minds of Winners
Author: Charles Burke
Amazing Success Secrets of 10 Proven Winners!
Discover Why Winners Never Wait Around For Luck,
And What They Do to Create Success
Find Out How Winners Do It
What would you give if you could sit down with a double-handful of successful people and ask each one of them to explain their techniques?
Hello, I'm Charles Burke, and that's exactly what I did recently, when I interviewed 10 top people about their success methods.
Below is a list. You'll recognize some of these names immediately, while others may be new to you. But in every case, these are people who consistently, steadily rack up incredible success stories, month after month, year after year.
Discover the success secrets of:
- Rick Beneteau, author, music producer, Internet entrepreneur
- Joe Vitale, author, lecturer, consultant
- Yanik Silver, author, Internet entrepreneur
- Robert Scheinfeld, author, lecturer, consultant
- Linda Clemons, author, playwrite, talk show host
- Don McAvinchey, author, spiritual coach, entrepreneur
- Clay Cotton, musician, author, Internet entrepreneur
- Stacey Hall & Jan Brogniez, authors, consultants, innovators
- John Harricharan, award-winning author, lecturer
Until now, these people may have been only names to you, but I guarantee that after you see these interviews, you'll know them as
... Click here to read the full description!Rating:

Build Your List
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Title: Build Your List
Author: Simon Hodgkinson
Grab This Video Enhanced Crash Course In Email Marketing And Discover The Real Secrets To A Lifetime Of Maximum Profits!
Dear Friend
To survive on the Internet, promoting your web site and even making sales is not enough! If you'd like to see bigger and more consistent profits, there is one more thing that you absolutely must do right now!
You can increase your profits dramatically and lower your marketing costs at the same time, by adding just one simple technique to your marketing efforts!
Almost every major 'player' on the Internet uses it. Companies like Microsoft,, Yahoo and all the marketing gurus are using email marketing for one simple reason....
... It works!
And it generates profits immediately and consistently!
If you're using some marketing techniques right now that are producing good results for you, you can super-charge those techniques by adding email marketing.
This Is A Crash Course Designed To Help You Get Started!
Every business needs a low cost way to reach targeted customers. Email marketing is by far one of the most effective and inexpensive methods of advertising available to you.
There are right ways and wrong ways of doing email marketing. As you go through this special, video enhanced course , you'll discover the fundamentals for making your campaigns a success.
If your new to Internet Marketing or if you've already tried to build a... Click here to read the full description!

Traffic 2.0
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(priced for $24.95 or less).
Title: Traffic 2.0
New Generation Tactics For Bigger Profits!
"Fed Up With Spending Dozens Of Hours Driving Traffic Without Seeing A Lick Of Benefit? Try Driving Traffic With Web 2.0!"
Fellow Website Owner,
Web 2.0 is an expression that's made its way around the Internet the past few years and despite the amount that it's used, few people really understand what it means.
Web 2.0 generally refers to websites that encourage some sort of user interaction. What kind of interaction and how necessary that interaction is to the site seems not to matter, but when it comes to driving traffic, interaction is one of the best things that have ever come out of the internet.
Interactivity is the key to moulding web traffic to do what you want. Interactivity is the way to get users involved in your site and to get them coming back for more. Interactivity is the key to repeat customers and in today's world, its the key to big profits.
There are lots of different types of Web 2.0 sites on the web and there are hundreds of new ones built and launched every day. There are equally a similar amount of ways to utilize these sites, the trick is to know which sites are perfect for your needs and abilities.
To fully understand how to drive traffic with Web 2.0 and to fully understand how you can maximize your time and profit potential, you need
Ebook Type: PDF

Hitting the search engines cheaply but powerfully
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(priced for $9.95 or less).
Title: Hitting the search engines cheaply but powerfully
Author: Andy Brocklehurst
This is going to freak you out.
Over the last few months, I've watched a good friend of mine build successful web sites entirely from search engine traffic.
But although he was happy to show me how he did it, he didn't want to spill the beans to anyone else.
It drove me crazy.
Imagine being in my position as an author of Internet Marketing materials. He'd shown me exactly how he'd built some serious traffic, produced statistics proving it had worked and I couldn't pass on this valuable information to my customers or subscribers.
But I wasn't going to give up...
After a series of meetings with him he finally caved in.
Now, for the first time ever, his exact system has been fully documented in a concise, easy to read, plain English, ten-page report.
A harsh fact about books on search engine strategy...
Most ebooks and reports on 'search engine strategy' are utter junk.
Many of them are nothing more than a bunch of out-dated ideas and information you can get for free if you look around a little.
And many of them are obviously written by people who have little experience of getting a site ranked - obvious because their own site isn't.
Peter has proven his system FIVE times over, and has techniques that are all safe, all legitimate, and some that you won't have seen in print before.
Just a tiny sample of what's in this amazing report...
- One

Make Your Own Website
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(priced for $17.00 or less).
Title: Make Your Own Website
Author: John Williams
How Much MORE Money Would You Make If You Had Your Own Website??
Do you remember the day you decided to create a business online? Can you recall the adrenaline that surged through your body as your mind took over and developed an attitude of believability?
Your mind was racing with ideas on how to put your newfound knowledge to work. Your ears kept hearing that sound in the back of your mind that was almost a mantra. . .ka-ching - ka-ching - ka-ching!
If this describes you, raise your hand! Okay, you get the drift.
What happened to all that energy? Where is the optimism? Did you just get frustrated and give up?
Or, was it the big, bad, boogey man "confusion?" Or maybe it was his sidekick "frustration?"
Maybe you came to realize that you are competing with hundreds of other marketers all fighting for the attention of the same customer as you.
At this point most people realize the first order of business had better be a website. And that's where the dream comes to a screeching halt. Even if they plan on doing no more than marketing as an affiliate for someone else, the fact is a website is necessary to "captcha" your visitors.
You owe it to yourself to acquire a website. You can pay someone to design it for you OR you can build it yourself and feel the wonderful results it can bring. And now you can build it absolutely free!
So what's the secret? The secret is Make Your Own Website
... Click here to read the full description!Rating:

Ezy-Internet Safety Guide
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(priced for $17.00 or less).
Title: Ezy-Internet Safety Guide
Author: John Williams
What "THEY" Say...
Some say that you aren't truly indoctrinated to the Internet until you have totally crashed a computer and lost all your data! Let's hope you never have to test that theory!
It's a good bet that if you are reading this, you at least have a basic grasp of how to operate your computer. And, if you are a techno-geek you don't need to be here.
If, however, you are just beginning your online odyssey or have already tread the murky waters and stepped on a snapping turtle, read on.
How to Have a "Safe" Trip
Navigating the Internet is simple and easy. Navigating the Internet SAFELY is another matter.
There are tons of resources where you can go to learn about firewalls, anti-virus programs, malware and so on. BUT, try and find just ONE resource that covers it all and you'll run smack dab up against a brick wall! Until now, that is.
The Ezy-Internet Safety Guide is written specifically for you and is designed to be your "one-stop-shop" for internet safety. In fact, it is guaranteed to make your online experience a positive one!
Want to learn The Truth About Web Safety? John has laid out the perfect blueprint to make your Internet experience a pleasant one at minimum cost and absolutely zero stress!
When FREE isn't FREE at all. . .
Got a question
Ebook Type: PDF

SEO Predictions for 2006 and beyond...
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(priced for $3.00 or less).
Title: SEO Predictions for 2006 and beyond...
"Are You Making These Fatal Mistakes On Your Niche Websites?
If So, It's Just A Matter Of Time Until You Get Caught And Tossed Out Of Both Google And Yahoo!"
You are just minutes away from hearing what some of the biggest SEO experts have to say about the future...
And it's yours absolutely FREE ...
Find out the inside scoop when SEO Experts reveal their secret predictions about...
- ...what new technology the search engines introduce in the next year that will affect your ranking and how you can stay ahead of your competition.
- ...the changes Google will make in 2006 that will impact your site and your search engine ranking putting more cash into your pocket.
- ...inside predictions on duplicate content and how Google and Yahoo will handle this problem in the future and how you can prevent your sites from being banned.
- ...what you will have to concentrate on to have your websites either stay or become highly ranked in the search engines in the next year which will drive thousands and thousands of targeted traffic to your site.
SEO Expert - Brad Fallon
"As the Google Tool Bar and Google Analytics gets more popular Google will be able to gather more information about what sites are considered relevant search results to Google searchers. When Google engineers believe this information is coming from a statistically significant sample size they will start
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