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Internet ebooks

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Category: Internet

The Search Engine Optimization Report

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Title: The Search Engine Optimization Report
Putting your website high on the search engine lists is not as difficult as you might think . . . if you know the secrets we are about to reveal . . .

Dear Friend,

"Build it and they will come".

If only this were true!

If you want people to visit your website, they have to find it first - and most people searching the Internet use a Search Engine.

It's not enough to be listed on a search engine though. You need to be listed in the first 10 or 20 results for your chosen topic (or "keyword").

After all, how many results do you look at when doing a search?

Getting into the top 10 or 20 results is not so easy though.

That's where Search Engine Optimization - or SEO - comes in.

Search Engine Optimization simply means making your website more interesting to the search engines. However because the vast majority of people have no idea how to do that, knowing how to use SEO will give you a dramatic edge over your competition.

It doesn't matter if you are a complete newbie or a seasoned professional webmaster, the brand new Search Engine Optimization Report provides a full range of tips, examples, explanations and step-by-step help to not only make your site search engine friendly, but also move it high enough in the results that people will see it when they search.

You might say it boils down to "If you build it RIGHT, they will come".

Here's a quick summary of everything you will learn from this vital resource...


From the basics:

  • What is a search
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Category: Internet

Blog About This!

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Title: Blog About This!
Author: Tinu Abayomi-Paul
75 Business Blog Topics

"When You Don't Know What to Blog About, - Blog About This!"

"That's it!" I thought. "I'm done. I can't think of anything else to write about."

This is the worst thing that can happen to you if your entire empire is built on words. In addition to being one of most widely published authors of free content this year, I'm also a published, award-winning poet.

If I can get writer's block, anyone can. The question is - what are you going to do about it? Are you going to sit there and squander the possibility that you might get passed over by the search engine spiders because you didn't make your updates during that crucial first six weeks of blogging?

Or even more importantly, lose the spot your frequent blogging got you because you were without words for a week?

Or are you going to grab your pen and write yourself a fortune?

I don't know about you, but I can't afford to let writer's block stop me. The Googlebot is at my site every day looking for fresh content and updates. Every time I can use my blog and RSS feed to bring a client back to my site I'm that much closer to a sale.

If I can't think of something to blog about, I know I won't be able to think of something to write an article about for more traffic, and I sure won't be able to start my next book or ebook.

Since frequent business blogging is becoming so critical to the success of a web site, I decided that I had to make it work, no matter what I

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Category: How To, Internet

How To Register And Host Your First Domain

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Title: How To Register And Host Your First Domain

"With A Step-By-Step Guide You Can Finally Get Your Own Domain On The Internet ... And Get Started On Your Online Empire!"

Don't let this simple task hold you back from making money online. It's a lot easier than it looks.

Having your own domain name let's you setup a secure base for your online business. It gives you respectability and fosters trust in those who visit your website. It will make you a lot of money!

The problem is: How do you register a domain name? Where do you go? Where is the best place to host your website? How do you take care of those technical tasks -- like pointing name servers at the hosting server? What in blazes is a name server? What is a hosting server?

It all seems so confusing.

Well ... it doesn't have to be!

"The Newbie Toolkit: How To Register And Host Your First Domain" walks you through all the steps:

  • Set up those all-important name servers, so that browsers can actually find your website.
  • Properly register your domain name, without the niggling worries that you left out something vital.
  • Get the right hosting for your website, at a good company which protects your business on the Internet ... and at a reasonable price.

Like all Newbie Toolkits, this one also takes you step-by-step through

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Category: E-Business, Internet

The 13 Serious Death Threats to Your Websites

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Title: The 13 Serious Death Threats to Your Websites
Author: Manny Jao

Most Webmasters and website owners ignore the dangers associated with hosting a website with their webhosts.

They rely heavily on their webhosts, their server, datacenter and new technology to secure their websites.
However, this mindset often leads to costly consequences such as data and opportunity losses.

Here is an ebook that aims to enlighten these webmasters about the real threats to their website and how to deal with it in case it strikes.

Overview and Introduction

In today's world that's driven by technology, more and more people and companies as well, are riding on the fast-moving world of the digital revolution platform we call the internet.

More often than not, these people or companies only knew how to build their websites and show it off to their visitors, customers, members, subscribers, friends and acquaintances without regard to the serious threats their creations are facing amidst the unstable network of computers and servers connected to the internet.

Like many industries of the IT world, these savvy Webmasters are not fully aware of the dangers that their websites face everyday as they rely heavily on their webhosts and new technology to protect their websites.

The reason they don't care that much is simple...

Most Webmasters are not appreciative of the fact that there are real threats that can seriously affect their online existence now more than ever. They normally build,... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Internet, SEO and Promotion

Website Traffic Tips IN 10 DAYS!

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Title: Website Traffic Tips IN 10 DAYS!
"Here's Your Amazing Opportunity To Discover How To Funnel In Floods Of Molten, Red Hot TARGETED Traffic Into Your Websites In 10 Days... For Less Than $200.00!"

"Here's Your Amazing Opportunity To Learn How To Funnel In Floods Of Molten, Red Hot TARGETED Traffic Into Your Websites In 10 Days... For Less Than $200.00!"

You Owe It To Yourself To Read Every Line Of This Letter If:

  • You've Been Suffering From Traffic Deprivation, And
  • You've Just Started Your First Business Website Online,
  • You Want To Make MORE Money Online... On A Tight Budget!

Dear Webmaster & Marketer,

Some people will tell you that any traffic is good traffic but they are the ones who are most likely trying to sell you something you don't need. The fact is that the only good traffic is targeted traffic. Any other kinds of traffic is useless. Period.

The kind of traffic that you MUST need on your website is the people who have their credit cards at the ready and are actually looking to buy what you are selling.

That cuts through all the fluffs, hypes and myths about traffic generation, huh? Incidentally, this happens to be the most problematic part for any new web site and Internet Business startups.

And I have a couple of sneaky suspicions that:

  • You're not making much money, if any at all - no offense intended, but I'm not surprised since the culprit behind this disaster is none other than the lack of targeted
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Category: E-Marketing, Internet

Quick and Easy Blogs

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Title: Quick and Easy Blogs
Author: John Williams

Why Almost Everyone Is Dead Wrong About Blogs and How Difficult it is to Set Them Up and Monetize Them!

Four years ago he gave you Blog Biz for Beginners. Now he's back and loaded with new and updated information and strategies for winning with blogs in 2009! John is no stranger to online marketing and is an excellent teacher.

How many times have you read how easy it is to set up a blog? Probably more times than you can count. In fact, it's a pretty good bet that you've read time and time again just how easy it is to start your own online business and clean up!

It's particularly frustrating when you're told you can do it in days! Those are pretty ridiculous claims and John aims to lay your fears to rest. He does NOT advocate "get rich quick." On the contrary his approach is one of education.

Like everything having to do with the Internet, blogs change and evolve. He believes that anyone who starts a personal or business blog is perfectly poised to take advantage of significantly lower costs and higher qualify of blog programs and services.

Everything you need to know to guarantee your success in blogging is available in "Quick and Easy Blogs."

  • What's the best option for hosting your blog? Yes, that's addressed too.
  • Have questions about Blogger versus WordPress? They're addressed
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Category: Internet

Wordpress: An Incredibly Powerful Blogging system

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Title: Wordpress: An Incredibly Powerful Blogging system

Wordpress is your simple and easy way to set up a blog with minimal programming requirements. Wordpress gives you a plethora of themes, theme resources, and the ability to use images, and various blog designs and layouts. Wordpress and high-end blogging tools like it can simplify the arduous process of setting up a blog or blogging system. Wordpress is VERY easy.

Most of us use Wordpress for one simple reason. We use Wordpress to make money. WordPress blogs get better search rankings than other sites. We will explore that in more detail later, but for now just know that there are some search engine advantages to using Wordpress tools. In some ways this tool is only good for those who understand the importance and advantages of blogging. Blogging is a form of website promotion and information sharing that can have very strong business implications.

Wordpress is built to W3C standards for XHTML and CSS. These features make Wordpress code easier
to manage and easier to render in standards-compliant browsers. Non-compliant browsers are made compliant with only a few changes. Wordpress websites also have some very positive features like themes, noncompiling changes to the website and the ability to utilize plugins. The most positive factor in the Wordpress utility is that you do not need to know php. With many blogging systems you often need to

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Category: Internet

Hub Blueprint

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Title: Hub Blueprint
Author: Chan G.

"Average Joe Reveals The Stupid-Simple Hottest Web 2.0 Traffic Property That Brought In 10,658 FREE Visitors in 6 Days...

...Replicate It With Any Niche You Are In 100% Guaranteed"

Hey Frustrated Internet Marketer!

Now that you have some stats and I have your attention, let me tell you that 97%+ of Internet marketers can't get stats like these...


Simply because they don't know who to listen to.

You have GURU number 1.. telling you to go here to spend $297/month... and GURU number 2 telling you to go here to buy this $997 course...

How's That Working For You?

Well folks... Sorry to burst your bubble... but..

It's Much Easier Than That!

A few months ago, I ran into a sire called:

I had heard about this site off and on, but had never got around to actually giving it a try... well I finally did.. and the results were nothing more than stellar!

Hubpages was founded by three guys out of Microsoft that were part of the successful startup MongoMusic.

The team includes Paul Edmondson, Jay Reitz, and Paul Deeds.

So.. we have some heavy wieghts here!

"How about some quick facts"

  • Hub Pages is Looked at by Google as Authoritative
  • Hub Pages Carry a PR of 6
  • It has 56,000 Links Coming in
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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: E-Business, Internet

Build Me A 50,000 List Fast

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Title: Build Me A 50,000 List Fast
26 Super-power Tactics

"You're About To Learn 26 Superpower Tactics For Rapid-Fire List Building That Will Blast Your Signups Through The Roof and Fill Your Pockets With CASH !"

Let's cut straight to the chase here. I'm guessing if you're reading this letter you know how important building a huge list of subscribers is to earning real profits online. But let me ask you...How fast is your list growing NOW?

If you're disappointed with the slow trickle of new signups you're getting, or if you're frustrated with the poor results you're getting from the overplayed "techniques" most list building products promote, you're not alone. The truth is, most marketers I talk to have similar struggles, and the big reason for it is weak and ineffective list building techniques. The sad reality is what used to work doesn't anymore because online marketing has become so competitive. Those old tactics just don't work. But, there is some good news...

I'll Show You Step-By-Step How To Build And Profit From Your Own Opt-In List No Matter How Hard You've Tried Before...

The fact is, building your massive list doesn't need to be time consuming, difficult, or mysterious, but you need to know the techniques that actually work.

I'm going to show you 26 simple and economical techniques to start building your list of subscribers - in minutes.

What I'm about to reveal to you is 26 "Explosive List Building" techniques that can have your list bulging with

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: E-Business, Internet

7 Days to Profitable Blogging

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Title: 7 Days to Profitable Blogging
"Learn The Simple Blueprint To Successfully Starting a Profitable Blog In Just 7 Days?"

MOST blogs fail because their owners start out badly, and continue to make mistakes. By the time they realize what's gone wrong, they would be quicker restarting!

Dear friend and fellow entrepreneur,

Everyone and his dog has a blog at the moment, but there are still relatively few success stories about blogging out there. Sure you'll have heard of a couple of serious blogging money making machines, but as there are two blogs created a second, there's also a terrifying amount of false information out there.

Are YOU being mislead?

Blogging is about one thing, and one thing alone. When you get down to it, the successful bloggers have found a niche, and carved out a living. But countless others out there are simply pretending. They've seen the income these master bloggers are making, and are trying to be gurus.

7 Days to Profitable Blogging:
"How to Set Up Your Blog For Long Term Success - the First Time Out"

But before they found a niche, they researched it - and ultimately, if you're setting up your blog on false advice, and not following the Master Plan we discovered, you'll find that the most important areas of effortless traffic generation are forever lost to you. You'll lock yourself OUT of most of them with a few simple mistakes. Costly mistakes that most so called 'gurus' make every day.

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