Art is an effort to create, beside the real world, a more human world.
Andre Maurois

Internet ebooks

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Category: E-Business, Internet

7-PROVEN Insider Secrets

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Title: 7-PROVEN Insider Secrets
Author: Marvin Haycock
"It Wasn't Long After I Learned The 7-PROVEN Insider Secrets To Internet PROFITS That I Started Earning A Full-Time Income Online!"

Discovering 7-PROVEN & EFFORTLESS Insider SECRETS That I Have Learned and USED From over 4,904 Savvy Marketers From Around The World To Ensure Maximum Returns on ALL of My Online Ventures AND Generate A GREAT Full Time Income Online!"

From the desk(top) of:

Marvin Haycock

Have you ever wondered what makes a few online individuals hit a "home-run" with almost every new venture while others have to remain satisfied with a hit-and-miss policy and others still with a slew of dismal failures?

Well, it boils down to this: in life, business and on the Internet, there are really only 2 ways to get started. One way is trial and error, and the other is the subject of this letter, which is...

Discovering 7-PROVEN & EFFORTLESS Insider SECRETS That I Have Learned and USED From over 4,904 Savvy Marketers From Around The World To Ensure Maximum Returns on ALL of My Online Ventures AND Generate A GREAT Full Time Income Online!"

But even more than just having personal input, you'll also have to contend with website design, market research, product/service creation, merchant accounts and a horde of other practical mechanisms and systems if you ever hope to run a successful internet business, and that means...

You guessed it! Even more money!

So what does all of this add up to? Well, it basically means that there is no one that can start an online business without investing a lot of

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Category: E-Business, Internet, Programming

How to Create a Web Site in 5 Days

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Title: How to Create a Web Site in 5 Days
Author: Bina Omar


A web site is essential especially if you're thinking of starting an online business. You're convinced about it. Unfortunately, you just don't have the time to discover how to create your own web site or the money to hire someone to do it for you. After all, what's the point of paying someone $1,000 when before you're even sure you're on to something.

All you need is a simple fast loading yet professional web site and you need it now. You can spend all your money to promote your web site and product. And when you start making some serious money, you can always hire a professional web designer to spice up your web site.

This ebook will teach you how to create a web site in 5 days. This is by no means the perfect way and it will definitely not turn you into a web designer but it will enable you to have your own web site up and running in the least time with the least cost.

Okay then, if we're going to finish this in 5 days we better get going.

Table of Contents


Using this e-Book

Before You Start

  • The Browser Problem
  • Web Design Problems
  • The Display Problem
  • Conclusion


  • Web Host
  • CoolPage

Day 1 and 2: Planning

  • What's Your
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Category: E-Business, Internet, Programming

Flash Auctions

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Title: Flash Auctions

Flash Auctions Manual:

When you unzipped the Flash Software you were given a folder named Flash Master. This folder contains all of the Flash Files. Each file is labeled with a name and a .swf extension.

Below you will find the categories to all of the files. Click each category to preview the flash files. We have done it this way to save you time in opening all the files you can simply pick the category below that you would like to see and then you will be able to preview ALL of the flash files at once!

When you see the Flash File you would like to use open up the folder and place it on your web site.

Manual To Add Flash Files To Your Site:

For Frontpage:

Go to Insert - Advanced - Plug-In and click on the "browse" button.

Find the folder that we gave you labeled Flash Master. Select the name of the flash file you would like to use after previewing them below. Now enter the appropriate size and click OK. Finally, save, and preview your file. You can also manually re-size the files in the Normal View of frontpage by using your mouse to control the size.

HTML Code:...


Click a category below when you see which file you would like to use simply look at the name of the file which is located at the top of the preview and locate it in the Flash Master Folder. Take the file and insert it into your web page. It's that simple. You can then adjust the size to

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Category: Internet

65 Instant Web Design Answers

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Title: 65 Instant Web Design Answers
Author: Milana Nastetskaya
Discover 65 amazing ways to boost your website just like highly-paid designers do!

From beginner to advanced, you'll discover the design secrets that web professionals don't want you to know...

"65 Instant Web Design Answers!" is a one of a kind collection of the most wanted web design secrets for every web site owner.
Whether you are an experienced webmaster, or only starting out, you will surely find something you ALWAYS wanted to know but couldn't find anywhere! How about creating tables with rounded corners? Or adding a deadline for your bonuses? Or creating pop-up windows without irritating your visitors?

For the first time ever, secrets so closely guarded by professional web designers are revealed! Inside you will discover:

  • Incredible Links Techniques
  • Cool Tricks with Text
  • Secret Graphics Tips
  • Construction
  • Professional Table
  • Building Interactive Forms
  • Redirection techniques
  • Frames Tricks
  • Power of Rotation
  • Amazing Marketing Tools
  • Safeguarding Your Site
  • ...and tons more!

A truckload of these incredible edge-cutting web design tips and tricks can be downloaded and used within minutes. Packed with knowledge and skills of a professional web designer that took years to master!

Real-life working examples!

In a fun and easy way that even a newbie can understand, each technique is demonstrated through a real live example on the Web, created

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Category: Internet

The Great Ezine Experiment

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Title: The Great Ezine Experiment
Author: Ryan Deiss
How I Turned a Simple Ezine Into an Online Empire That Earns Me THOUSANDS of Dollars Each Month

"And to all started from just a simple newsletter..."

I want to tell you a story. The date was October 28, 2001, and I was absolutely, positively head-over-heals in love with a girl named Emily. (Hang on...this will all make sense in a minute, I promise.)

In fact, I was so in love that I decided it was time to buy her a ring. Now this wasn't just any ring, mind you, this was *THE RING*. By that I mean, the ring that I would give to the girl of my dreams when I asked her to be my wife.

But there was just one little problem...

I don't know if you've priced engagement rings lately, but they're anything but cheap. And since I had no money, I decided that I would get serious about this "crazy internet thing".

To make a long story short, Emily has her ring, and I'm now making more money than I ever thought possible.

This special report details exactly how I did it, using a formula not taught by anyone else...

"So What Is 'The Great Ezine Experiment'?"

When I first got started online, I had almost no spare cash and even less spare time. I knew I wouldn't be able to sit down and write an entire e-book, and so I decided instead to publish a newsletter. I called this, "The Great Ezine Experiment," since at the time I didn't know of anyone else who started their business using only a simple, free ezine as their first product. (Notice that I said "product"...more on that... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Internet

Mail Order Success

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Title: Mail Order Success
Author: Donny Lowy
Starting a Home Business with NO Money!

"New Resource Reveals Astonishing Secrets To Mail Order Business"

Dear Internet Friend,

It's just amazing! Successful marketers have been selling products via direct mail for over 100 years.

Why do you suppose they do that?

Because it's a tested, proven formula that works! But, you do need to know how to work it. In short, use the same formula that has been selling billions of dollars through the mail for the last 100 years.

Banish all the myths...

Here's your chance to discover the strategies behind starting a successful mail order business with no money...guaranteed...says this dynamic young entrepreneur.

Here's what you get!

  • Discover how to eliminate the competition
  • Stand out from the crowd
  • Step by step manual
  • Avoid common pitfalls
  • Learn how to structure your business
  • Create a comprehensive business plan
  • Customer service from a to z
  • Target your success
  • Insure repeat business
  • Advertise for free
  • ...and much more

Now, you could pay hundreds of dollars and order one of the many guides you see online. But, why should you when everything you need is available right here at such a ridiculously low price?

Don't you deserve to have the best for the least amount?

Get Your Copy Right Now...Right Here!

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Category: Internet

Internet Profits The Quick Way

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Title: Internet Profits The Quick Way
How ANYONE can quickly find a unique product and sell it with a simple one page web site.

Dear Internet friend,

In March 2001 a product called "Internet Profits the Quickway" was born.

A system that cut though the the myths about making money on the Internet and revealed the FASTEST way to create a product and sell it from a simple web site was made available.

If you've not snapped up your copy and you're not making a serious living from the Internet then you need to see this letter VERY CAREFULLY.


Because thousands of would be entrepreneurs are giving up on their dreams every day because following the advice of most experts is just too hard and takes way too long.

While I don't believe in the 'get rich quick' nonesense that's thrown about the Internet, there is a secret way to to create a product quickly and easily (just a few hours) and get it on the web and pulling in the orders.

You're not going to write an ebook - that takes way too long.

You're not going to waste time selling other peoples products through affiliate programs.

You won't bother wasting your time trying to get your site ranked high on the major search engines - that takes months and if your site isn't built right it won't do you the slightest bit of good anyway.

Here's the deal...

If you're like most of us, you don't have an unlimited amount of time or plenty of hard cash to invest, so writing a 60-400 page ebook and marketing it just isn't for you.

Ebooks are OK, but most people

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Category: Internet

ebay Sources EXPOSED

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Title: ebay Sources EXPOSED
You will be shocked when you find out where ebay power sellers are buying from

"Finally -- You Too Can Turn Ebay Into A Non-stop Cash Generating Machine..."

The ONLY Point-and-Click Wholesale Source Manual Available Today -- Updated MONTHLY

Dear Internet Friend,

If you're sick of watching everyone else but yourself make huge profits on eBay, I've got good news for you:

Now for under $25 you too can take advantage of the secret sources only the most sought after eBay power sellers know about. And you can start raking in thousands of dollars every week in your spare time -- starting today!

Here's why:

Over the last six months, I've spent over 500 hours searching and talking with some of the most profitable ebay power sellers asking for them for their secret sources they use every day to pull in thousands of dollars every week...

Why It All Began...

I started this project because I had bought a "Wholesale Source" manual. I was amazed when I found it was no more than a bunch of businesses with street addresses. Most of the sources were just a bunch of garbage and didn't even include links to the sources websites.

Click Here to download one of the source manuals I'm referring to and tell me it's not worthless...

Now, Imagine if the wholesale source manual had links directly to the sources website, that would make it A LOT more powerful and easy to use, now wouldn't it?

Now, picture the same manual filled

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Category: Internet

How to Find Anyone in the United States

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Title: How to Find Anyone in the United States
Author: Don Lapre

Info Reports From Self Made Millionaire!


As a licensed Private Investigator for more than 22 years, I have seen just about every type of case one would expect a P.I., to see.

As I'm sure the average reader realizes, television has greatly glamorized the profession to some of the most far fetched and almost ridiculous situations. This is not to say that we don't do some of what you see on television, but it is certainly the exception rather than the rule.

My practice has been, for the most part, specialized in domestic relations or divorce investigations, child custody investigations, skip tracing, criminal cases, in that we usually work for a defendant, or more accurately, his attorney, background investigations, date screening, locating debtors, locating family members or friends where contact has been lost, and generally, finding out everything we can for the benefit of our client, for what ever the situation might be or call for.

More often than not, an investigation will be mundane, as the investigator sits in his vehicle, waiting to get that all important picture or video of the subject doing what we are paid to find him doing. Yes we set up surveillance's every day, and follow people through traffic, down deserted streets, through shopping areas, etc.. but never as depicted by those heroic P.I's on television.

We have yet to do a shoot-em-up chase.

The real world of private investigation is

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Category: Affiliates, E-Business, Internet

How To Get And Promote Your First Affiliate Products

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Title: How To Get And Promote Your First Affiliate Products

Hey, I know!

Creating your own product and selling it online may seem too difficult right now. There's the product to create ... the sales page to write ... uploads ... downloads ... customer support ...


And, selling a bunch of physical products on eBay is just too much like real work. Creating listings ... answering stupid questions ... boxes and styrofoam chips ... lugging parcels to the post office ...


But ... there is a much easier way.

Affiliate marketing (n): A web-based marketing practice in which a business rewards you for each and every buyer you send to their site.

Basically -- as an affliate -- you recommend a website to other Internet users ... they go to the sales page ... and if they buy the product, you get a nice fat commission.

Not selling = fat commissions

And, those commissions can be quite fat indeed!

With programs handing out 60% ... 70% ... 80% commissions, it's not long before you have some very sweet daily income.

And ... you're not even selling. Just a few simple recommendations ... and let the company's sales page take care of all the hard work.

But ... the question remains: How do you get started? Where do you go? What do you do? Who is offering those juicy 60, 70, 80% commissions? How can you guarantee your piece of the

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