Food ebooks

Some Fruits of Solitude
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Title: Some Fruits of Solitude
Author: William Penn
READER, - This Enchiridion, I present thee with, is the Fruit of Solitude: A School few care to discover in, tho' None instructs us better. Some Parts of it are the Result of serious Reflection: Others the Fleshings of Lucid Intervals: Writ for private Satisfaction, and now publish'd for an Help to Human Conduct.
The Author blesseth God for his Retirement, and kisses that Gentle Hand which led him into it: For though it should prove Barren to the World, it can never do so to him.
He has now had some Time he could call his own; a Property he was never so much Master of before: In which he has taken a View of himself and the World; and observed wherein he hath hit and mist the Mark; What might have been done, what mended, and what avoided in his Human Conduct: Together with the Omissions and Excesses of others, as well Societies and Governments, as private Families, and Persons. And he verily thinks, were he to live over his Life again, he could not only, with God's Grace, serve Him, but his Neighbor and himself, better than he hath done, and have Seven Years of his Time to spare. And yet perhaps he hath not been the Worst or the Idlest Man in the World; nor is he the Oldest. And this is the rather said, that it might quicken, Thee, Reader, to lose none of the Time that is yet thine.
There is nothing of which we are apt to be so lavish as of Time, and about which we ought to be more solicitous;
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Reviewed by Lyudmila on 2018-03-23
My Rate 5
Very easy soup recipes. The ingredients are very simple and easy to find in any grocery store. Very useful book.
Reviewed by Luningning on 2017-08-27
My Rate 5
this book its very usefull the gluten soup recipes im gonna try today ,,thank you for this information,ebook
Reviewed by Luningning on 2017-08-27
My Rate 5
this is nice book,,i find this book very helpfull thank you ebook your the best
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Title: Eight Basic Gluten-Free Soups
Author: KN Schultz
Soup stands as one of the foundations of cooking, if not probably the most important. Easy to make and versatile, it can be crafted by novice or master with a few easy steps with little resources.
However, most people buy their favorite concoctions rather than cook their own. It can be found anywhere in the world. Aisles in markets are filled with hundreds of canned selections ready to be warmed and eaten. Restaurants covet secret recipes and serve daily by the cup or the bowl or the tub.
But the true joy of soup, broth, or stew resides in boiling your delicacy. Fresh, it lacks the preservatives and fillers often found in commerically processed cans to be a healthy and hearty means to fill ones stomach and gain nutrition.
And when you must live gluten-free, the task of creating a soup becomes more difficult as most thickening agents and noodles are gluten based.
But there is hope, soup is intuitively gluten-free. Using the basics of boiling and reducing, vegetables can do all the work of gluten.
Here are a handful of recipes I use in my gluten-free lifestyle. Hopefully, they will inspire.
Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (5 after 4 votes)

Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-10-27
My Rate 5
I will give 5stars to this book"Food For Lovers!Learn the Art of Culinary seduction " as in it you will learn Unique and tasty sides and salads you have never seen before.
Spaghetti pie or taco salad to feed an army.
Reviewed by Jaya Chahal on 2018-01-29
My Rate 5
This is really a very interesting ebbok and very much helpful too .
Reviewed by redone111 on 2016-01-09
My Rate 5
This is really good ebook and have much good tips
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Title: Food For Lovers! Learn the Art of Culinary Seduction
Author: Stella Larue
Quality cookbook crammed with 69 beloved, generation-tested palate pleasing recipes and menu plans. Good selection of meat and potatoes to elegant gourmet meals. No more trial & error for you, these are all superb!
Soulfood recipes
- Unique and tasty sides and salads you have never seen before.
- Spaghetti pie or taco salad to feed an army. (We've got your party needs covered).
- Oriental specialties we adore, including Tempura and Sukiyaki
- Mock oyster (what?) Watch it disappear first at the covered dish party
- Meat loaf like Mom used to make
- Fun and delicious kabobs... tastes great on Uncle Ben's wild rice.
- Elegant surf 'n turf for your anniversary dinner
- Easy but awesome beef stew
- Down on the bayou... Gumbo, Etouffe′ and Jambalaya... get out the cold beer, cher!
- Delicious skillet steak au poivre... takes 5 minutes to cook but an hour to eat.
- Borsch burgers... make this your grill specialty
- Beef or shrimp pistolettes... he'll gobble em up.
- Award winning chili and a secret way to serve it your guys will love
- A special page revealing the secrets of great ribs...
Rating: (5 after 3 votes)

Reviewed by Avinash Hasija on 2018-10-27
My Rate 5
I will give 5stars to this Book"Ultimate Aquaponics Home System as by this u can learn to imagine a Garden Where Theres No More Weeds or Soil Pests, No Tilling or Cultivating, No Fertilizer Spreading .
Reviewed by Rajesh Rao on 2010-07-11
My Rate 5
We have undergone this information, and we are very much impressed resulting into to order this auaponic home system for our multi acr farm.
Reviewed by Susanne Friend on 2009-06-20
My Rate 1
They came on a farm tour (we are the "family on the island of Kona") and this is probably stolen information. At the very least, the comment about our "spending five minutes per day" in our system is RUBBISH. Take all reference to us out of your literatur
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Title: Ultimate Aquaponics Home System
Author: John Fay
"Break-Through Organic Gardening Secret Grows You Up To 10 Times The Plants, In Half The Time, With Healthier Plants, While the "Fish" Do All the Work..."
Imagine a Garden Where There's No More Weeds or Soil Pests, No Tilling or Cultivating, No Fertilizer Spreading or Compost Shredding, No Manure Spreading or Irrigating, and No Tractor Shed Required...
And Yet... Your Plants Grow Abundantly, Taste Amazing, and Are Extremely Healthy. Here's How It Works:
Here's what you'll find in-side the eBook... and the many benefits you'll enjoy with Aquaponics
- Step-by-Step Instructions! Start Yours Today!
Inside the eBook you'll find everything you need to make your own aquaponics system, including diagrams, explanations and instructions, every-thing is step-by-step, anyone can do this. - Up to 10 Times More Plants!
With aquaponics you place plants closer together on a float system above the water, therefore it fits 10 times more plants in the same space! The roots of the plants are always in nutrient rich water and there's no over-crowding! - No More Watering!
Rating: (3.66 after 3 votes)
Title: Alkaline Diet
Author: Michael Murray
"It Seems Incredible That Alkaline Foods Can Get You These Results - With So Little Effort!"
Discover How You CAN Do It Quickly, Easily, And In The Comfort Of Your Own Home...
An alkaline diet is the only thing I have found after months of research and years of personal experience that:
- With a little bit of planning, made eating on the road hassle-free
- Stopped me from starving myself again
- Made picking the right foods in the restaurant a snap
- Made many of my aches and pains disappear over time
- Kept me energized and motivated to keep me going
- If I can do it, anybody can do it!*
- Helped me quickly regain my energy within days
- Helped me lose 20 pounds in one month
- Helped me avoid the nasty side effects of other diets like the Atkins Diet
- Hasn't given me any negative side effects after three whole years on it
- Enabled me to keep the weight off permanently as long as I stay true to it
Alkaline foods and an alkaline diet can help you feel incredibly healthy again...
Here's a sample of what you'll learn...
- What to buy at the supermarket, and how to prepare alkaline foods quickly and easily
- What non-alkaline foods to avoid at all costs
- What food pH means, and how to use it to get better results
- What alkaline foods you should eat all the time
- How you can lose... Click here to read the full description!
Title: The Complete Grape Growers Guide
Author: Danie Wium
How many ways do you, the "home grape grower" know how to "SUPER CHARGE" your grape vine? To be perfectly honest, I think there's ONLY ONE available on the Internet and you've just stumbled on it!
Would you like to go through all the trial-and-error, the failure and disappointments, and the lost time and money -- just so you can figure out these growing grape shortcuts by yourself? Or would you like to save yourself a bunch of money, time, and frustration by learning from someone who has already been through all of it -- so they can just hand you only those methods that really work, the stuff that can have your grape vine in production quickly and easily!
You see, the biggest lesson I've learned in the grape growing business is that TIME is your most valuable asset. And time is something we don't always have!
I'm willing to share these shortcuts and techniques with you, if you're willing to invest in your grape vine, and in yourself, so that you can start growing the Ultimate Grape Production "Machine"!
The ball is in your court.
All that remains is you deciding whether you want to own the most perfect grape vine and produce the best quality grapes there is and experience the joy of producing your very own grapes from your grape vine which most people can only DREAM about.
And if you think that there is really an easier way for the the home grape grower to succeed in growing grapes, then all I can say is "sweet dreams my friend"
Title: The Missing Ingredient For Good Health
Author: Lee Euler
Why Most Health Foods are a Waste of Money
At last, here's the real reason you can take vitamins, minerals and herbs by the handful and still suffer poor health
Our diets lack a vital food - and even most alternative doctors don't know it!
- It's the second most popular pain reliever in Germany after aspirin - yet it's almost unknown in the U.S.
- A man with kidney cancer, given to days to live, was alive and well 15 years later thanks to this supplement
- And I got rid of a 20-year spastic colon problem!
- Injured athletes who take it get back on the field twice as fast as those who don't
- Health and behavior improved in nine out of ten children with autism
- Studies show the nutrient thins blood, breaks up blood clots and heals inflamed blood vessels like magic
- One mother said her lifelong migraine problem disappeared immediately
Does it sound incredible that one supplement can help all these diseases - and more? Then ask yourself this: What if you had NO vitamins in your diet - none at all? You'd be very sick.
Guess what: this nutrient is just as important as vitamins and you're getting approximately... Click here to read the full description!
Title: The Wine Sippers Dictionary of Wine TastingTerms
"The Wine Sippers Dictionary of Wine TastingTerms."
Wine tasting might seem like a straight forward process but if you have ever seen a wine tasting note created by a professional it sure seems like "Greek" to many of us.
Here is an example: "The wine has notes of leather, smoke with a fruity body that is slightly acidy."
That is the purpose of "The Wine Sippers Dictionary of Wine Tasting Terms." It will give you a much better understanding of those "wine notes" that appear when a wine is reviewed in print.
The best way to understand those "notes" is to understand the terms. I make that process easier by defining each of the key terms used in reviewing a wine's characteristics. This resource will give you a better understanding of the process of wine tasting by breaking down the terms into understandable elements.
That way you can enter you own impressions of a new wine you have tasted into the "Frugal Wine Sippers Guide and Journal" which is an added bonus when you purchase a copy of "Introduction to Growing Grapes and Wine Making."
Ebook Type: PDF
Title: The Ultimate Diabetic Cookbook
Author: Denise Campbell
Discover The Astonishing Secrets To Cooking Diabetic-Friendly Meals That Will Guarantee You Never Eat Anything That Tastes Like Cardboard Ever Again...
The Ultimate Diabetic Cookbook contains:
- Little-known secrets to effortless delectable meals that the whole family will love
- Over 297 pages of lip-smacking, diabetic-friendly recipes
- Quick exchanges and conversions already done for you
- Easy ways to transform your favorite pre-diabetic dishes without losing any of the taste
- Surefire ways to begin eating tasty meals that will eliminate all your fears about "getting it right"
- Guaranteed ways to quickly and easily start cooking scrumptious recipes starting today
- How to avoid icky cardboard "diabetic food" once and for all
- Fun and simple dishes that will take your cooking from just okay to out-of-this-world
- The essential staple ingredients you need that will allow you to create award-winning dishes on a moment's notice... even if you haven't been to the grocery store in days!
Take a sneak peek at what's included in this 297-page monster of a cookbook...
- More than 25 delectable desserts that taste sinfully delicious, including Melting Peach Crumble, Apple Cranberry Pie and the always-popular Grilled Angel Food Cake
- Dozens of winning non-alcoholic and alcoholic as well as cold and... Click here to read the full description!
Title: The Bulletproof Keto Diet
Author: Peter Kay
When people achieve ketosis, they not only lose weight, but they get a nice burst of energy; they think more clearly and their skin improves. There is a whole long list of tremendous health benefits of this diet.
This ebook will help you adopt the keto dietand recalibrate your metabolism for sustainable weight loss.
You will learn:
the basics of a keto diet
How to switch gradually from your existing diet to a ketogenic diet
How to avoid psychological internal resistance to your lifestyle change
How to lose pounds and keep them gone..
Topics Covered.
How does weight loss normally work ?
The standard american diet and why you can't lose weight
The keto alternative
Keep this mind before you start your keto diet
Keto diet step number 1: Displace,Do Not Replace
Keto diet meal plan strategies that work
Wind down on carbs
Turbocharge your keto lifestyle results with these following tweaks
Take things to the next level with this modification
Loose the weight and reboot your metabolism
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