Restlessness and discontent are the necessities of progress.
Thomas Alva Edison

Family ebooks

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Category: Family, Garden, Home

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Title: Chicken Coop

"Discover How To Easily Build An Attractive And Affordable Chicken Coop That ProtectsYour Chickens From PredatorsMaintains Their Health And Delivers More Delicious Eggs"

Introducing to "Building A Chicken Coop"...

  • Easy To Build Plans - With easy to follow cross-sectional diagrams that include exact dimensions and required materials
  • Print off as many plans as required - our downloadable ebook format allows you to print off as many copies as you want. No need to worry about getting the plans dirty or having to share plans with helpers
  • Save money by building your own coop - Based on our analysis you normally save over 50% by building your own coop. That can be hundreds of dollars saved on larger coops
  • No fancy tools required - We have especially design our plans so that anyone with basic tools like a handsaw, hammer, drill etc can build our coops

Here is just a small taste of all the things you will find in your copy...


  • How to build a self enclosed midsize chicken coop for up to 4 chickens using for just a small fraction of the price of buying a new one
  • How to build a small portable chicken coop ark that makes cleaning simple and provides nutritious fertilizer for your garden
  • How to build a large double-story chicken coop
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Category: Family

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Title: The Desperate Genealogist's Idea Book

Finally! The Desperate Genealogist's Idea Book: Creative Ways to Outsmart Your Elusive Ancestors is available for purchase.

A tag-team effort by and some of genealogy's top ancestral sleuths and accomplished writers, this 150-page ebook is packed with articles and case studies that reveal invaluable tips, shortcuts, resources and even step-by-step instructions on how to use overlooked research tools, conduct specialized searches and tackle brick walls with sheer ingenuity.

When you're feeling like a "desperate genealogist," you'll be able to consult our ebook time and again for tried-and-true pearls of wisdom from our contributors.

  • Study the vocabulary that is essential for preserving your family history documents
  • Receive insights on tracing slave ancestors
  • Read step-by-step how to find U.S. passport applications in the LDS Library Catalog
  • Learn the winning 10-point formula for successful genealogy research
  • Get the mileage you need out of Family History Centers to achieve your research objectives by reading the information
  • Find out how a woman concluded a two-year search for an elusive female ancestor
  • Figure out how to demystify mystery photographs by examining aspect ratio and deciphering what type of camera was used to take the photograph with a Camera Comparison Table available
  • Enrich your research findings by getting to know your ancestors' neighbors using
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Category: Family, Home

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Title: Looney for Looms

Knitting loom patterns ebook
"Looney for Looms"
Round loom knitting

Dear Loom Knitter,

I am always disappointed by the sheer lack of patterns for loom knitting. Loom knitting is just perfect for a quick project and/or for people that just can't get a handle on knitting with two needles.

Loom knitting eliminates the needles and makes knitting quick as a breeze. No machine needed, the looms are very portable and handy for just about anyplace you want to take them.

So I sat down and proceeded to work on some patterns for my family and friends. When people started asking me about the patterns and how they could get them. I decided there was a need for this ebook. It took some time and effort but I believe it is well worth it.

Knit loom projects don't have to be expensive
You can buy expensive looms or make one yourself. If your pegs are spaced correctly you will be able to use any pattern in this ebook. The price or make of the loom makes no difference in the patterns.

Make your own knitting loom
Many will try to sell you some expensive loom for your knitting but that is not necessary.

Of course if you want the expensive looms and can afford them there is no problem with that either.

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Category: Family, Home, Home Business

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Title: Radiant Heat
Author: Larry Lang

If You Are Serious About Radiant Heating Then This Is The Single Most Important eBook You Are Going to Read.

Discover 7 Guide Lines for a Successful Radiant Heat Installation 6 Proven Reports you must have before you start installing any kind of Radiant Heat.

My friend, you NEED this information if you do not, for example, know:

  • Which is better for YOUR home, hydronic radiant heat, or electric radiant heat - and WHY.
  • What kind of carpet pad you need to get, and one kind that will block the heat and cause your family to freeze.
  • Everything you need to check along the way to ensure your installation is done properly.
  • What to look for as the tubing is installed - if it's not done right, you'll be hearing all kinds of noises driving you crazy.
  • How to install radiant heat on an existing slab without breaking the bank.


This wonderfully written ebook leaves
no stone unturned.

It's chock-full with every morsel of information I know, based on my having:

  • Been in the construction and solar energy business for over a decade, owning successful companies in Oregon and
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Category: Child Custody, Family

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Title: How to Win Child Custody
Author: Steven Carlson

How to Win Child Custody
The Definitive Strategy Guide to Winning Custody

Proven Strategies that can Win You Custody and Save You Thousands in Attorney Costs!

What's Included

Help to win child custody case - What follows is a partial list of what is included in this 100-Page immediately downloadable Ebook, "How to Win Child Custody":

  • Child custody factors and common allegations. Reduce uncertainty by knowing.
  • About attorney billing disputes and requesting attorney fees from the opposing party. How to reduce your attorney costs.
  • How to properly control, guide, and manage your child custody case.
  • Documentation in child custody cases. How to properly document, plan, and prepare for your custody case. Empower yourself with knowledge and information.
  • What you need to do to find the right divorce attorney or child custody lawyer.
  • Things you can implement immediately to strengthen your child custody case and position yourself for a more favorable custody arrangement. Leave no stone unturned.
  • Strategies that can get you the child custody
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Category: Family

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Title: The Secret Of Marriage

The Secret is OUT!
The Secret That Determines YOUR Marriage's Failure Or Success Is FINALLY Revealed!

So, is this for you?

  • Do you find yourself having the same issues over and over, unable to break out of the painful patterns?
  • Or are you in a committed relationship, contemplating marriage, but want to know what makes a marriage work?
  • Does your spouse think your marriage is hopeless. . . and you mostly agree?
  • Or are you trying to make sure you have the best information to keep your marriage on-track?
  • Are you faced with the looming prospect of divorce?
  • Or are you preparing for marriage and want to get started on the best possible footing?
  • Are you struggling to stay married, worried that you may be headed for trouble?


If you answered "YES" to any of those, The Secret Of Marriage will be invaluable to you! You need to grab the program.

What You Will Discover:

  • Unlock the Secrets Of Marriage, starting today, right now!
  • Discover where change starts, and how you can use this knowledge to get in control of the situation (NOT the same as being controlling!).
  • Learn how resentment eats away at a marriage and how to transform resentment into attachment.
  • Discover a whole new level of
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Category: Family, Hobbies, Home

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Title: 16,000 woodworking plans
Author: Ryan

Grab 16,000 woodworking plans here

TedsWoodworking has over 16,000  woodworking plans with STEP-BY- STEP instructions, photos and  diagrams to make every project laughably easy...

The ebook explains in detail, how to construct a shed yourself.

This 8 X 12 ft shed accomplishes anice roof, two doors, two windows in the side and rear for efficient lighting.With full height walls and doors.

 An optional wood ramp helps in helps in moving lawn movers and other heavy equipment.

The sheds simple construction makes it especially adaptable for different uses. For example you can easily frame in additional windows to use the shed as a work-shop or potting shed or omit all of the windows and devote the space entirely to secure storage. The finish materials for the basic shed also are true to its name asphalt roof shingles,plywood siding, and simple trim details are approximately practical for this classic outbuilding design. You can purchase prehung doors or build your own using the project plans.

 Though there are a wide range of woodworking plans available, This book explains in simple steps how to construct a gofle shed yourself.

 The shaping and joinery is done with the help of drill press

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Family

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Title: My Ancestry Guide - The Complete Guide to Uncovering Your Ancestry
Author: Jessica Carter

Uncover Your Unique Family History!

"Discover How to Create Your Own Family Tree and Learn How to Preserve Priceless Information about Your Heritage!"


Anyone Can Use These Simple Techniques!

My Ancestry Guide: The Complete Guide to Uncovering Your Ancestry

You'll find the information and resources you need to find even the most elusive ancestor. Follow the trail of information and uncover the most likely places to look next as you expand your family's history.
Novice and experienced genealogists alike will find something worthwhile in this ebook.

Just imagine being able to trace the history of individuals that you may not have even realized were a part of your family:

  • Learn where to look - a complete list of the most common places to start your search... and where to go when it's time to dig deeper.
  • Find relatives who are "under the radar" - uncover people in your past who may not have left behind information in the more typical manner.
  • Finding reputable information - learn how to judge whether or not you need additional details to verify your family tree, and where to get those details
  • Organize your family's history - all that knowledge is no good if you can't share it! This ebook
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Category: Family, Women

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Title: Pregnancy Approach

This is the revolutionary system to turn the tables on trying to get pregnant by resetting the inner fertility centre of your body, and go on to get pregnant naturally as many times as your heart desires.

Here is just some of what you’ll discover inside my guide:

  • A simple 4-step plan you can use to GUARANTEE you will get pregnant naturally in under 60 days from today. (Even if you feel hopeless now, It really is possible when you know exactly how its done)
  • The 3 things you MUST do before even attempting to reverse infertility naturally (Skip even just one of these and you are looking at actually prolonging the time it takes to conceive by YEARS! )
  • The "warning signs" that let you know INSTANTLY when your body is becoming infertile and how to IMMEDIATELY correct it. (If you don't know what to look for, expect to be trying for years instead of just days to get pregnant)
  • The #2 things every fertility doctor will tell you to do that actually SABOTAGES your chances of having a child naturally. (Odds are if you’ve been to a doctor they have already told you to do at least one of the two)
  • The biggest mistake couples make that is the kiss of death for quickly and easily getting pregnant (If you don't know what it is, chances are you WILL make this mistake without ever knowing)
  • I've tried every fertility "method" in the world, and I found out something that I didn't expect in a million years. In
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Category: Adventure, Family, Fiction

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Title: DOG BONE SOUP, A Boomer's Journey
Author: Bette A. Stevens

DOG BONE SOUP by Bette A. Stevens is not only the title of a Boomer's coming of age novel, it's a staple in the paltry diet of Shawn Daniels and his family.

Plodding through New England snow on a winter's morning Shawn is ready to leave it all behind: a life of poverty, his dad's drinking, abuse, near-starvation, the bullying and belittling by the community, living in foster care, his parents' divorce and so much more as he leaves to join the US Army in the era of the 1960s. Shawn Daniels is ready to start a new life, but after he boards his plane he can't seem to shake those memories out of his head.

DOG BONE SOUP is the story of the life of a poor boy growing up in a rural New England college town in the 1950s and 60s, a place where Shawn's father is known as the town drunk. Shawn and his younger brother Willie are in charge of taking care of everything that needs to be done around the ramshackle place they call home. But, when chores are done, the boys strike out on both serious and hilarious adventures that don't cost a dime.

Follow Shawn Daniels through the trials and triumphs of life. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you be glad you read DOG BONE SOUP.

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