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Josh Billings

Family ebooks

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Category: Family

How to... Set up a Family Budget

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Title: How to... Set up a Family Budget
Are you ready to start planning for tomorrow?

The Amazing Secret To Creating A Family Budget That Leads You Out Of Debt, Fills Your Savings Accounts, And Escorts You To Your Next Vacation!

Listen. It hits families all over the world like a punch to the stomach.

You don't notice it at first, but soon you find yourself living in a paycheck to paycheck world. What you make one month is gone before you have any time to add it to your savings account...

Before you have time to fill your cupboards just one last time (while you wait for your next paycheck)... And definitely before you make any dent on your credit card balance.

Families all over are enslaved by their debt racked up over the years. The burden is immense. You don't want anyone to know you're having a hard time making ends meet - especially any kids that might be involved.

You're afraid to answer the phone. It's tough to sleep the night through. Life in debt is now a never-ending cycle of anxiety and fear.

How can you stop the seemingly endless cycle? How can you change the way you think about money? And discover financial discipline?

Let me tell you, it's not too late with my tell-all guide...

How To Properly Set Up A Family Budget!

Greetings Friend,

If you have had financial problems in the past, you can feel relief when you start over with a (realistic) family budget.

Have you ever heard, "The

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Category: Family, Relationships

Save Your Marriage

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Title: Save Your Marriage

Do you need to save your troubled marriage?

And Develop A Lifelong Love!

Dear Friend,

If you are having trouble in your marriage, you are not alone! Sometimes feeling as if you are the only person in the entire world who is encountering problems makes it even worse, you may feel as if you have no one and nowhere to turn, or that you have no choice but to simply leave everything as it is and hope that it will somehow get better on its own.

Marital problems will not miraculously vanish by themselves, but you are not alone, and your situation is not hopeless!

People everywhere have problems, some exactly like the ones you are facing. Many people, however, have no idea as to what to do. They make the mistake of asking for or accepting advice from well-meaning friends or family members who are not qualified or experienced to assist in finding solutions; or they read piles of "popular" books, most of which only make matters worse; or they may go into counseling for what seems to be a minor problem, and get no practical help or results. Some people believe they have no choice but to suffer and allow their marriage to fall apart.

Fortunately, you do not need to make any of these mistakes! You can get practical help and advice, in normal easy-to-understand language, and learn how to put this advice into

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Category: Family, Holidays

Holiday Mayhem

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Title: Holiday Mayhem

How Not to Kill Your Family During the Holidays

Table of Contents:

  • War Zone
  • The Expectations Game
  • Rally the Troops
  • Plan Your Way Out
  • Think Like a Gymnast

War Zone

You know how it is. The Holiday season brings out the best in all of us. We all become solicitous of one another's feelings; everyone develops more tolerance for one another's foibles; there is plenty of time for everything that needs to be done; traffic is usually light; the other folks always patiently wait their turn. Isn't that right?

Now, don't you look at me like that! What do you mean, "What planet am I from?" In fact, I think you had better stop looking at me like that right now or I'll give you a bit fat knuckle sandwich! You know what... if you don't like what I'm saying about the holiday season, you can just leave right now, and don't let the door hit you in your big fat... umm, well, and okay I'll admit that I may have overreacted a bit. Again.

Hey, I tried. I did my best, but I bet you find the season as trying as I do. I'll admit it; I'm one of those people who find the holidays inordinately stressful. Can I go home and bury my head in that comfy quilt now? Hide from my children, and my guests, and the in-laws, and... No? You mean that we'll have to get through this together?... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Children, Family, Home

A Guy's Guide to the Delivery Room

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Title: A Guy's Guide to the Delivery Room

"Worried About Missing The Birth Of Your Child Because Your Nervous About The Delivery Room? Now You Can Witness The Miracle of Your Son or Daughter Being Born!"

Don't Let That Fear Keep You From Experiencing A Literally Life-Changing Event. Be Prepared With Information To Take Away The Mystery of Childbirth Away So You Can Witness This Miracle For Your Self!

Dear Expectant Father:

You're expecting a baby! Congratulations! This is a very exciting time in your life - one that will be filled with more joy than you could ever imagine!

Maybe you're not the father, but a supportive friend helping the new mother through her pregnancy. Either way, having a baby is not only a monumental task for the mother, but for you too! She needs you to be there with her and for her not only during the pregnancy, but in labor and delivery as well.

Many men are reluctant to be present during the birth of a child. Some might feel they're too squeamish to witness the actual birth. Others are afraid they won't be able to effectively provide support to their partners. Most of the time, the hesitation these men feel stems from the possibility that they are basically clueless when it comes to the miracle of childbirth.

That's Why This Book Is So Valuable To You!

With "A Guy's Guide to the Delivery Room",

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Category: Family

Family History Search

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Title: Family History Search

Have you ever wondered just who your ancestors are?

Discover The Secrets to Finding Family You Never Knew You Had!

Dear Friend,

Do you imagine that you are distantly related to a movie star, president or some other noted person? Most people wonder about their ancestors or other relatives who they do not know. After all, you never know if you are a distant cousin of someone famous unless you bother to take a look at your family history.

Years ago, families would keep family trees in the family bible. They would write in the births, deaths and marriages of all of the members of the family. Very few families, if any, do this today. Most people have no idea who their great-grandparents are or anything about them. But that does not keep them from wondering.

If you are like me, you wonder about your relatives and ancestors and want to know more about them. After the book "Roots" came out, it got a lot of people into the mode of learning about their family history. Alex Haley's journey was truly remarkable because he wrote the book over a course of years when there was no internet to help him. But thanks to the internet and many government agencies going to computer technology.

More Options Than Ever!...

You can find out everything that you need to know about your relatives and ancestors when you go online. Not only can you discover your own roots, but you

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Children, Family

Baby Care Book

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Title: Baby Care Book

"The Guide That Every New Or Expectant Parent Simply Cannot Be Without - The Baby Care Book Will Teach You Absolutely Everything You Need To Know About Your Newborns Crucial First Year Of Life!"

Dear friend,

If you're a new (or expectant) parent then please take a few moments to consider this letter. I'm sure you know how important the first year of your child is, and as you're reading this you obviously want only the very best for your new baby. I'd really like to help you to give your child the healthiest and happiest start in life - and with the information, super-tips, and suggestions packed in this breakthrough new guide you'll be doing exactly that. Please stick around because you're about to learn some things that will have a profoundly positive impact on your child's entire life.

You see, the first year of your baby's life is more important than you could possibly imagine. There are factors that you can control that will determine your child's ultimate IQ, motor skills, vulnerability to diseases, mood...and so much more. Frankly I cannot believe that anyone could even try and raise a baby without knowing these 64 pages of incredibly important facts, tips, suggestions and resources. This is knowledge that no parent should be without.

Here Are Just A Few Of The Things That You'll Discover In The Baby Care Book...

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Children, Family

Disneyland Vacations

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Title: Disneyland Vacations

"What is the best time to visit Disneyland? What should we pack? What is the FASTPASSĀ® and how to use it? What do we see and do first? Are there any Special Shows? Where are the Disneyland Characters? Are there any special accommodations for people with disabilities? Can I have my Birthday Party at Disneyland?"

These are just a few of the questions that you may be asking when thinking of planning your family dream vacation to Disneyland. I am sure that you may have many more!

I was totally amazed when I started planning my family vacation to Disneyland about how much there was that I REALLY NEEDED to know to make it the BEST Disneyland Family Vacation that we were ever going to have!

Dear Friend,

Are you thinking to yourself, that the entire family could use a vacation? We all get worn out working soo hard and need to take some time to relax and re-charge ourselves once in a while!

Are you trying to think of where would be the PERFECT place to take the whole family?There are so MANY places that you could go on your family vacation, HANDS DOWN there is no BETTER place to take the enitre family than the Disneyland Resort in Anaheim, California, USA...

With so much to see and do at Disneyland, it only makes sense to plan and prepare well for the trip so that when your family arrives in sunny Anaheim, California - the entire... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Family

Guide To Dealing And Caring Elderly

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Title: Guide To Dealing And Caring Elderly

Warning: You Are About To Discover The Ultimate Secrets Of Taking Care Of Your Elders...!

Are You Lethargic When It Comes To? Or, Maybe You Care, But You Can't Squeeze In The Time To Spend With Them? Don't Let This Sheer Lack Of Gratitude Set A Bad Example For Your Children, Who Will Probably Do The Same One Day!

Finally! You Can Now Have Instant Access To An All-In-One Eldercare Manual To Help You Deal With Your Ageing Parents! Discover Some Highly Effective Tips To Make Your Elders Feel Special, Without Stressing Yourself Out Or Sacrificing Your Health...And Truly Feel Good About It From Within!


Dear Friend,

Elder care is rewarding, but not devoid of its challenges. Being a caregiver requires patience; however, you can develop most of the skills required to become a caregiver by reading the 80-page e-Book, "Manual To Dealing And Caring Elderly."

In a very interesting, readable manner, this ebook explains exactly how you can take good care of your elders and see that they remain healthy and fit always.

These Are Some Of The Tips You Will Find In The Ebook :

  • Caring For The Elderly: Working With Their Money
  • A Caregiver's Manual To Coping With Stress
  • Coping With Unreasonable Behaviour When Caring For The Elderly
  • Going To A Better Place
  • Effective Caring
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Category: Family


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Author: Edith B. Lowry, M.D.

Your daughter is growing up so fast. Don't let her encounter adolescence all alone, with only the second-hand whispers of her girlfriends for advice!

You want to make sure that your daughter is well-equipped to begin her journey from girl to young lady. Don't let her just hear about it from her friends and from TV. Ensure that she gets the FACTS, not myths, or scary ideas.

Beginning as early as ages 8 or 9, a young girl's body will start to change. These changes can be frightening and traumatic to a girl who doesn't fully understand what is going on within herself.

Don't let her go through it alone!

Present the ideas to her in a way that she may feel comfortable, all the while learning more about herself and her changing body.

You can, by sharing with her...

"Talks with a Young Girl Concerning Herself"

Open the Lines of Communication and Discussion with Your Daughter Today...Before it's Too Late!

Why wait weeks or even hours to start crucial discussions with your daughter? Confidences: Talks with a Young Girl Concerning Herself is available to you right now via instant internet download. No need to go to the bookstore or the library. No waiting for the postal service to deliver a book to your door. Instead, you can download this... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Family

The Genealogy Guide

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Title: The Genealogy Guide

Do you want to know exactly who your ancestors were: where they lived; what they did for a living; whether that story of highwaymen, criminals and corrupt relatives is factual, or a figment of Grandma's over-active imagination?

Genealogy - defined as 'an account of the descent of a person or family through an ancestral line', is a high faluting description of what, to the rest of us, is known simply as 'tracing the family tree'.

Nostalgia, which has become very popular in recent years, has found a wealth of collectible interests emerging amongst a public ever eager to get their hands on anything connected with the past: old postcards, postage stamps, paper ephemera, 1950s and '60s memorabilia - and family trees! It seems that today we are not content to know just how our ancestors lived - and I mean specific ancestors, namely those whose genes, characteristics and hereditary behavior are the sum result of our very being.

Today, many of you are eager to trace your own family histories, but you don't know where to start. That's why you need The Genealogy Guide!
The Genealogy Guide is like a complete course in tracing family histories. Inside you will learn:

  • How To Find Clues In Family Resources
  • Where To Begin-Getting Organized
  • Your Search Begins-Where To Look And What To Look For
  • 99 Great Online Genealogy Resources
  • Putting Your
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