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Education ebooks

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Reviewed by Adam Stanton on 2018-12-12
My Rate 5
I was really bad at writing anything. I used to have my essays done by this qualitative essay service https://familyessay. org/ , but after I discovered this book, I started writing essays very often by myself.

Reviewed by Luningning on 2017-09-01
My Rate 3
this is good guide,for all of us, step-by-step writing instructions for everyone,its very helpfull,

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Title: Essaymama's Essay Writing Guide
Author: EssayMama.com

  EssayMama.com presents you the 'Ultimate Essay Writing Guide' that will help students become a better writers and improve their writing skills. This guide aims to help you improve your writing skills and get better grades. Becoming a better writer it is not easy. It takes a lot of labor and determination. Besides that, today's academic load is very heavy - sometimes you have to submit several writing assignments in a single day! That's why you should know how to write essays quickly. 

Our guide is a step-by-step writing instructions for everyone - students, tutors, teachers. The main advantage of our guide is that it is written by teachers and adapted for students of any level - from beginner to advanced. Here you can find all the necessary information about how to write an essay, how to proofread your piece of work, know more about styling and planning, topic selection, material and content. 

We can guarantee that with our free guide your essay writing will become much more easier! Enjoy!

 If you want to have 

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Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (4 after 2 votes)
Category: Education, Nonfiction

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Reviewed by domingas on 2009-12-04
My Rate 5
I like this site, because I want to improve my english writting and my vocabulary by reading alot of books this site would be usefful.

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Title: 1000 Quick Writing Ideas
Author: Stevan Krajnjan

1000 writing ideas and prompts make coming up with ideas for writing much easier! You will no longer hear from students the familiar, "I can't think of anything to write!" 1000 Quick Writing Ideas contains 1000 practical journal and creative writing prompts for students who struggle with inventing their own. This ebook of writing prompts also includes ready-to-use, reproducible language worksheets and often-used forms for writing.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (5 after 1 votes)
Category: Computers, Education, How To

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Reviewed by Michael Thompson on 2015-11-30
My Rate 5
Love it . VEry well written and easy to understand

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Title: Learn WordPress from Scratch
Author: TemplateToaster

This is a free ebook by TemplateToaster. It cover's 103 chapters. This ebook is about WordPress "how to create a Wordpress website easily. As we all knows that WordPress is one of the widely use Content Management System and People love to create websites using WordPress but Freshers always face problems regarding setting up a WordPress website. So this EBook for all those beginners who don't know the concept of setting up a

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Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (5 after 1 votes)
Category: Computers, Education, Programming

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Reviewed by ramasapr3 on 2014-09-18
My Rate 5
SAP APO Introduction Explained in simple understanding manner.

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Title: SAP APO Introduction

It will Help understand the concept of Supply Chain Planning in SAP APO. One can Learn the process of SAP APO Demand Planning. Candidates able to understand the concept of Demand Planning , Its functions and Demand Planning Uses. Candidates also learn about different techniques used for forecasting.

The processing of Supply Chain Planning can be divided into many steps, which are executed by various components in SAP ERP Central Component (SAP ECC) (previously SAP R/3) and/or SAP SCM. It is possible abd advisable to integrate these two systems and use both for planning. The SCM Core Interface (CIF) is used for this system integration.

Demand Planning, where past sales figures can be used to derive a future program of production, can be executed both within Flexible Planning in SAP R/3 Enterprise using Standard Sales and Operations Planing, ot within Demand Planning in SAP SCM.

Planned independent requirements can be created from SAP ECC Demand Management or SAP APO Demand planning. You can also use Demand Planning mass processing to set the sales quantities from SCM Demand Planning as planned intependent requirements in ECC Demand Management.

Sales orders are entered in the SAP ECC system. A global aviailable-to- promise check (Global ATP) for a sales order can be made in SCM 

Supply Network Planniong in SAP SCM is used for cross-plant planning.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (5 after 1 votes)
Category: Finance, Business, Education

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Reviewed by Wendy Bower on 2016-05-03
My Rate 5
excellent report. details about Latino immigrants and alternative financing available to them is invaluable resource

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Title: U.S. Latinos: The Need for Fair and Navigable Financial Options
Author: W. Martina Bower

2016 Report:

Currently, over 11 millions undocumented Latino immigrants reside in the United States and that population is increasing exponentially. A long with being one of the fastest growing populations in the nations, Latinos are now officially the largest minority group in the United States.

Many Latin-American Immigrants work low-wage jobs in order to support themselves and their families, and lack of legal status makes it difficult for them to access safe, affordable loans.  In the U.S. Hispanics account for the highest population in California, Texas and Florida.  Though financial resources for Latino borrowers in these areas are groing, there is still rampant discrimination and exploitation of Latino brorowers occurring on the part of lenders, landlords, and other services, particularly in urban areas.

With such a glaring economic disparity, it is clear more work needs to be done in providing viable financial solutations for the Latino population.

Data is presented fromt he Pew Hispanic Trends Project, 2016.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (5 after 1 votes)
Category: Education, Body, Mind

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Reviewed by Milly on 2017-05-23
My Rate 5
I will be trying some of the herbs mentioned in this book to improve my communication skills and think more clearly. Hope it will help.

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Title: Cognitive Function
Author: SupermanHerbs

If you are looking to improve your cognitive function, make sure you know hot figure out the difference between Drugs, Nutraceuticals, and Herbs, know the Herbs that support your memory, support your focus, help you in meditation, and Herbs that just make you feel better. It is also important to knowhow to use coffee or tea to enhance other Nootropics. And of course, hit all the basics for cognition.

The content found on the Vital Way podcast in Superman Herbs is for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advise, for the diagnosis or treatment of a health condition or as a substitue for medical counseling. Please review any information with your qualified heathcare provider before making any decisions concerning your health. You assume all risk for use, misuse or disuse of this information.

 As always, we appreciate a review on iTunes if you care to do that. Just head over there, leave that and it helps other people find the show. It can help spread the word so we can get solid thinking information and herbal information out to more and more people so that can improve their health and performance,, cognitive and otherwise.

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Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (5 after 1 votes)
Category: Education, Finance, How To

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Reviewed by James Eaton on 2015-04-30
My Rate 5
The book helped me a lot, I learned a variety of things about saving money and making money.

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Title: How To Save Money Through College: How To Work, Save And Still Pass Finals
Author: James Eaton

How To Save Money Through College: How To Work Save And Still Pass Finals is an information packed ebook. It focuses on inspiring readers to save money through college, by being frugal. you will learn how to cook your own food, use credit cards wisely, eat healthy food, use all the free entertainment that the college offers, live healthy to prevent medical expenses from occuring. You will learn how to stay positive,no matter what happens in order to stay focused on the goal at hand. We all understand that college is not a walk in the park, and that you are going to deal with obstacles along the way. When in college you must believe in yourself, most of all. Everything starts with a dream, also staying in contact with your parents or loved ones is of vital importance, this you will learn. you will also aquire the knowledge to become a student worker,even though working and studying at the same time may not seem simplistic. This fantastic work will help you yield results for your efforts in lesser time.

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Rating: (5 after 1 votes)
Category: Education, Manuals, Nonfiction

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Reviewed by Kalavathy Sivabalan on 2015-02-07
My Rate 3
It is one of the important course(TOFEL). Thanks for uploading this book. Itis very useful for me.

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Title: The Free 120 Hour TEFL Course
Author: Max Diamond, Damien Cullen

A useful guide to EFL

Study this complimentary course, and you will learn quickly, how to communicate to non native speakers.

In a few months, you could travelling the world, helping children to speak English

Teaching English as a foreign language is a lot of fun and very rewarding

The chapters cover all aspects of what you need to know and includes the following modules:

Grammar Awareness
Teaching to young learners
Teaching business English
Teaching with limited resources
Teaching large classes

You get to see the world, interact with amazing cultures and generally have a great time. The is the chance to expand your horizons

This is the first 120 TEFL course that will cost you nothing to study, most companies out there charge huge sums of money for the same thing that we give away!

We hope you all find it useful and informative

Max Diamond & Damien Cullen

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Ebook Type: PDF
Rating: (3 after 1 votes)
Category: Education

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Title: Understanding and Calculating the Odds: Probability Theory Basics and Calculus Guide for Beginners, with Applications in Games of Chance and Everyday Life
Author: Catalin Barboianu

Whether we have math skills or not, we frequently estimate and compare probabilities, sometimes without realizing it, especially when making decisions. That is why a book explaining the probability concept and its interpretations and applications for non-mathematicians is a necessity. This is an enlightening journey through the world of probability theory and its applications. The skills acquired here can be practiced on the more than 200 solved and unsolved problems and exercises in the ebook. Everyone should find something of interest here: philosophers and mathematicians may focus on the sections on philosophical matters of the probability model and decisional matters, students and non-mathematicians can find solid A to Z teaching material about Probability Theory and the practical person can find all the tools needed to apply and perform probability calculus without a teacher.

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Category: Education, Family

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Title: 28 Minutes to Faster Reading
Author: Dr. Jay C. Polmar

Speed Reading For a Busy World by Jay C. Polmar, Ph.D. You can double or even triple your reading speed in 28 minutes. This reading program will enable you to learn four major techniques and use reading acceleration practice exercises. 28 Minutes to Faster Reading contains special information that's rare and only known by speed readers at large.

Bonus to the "Wealth Bible"

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