Education ebooks

Learn Spanish
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(priced for $3.00 or less).
Title: Learn Spanish
Have you ever wanted to learn to speak Spanish, but didn't think that you could?
Learn to Speak Spanish Like a Native in No Time! (Almost)
Dear Friend,
Most people entertain the dream of learning to speak another language, but never actually achieve any type of fluency. Why is that? Is that they simply do not possess the intelligence to learn? Is it that the language is too difficult? Could it be that they really don't want to learn, and therefore do not take the time and effort necessary to reach their full potential?
The simple truth of the matter is that most people who dream of speaking another language fail to do so because they are too afraid of failure to risk it. They are so convinced that they cannot learn that they manage to convince themselves, they give up and then they proceed to prove themselves right; they can't learn.
These people have made themselves the victims of their own lack of confidence. It is not an inability to learn that contributes to their failure, it is the fact that they have convinced themselves otherwise. They are so afraid of making a mistake and appearing foolish in front of their peers that they stop their own learning process, and this self destructive cycle repeats over and over again.
You're about to change all of that!...
Now that you know what the problem is, and what's holding
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Time Management For College Students
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(priced for $7.00 or less).
Title: Time Management For College Students
If you're set on managing your time to the best of your abilities...
Then this may be the most important letter you'll ever read!
Who Else Wants To Track Your Time Efficiently, Determine The Best Time Of Day To Schedule Your Homework, And Become More 'In Tune' With Your Partying Time In Just 5 Days?
It doesn't matter if you've never effectively managed time a day in your life, or your the most organized person in the world... This Time Management guide will help you not only get MORE free time, but make you feel more energized after each assignment!
Dear Friend,
Are you planning on managing your time effectively or simply want to ? If so, pay attention!
There's finally a new, breakthrough book created just for people just like you!
And, if you really want to get the best results possible without putting in countless hours in at the local library, then this book is definitely for YOU!
I myself have been managing my college time for 3 years now, but it wasn't easy for me when I first started! I mean, information on this is pretty hard to come across. Especially the kind of information I wanted to know more about. To be quite honest with you, I got tired of looking and searching all over the place, so I decided to create the definitive book on time management for college students!

How to be a Public Speaking Superstar
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(priced for $14.95 or less).
Title: How to be a Public Speaking Superstar
Attention: Public speaking plays a vital role in most people's success.
"Who Else Wants to Dazzle and Influence Any Audience with Super Impressive Speeches by Having Supreme Confidence and Masterful Public Speaking Skills?"
Picture this. You are invited to speak in front of a large audience. As you walk to the stage, you feel an overwhelming sense of confidence and mastery over the subject you'll be discussing.
The people look at you as if they are very eager and interested to hear what you are about to say. As you started speaking, you notice that all the listeners are leaning forward. They are all smiling and nodding their heads, as if signaling their approval in your ideas.
You feel more and more enthusiastic as your speech goes on. As the speech comes to an end, you are cheered with a standing ovation from the audience. You hear some of them saying, "Great job!" You can tell from the many faces that they want to hear more. It's an enjoyable experience for both the audience and you.
Then you wake up. You can't believe it's just a dream. "If only it's true," you say in disappointment, "but that ain't happening to me."
Stop wishing and whining! Let's turn that public speaking dream of yours into reality, right here, right now!
Dear Future Public Speaking Superstar,
Have you ever... Click here to read the full description!
Ebook Type: PDF

Talks On Talking
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(priced for $3.00 or less).
Title: Talks On Talking
"Learn How To Talk Your Way to Rousing Success By Mastering The Art of Talking!"
Dear friend,
Talking is an art. How you talk tells what you are and predicts what you will be and what is in store for you in the future.
It is the words that comes out of your mouth today that will either save you and make you wealthy or successful or condemn you to mediocrity or failure.
Talks about Talking is one of the most important ebooks ever to be published that helps people become not just a good talkers but also Masters of Public Speaking.
Authored by no less than Grenville Kleiser, a former instructor at Yale University and the author of many ebooks about Public Speaking, Talks about Talking is a comprehensive guide that studies the art of oral communication in excruciating detail and prescribes just what you need to become a master of it.
To date, Talks about Talking has helped thousands of people overcome their problems in oral communications and become successful public speakers.
Now the good news is you can become a Master of Public Speaking regardless of your educational background or social standing.
As long as you have sincerity and conviction about what you wish to communicate, the world can be your captive audience.
The following are excerpts from the ebook:
"Hence it is that where a group of persons are met together in
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Home Schooling
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(priced for $4.95 or less).
Title: Home Schooling
"Are you unsure about the suitability of homeschooling for your child?Are you skeptic about your own readiness to start a homeschool? Are you in doubt about what it takes to setup a homeschool? Are you unsure about where to look for resources for homeschooling? Are you worried about socialization aspects of homeschooling? Are you looking for someone who can help you with all such homeschooling related matters?"
Though the internet has answers to most questions that come to our mind, finding those answers (and finding the best answers) is what one finds difficult. In such a scenario, a comprehensive guide that has all the information/ answers, compiled in an easy-to-understand form, is what you want. And this is what this e-book is i.e.
Dear Friend,
The concept of homeschooling is not a new one. Parents have homeschooled children in the past too. Our ancestors probably used this concept in the olden days when there were no institutional schools at all. In fact, even the children who study at private/ public schools get a taste of homeschooling in the form of guidance and learning they get from their parents. However, homeschooling is serious business. After all, it's related to
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How To EXPLODE Your Charisma Quotient
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(priced for $7.00 or less).
Title: How To EXPLODE Your Charisma Quotient
You enter the room.... And heads turn.
Conversation stops. You become the focus of attention - Instantly.
Confidently, you stride forward, smiling and nodding at perfect strangers - yet it seems natural to you. There's a new energy in the room - and you are the center of it
Beautiful women glance shyly at you. Handsome men jostle to shake your hand. Briskly, your host bustles around, introducing you to the rich, the powerful, the famous.
For a moment, you think you're dreaming. But this is for real. You are the center of all attention -
And You Still Don't Really Understand Why!
After all, it wasn't too long ago you were unsure of yourself in every way possible. You didn't like the way you dressed. Or walked. Or talked. Your feet were too large, your ears too big, your clothes too old, or tight, or wrinkled.
In short...
Everything About You SUCKED!
Today, almost as if by magic, your Universe has turned upside down!
Could it be because of...? Nah! How could something like this be the result of a little $7 ebook? Impossible!
You have a great time at the party. But late at night, the thought won't leave you. Could it really be what's inside that little ebook that made you what you are today?
Curious, intrigued, unbelieving, you go to your computer. Sit down. Fire up your system.
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The Speed Reading Monster Course
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(priced for $12.95 or less).
Title: The Speed Reading Monster Course
"How to Effectively Double Your Reading Speed and Accelerate Your Learning Abilities to the Extreme!"
Trivia: Did you know that some people can read more than a thousand words per minute as compared to an average college student who can only read between 250 and 350 wpm?
That's true!
Anyone can double their speed in reading without the fear of not being able to understand the materials being read.
Most people find reading rapidly difficult and risky. They are afraid that as they increase the speed of reading, they might not be able to grasp the idea of what they are reading.
That's why they have to settle with slow reading speed that makes them finish a novel over a month, or worse, not being able to find what they are looking for in an academic textbook for an assignment in school before the due date.
What they do not know is that, according to studies, the relationship between reading speed and comprehension is directly proportional to each other. That is, an increase in rate entails an increase in comprehension.
Want to double your reading speed and increase your understanding of the materials being read? Then take a look at this:
The Speed Reading Monster Course: Accelerate Your Reading and Learning Abilities to the Extreme!
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Easy Speed Reading
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(priced for $17.00 or less).
Title: Easy Speed Reading
Author: Malcolm Ayres
Is It Becoming Harder to Get Ahead In Life?
Are You Running Out of Ideas to Beat Out the Competition for Raises and Promotions?
Life just doesn't fall into place like we imagined it would does it? Working hard at your career to get ahead is getting harder and harder especially in this economy. There are fewer jobs and ten times the competition for the jobs there are.
It isn't just a matter of getting a good education and landing the perfect job. Now you have to compete every day to keep the job you have. It no longer matters how qualified you are and how much experience you have.
Employers today have their pick of a vast pool of talent and no matter how good at your job you are, you have to fight just to keep it, let alone advance. You need every possible tool at your disposal just to maintain let alone get ahead.
Good News!
The good news is that there is a simple, inexpensive solution that will not only keep you ahead of your game it will also position you for advancement. This training will put you at the top of the list.
"Easy Speed Reading" is the answer. Unlike some of those expensive courses this is life-changing solutions that will impact your life for years to come!
The benefits are so fantastic that you'll have the competition scratching
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Professor Homeschool
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(priced for $7.00 or less).
Title: Professor Homeschool
"Give Your Child The Education They Deserve Right From Your Home, Teach Them More Than High Paying Private Schools Do"
Discover How To Teach Your Home Schooled Child All Of The Basics As Well A How To Excel In All Areas Of Learning.
Dear Parent:
If you're reading this letter, I know that you have at least a small interest in teaching your children from home. Don't worry, you're not alone. Millions of people do it and the numbers grow every day. The world has become a bit of a scary place these days, and not all of us are comfortable with sending our baby out into that world alone.
Consider the following:
- There are 100 times more guns in the hands of American schoolchildren than is reported.
- National Studies show that 49 percent of schools report some type of crime involving theft, vandalism or physical threats.
- Students age 12 to 18 were victims of 2.7 million total crimes while at school.
- Over 3,000 students were expelled from school in the year 2000 for bringing a firearm to school.
All I have to do is mention Columbine, Colorado, and you know what school violence can do. The statistics are only rising, and the perpetrators are getting younger and younger. I remember not too long ago hearing on the news about a first grader who had a handgun in his locker and threatened to kill a fellow
... Click here to read the full description!Ebook Type: PDF

How to Write for Todays Children
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Title: How to Write for Todays Children
Author: Martine Hellyer
How YOU Can Make Money Writing for the Lucrative Children's Market
Ever wish you could write children's literature?
Well, You Can!
Dear Reader,
How would you like to begin enjoying the benefits of working at home doing a job you absolutely adore? If you answered 'Yes!' then read on.
3 Reasons Why Your Timing Is Perfect
That headline above is no joke. You couldn't have chosen a better time to learn about this great hobby. This is a great time to turn your avocation into a work at home business!
- Today's children are reading earlier with an increasing demand for age appropriate material.
- No special qualifications are required to become an author of children's books.
- There is no lack of content.
It doesn't matter whether you have children. Nor does it matter whether you are a published author. Anyone with the desire top tell stories can become an author of children's books.
Does that mean you can just throw a few paragraphs together and become another J.K. Rowling? Of course not! That would be ridiculous.
It does mean that YOU have an incredible opportunity to get started in a hobby that is not only personally rewarding, but a fun, creative way to supplement your income.
The only thing left is to learn how to... Click here to read the full description!
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