Art is the most intense mode of individualism that the world has known.
Oscar Wilde

Education ebooks

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Category: Education, Psychology, Self Help

Prevent Stuttering

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Title: Prevent Stuttering

Tips & Tricks to Help Combat Stuttering

Are You Suffering From Social Withdrawal?

Do People Shun Or Ostracize You Because You Have A Hard Time Getting Some Of Your Words Out?

Or Does Your Child Get Teased At School Because They Stutter And Can't Speak Like Everyone Else?

If you have answered yes to any of the above, then you are in the tiny percentage of people that stutter.

Dear Friend,

In the United States alone, there are about three million people that have trouble speaking clearly because of a stuttering disorder.

Stuttering is a speech disorder in where there is a disruption or interruption of a normal speech flow. When people speak, they have to force some of their words out because the flow is blocked or broken. They end up looking weird because when they stutter, they make weird looking facial expressions or are constantly blinking their eyes. When they have to force what they have to say out of their mouths, it sounds cluttered. Sometimes people are not able to understand what they are saying.

So people that stutter end up feeling left out and alone. People don't want to take the time to listen to what they have to say because they take too long to get their words out.

Not only do they not want to be patient, but they are not interested in socializing with people that have this speech disorder. This

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Children, Education

How to Motivate Children in the Classroom

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Title: How to Motivate Children in the Classroom
Author: Rachael Mah

- Attention All Parents and Teachers!

Keeping Learning Real

- The Truth About Your Child and Learning!

Dear Reader,

Nothing is more precious than the life of a child. It's an amazing experience watching that child grow as a result of what he is being fed. Even more humbling is observing the mind of that child develop.

The nourishment provided in the classroom establishes the basis for how that child will learn for the rest of his life. You only have one chance to "get it right."

Just as it is impossible to "un-ring a bell," a child must be stimulated to learn in a positive way early in his classroom experience. Otherwise learning will be a difficult challenge. Just like the bell, early habits can be impossible to reverse.

It's a fact that if people know better they will do better. No one sets out to deliberately "de-motivate" a child to learn. That's preposterous! However, in our quest to be better parents and teachers we often find ourselves doing the "same old things" and getting the same old results!

Every teacher knows that handful of students that are just wired differently. These are the kids who become bored in the classroom. The same kids that we wish we could spend more time with because we know that just beneath the surface there's a flower just bursting to bloom.

Too many kids fall through the

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Education, For Authors, For Authors

Write Stories People Want to Read

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Title: Write Stories People Want to Read
Author: Matt Cowell

Truth is, we actually have many stories filtered through our life experiences. When was the last time you were visiting with friends and family? Did you play the "remember when" game?

That's where we recount a special moment in time that was funny or poignant or one that brings back fond memories of a loved one no longer with us.

The potential for writing is all around us. It visits us throughout our days and haunts us in our dreams. Sadly, most of us never follow through and put those stories to pen and paper; or, in the modern vernacular tapped out the keys.

It's really sad when you think about it. All those special moments that are never shared with others are locked away in the darkness of your thoughts never shared with others.

Such a waste.

Why is it that we never take that first step and dare to preserve our thoughts for others to read? Usually it's fear. But fear can be overcome. So what other reasons exist to hold us back?

We have the stories. We overcome the fear. Here comes the boogeyman. Lack of knowledge. Aha! There you have it!

So What's next?

If lack of knowledge is all that's holding you back, then your excuses are over! Really. Why? Because now you have access to a step-by-step guide that will teach you everything you need to know to begin writing your own short stories.

Not only will you know how to jump start the writing,... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Children, Education

After School Activities

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Title: After School Activities


Are after school activities necessary? How do I help my child in choosing an after school activity? What are after school activity programs? Can I plan after school activities at home? Where are the various after school activities available? How do I encourage my child to participate in after school activities? What are the guidelines for choosing an after school activity? How to strike a balance between school and after school activities?

These are just some questions that pop up into the mind of every parent who is aware of the importance of after school activities. And this is just the tip of the iceberg - you would surely be having many more questions.

And it's not easy to get the answer to all these questions at a single place. Often, hunting for the answers to these questions is a tough job and it becomes frustrating when you don't get any definitive answers.

This e-book is an effort to provide you with the answers to all the questions at one single place. In that sense, this e-book could be easily termed as the:


Dear Friend,

Every responsible parent is concerned about the growth and all... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Education

The Parents Guide To Successful Home Schooling

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Title: The Parents Guide To Successful Home Schooling

The secret of successful home schoolers revealed...

You Don't Have To Be A PHD (Or Even A College Graduate) to Teach Your Child In Home School!

Public school is not the only option!

You may want to make sure your child is getting the personal attention he or she needs. That your child learns the values and morals that you hold sacred. That the information making it to your child holds to certain standards.

Home schooling is a great option if you want to have a larger role in your kids' learning. And while the idea may seem easy at first, there's a lot of work to be done before school officials will acknowledge that your child is getting the proper education at home.

There's paperwork to be filled out, curriculum's to decide, and school committee's to convince. But this should NOT discourage you.

Finally there's a manual that will quickly walk you through the process one step at a time. I call it...

"...The Parent's Manual To Successful Home Schooling!"

Greetings Friend,

Who else wants to take their child's learning into their own hands?

There are many reasons to choose home schooling over public schools. Not the least of which is that you get to spend more time with your children.

Is it important to you that you have more control of the

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Children, Education

Discover Educational Toys for Children

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Title: Discover Educational Toys for Children

Have you ever been in a situation when you didn't know what toy to buy for your son?
Here are some great tips about the best educational toys!

If you are a teacher, parent or education student you owe it to yourself to find out as much as possible about educational toys.

Without the right tools and information, it could take you longer than you want to figure out the secrets to quality educational toys. Instead of spending a fortune on so-called experts or knocking yourself out with the old trial and error method, there is an easier way to discover everything you need to know about quality educational toys.
A few years ago I found myself in a similar situation. After becoming a parent I really wanted to make sure that my kids had the best of everything including the best education. That meant quality educational toys that could help my children to grow and discover. With children advancing in technology at an early age now I knew my children needed educational toys that would give them the most advantages as early as possible

I quickly learned; however, that finding quality educational toys was not easy. I was determined not to give up; however.

What I discovered completely changed the way I approached finding quality educational toys for my children.

How did I do it?

I would love to share my secrets with you and my new... Click here to read the full description!

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Children, Education

A Parents Guide to Home Schooling

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Title: A Parents Guide to Home Schooling

Table Of Contents:

  • Do I need approval to home school my children?
  • Why should I home school my child?
  • Where do I find my states requirements?
  • How much time do I need to commit?
  • What are the compulsory ages for educating my children?
  • What kind of record keeping is required?
  • Do certain subjects require specific hours of teaching?
  • What about cost?
  • How do I prepare an overall plan to structure my teaching?
  • Where to find teaching materials?
  • How do I determine the length of the home school year?
  • Do I need to "grade" my child's work?
  • Socializing for home schooled children
  • Resources to help prepare lesson plans
  • How do I get started?

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Education

37 Ways To Prepare For College

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Title: 37 Ways To Prepare For College

Stay Ahead of the Class With Great Tips To Get Prepared For College!

No Filler, No Fluff. Just 100% Real Usable Information On College Prep!

Greetings Friend,

Getting through high school may seem tough enough, but there is another issue that must be factored in: college. As daunting as it may sound, college prep starts all the way back in your freshman year!

But not to worry. That's why I've created this ebook to provide you with all of the information you need to prepare for college starting now. "37 Ways To Prepare For College" will give you step-by-step advice on how to get ready for higher education.

Don't Let College Intimidate You.
Start Preparing Now For Your Future!

You don't have to sit idly by as your classmates get accepted to their dream colleges. You can start out on the path to success this instant!

This E-book will show you:

  • What you can do your freshman year of high school,
  • Your junior year,
  • Your sophomore year,
  • Your senior year

  • What you can do the summer before college to prepare!

Just think of it, all of this useful information for the low price of 19.95! $5.00!!!

For less than the price of a decent dinner out you'll discover why searching for scholarships

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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Children, Education

Educational Activities You Can Share With Your Children

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Title: Educational Activities You Can Share With Your Children

Does Your Child Hate EDUCATION and SCHOOL?

Wouldn't you LOVE to Change Their Perspective?

WE Know the Secrets to Encourage Learning and Share This Wonderful Experience with Your Child!

  • Your child HATES school and learning and you are trying to engage them in fun and different learning experiences to change their attitude
  • Your child is a toddler and you want them to grow up with a great attitude about learning and education.
  • You want to make the world a more interesting and challenging place for your child.
  • You love spending time with your child, but you can never come up with things to do or see to make the time spent together memorable and educational.

You are afraid that your child may continue to fight school and education...
making YOUR LIFE AND THEIR LIFE a miserable tug of war filled with unfinished homework and constant complaints!

...but you don't know how to turn things around!

Or maybe...

  • Your child asks you questions and you have no answers, and you feel you are letting them down and shortchanging their educational experience.
  • Your child LOVES to learn and you are running out of ways to inspire them and keep them interested.
  • You want to be a part of your child's education and school experience
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Ebook Type: PDF
Category: Children, Education

Helping Your Child Succeed In School

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Title: Helping Your Child Succeed In School

Your Child's Success In School Is More Important Now Than It Ever Has Been.

You see it every day, on the news and in the papers, more and more jobs are being lost overseas. The days when a high school education would suffice are gone. Your children will need a secondary education in order for them to have a chance at a decent paying job.

The good news is that every child in every family has the power to succeed in school and in life, and every parent, grandparent, and caregiver can help.

But how do you help your children succeed? How do you give them the power? The most important thing you can do is be involved with your children's education even before they are in school, then stay involved once they are in school.

This book is about what you can do in your own home, right now, that will help your children go to school wanting to learn. It includes:

  • Tells what to expect from preschoolers each year from birth to age 5;
  • The qualities and skills that youngsters need to get a good start in kindergarten;
  • Explains how to encourage enthusiasm toward school and teachers and make it easier for children to adjust to kindergarten.
  • Activities for children from ages Newborn to 11 years old, to help them acquire the skills to succeed;
  • Information on what we know about success in school;
  • Questions and... Click here to read the full description!

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