All wish to possess knowledge, but few, comparatively speaking, are willing to pay the price.
Juvenal, (Decimus Junius Juvenalis)

Christian Books ebooks

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Category: Christian Books

Christmas Internet Marketing

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Title: Christmas Internet Marketing

Make Money This Holiday Season

Dear Internet Marketer,

The Christmas Season is one of the very best times for you to make money on the Internet.

I know marketers who make more money in the run up to the holidays, then in all their rest of the year round put together.

It's a fact, that the Christmas season is a marketing goldmine, if you know what you're doing.

People are just desperate to be parted with their cash, to give the best Christmas celebration they possibly can to their family and friends.

And, you can position yourself to take advantage of this lucrative situation.

You Need To Get In Early!

The five weeks immediately before the holidays are the most profitable.

Now, that doesn't mean, if you're reading this the week before Christmas, that you can't still make some good money.

You most definitely can.

But, if you get in earlier on, you can get all your income funnels into place.

Hey, it's never too early to be planning ahead for the following Christmas. When you know the secrets of how to make these holiday profits, the sooner you can get set, the better!

Here's A Christmas Money Making Method That's Sure To Succeed...

The Christmas Toy Market is massive!
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Category: Christian Books, Religion

History of the Christian Church

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Title: History of the Christian Church
Author: Philip Schaff
Volumes 1 - 8

Volume 1
Apostolic Christianity
A.D. 1-100
596 Pages

VolumeĀ 2
Ante-Nicene Christianity
A.D. 100-325
623 Pages

Volume 3
Nicene & Post-Nicene Christianity
A.D. 311-600
654 Pages

Volume 4
Mediaeval Christianity
A.D. 590-1073
508 Pages

Volume 5
The Middle Ages
A.D. 1049-1294
491 Pages

VolumeĀ 6
The Middle Ages
A.D. 1294-1517
450 Pages

Volume 7
Modern Christianity:
The German Reformation
447 Pages

Volume 8
Modern Christianity:
The Swiss Reformation

550 Pages

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Category: Christian Books, Religion


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Author: D. L. MOODY


IN this small volume I have endeavored to point out the WAY TO GOD.

I have embodied in the little ebook a considerable part of several addresses which have been delivered in different cities, both of Great Britain and my own country. God has graciously owned them when spoken from the pulpit, and I trust will none the less add his blessing now they have been put into the printed page with additional matter.

I have called attention first to the Love of God, the source of all Gifts of Grace; have then endeavored to present truths to meet the special needs of representative classes, answering the question, "How man can be just with God," hoping thereby to lead souls to Him who is "the Way, the Truth and the Life."

The last chapter is specially addressed to Backsliders-a class, alas, far too numerous amongst us.

With the earnest prayer and hope that by the blessing of God on these pages the reader may be strengthened, established and settled in the faith of Christ,

I am, yours in His service,

Table Of Contents:


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Category: Christian Books, Religion

The People's New Testament

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Title: The People's New Testament
Author: B.W. Johnson

Table of Contents

  • Preface
  • Books of the New Testament
  • Harmony of the Gospels
  • Our Lord's Miracles
  • Our Lord's Parables
  • Our Lord's Discourses and Conversations
  • The Discourses in Acts of the Apostles
  • Tables of Time, Measures, Weights, Etc
  • A Table of Measures
  • A Table of Weights
  • A Table of Money
  • Measures of Liquids
  • Measures of Dry Things
  • The Gospel According to Matthew
  • Introduction to Matthew
  • The Genealogy and Birth of Christ
  • The Wise Men and the Flight into Egypt
  • John the Baptist and the Baptism of Christ
  • The Temptation, and Christ's Ministry in Galilee
  • The Sermon on the Mount
  • Miracles at Capernaum and on the Sea
  • The Ministry at Capernaum
  • The Call and Charge to the Apostles
  • The Message from John the Baptist
  • The Pharisees Take Counsel Against and Seek to Destroy Jesus
  • Seven Parables of the Kingdom
  • The Miracles Beyond and Upon the Sea of Galilee
  • Christ and the Pharisees: The Woman of Canaan
  • The Foundation of the Church
  • The Transfiguration
  • The Greatest in the Kingdom
  • Marriage and Divorce; The Rich Ruler
  • The Laborers in the Vineyard; The Ambitious Mother
  • Christ Entering
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Category: Christian Books, Religion

Commentary on the Psalms of David

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Title: Commentary on the Psalms of David
Author: Charles Spurgeon

Collection of commentary on the Psalms of David is the crown of Charles Spurgeon's work.

4,773 Pages!


My Preface shall at least possess the virtue of brevity, as I find it difficult to impart to it any other.
The delightful study of the Psalms has yielded me boundless profit and ever-growing pleasure; common gratitude constrains me to communicate to others a portion of the benefit, with the prayer that it may induce them to search further for themselves. That I have nothing better of my own to offer upon this peerless book is to me matter of deepest regret; that I have anything whatever to present is subject for devout gratitude to the Lord of grace. I have done my best, but, conscious of many defects, I heartily wish I could have done far better.
The Exposition here given is my own. I consulted a few authors before penning it, to aid me in interpretation and arouse my thoughts; but, still I can claim originality for my comments, at least so I honestly think. Whether they are better or worse for that, I know not; at least I know I have sought heavenly guidance while writing them, and therefore I look for a blessing on the printing of them.
The collection of quotations was an after-thought. In fact, matter grew upon me which I thought too good to throw away. It seemed to me that it might... Click here to read the full description!

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Category: Christian Books, Religion

Smith's Bible Dictionary

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Title: Smith's Bible Dictionary
Author: William Smith


See Alpha

(high or holy ground), a mountainous district of Asia mentioned in the Bible in connection with the following events:- (1) As the resting-place of the ark after the deluge. (Genesis 8:4) (2) As the asylum of the sons of Sennacherib. (2 Kings 19:37; Isaiah 37:38) Authorized Version has "the land of Armenia." (3) As the ally, and probably the neighbor, of Minni and Ashchenaz. (Jeremiah
51:27) [Armenia] The name Ararat was unknown to the geographers of Greece and Rome, as it still is to the Armenians of the present day; but it was an ancient name for a portion of Armenia. In its biblical sense it is descriptive generally of the Armenian highlands-the lofty plateau which over looks the plain of the Araxes on the north and of Mesopotomia on the south. Various opinions have been put forth as to the spot where the ark rested, as described in (Genesis 8:4) (but it is probable that it rested on some of the lower portions of the range than on the lofty peak to which exclusively) Europeans have given the name Ararat, the mountain which is called Massis by the Armenians, Agri-Dagh, i.e. Steep Mountain, by the Turks, and Kuh-i-Nuh, i.e. Noah's Mountain, by the Persians. It rises immediately out of the plain of the Araxes, and terminates in two conical peaks, named the Great and Less Ararat, about seven miles distant from each other; the former of which attain an elevation of 17,260 feet above the level of

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Category: Christian Books, Holidays

It's Christmas!

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Title: It's Christmas!

(PDF Transcript )

Homemade Decorations and Gift Ideas for the Whole Family

"Create Your Own Decorations and Gifts This Christmas and Make This Years Festive Season One to Remember!"

Dear Friend,

"Christmas comes but once a year and when it comes, it brings good cheer". And what better than to make your own decorations and gifts!

Children as well as adults can get involved in creating new homemade Christmas decorations and gifts and the decorations could probably end up as family heirlooms, not to mention the fun involved for everyone in the days leading up to Christmas.

If you'd like to make your own festive decorations and gifts this year, then check out my new ebook:

It's Christmas!

Making your own decorations and gifts can be fun - not just for you but for the kids too!

Here's What You'll Discover Inside this e-Book:

  • Great ideas for Pine Cones!
  • How to make your own Christmas Wreath
  • How to create your own yard decorations including Stepping Stones!
  • Cookie Trays
  • Gift Baskets
  • Decorative Candles

And much, much more!

You can read this ebook from your computer or print it out or listen to the audio while you're doing your housework!

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Category: Christian Books, Religion

Easton's Bible Dictionary

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Title: Easton's Bible Dictionary
Author: Easton M.G.



the first letter of the Greek alphabet, as Omega is the last. These letters occur in the text
of Rev. 1:8,11; 21:6; 22:13, and are represented by "Alpha" and "Omega" respectively (omitted in R.V., 1:11). They mean "the first and last." (Comp. Heb. 12:2; Isa. 41:4; 44:6; Rev. 1:11,17;
2:8.) In the symbols of the early Christian Church these two letters are frequently combined with the cross or with Christ's monogram to denote his divinity.
The eldest son of Amram and Jochebed, a daughter of Levi (Ex. 6:20). Some explain the name as meaning mountaineer, others mountain of strength, illuminator. He was born in Egypt three years before his brother Moses, and a number of years after his sister Miriam (2:1,4; 7:7). He married Elisheba, the daughter of Amminadab of the house of Judah (6:23; 1 Chr. 2:10), by whom he had four sons, Nadab and Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar. When the time for the deliverance of Isarael out of Egypt drew nigh, he was sent by God (Ex. 4:14,27-30) to meet his long-absent brother, that he might co-operate with him in all that they were required to do in bringing about the Exodus. He was to be the "mouth" or "prophet" of Moses, i.e., was to speak for him, because he was a man of a ready utterance (7:1,2,9,10,19). He was faithful to his trust, and stood by Moses in all his interviews with Pharaoh.
When the ransomed tribes fought

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Category: Christian Books, Religion

Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible

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Title: Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible
Author: Matthew Henry



Genesis is a name taken from the Greek, and signifies "the book of generation or production;" it is properly so called, as containing an account of the origin of all things. There is no other history so old. There is nothing in the most ancient book which exists that contradicts it; while many things recorded by the oldest heathen writers, or to be traced in the customs of different nations, confirm what is related in the book of Genesis.

Chapter 1

Chapter Outline

God creates heaven and earth.

The creation of light.

God separates the earth from the waters, and makes it fruitful.

God forms the sun, moon, and stars.

Animals created.

Man created in the image of God.

Food appointed.

The work of creation ended and approved.

Verses 1, 2

The first verse of the Bible gives us a satisfying and useful account of the origin of the earth and the heavens. The faith of humble Christians understands this better than the fancy of the most learned men. From what we see of heaven and earth, we learn the power of the great Creator. And let our make and place as men, remind us of our duty as Christians, always to keep heaven in our eye, and the earth under our feet. The Son of God, one with the Father, was with him when he made the

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Category: Christian Books, Religion

Nave's Topical Bible

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Title: Nave's Topical Bible




-Lineage of Exodus 6:16-20; Joshua 21:4, 10; 1 Chronicles 6:2, 3; 23:13
-Marriage of Exodus 6:23
-Children of Exodus 6:23, 25; 1 Chronicles 6:3; 24:1, 2
-Descendants of Exodus 6:23, 25; 1 Chronicles 6:3-15, 50-53; 24
-Meets, Moses in the wilderness and is made spokesman for Moses Exodus 4:14-16, 27-31; 7:1, 2
-Inspiration of Exodus 12:1; Leviticus 10:8; 11:1; 13:1; 15:1; Numbers 2:1; 4:1, 17; 18:1; 19:1; 20:12
-Commissioned as a deliverer of Israel Exodus 6:13, 26, 27; Joshua 24:5; 1 Samuel 12:8; Psalm 77:20;
105:26; Micah 6:4
-Summoned to Sinai with Nadab, Abihu, and seventy elders 24:1, Exodus 19:24; 9, 10
-Priesthood of Exodus 28:1; 29:9; Numbers 17; 18:1; Psalm 99:6; Hebrews 5:4
-Consecration of, to the priesthood Exodus 28; 29; Leviticus 8
-Enters upon the priestly office Leviticus 9
-Descendants of, ordained priests forever Exodus 28:40-43; 29:9; Numbers 3:3; 18:1; 1 Chronicles 23:13; 2
Chronicles 26:18
-Judges Israel in the absence of Moses Exodus 24:14
-Makes the golden calf Exodus 32; Acts 7:40; Deuteronomy 9:20, 21
-Rod of, buds Numbers 17; Hebrews 9:4
-Preserved Numbers 17; Hebrews 9:4
-Murmured against, by the people Exodus 5:20, 21; 16:2-10; Numbers 14:2-5, 10; 16:3-11, 41; 20:2; Psalm
-Places pot of manna in the ark Exodus 16:34
-With Hur supports the

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